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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 203 KB, 729x725, 1620653697451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8228364 No.8228364 [Reply] [Original]

Were you an exclusively PC gamer back in the day? tell us some stories, anon

>> No.8228372

pc gamers where mostly idorts back then

>> No.8228390

Which game is on the screen?

>> No.8228410

that's a shop
I can tell because I'm an expert with pixels and such

>> No.8228412

First game I networked was Grandest Fleet, a ww2 ship battle game. Ran a network cable from one apartment to another. First game I played over a modem was Warcraft 1. Still remember how windy is was that day cause I had to ride my bike to my friends house to get everything setup, then ride back home. Ran like complete shit with 6 second delays on clicks, but it was the greatest thing ever at the time.

>> No.8228417
File: 500 KB, 1745x1231, 1623028407303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8228502

I have always been a PC gamer.
Reason: poor
Parents never bought me consoles because
1) they were poor
2) games are a waste of time

>> No.8228503
File: 2.21 MB, 960x960, 1616520514941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that has got to be one of the worst photoshop jobs i've seen in quite some time. absolutely embarrassing.
>Were you an exclusively PC gamer back in the day?
fuck no. pc gaming was absolutely fucking shit up until the mid 1990s.

here's the original picture:

>> No.8228539

>that has got to be one of the worst photoshop jobs i've seen in quite some time. absolutely embarrassing.
I think it was supposed to be a parody. Note the "improved" bust. Either that, or someone with legic double digit IQ without kidding.

>> No.8228540

damn girl

>> No.8228615
File: 71 KB, 960x720, Dscf0639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao that pic. Why would you change a nirvana poster to this silly bastard
>Were you an exclusively PC gamer back in the day?
No, we had enough money for consoles, but my dad in the 90s wisely thought his kids should be familiar with PCs. In doing so he helped turn me into a software engineer and PC nerd. Thanks dad.
>tell us some stories, anon
Got my first PC (in my own bedroom room) was a p100 with maybe 8 megs of ram in Christmas of 1997. Came with Quake installed and a few other games that helped me become a disgusting goth in the years afterwards.
Pic related, my setup in 2004/5. It was the second PC to be connected to the internet in the house, and I was chatting to someone on MSN messenger at the time. Fun times.

>> No.8228624

I would have fallen in love with this girl in the 90's

>> No.8228629

but she's a silly zoomer larper

>> No.8228635

me in 2001 but not fat

>> No.8228636

imagine the smell in the room

>> No.8228648

Nah. I was never so poor I could only afford one toy.

But you've developed standards in the meantime?

>> No.8228685

I've always played games on whatever I could get. Tandy 1000, Tiger handheld Tetris, the computer lab at school, the NES my grandpa gave me or the Genesis he got me a few Christmases later.

>> No.8228691

Fake photo taken with a flash camera a few years ago

>> No.8228692

>me become a disgusting goth in the years afterwards.
and now you are dilating. was it worth it?

>> No.8228693

bro im falling in love now

>> No.8228851

This is the most unconvincing photo of the 90s I've ever seen

"Look at the perfectly arranged trends of the entire decade of the 1990s, from GnR to Pokemon. But most importantly, look at ME!"

>> No.8228864

The 90s were so based

>> No.8228880

I think it looks pretty good except a girl like her would have piles of dirty laundry on the floor

>> No.8228883

danger hairs weren't common in that era

>> No.8228896

Yes. There's nothing interesting. I'm a third worlder (and at the time) without Internet, so I had to live with the default Windows games, CDs with shareware/demos, covermount CDs in kids' magazines with shovelware, and budget releases.

>> No.8228904
File: 77 KB, 887x1200, e8cf7652ebcde010bc7903f75ee97764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, you Arctic Monkey-loving Tumblr zoomer.

>> No.8228907

i guess she could have been a raver

>> No.8228914

been laughing at console peasants since 1991

>> No.8228919
File: 880 KB, 224x214, 1630424616343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Varg poster

>> No.8228949

I'd play some pokémon stadium with her

show her my Lickytong

>> No.8228960

Where? I just see a Death in June poster

>> No.8228961

>i want genetal warts on my tongue

>> No.8228973

I just want to play pokémon. My Lickytung against her Meowth. Do you mean the controller would be dirty?

