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/vr/ - Retro Games

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[ERROR] No.8230607 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I overhear a zoomer girls gushing about retro games, specifically SNES and Mega Drive stuff
Why do zoomers love retro stuff so much? I don't even think their older siblings experienced 4th gen, it's more like something their parents liked.

>> No.8230617

Maybe the games are actually good and not just a nostalgia thing

>> No.8230619

101% its cause some eceleb faggot thats trending who pushes the "ITS RETRO SO ITS SO UNIQUE AND DIFFERENT" ideology into their head paste and they need to desperately latch onto an identity they are unable to develop on their own.

>> No.8230625

Have you seen the games that are being offered to them from modern publishers? I’d start playing fucking board games before I fell to the cancer that is modern gaming.

>> No.8230627

Sure, but the odds of them specifically developing an interest to go find that out for themselves, is abysmally low.

>> No.8230632
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It matches the whole big blotches of random colors that make no sense, to them. Have you looked at zoomers?

>> No.8230634

>I don't even think their older siblings experienced 4th gen, it's more like something their parents liked.
You'd be surprised, honestly.

>> No.8230642

meanwhile when you were a kid you spent all your time meditating in a cave and not being influenced by anything ever. faggot.

>> No.8230646

They're legitimately good games, made with a kind of mentality that isn't as present in the modern industry. It's like asking why people like Star Wars or classic Disney. Some things are actually just good, and are going to have appeal regardless.
Honestly, the whole idea of "nostalgia goggles" is pretty much bullshit. Basically gaslighting from companies to convince you you're mistaken in not rating their modern blunders through the roof.
People don't just have an unshakable attachments to things they grew up with. A lot of people grew up with crap and remain bitter about it.

>> No.8230675

Because this is somehow unique to zoomers and not also present in the 80s and 90s right you fucking retard? God it's like you fuckers pick random shit to complain about zoomietoomiepeepeepoopoomies out of a hat.

>> No.8230683

Dont be a nigger. You must be a zoom to think some hoe who spends 99% of her day digesting the shit served to them on social media is equivalent to a child seeing some cool box art or going to a friends house to play a game. These people would not be into this shit if it wasnt "trendy".

>> No.8230719
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>be me
>eating at sonic
>little zoomer qt brings me my large chili cheese tots and coke
>notice she had a smb laniard on and compliment it
>she blushes and touches her hair
>said she played the old ones with her brother
>ask her which is her favorite
>"oh you know the one with castles where you rescue the princess from browser"

>> No.8230720

I need that fucking donkey kong.

>> No.8230728

He's putting a silencer on his finger gun. Who has he been hired to kill?

>> No.8230748
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He knew too much.

>> No.8230752

This shit isn't "trendy" lmao

Go to a nightclub and ask someone how they feel about the NES and you will be met with puzzled stares. No one cares about this shit but you.

>> No.8230762

I got my zoomer cousin interested in N64 games mainly because he found them simple and fun, with no strings attached and no microtransactions bullshit.

A lot of modern games are literally designed to deliver enough of a dopamine hit that they manage to extract money from you. That is their sole purpose. Why wouldn't you go back to the pre-cancerous era, even if it was a bit before your time?

>> No.8230781

i dunno, why did i like classic rock and 70s movies as a teenager? the past is always more weird and fascinating when you didn't experience it first hand.

>> No.8230782

we got tired of all the same brown and bloom shooters, day-one DLC, season passes, microtransactions, SJW writing, forgettable soundtracks, 100GB install sizes, entirely scripted gameplay, and no new IP's

>> No.8230783

>the younger generation moving away from lootbox and pay2win garbage
this is a good thing in my opinion.

>> No.8230787

you never heard of tie-dye you fucking retard?

>> No.8230790
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Reasons why some zoomers are into retro:
>Parents forced their kids to play the consoles from their childhood and refused to buy new ones.
>Others were born to poor-ass families that simply could not afford buying new consoles so they had to play retro ones.
>Most modern games are too lengthy therefore zoomies seeking alternative from the pasts.
>They got into retro via retro collections and ports on modern consoles.
>If you aren't from a third world country then there is high chance that your kindergarten/school had at least one room with an ancient console (or more).
>Emulation is free and accessible nowadays (especially on phones). Many zoomies play retro on their phones (with controller or without it) because the game quality is superior to mobile trash.
>The sixth gen consoles had a zoomer audience in their late lifespan.
>Zoomer consoles such as the Nintendo DS could play gba games (many of which were retro ports), and the PSP could play PS1 games.
>They got into it out of curiosity.

