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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 29 KB, 300x400, Nintendo-WALLS-DONKEY-KONG-Ice-Lolly-Wrapper-1995(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8226793 No.8226793 [Reply] [Original]

Retro gaming themed food. Did you experience any? Any fond memories? Here in the UK we got a donkey Kong ice cream lolly. Can confirm I enjoyed eating this back in 95

>> No.8226803

I only remember Super Mario and Mortal Kombat bubblegum from the 90s, and I tried the Pokemon cereal once... was that in 1999?
I also remember Pokemon gummies, not sure if maybe early 2000s, but it was still gen 1-themed. I somehow still have the pokemon gummy plastic wrap.

>> No.8226804

I miss the Sonic themed spaghetti rings.

>> No.8226861

For my 7th birthday I had a Gameboy cake that had Mario bursting out of the screen.
Can't remember what Mario was made of, but I ate him along with my slice of cake, on top of the other assorted birthday junkfood I'd eaten that day.
Gave me the shits right bad.

>> No.8227621

the nintendo gba gummies from blockbuster were fuckin epic

>> No.8227659
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I didn't even have a McDonald's in my city until 2020. I remember seeing Sonic LCD toys advertisement on TV and terribly butthurting because every Sonic fan across country would surely come for some happy meal and get it.

Closest thing to retro themed game food I had was turkish Pokemon/Digimon bubble gum, thanks to the worldwide craze on that creatures.

>> No.8228272
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>> No.8228275

Just yesterday I was remembering the Spiderman cereal which came with a copy of the PC game (same game on the n64 and ps1). I can actually see it and taste it in my head, and I remember it being a decent cereal, the kind that made the milk all strawberry-y.

>> No.8228280

>ice cream lolly
Is that the same thing as a "popsicle" or "ice cream bar" (commonly called "Eskimo Pie"), OP?

>> No.8228403
File: 617 KB, 1137x1600, pokemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I very fondly remember Pokemon cereal. The closest I ever got in my country to marshmallow bit cereal you could just buy from the supermarket.
Also went on special a bunch, so we ended up having boxes and boxes of the stuff.

>> No.8228723
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Err sorry, it's on a stick but is completely comprised of ice cream. I can remember a banana flavour, not sure if the other one was strawberry. We'd just call it an ice cream. But it's been referred to as a lolly here just because of the stick

>> No.8228731
File: 90 KB, 540x960, DmChd6aX4AEyqIw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8228732

I remember owning a couple Mario toys from Wendy’s, if those are relevant.

>> No.8228746
File: 63 KB, 282x400, Nintendo-Super-Mario-Bros-Game-Print-Ad-Candia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got some Mario stickers in one of these chocolate milk packs.

>> No.8228759
File: 56 KB, 400x327, 96F73603-9A76-4C91-9D37-55E742FFD5F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate these a lot back in the day

>> No.8228767

My family used to vacation at Daytona Beach when I was young. There was an ice cream truck that would ride down the beach and I would get one of these. They were good at the time.

>> No.8228778
File: 49 KB, 400x391, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first thing that comes to mind

>> No.8228821
File: 19 KB, 288x434, guarana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pity all non-brazilian kids who never got the pleasure of popping up one of these cold ones with the boys

>what you got anon
Good days

>> No.8229626

I remember drinking grape juice on a holiday in France and the carton had Mario with his cape on it (from Super Mario World).
I could never find a picture of it online (apparently nobody in France bothered to take a picture of a random grape juice with Mario on it. Go figure).

>> No.8231060

This if awesome anon. What is that?

>> No.8231252

It's a soda-like drink that uses a brazilian fruit as base. During the Pokécraze they would put up these plastic pokéballs with these pokés inside. Twas quite fun.

>> No.8231278
File: 20 KB, 620x465, bp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet. This reminded me that in Russia, we had Mirinda bottles with changing Pokemon caps in early 00's. I think I still have it somewhere among my other pokemon stuff I've collected back in the days.

Was it worldwide or just local thing?