>> No.8228984

I'm of the impression that PC gaming was never really relevant until recently, and only then did older PC games become well known. There has to be a reason why computer games always got ported to consoles but rarely the other way around.

>> No.8229025

PC gaming became relevant in the late 90s and started to build up from there until it started to really dominate things in the 2010s

>> No.8229034

Well I'm glad its Leo and not JTT.

>> No.8229061

>tfw weekend LAN parties with 50 people in the local middle school cafeteria because someone knew someone who would lend us the keys
>tfw lugging towers and CRTs
>tfw LAN switches that were slower than the fastest cable internet today
>tfw pizza and kebab for 48 hours
>tfw so much piracy and silly CS 1.6 play

>> No.8229136

Depends on what you mean by PC i guess, but i'm assuming just all computer gaming.
In that case, I think you have a bit of an American perspective. Took till the turn of the millenimum and then some for consoles to be on a par with pc's in Euroland, and i doubt it ever happened in Korea, Taiwan or China due to the console bans.
Even just going off America, i still don't think this is really correct. Console gaming was bigger for sure, but PC gaming hardly rare. Bit hard to prove though, since piracy warps any computer games sales figures beyond recognition. Doom's meant to have sold about a mil in it's first couple of years, but been played by ~20 odd in the same period,
To use your example, why did so many games start out on computers before journeying over? They were getting made for someone in the first place.
By the 00's PC gaming is auto relevant just because of online gaming. Killed allot of the single player stuff off too. I blame Blizzard

>> No.8229147

I hate you faggots so much. You don't like games. You like jerking off to a time when you had hair and sexual prospects. When I was a kid in the 90s, I never once thought about what platform I was playing a game on. I cared about the game. I was playing Durandal on my brother's Mac, StarCraft and Quake 2 on the PC, Super Mario 64, FF7 (cloud gets raped in the hot tub lol), even fucking Palm Pilot games. You were either starved for choice or mentally ill if you sat around identifying with a fucking motherboard and you're beyond being saved if you're doing it in 2021.

>> No.8229225

Heavens no. I touched a titty by 20 years old.

>> No.8229538

the most zoomer post
close second

>> No.8229610

Platform wars were a product of 2010's zoomer culture. In the 80's, 90's and 2000's, nobody's identity was wrapped up in whatever device they played games on, everyone I knew played games on everything. There was no 'PC master race', there were PC players buying Playstations and nobody gave a shit.

>> No.8229619

t. Shitposter

>> No.8229701

Nope. I know, because I was there. You, on the other hand, were a tickle in your dad's nuts. But, I think it's great that you hold onto your fantasies of having missed out on nothing because of your age.

>> No.8229713

>more lies
shitposting continues

>> No.8229715

>I-I'm not m-mad
No tears. Only dreams, anon.

>> No.8229717

>talking in slogans and memephrases
nothing more zoomerish than that

>> No.8229718

>muh 90's aesthetic
>silver CRT from mid 2000's

>> No.8229730

god i wish that were me

>> No.8229756

PC gaming began to take off in the 90s thanks to Doom and really started to become mainstream in the late 2000s thanks to the current consoles becoming irrelevant. At least for Americans that is. PC was always big in Europe.

>> No.8229762

zoom zoom

>> No.8229764

You're trying too hard to fit in, kid. Calm down.

>> No.8229765

I know you are, but what am I?

>> No.8229784

PC gaming didn't 'really start to become mainstream in the late 2000s', you idiot. It was massively, massively popular across the world throughout the 80's and 90's.

>> No.8229789

No country other than the US matters.

>> No.8229791

Actually Israel matters more, proven by the actions of your country.

>> No.8229806

The US are pigs.

>> No.8230051
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x1121, toddhowardwithgun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most memorable moments of being a mostly PC gamer was when console players discovered FPSes and acted like they invented them personally.

It was bizarre and maddening because they were enormously, titanically inferior to PC FPSes, especially back then - it was like living in a literal castle and watching someone have a tent set up for him next door and declare himself king for having the tent. This happened TWICE, one for N64 FPSes and then again with XBox kids. They weren't even the first console FPSes by leaps and bounds, nor the first moderately playable ones, so it was like they had picked random moments to think the genre had suddenly started. The most galling shit.