>> No.8230791

some of the franchises we like and grew up with are long-running, so it makes sense to check out their history

>> No.8230792

Not the most retro of retro games by any stretch, but I got a chance to play through all of RE4 with my little brother, age 13, this summer. He's the zoomingest zoomer I've ever seen and he loved it.

>> No.8230796

Can oomerposters go two sentences without bringing up their boogeyman?

>> No.8230797

lol looks like apu

>> No.8230936

>Why do zoomers love retro stuff so much?
Because there favorite youtubers do, or because they realize games coming out nowadays are all trash and not actually games.

>> No.8230975
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Because we literally spent the entirety of the 2000s and half of the 2010s jerking off to retro gaming as some badge of being an "authentic gamer". Much like how everyone trots out the same 10 rock bands from the 70s and 80s to prove that they listen to "real music"

>> No.8230990

It still is. If you haven't taken the time to play anything from before the 3D era, I don't consider you to be actually into video games.

>> No.8230992

This, but unironically.

>> No.8231005

rock music, like video games have taken a huge nosedive in quality in recent years let's be completely honest here.

>> No.8231007

Do they actually make modern rock music? The "indie" and emo rock trends from the late 00's was the last time I was even aware of it.

>> No.8231026

well metal is rock and has been continually becoming better and more varied

>> No.8231362

they don't

>> No.8231363
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based retard

>> No.8231365

do you actually think girls play vidya?

>> No.8231368

Nah, retro wasn't a big deal in Millennial days of the 90s. Zoomers idolize Millennial Youtube faggots.

>> No.8231412

As much as I want to agree with you, this feels like a reality you want to be true less so one that actually is.

>> No.8231497

>act like a smug superior faggot when people don't like the things you like
>act like a smug superior faggot when people do like the things you like
consider developing a personality that isn't "4chan user"

>> No.8231503

actually i dont have a personality at all. i dont know how to have one

>> No.8231512

this isn't 1983 anymore grandpa, there are a lot of girls who play video games, and not just trannies

>> No.8231819

(Severe porn addiction induced anhedonia)

>> No.8231830

>not just
Trannies will never be female, anon. This is your brain on zoomitis.

>> No.8232083

You autismo you just heard them talking about sonic 2 and mario world. Which I bet they didn't even play on original hardware. Come back when they're talking about Castlevania on the super nintendo.

>> No.8232108

Why would girls talk about Super Castlevania Snore on the Snezz? lmao

>> No.8232116

I'm 29 now, but I remember playing a lot of emulated NES and SNES games when I was a teenager in the late 2000s and early 2010s.

>> No.8232117

By the same token you may as well ask why anyone would rather listen to any music from the 70s than Lil Pump.

>> No.8232121

I'm a very early zoomer (by the more common definitions of "zoomer") and my older sibling definitely experienced 4th gen in it's prime.

>> No.8232169
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>be me
>male gazing at underage fake gamer girls while I eat processed food from the comfort of my car
>stupid bitch doesn't even know that super mario bros 2, known as super mario USA in its native japan, is a retooled version of Doki Doki Panic for the Famicom Disk System

>> No.8232194

Literally everybody knows this. There are grandmas that know this shit. Most well-known "obscure" game trivia ever.

>> No.8232202
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Did they have perky, bouncy breasts

Did they need a sugar daddy to buy them a copy of Earthbound

>> No.8232251


>> No.8232273

I love you, retard

>> No.8232402

>auster still has basedvania IV rent free

>> No.8232472

we need to ban phoneposting so third worlders like you don't take everything at face value

>> No.8232475

I don't have a phone but ok.

>> No.8232645

>complaining about attraction to "underage" girls
way to out yourself as a homo

>> No.8232674

OP here. One of the games she was gushing about was exactly Super Castlevania IV and how she mired Simon's muscly legs, also commented that she loves Castlevania in general.
By the way, I saw some people here thought I was annoyed by zoomers getting into retro but nah, I'm just surprised.