>> No.8231287
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Oh yeah, all things Sonic

>> No.8231292
File: 29 KB, 258x400, sonicgum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8231298
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>> No.8231306
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>> No.8231314
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Tfw you want to taste something so badly but it's discontinued and never will be in stores again.

>> No.8231320
File: 201 KB, 475x295, Super Mario Brothers ice Cream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese Mario icecream:
Other posts on this blog are also relevant to /vr/.

>> No.8231328

NP, anon. Thanks for replying. I think we'd call what you posted a popsicle, then.

>> No.8231336

Tastes exactly like Spaghettios, IIRC (which I barely do, considering I was a toddler or younger when I last had it).

>> No.8231347
File: 102 KB, 250x183, 250px-PokeGum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I had one of these with Beedrill on it.

>> No.8231352

I had the one on the left in that pic, I mean (the "Classic" Sonic one).

>> No.8231764

Damn, nice. It was surely local. I never saw that before.

>> No.8231774


>> No.8231794
File: 2.41 MB, 720x720, frog_gtfo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you experience any?

>Any fond memories?

Even as a kid I thought they all tasted inferior to even the generic/no-name products.

>> No.8231834


I think this would have triggered my tsim back then because of the pokeball being disfigured.
I always thought of the pokeball as one of the coolest things about Pokemon and would have loved to have a replica, so I think that is one of the things I would not have wanted because of that feeling of wasted potential.

>> No.8232071

You're in Turkey?

>> No.8232082
File: 119 KB, 800x800, R.c1dd5f28918c569c1e8cffcc169de85e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This count?

>> No.8232140
File: 999 KB, 900x643, image_2021-10-13_162651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begging for a bag of these is one of my earliest memories.

>> No.8232146


>> No.8232263
File: 50 KB, 808x476, gum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but during times of pokemania a lot of sellers from other countries were more than happy to deliver their pokemon themed (and unlicensed) merch.

Imagine buying a "Pokemon" bubble gum and finding a digimon sticker inside. Because who cares, they're all -mon.

Pic related was widely popular in 90's and 00's and also had Pokemon stickers with 1st and 2nd gen inside.
the only boomer you can say "ok" to

>> No.8232270

Nice, Street Fighter flavored condoms.

>> No.8232286

Hadouken her ass tonight safely.

>> No.8232465


didya win?

>> No.8232495

Go home and don't become a family man

>> No.8232506
File: 233 KB, 600x397, sonic ice cream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really surprised nobody has posted this one yet. Fun fact that I don't really see people talk about, back when they had black gumball eyes instead of green, they were used to advertise Sonic X-treme.

>> No.8232521
File: 357 KB, 2369x1788, g5qnki0mb6p01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a whole bunch of different popsicles like this, each one representing popular cartoon mascot.
I never tried that memey Sonic one, but I did ate Mickey Mouse and TMNT popsicles when I was 6. This is the weirdest thing you'll hear today but Leonardo tasted pretty good.

>> No.8232573

Yeah, I got the Sonic one a few times as a kid because I was autistically obsessed with the Genesis games and the cartoons, but I also remembered liking the Spiderman one. I actually got the Sonic one again earlier this year after like a good 15-20 years of not having one and it was surprisingly really good. I wish I knew where to buy them from consistently instead of having to randomly find an ice cream truck by chance

>> No.8232584
File: 39 KB, 355x310, 0qo6f2tzp4pz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these? greasy as hell, but still so good

wish i still had the casing from when i had one of them, was neat and doubled as a snazzy container (or a game-holder, considering there was a designated place for them; no shit). mine ended up getting broken somehow though

fucking loved this

>> No.8232709


Just 12 ct, that's a bargain...

>> No.8233169

>Turtles one
Nice. I was going to post this, since this is the gum-eyed popsicle I'd ever seen, but I didn't think it was game related.

>> No.8235342

Sonic, Ninja Turtles, Spongebob, Spider-man, and Tweety are the "big five". They've stayed in rotation pretty much constantly since they were introduced. I'm kind of surprised Pikachu didn't join their ranks, but I guess his licensing cost was too high.