>> No.8230195

There are STILL people who claim that Goldeneye was either the first or, laughably, the best classic FPS. At the time, I just thought these people were hilarious.

>> No.8230276
File: 254 KB, 1080x1845, ConsoleWars1997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, no one did that in the 90s at all. I can find images like this from the late 80s too.

>> No.8230447

You had to have been either living in an absolute cave to have never encountered this until 2010s, or are 100% pure zoomer. Which should we believe? One of those sounds much more plausible than the other.

>> No.8230462

That's because you are a zoomie
PC gaming has always been superior to consoles
Only braindead retards play in consoles now, and it was the same back then

>> No.8230650

Majority of my childhood the only console games i got to play were at friends and cousins houses. I played on my dads pc which he was constantly upgrading in the 90s so i got his old models. Handheld was all lcd for me until i got a game boy in mid 90s then finnaly a snes and n64 in the late 90s. While i always salivated over the console games my friends had, i feel playing on pc opened up my tastes to a wide variety of genres my console friends never did.

>> No.8230651

>nobody's identity was wrapped up in whatever device they played games on
no. but there were platform wars. i remember them in the 1980s very clearly.
>There was no 'PC master race', there were PC players buying Playstations and nobody gave a shit.
it was the opposite. a lot of people hated the pc until the mid 1990s. the machines were just far too expensive to own for most people in society.

>> No.8230694

>HOW is it physically possible for a game system to actually kick other consoles in the ass? Seeing that consoles don't have feet nor asses to kick?
Damn, my man Zombyclown raises some good points

>> No.8230709

My parents had a Macintosh. It had a number of good games, but I had many a birthday where I'd receive a computer game, and on the front there it would be, disappointingly... "PC CD-ROM" or "Windows 98 / Windows 95". Wasn't often you saw the smiling Finder Fag. Still managed to get into Civilization II, Myst, Doom and Sim City 2000. I was actually shocked when I saw, years later, how trash the PC version of Sim City was.

Nobody played those games though, at least nobody in my age group. The Nintendo 64 was for the popular games.

Yeah, I remember most people I knew had an N64, but there were also a few PlayStation owners, and we went to their house to play Twisted Metal. Nobody fought over which was better because it would mean that you wouldn't be invited to play games. Was a good time.

>> No.8230753


>> No.8230785

>To use your example, why did so many games start out on computers before journeying over?

For one they didn't have bullshit guidelines to follow from console makers nor did they have to pay a fee to release software on it. It has a much lower barrier of entry but consoles are ultimately where the money is made.

>> No.8230907
File: 893 KB, 1024x768, ANSI_example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell us some stories, anon
Computers, modems, BBSes, and Warez
It was one big party from the C64 days until the internet took over.
Great times

>> No.8230909

>behold this usenet post from 1997 MYTH BUSTED
Because you weren't there, and you're 20 years old, you don't understand that while there have always been morons and retards - like yourself - who engage in platform warring, they were in the vast minority, hence the success of multi-format gaming magazines like C+VG.

Drop it, zoom zoom. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.8230915

>no. but there were platform wars. i remember them in the 1980s very clearly.
Do you actually think that Commodore 64 users and Amstrad users engaged in the kind of shit flinging that you see in the modern era? If you do, you might want to check for a head injury, because you're misremembering.
>it was the opposite. a lot of people hated the pc until the mid 1990s. the machines were just far too expensive to own for most people in society.
No, you and your broke friends 'hated the PC' because you were poor.

>> No.8230935

You can be sure everything that creature has touched is dirty

>> No.8230940

I was mainly a console gamer up until the psx/n64 era.
Then I got a K6-2 that ran Starcraft, Doom, Quake, Diablo 1 and 2 AND I could look at porn in it using The Hun when my parents were away.
Internet was 28kbps, sometimes it took like 2 days to download a song from Napster

>> No.8230946

hate this pic because she has the pokemon controller but not the pokemon system
can only think she got it through unsavory means

>> No.8230984
File: 2.56 MB, 1865x3072, Richter_rob_ad_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except the SNES vs Genesis console war was the greatest console war ever.
It happened because no parent could afford both consoles and it's games / accessories, a SNES cartridge cost precisely the value of a minimum wage where I live.
I remember my dad would get me like 2-3 SNES cartridges a year and I'd just rent some games inbetween.
That means you REALLY had to commit to whatever system you were buying.
I was actually a 11yo kid when the SNES was a thing so I was there. Kids fought to the point of having fist fights over their preferred console.