>> No.8232692

My wife really likes Super Castlevania IV. We're lucky enough to have her original cart and manual. I wouldn't say it's that uncommon for girls to like games like that. She's not exactly a zoomer though.

>> No.8232693

nintendo in general and smash bros in particular basically curate the past
the instant simon is announced for smash bros, millions of people who have never played a castlevania game go SUCH AN IMPORTANT PART OF GAYMING HISTORY, AMAZING CHARACTER
this is also why fire emblem is popular now

>> No.8232702

Retrogaming is back on trend, so go out and grab some qt zoomer anon. They are weebs by default, and played old shit with uncles or brothers. They like the occult, meaning and lore, and from 6th gen downards there's a lot of that. Some even consume it (via YT playthroughs ofc) as if it were indie films.

Girls always have worse tech also and recurr to emulation/modest games

>> No.8232706

>australia kun gets triggered about girls liking Castlevania IV
I can smell his virgin anger

>> No.8232712

>tfw no zoomer gf to play vidya with and begin the process of wife husbandry

>> No.8232714

In time anon, in time

>> No.8232867

Where do I go to meet zoomer retrogame whores? The gamer girls that I see at local gatherings are either literal 5 year olds, or ones who are in my "acceptable age range" but are homely single moms and/or horrific ogres.

>> No.8233584

>>"oh you know the one with castles where you rescue the princess from browser"
So obviously she meant the original

>> No.8233634

Probably more, too

>> No.8233682

> gamer girls
> 5 year olds

This made me lol for some reason.

Let's think logical: gamer whores are only attracted to mainstream gaming because it's a popular thing and they stick to whatever places normie males prefer, in order to get a piece of their attention. Retro gaming is a thing for a relatively small circle of people, so retro game whores are left with two options: hang out with nerds they know irl or in retro ecelebs communities on internet. They do both usually.

>> No.8233686

What's the difference between fucking a "gamer" girl and a girl who doesn't even care about video games?
Do their kisses taste different? Do their pussies feel different? No.
Same with people who would kill for a real goth girl (who don't exist anymore).... yeah sure they look sexy but at the end of the day, physically, it's the same as fucking any other girl.
Not that any of you would know what a kiss tastes like, but.

>> No.8233690

if i didn't say that then some other retard would have replied with
anything to invoke your favorite bogeyman though i guess

>> No.8234134

Did she perhaps have the aspie gaze? Or an odd lack of emotion for a woman?

>> No.8234152

>"wow that's my favorite too, wanna grab a cup of coffee?"

>> No.8234295

Who would have thought

>> No.8234331
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some do, you just have to look

>> No.8234342

I seriously hope you're not actually implying this proves anything when cosplay is widely known as vapid whore country.

>> No.8234343

she has her own yt channel where she reviews games too

>> No.8234347

they are good, but a big part of their longevity is the fact that you can play them on almost any device nowadays, in many cases for free. also the fact that many of them have modern iterations like Zelda and people learn the history of the series.

>> No.8234360

zoomer here
my reasons are:
>plug n play
>no dlc, no patches
>once i own the game I own it
>i can fix my own console if it breaks
>games are actually good

>> No.8234375

>>no dlc
>what is Pokemon and basically any game with trading

>> No.8234414

>girl admiring a man's legs
The ultimate squatcel cope.

>> No.8234438

My point is that they aren't playing them to enjoy them; they're "playing" them for clout and attention. 9 times out of 10, if someone under 25 claims they like a Pre-PS3 game, its because they watched some Markiplier knock-off play it.

>> No.8234529

Naw goth girls are actually pretty fucking weird. They'll do ketamine off your asshole and worship you. Know some dude who od'd recently and he had his own schizo goth groupie.

>> No.8234535

>yt channel
kys fgt

>> No.8234540

23 year old here, I've played more games in the last 10 years than you ever did in your pathetic 30 year old life

>> No.8234541

Under 25 here, and you sir are a nigger. A lot of people are gravitating to retro games as a cope for how shitty things are now. Modern game industry is almost as shit as hollywood now. Sometimes you just want to bing bing wahoo and have that beat that.

>> No.8234548


>> No.8234552
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>> No.8234583
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would you happily own a classic donkey kong plush toy?

