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822471 No.822471 [Reply] [Original]

Is Metroid II worth getting?

>> No.822472


>> No.822473


>> No.822475


>> No.822476

i don't know

>> No.822478

Ask the magic crystal ball later

>> No.822479

no...play Zero Mission then Super Metroid

>> No.822481

Yes. Metroid 2 is pretty much an all around improvement over the first game.

>> No.822494

If that guy ever finishes the Metroid 2 remake I will eat my shoe.

>> No.822496

It's no Super Metroid, but it's a worthy sequel to the original. The acid blocking the way to each new area is a step down from free roaming, though.

>> No.822502

>worth getting?

No. Even still, just play it on an emulator for 5 minutes and you'll instantly see if you want it or not.

>> No.822504

It's the worst of the series, but still fun.

>> No.822531

What is it like 20 bucks? Get it faggot

>> No.822543

100% worth it.

It's like the original with better gameplay, but more limited exploration.

Seriously, anyone here who says not to play this, but play fusion has never player the original.

>> No.822563

>Seriously, anyone here who says not to play this, but play fusion

not even one person in this thread said that

>> No.822601
File: 421 KB, 1084x1200, metroid-other-m-walkthrough-video-guide-official-artwork[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worst in the series

>> No.822607

I assume that like most people, he simply forgot that this game existed.

>> No.822617

one cannot simply forget this travesty.

It'd be akin to forgetting genocide.

>> No.822752

Does the 3DS virtual console version of Metroid II allow you to use the Super Game Boy enhancements?

>> No.822765

can you repeat the question?

>> No.822775

I remember playing it on my gameboy as a kid and just being blown away how good of a game they made.

>> No.822804


>> No.822818

One of the weaker games in the series but still ok

>> No.822821

I did it willingly, at first with effort, and eventually without realizing. It's quite easy to simply wipe bad games out of existence, at least for me.

>> No.823468

Metroid of War and the CODtroid don't count.

>> No.823492

I love Metroid II. Nothing like busting out the binder paper to start map drawing. The best part is that there isn't a lot of backtracking compared to other Metroids. In fact, I'd say there's probably the least. You get to explore a smallish area before the next one is unlocked, and you never have to return to an old area (except maybe once).
I fucking hated Super when you run back just to find a green door so you can get one missile upgrade.

>> No.823494

If you're a Metroid fan I recommend playing through it, it's the reason why we have cool shit like the spring ball, spider ball, the bulky varia suit, the spazer beam, and the space jump.

>> No.823702

I actually liked the backtracking in Super Metroid. It gives the message "explore, see what's out there, you can come back later". So many games now just dump you in an area and say "solve the puzzle to go forward" and if it isn't immediately obvious to you, you just look it up.

Also, I didn't like Metroid 2's map, because so many areas were cut and paste, which was confusing as fuck without color. So many time it was hard to tell of a I'd gone down one of the vertical tunnels because several of them were the same tunnel.

>> No.823770

I really enjoyed Metroid II.

>> No.823778
File: 175 KB, 618x800, 1349589222108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's better than fusion, and arguably better than the original

>> No.823797

fuck i wanna fuck samus

>> No.823812

yes, it's worth getting. i like the atmosphere while you run through the ruins of an ancient civilization.

>> No.823815

btw, there is a project to remake metroid 2


>> No.823824

From what I've played of the demo, it looks pretty good so far.

>> No.825363

I swear if it had a map it'd be gorgeous. Or a smaller scaling of Samus to the GB screen. It was that close to being a 10/10.

Either way, they made massive improvements over the original, it's not all copy and paste with stiff controls (Not being able to shoot downward while falling always pissed me off)

For a GB game and given it's date of release, it was a gem. I don't think it's the best, but it's not bad at all. PLAY IT

>> No.825367
File: 69 KB, 274x252, Metem Retuuter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.825371

>2 gun arms
I'm laughing and I can't stop

>> No.825374
File: 19 KB, 325x257, ss (2013-04-24 at 10.40.40).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dual Arm Cannons

>> No.825423

>Soulja Girl Metem

>> No.825428

yob emag

u wot m8?

>> No.825434

I'd love to see her try and eat a plate of spaghetti

>> No.825432

The only metroid that doesn't really need a map, just kill every metroid and if the lava still there then go find and kill another one. Rolling into the queen's stomach is always cool

>> No.825453

Me too

>> No.825619

I thought it was awesome. I was 13 at the time tho. I would go back a replay it tho

>> No.825631

Very. It's a great experience despite some flaws.

>> No.825632

muh sides

>> No.825643

It is a solid game, not going to blow anyone's mind but it is worth a playthrough in my opinion.

Spiderball is a really neat ability that they never really brought back for some reason in any other 2D Metroid game.

>> No.825687

Metroid II had the best feeling of isolation of the series. Like a Metroid game should have. Although it's also pretty easy, but still worth playing.