>> No.8231178

>The hun
I remember that site

>> No.8231186

There is one thing you don't understand, console wars were/are for poorfags, people who couldn't afford more than one thing.

if you and your friends had a computer, you were already privileged. If you and your friends had computer and were also getting playstations on top of that, you were more than privileged.

So you haven't experienced any "console wars" because console wars was a marketing ploy for poor kids and their poor parents to convince them to get one console rather than another at christmas/birthdays

>> No.8231360
File: 129 KB, 800x1034, 124488-soldier-of-fortune-windows-front-cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a fucking hassle to get things to work without any internet. It's a hassle today as well. Looking up tech help for very specific problems are one of my least favorite things, because you always end up with the most frustrating bullshit answers. Cannot be bothered with that shit anymore.

Games were fun. Lots of peoples favorites are stuff like Doom, Blood and Quake, but my favorite FPS back in the day was Soldier of Fortune. Really liked it for the more gritty realistic stuff that the other games didn't have.

2 is fantastic as well.

I prefer retro consoles these days, though.

>> No.8231379

Shampoo and candy. Possibly also cigarette or vape smoke, from the look of her.

>> No.8231382

Had a pc since I was a tiny kid. played a lot of dos games
had internet before it was a thing back in 1992-93
got a lot of free games, this is way before 56k

>> No.8231485

>80's, 90's and 2000's
>everyone I knew played games on everything
Technically correct, as you were born in 2010 and didn't know anyone before that,

>> No.8231510
File: 66 KB, 600x753, Varg_Vikernes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weapon on the far right (lol)

>> No.8231590

no, exclusive PC gamers were weirdos. I played Mario like a true chad

>> No.8231593

>Isaac Asimov books
>coke can
>tape playing stereo on shelf
>somehow has a pikachu, clearly a time traveler
>dream catcher AND shark fin
>no cum stains on his blue wrist rest
yeah, I'm thinking based

>> No.8231748

Blwoing a dude to get his little brother's pokemans controller is hardly unsavory.

>> No.8231778


That pic is clearly meant as a collage.
It was DESIGNED so you can see it's not a real photo, and how it's different parts of differing quality dragged together to form that "room", it's part of its aesthetic.

>> No.8231805

FUCK. I remember the days before Steam took over PC gaming. Applying shitloads of patches to games. INCREMENTAL patches that had to be downloaded and applied one after another. 500+ MB patches on slow internet, dial up or early DSL. The goddamn browsers couldnt pause downloads or resume them if they got cancelled for any reason.

Fucking hell on earth.

>> No.8231869

I was, though not by choice. My folks refused to get me a console. First the snes because it was too expensive for the balkans, and later no ps1 because I was too old for kiddie games (i was 15 when I expressed a wish for the playstation) and they wouldn't have it.

So yeah, it was pc for me. Not that I disliked it. Got me into adventure game which are still my favorite genre today, and I got into the emulation scene really early for other systems. Started with a commodore 64,then a colorless 286,followed by a 386, then a beastly 486 with 16 mighty megs of ram. After that two pentiums, then a dual core and now my current one.

I did get the psone in like 2000. Had to buy it with my own money and did it in secret so the folks wouldn't know. After that I got a ps2 and 3. Skipped 4 but will get a 5 eventually.

Also a few handhelds like the psp (still play that), the ds (screen broke) and 3ds(think I turned it on five times since I bought it).

>> No.8231876

I was but it was nothing really special. I got 486pc with cd-rom built-in. After I got bored with the game that came with it (who shot johny rock), I bought a cd with a bunch of pirate game in it.

>> No.8231881

Jagged Alliance 2

>> No.8231884

Holy fuck, thats wild man. Just throw in some NON and id hang out with this fictional person.

>> No.8231887

>I bought a cd with a bunch of pirate game
t. friendless anon

>> No.8231937

I wish i got SNES instead desu.