>> No.8234596

I'm a zoomer and I got into retro games 10 years ago when I figured out how emulators worked. Most of the games I play are retro, but I still play modern games.

>> No.8234629

who the hell cares if some zoomies want to play retro games. what are you going to do? try and stop them? getting defensive over this is fucking weird

>> No.8234639

yeah but I would constantly bully him

>> No.8234651

Remember when all the zoomers were playing chess? I was actually proud of them until I realized it was just coz of that gay netflix show. People only enjoy things because theyre fads. Like >>8230619 said, some eceleb twitch fag is the cause.

>> No.8234658

>I don't even think their older siblings experienced 4th gen
Eh, they probably did. I was born 95, just right at the window of zoomdom, My sister was 7 years older than me, so we had her old SNES while I had the N64, we played both even in the middle of the GameCube era. My cousins lived near by and were 9-11 years older than me, and they had a genesis that we still played when we came over.

Most people have family members that grew up in that time, of course they probably have some exposure.

>> No.8234678

if the end result is them getting into chess regardless, who cares why they started?

>> No.8234698

The show is no longer popular and so theyve stopped playing chess. The point of my post was pointing out they just "like" things because theyre fads. Teenage girls never really liked chess, just like they dont like retro games. It's all an act for social status, which is fine whatever (I personally think that's retarded), but Im answering OP.

>> No.8234708

Kids became archeologists because of Indiana Jones, kids went into cybersecurity because of The Matrix and Ghost in the Shell, I'm sure some kids have started become cops because of Zootopia, and you better believe some of those kids will stick with Chess because of Queen's Gambit.

This shit's been going on since media has existed.

>> No.8234732

that's not true, there are still more people playing and following chess than there were before the show, just not as many compared to at its peak.

>> No.8234793

>every retro game is pokeman
wow, you prove the Based Zoomer wrong! kys

>> No.8235145

I loaned my GBA with Pokemon Fire Red to my cousin and he likes it way better than his faggot switch version.

>> No.8235236

Okay but seriously why is donkey kong doing that with his fingers

>> No.8235321
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>> No.8235612

Not sure what you mean but nah she was normal looking

>> No.8235632

That'd be an incredibly creepy thing to just blurt out lmao.

>> No.8236778

Modern good rock music is usually in the underground scenes. It's actually easier to find now than it used to be. I use spotify, some radio, and 4chan to get all the good shit.

>> No.8236808

yeah but have you ever heard of Mercury Tree? I bet you haven't.

>> No.8236938
File: 890 KB, 613x589, 293CE450-B0F0-4817-9DB9-686904123DE4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomer girls, eh?
Time to get some young snatch!!

I’m glad that someone care. Despite what it’s doing to prices, it helps to keep the conversations and mods going. There’s never been a better time to play video games.

>> No.8236946

>There’s never been a better time to play video games.
This is a great thing to keep in mind. I think it can be easy for us all to take the state of emulation and piracy these days for granted; we honestly have it pretty good

>> No.8237006

>Why do zoomers love retro stuff so much?
jontron and gamegrumps unironically, every teenage girl has a crush on danny

>> No.8237223

you can quit samefagging anytime now

>> No.8237232

I'm pretty sure posting that meme response is worse.

>> No.8237553

Worth a try. You could even vary it up a bit: "Wow, mine too. Let's talk later, I gotta go" (potentially leaving her wanting more and her looking forward to and thinking about your next visit). What do you have to lose?

>> No.8237556

>what do you have to lose?
My virginity, dumbass

>> No.8237721
File: 677 KB, 720x1280, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you go back.

>> No.8237734

Not really, anyone can download a fucking rom

>> No.8237740

this is not only a tranny, but he has done porn before jumping on the youtube bandwagon. sue lightning. solid example you nigger

>> No.8238212
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well, at least she isn't a phone poster...

>> No.8238223

Except that, obviously, man.

>> No.8238351

congrats on taking the bait anon

>> No.8238367

>uhh no thanks!
>*rolls eyes and walks away*

>> No.8238419

>Why do zoomers love retro stuff so much?

Zoomer here. Had a famiclone and an SMS and SNES given to me by al older cousin who had them as a child. Never grew into the brain dead intricacies of more modern games. 3D mostly just confuses me.

