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File: 320 KB, 664x588, E102gamma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8234846 No.8234846 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a zoomie playing Sonic Adventure for the first time, and I know I'm not allowed to say this but Sonic, Knuckles, Tails and Gamma are janky but inoffensive and I find it to be pretty fun, particularly Sonic and Cuckles

Despite that, why the fucking FUCK was his storyline so goddamn bleak? It's some straight up Nier Automata shit, yet this game was released in like 1998. Why did Sega think this would be an appropriate sidestory for Sonic, of all things?

>> No.8234851

>why the fucking FUCK was his storyline so goddamn bleak?
this is LITERALLY baby's first ""dark"" storyline
gamma barely has any character and a lot of the story is just projecting onto him
he doesn't even kill himself like a lot of retards say
what a fucking overrated storyline, holy shit yes poor uwu robot get birdy christ can you get over it already

>> No.8234852

Yeah I know that asshole but we're talking a fucking cartoon character from 90s. Who else, other than OG comic book Ninja Turtles, had dark shit like that?

>> No.8234870

i honestly don't think what they did with gamma in sa1 was that extraordinarily 'dark' or 'tear jerking', if we're talking the entire medium of cartoon characters the fucking saturday morning sonic cartoon routinely dealt with more dour themes and concepts, even just to keep it sonic

>> No.8234878

>he doesn't even kill himself like a lot of retards say

Circumstances kill him. He's a robot powered by living animals inside, he wants them to be free and live, but in order for them to live, he needs to die.
Deep shit.

>> No.8234880

We're talking about a robot that gains artificial consciousness which it later becomes aware of, and goes on a killing spree on all of his brothers and then himself because he realizes his consciousness is fake and he could never, ever be a truly "living" creature

Again, for a goddamn mascot platformer in the late 90s, that was some deep shit. Not necessarily even good, but for the time, it was very unique and thought provoking

>> No.8234883

>goes on a killing spree on all of his brothers and then himself
there it is.

>> No.8234892

Again, not saying it's good, but it was impactful

>> No.8234893

>Why did Sega think this would be an appropriate sidestory for Sonic, of all things?

I guess they wanted to show the main story from all perspectives. You play as Sonic, main hero, his friend, an island basement dweller dude who's forced out of his comfort zone, main hero's girlfriend, random stoner guy and Eggman's robot. Robots don't have feelings, but what if this one was special?
That's an interesting take. Also, I'm tired of "that and this don't belong in Sonic". In S3K Eggman is electrocutting Knuckles when he steals Master Emerald, the only thing that keeps it from looking too violent is 16-bit limitations.

>> No.8234907

The "unspoken" lore is actually pretty neat.

Gerald made two prototypes for "the ultimate life form"

One is a giant lizard creature, like the mosaics depecting Perfect Chaos

The other is a hedgehog, one with fucked up upward-facing quills. Remember that mural in Hidden Palace near the end of Sonic 3? The one depicting Super Sonic, with his own similar fucked up upward-facing quills?

Sega had some weird lore shit surrounding Sonic, it's a shame they dropped it

>> No.8234912

>Again, not saying it's good, but it was impactful
he literally did not kill himself. that is objectively not what happened in the story.

>> No.8234917
File: 16 KB, 404x520, 6 PUSSY RINGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he did not kill himself
Are we playing the same game? The only thing most people take away from his story is his consciously induced self destruction.

>> No.8234923

based actual retard

>> No.8234937
File: 39 KB, 460x397, 1kvs1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...you guys know you can just WATCH THE ACTUAL FUCKING CUTSCENE, right?
he doesn't kill himself, beta shoots him and then after a while, he dies.
this attack from beta makes gamma obviously fatally damaged to the point where he dies soon afterward. if you want to pretend that attack didn't matter, why does gamma become visibly hurt after he takes it and if it doesn't result in his death why is the attack even fucking in the cutscene at all?
this is what happens when you just listen to what people on the internet say/follow your misinterpretation from when you were a kid

>> No.8234942

Beta may have spearheaded the process but it's blatantly fucking obvious Gamma wanted to die. His theme song quite literally fucking says this explicitly

>> No.8234947

he may have eventually killed himself if he needed to, but he objectively did not do it in the context of the game itself. if you want to call sonic team pussies then by all means, i agree. they wimped out right at the end by not allowing gamma to conclusively make that decision for himself. his autonomy in deciding to die was not there

>> No.8234948

Still pretty sad, because Gamma sacrificed everything including his own existence for these goddamn flickies to be free, but no one fucking cared about him at the end. Not his brethren, not his actual creator, not even Amy, who changed his perception of things in the first place. Nobody. He died alone and completely forgotten.

>> No.8234950

not him but his whole campaign stems from a feeling that his brothers as well as himself have no right to exist. they wouldnt include that line otherwise

>> No.8234954
File: 509 KB, 310x310, INITIATING RECOVERY MODE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has the best theme in the game, and his final boss has the best boss theme in the game.



Fucking love Gamma.

>> No.8234956

He fucking stares at his own hand as he says that. He quite clearly wanted to die. STUPID FUCKING CUNT

>> No.8234958

So basically, people are interpreting the scene as what it SHOULD HAVE BEEN for it to work thematically. What does this say about Sonic Team's writing?

>> No.8234961

Even his fucking theme song confirms his desire to perish

>> No.8234963

>He has the best theme in the game
here i come, rougher than the rest of em
the best of em
tougher than leather
you can call me knuckles, unlike sonic i don't chuckle, i'd rather flex my muscles
i'm hard as hell (?), it ain't hard to tell
i break em down whether they solid or frail
unlike the rest i'm independent since my first breath something something left

>> No.8234964

please please please tell me you're not merely pretending to be retarded

>> No.8234973

i don't even get it, why am i retarded for telling people they're objectively wrong about something
i'm just giving people a fucking fact, how you want to interpret that fact is up to you

>> No.8234979
File: 58 KB, 622x603, 1607835432993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me one fucking moment Gamma displayed a desire to live after killing his brothers to put them out of their misery

>> No.8234983

Anon, you're sperging pretty hard. Gamma wished for death, but he didn't actively kill himself. He took fatal damage from Beta, and refused to repair himself. Opting to fall over and die.

>> No.8234987
File: 2.35 MB, 200x200, vince xi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8234992

Settle down, you're embarrassing the entire board. There's assholes in the Doom thread right probably blushing without even realizing WHY they're doing it.

>> No.8234996

look anon my only point to begin with was just to say "the game's text does not support the simplistic interpretation of 'gamma killed the others and then killed himself'". however you want to interpret the rest of the game is up to you, i'm in fact not denying that the story had themes

>> No.8235004
File: 125 KB, 302x274, sip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> his final boss has the best boss theme in the game

That's why I still love Sega. No matter what crap they've put on video game market over these years, the music is always, ALWAYS delivers. The moment Sega lose their musical touch will be curtains for them.

Also all bosses in Gamma' story are pretty pathetic, but then you get to final boss which easily deflects your shot and basically says "Not this time you little bitch". And this theme starts playing.
I can't remember what my first reaction to it was, but I imagine it was the coolest shit ever for 12-year old me.

>> No.8235014

I think it's also pretty thematically fitting that your first "boss" fight you completely shithouse comes back as the final boss, capable of slapping your shots away and then starts nuking the arena.