>> No.8232103

>console wars was a marketing ploy for poor kids and their poor parents to convince them to get one console rather than another at christmas/birthdays
This is simply not true. The high school I went to in the early 90s at the height sega/Nintendo console war had some of my cities wealthiest families.

The wealthiest of them were the most frugal, their kids didn't have the best cars nor all the toys, many weren't even allowed to have a console. One kid in the entire school had a Neo geo at home but it was his older brothers who earned it with work at the family buisness. The rest just had an SNES or Genesis, not both.

Spoiling kids was a known problem, a problem most commonly found in middle class "new money" but the wealthy families around here were all pretty modest and didn't show it. The one kid from the billionaire family had nameless sneakers from Eatons, not the addidas or Nike that were cool at the time.

I hung out with the gamers group, swapping game magazines at noon hour and whatnot. The only people in my school who had both main consoles had earned them with part time jobs and they were enthusiasts. Delivering newspapers, selling Christmas tress, shoveling snow. Rich or poor, this is how it was done.

>> No.8232951

Sadly no, little anon. You're taking a stab in the dark there that completely missed the target. I was reading Zzap!64 many years before your parents gave into their worthless urges and spawned your miserable bones.

Nice try though.

>> No.8232991

Will still take those days over "you will own nothing" pc gaming of today

>> No.8234324

>One kid in the entire school had a Neo geo at home but it was his older brothers who earned it with work at the family buisness.
Yo, if that was Dan's older brother Trevor he was trying to get my older sister to smoke some ganja with him so he could get in her pants.

>> No.8235329

You're not fooling anyone kiddo

>> No.8236916
File: 1.47 MB, 1080x1080, 1628328088556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8236936

>that broken n64 stick

>> No.8237937

I know I'm not. I'm not trying to, either.

You, on the other hand, have got nothing.

>> No.8237990

this image is clearly modern...
why do zoomers make these fake vintage pictures

>> No.8237993

for fun?

>> No.8238001


>> No.8238078

I see the Evola and “Passing of the Great Race” posters on your pic OP. Some fascist imagery there:.

>> No.8238102

It's absolutely a real photo.

>> No.8238184

I was listening to some local retro podcast with a console boomer, and he was saying that everyone should be grateful to Halo for having the 2 guns limit, grateful, unironically.

>> No.8238189

At least since the invention of dgVoodoo you now just have to drop both the 3dfx and d3d dlls inside any old windows game folder for them to work, it's very braindead now.
Also PCgamingwiki if you need more and to see if anyone made a fan patch with widescreen and shit.

>> No.8238203

Why larp if you’re not trying to fool anyone? Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.8238226

>parents were a lot more lax with computer games than they were with console games, since computers had an aura of being "educational" at the time
>actually having to worry about storage space. Having to unistall stuff to play a game, and then uninstall game and install other stuff back was a common thing.
>games were often broken (just as they still are today), an unavoidable reality due to diversity of hardware components, but back then, without the internet, patches and fixes were very hard to get. It would always be an adrenaline rush to install a new game, praying to god that it would work, and if it didn't, people just had to accept they weren't playing it any time soon.

>> No.8238253

>finding nemo dvd

>> No.8238283

>that has got to be one of the worst photoshop jobs i've seen in quite some time. absolutely embarrassing.

it´s a parody of that picture you posted you dumbfuck, the original is way worst to begin with

>> No.8238287

>I'm of the impression that PC gaming was never really relevant until recently

this is true, that´s why most /vr/ threads are console games

>> No.8238323
File: 89 KB, 1080x1080, 1444234882152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm of the impression that PC gaming was never really relevant until recently
That's not true in two major ways at once.

First, Apple, Amiga, MSX, and PC88/98 were tremendously important in shaping the history of video games. To list just a few major and influential games that originated on PCs: Zork, Ultima, Wizardry, Tetris, Sim City, Doom, Quake, Unreal, Half-Life, Warcraft and Starcraft, Diablo, Ultima Online, World of Warcraft, Crysis.