>> No.8238423

> I think it can be easy for us all to take the state of emulation and piracy these days for granted

Thank you Bleem! the savior of emulation

>> No.8238425

>3D mostly just confuses me.
Sounds like you have one of your very own brain dead intricacies.

>> No.8238961

You had no idea what i had to go through to get that photo and prove someone on the internet they are wrong. So shut it.

>> No.8239017

I have anon. Bretty good

>> No.8239062

feed nana

>> No.8239153

/vr/-related too since Ben Spees made some mac shareware games back in the 90s like Ferazel's Wand and Harry the Handsome Executive.

>> No.8240868

My 15 year old niece absolutely loves the SNES and N64. Got her a copy of Sin and Punishment imported from Japan for her birthday and modded her N64 to play japanese games, she was like "I have the best uncle ever"

>> No.8240869

>i was pretending to be retarded

>> No.8240914

That wasn't me. All I'm saying is that I think the anon that posted a pic of sue lightning knew what he was doing

>> No.8241053

Pics or it didnt happen

>> No.8241070

>post pictures of your niecewife

>> No.8241074

I will roleplay as your niece for a full 24 hours if you buy me a copy of Sin & Punishment too. I'll settle for no less than a CIB copy, just to clarify

>> No.8241134

You misspelled “based”.

>> No.8241175

>go to place that people go to get laid, dance, and socialize with alcohol and recreational drugs
>ask random people about a game system that came out almost 40 years ago
are you like a 9th level wizard? ir even higher?

>> No.8241204

Horror games, Animal Crossing, Zelda, JRPGs

>> No.8241209

Most that I've met like Animal Crossing, Smash Bros. and first person shooters

>> No.8241348

Why do millennials love vinyl

>> No.8241352

This fit kinda fire tho

>> No.8241357

nigger tons of millennials were into 60s and 70s music, vinyls, 80s movies, etc

>> No.8241361
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Time to liquidate your coomlections gents, we've reached the top.

>> No.8241362

So what I've gathered from this thread is that the average /vr/ user over the age of 30 doesn't interact with young people very often. I hope that is because you are all busy with your own families, or at least your computer touching job

>> No.8241418

>Markiplier was one of the first ever YT-ers

>> No.8241518

zoomer here, born '99.

as much as i can appreciate modern gaming in terms of being technically impressive and shit, i can sooner push myself to get two more dreamcasts than i can a whole ass new system with new games. older shit just keeps my interest more for some reason, even generally.

granted, i barely keep up with modern gaming outside of whatever people are talking about and maybe some stuff that i'm interested in. the most i want in terms of shit people care about is a switch, but i can count like... four games that i actually want for the system. i used to keep up with e3, but i fell off when games people would show off just weren't catching me, same with gameinformer.

i also grew up with shit like ps2, nes, gamecube (in that order) before i got my wii, on top of already emulating games on the gateway 2000 that i'd play on as a kid, so that could be a part of it; although even when i was playing on at-the-time relevant systems, i was still out here getting old games and systems.

>> No.8241551

just realized ps2 actually doesn't count in this instance, considering i played it when it was actually still relevant (which was when i was super young). my bad.

>> No.8241669

Are you a fucking retard, op?
Do you also get confused when people read books that were written before they were born? Or watch movies?

>> No.8241680

Holy shit this fucking thread is aids.

Kids like video games, because video games were made for kids. That's all there is to it. All this cope is fucking pathetic.

>> No.8241732

What is there even to be angry about? OP never said he was upset, if anything I think this thread is pro-zoomer.

>> No.8244330

is almost like the pursuit of realistic graphics were a pointless waste of money and gameplay is what matters on...games

>> No.8244336

but with no realism you can't push stunning and brave political agendas in video games, and we can't have that. video games aren't meant to be fun, after all.

>> No.8244348

well is easy to do, just unzip your pants and use them as toilet

>> No.8244579

you really let this shit live rent free huh

>> No.8244625

shut up neil your game is ass

>> No.8244638

How's that wife husbandry going

>> No.8245057

My 10 year old cousin knows more about retro stuff than my 20 year old ones.
I was surprised when he mentioned the Famicom to me.
It is youtubers.

>> No.8246143
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Reminds me of a girl

>> No.8247390 [DELETED] 

>advertising or begging
And for this chinkbox, too. Could just use your PC for free, retard.