>> No.8235348

>I didn't even have a McDonald's in my city until 2020
Do you live in some middle eastern hellhole?
Or perhaps country east of the Iron Curtain?

>> No.8236993
File: 139 KB, 615x292, kjm8bv1qioxihlgdbkhf-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8237035

Whats that frogs deal?

>> No.8238245

He's anti-Jesuit/NWO.

>> No.8238443
File: 94 KB, 1024x768, Sega-Sonic-3-Blue-Rad-Life-Savers-candy-roll-1993-RARE-MINT-Promo-Genesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it was these. I grew up on a military base and the convenience store there had them for years, well after the launch of Sonic 3. I could live without the Sonic branding (even though it is soulful) but I miss this flavour like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.8238834
File: 66 KB, 400x348, i9vbpbhjqcd11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8238846
File: 437 KB, 800x800, 57e9bd3369300a0aed5eb662399255d2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a box of these but I never opened them

they're probably just mints

>> No.8238875

> they're probably just mints

If I opened a can of 'Mega' mints and found just regular mints inside, I would be disappointed.

>> No.8238891

no anon they're mega mints, it says so right on the tin

>> No.8239369

>Ready Salted
How long did it take them to discover salt on chips in the UK? Ready salted? You mean I don't have bring my own salt to put on them? Well halle-fucking-lujah
>Hot & Fruity Flavor
What the fuck, UK

>> No.8239380

Oh shit, I remember these at Gamestop.

>> No.8239823

>How long did it take them to discover salt on chips in the UK?
Probably the many years it took before that become the norm. Everyone in the world hasn't always been obsessed with having their snacks covered in toxic levels of salt out of the bag. I like sour cream and onion dip. If I used supermarket already salted chips for that I'd likely die of salt poisoning.

>> No.8239940

These still exist btw, an ice cream truck comes by my apartment all the time and I got one

>> No.8240014

12 count. There's 12 in the box.

>> No.8240160

Another butthurt thirdworlder, feels great to live in the first world.VGMKA

>> No.8240360

I know

>> No.8240386

Duuuuude rad

>> No.8240430

>discover salt on chips in the UK?
Allow me to possibly further fuel your comedic outrage. Other/older brands would indeed be served plain with the salt being provided in its own little bag. Add as much of it to suit your tastes being the idea. I wouldnt be surprised to learn that at least 1 company still does it that way as its unique selling point.
As for hot and fruity, see if heinz sell a version of HP brown sauce in your region to understand.

>> No.8240787

You mean Salt 'N Shake. Wonder if they still exist. Apparently they were the first in the world to salt their crisps, in the 19th century. England is king of crisps

>> No.8240940

Can we post about retro memorabilia in general?

>> No.8242947

I don't see why not

>> No.8242963
File: 69 KB, 640x480, curiosidade-mata-20-brinquedos-colecionaveis-pokem_y5tx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, based, BASED, I forgot those existed and even a poorfag like me eventually got one or two of those. I still remember the shape, the texture, the embossed copyright writing below my Togepi. Thanks for the memories.

>> No.8243485

I had one of those. The dye on the gum ran and turned the popsicle into a hideous nearly-demonic mess. Still tasted okay.

>> No.8245142


>> No.8245160
File: 206 KB, 439x640, 8020401063_163cf3fd17_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good times. I remember I had a full collection of Pokemon tazos and those little cards with stats that came with Elma Chips, its a shame I didn't keep 'em. Guaraná é baseado.

>> No.8246682

the original pokemon fruit snacks with the grape polliwhirl ruined all other fruit snacks for me for the rest of my life (though that probably stopped mattering by 16)

somehow they were better than the rest. i assume they do what the cereal brands do and just hire a manufacturer to make their promotional shit, but i could never find similar fruit snacks ever.

they had a metallic color to them

>> No.8246710
File: 54 KB, 500x487, 1351533205_by_coldseed_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8246856

>Poké Cum

>> No.8247140
File: 354 KB, 1600x1200, po1J4pG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can smell it now