Second, nothing's changed recently. Playstation games being ported? They were always being ported: MGS had a PC port and so did MGS2, Silent Hill 2 and 3 had PC ports, FFVII and FFVIII had PC ports, Super Mario fucking Brothers had several PC ports, albeit all shitty, Mega Man had a port, Dragon Quest had PC ports in Japan etc. etc. Mortal Kombats, Street Fighters all had OC ports. Most Resident Evils had PC ports. Nothing new.

>> No.8238405

I can understand someone having the "impression that PC gaming didn't matter" if he grew up in the period of time in the 00's and 10's. That was a genuine gap for PC gaming there outside of PC centric genres like RTS, FPS, MMORPG, Graphic Adventure games, etc All the kinds of PC ports you're listing weren't happening anymore for instance. From where I sit it was only with the arrival of Steam that things starting picking up again...

so that guy may be a literal zoomer

>> No.8238414

>Second, nothing's changed recently. Playstation games being ported? They were always being ported: MGS had a PC port and so did MGS2, Silent Hill 2 and 3 had PC ports, FFVII and FFVIII had PC ports
Those aren't franchises owned by Sony, like what's happening now.

>> No.8238448

For cred.
>I totally I'm all about this thing that I read was cool in the 90s, its totally me!
But to be fair, its also probably out of diaspora with the culture they themselves have to grow up around. If my childhood was all post 9/11 garbage I'd be pining for a time before my own as well.

>> No.8238465

I was a pc fiend and all my friends had consoles growing up. Mainly played racing games such as Lego Racer & Motocross Madness until I was of age to play FPS games. Played WarRock and eventually got around to CS late 2008 and have been playing it on and off ever since.

>> No.8238476

>PC gaming began to take off in the 90s thanks to Doom
Was already big in the 80s on the C64.
Wizadry, Ultima, Bard's Tale, Maniac Mansion, various flight sims, etc, etc. In many markets, PC gaming was notably bigger then console gaming in the 80s.

>> No.8238479

>it was like living in a literal castle and watching someone have a tent set up for him next door and declare himself king for having the tent.
Based. Noblecuck BTFO

>> No.8238538
File: 44 KB, 600x399, 9139827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first exposure to PC games was "computer clubs" in post soviet late 90s.

Smoke filled basements with rows of computers, full of degenerate street hooligans, neglected children from broken homes, a drug pusher in the corner, some 40 year old dude watching porn. People mostly played Counter Strike 1.3, Red Alert 2, StarCraft Brood War, etc. But mostly CS. Only one map was played, cs_mansion. There was some weird "honor code" where you weren't allowed to use flashbangs or flank anyone. Fights would break out over this, and for screen peeking.

Kids would get their money stolen, or outright robbed at the entrance when leaving. The cashier didn't give a fuck. Some kids were skipping school, others were given money by their alcoholic parents to sit there for 12 hours at a time, so they'd get rid of them.
I was the weirdo who sat alone playing single player games. I'd collect my father's beer bottles for change, and go there so I didn't have to listen to my father yelling or beating my mom.

Best days of my life.

>> No.8238560

russia is fucking miserable, im surprised there isn't more youth suicide there. must be the giant amount of drugs they use to cope.

>> No.8238589

>I was the weirdo who sat alone playing single player games. I'd collect my father's beer bottles for change, and go there so I didn't have to listen to my father yelling or beating my mom.
Peak Russia right there. Anon, you should write a memoir.

>> No.8238607

Aah, that memories. It was CS 1.2, 40 rubles per hour. But a discount to 10 rubles per hour during school hours. Mansion and Dust, a lot of them. Seeing current schoolboys addicted to fortnite - it is exactly the same thing, just pre-broadband.

>> No.8238862

Legit sounds like a blast

>> No.8238993
File: 228 KB, 1192x830, 1513924702668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trying to be rude, but this sounds like a total LARP. I have talked to several Russian people over the years and you do not write like them at all

>> No.8239009
File: 55 KB, 622x1280, proofs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get that a lot.
That's because I've been lurking on english imageboards since I was 14, so I was basically raised on the internet.

>> No.8239024
File: 92 KB, 343x680, 1631764341228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough. I am sorry to hear about your rough Slavic life. We are all in this together, comrade

>> No.8239135
File: 88 KB, 860x438, send this, She will know what this means..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send her this, she will know what this means...