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[ERROR] No.8223576 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire get shit on so much at the time? Was the reception of these games unfair?

>> No.8223589

They're just not good games.

>> No.8223632

I thought they were cool at the time. I was disappointed in the lack of day/night, but otherwise I thought all the other shit they added was really cool.

>> No.8223645

Eh no one really cared, us emu chads were playing for free on day one.

>> No.8223980

2nd gen felt like it built upon the world created on 1st gen.
3rd gen was when they started doing the same shit over and over again

>> No.8224001

>Why did Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire get shit on so much at the time?
Because it wasn't Gen 1-2, because they couldn't trade over their Gen 1-2 pokemon to the GBA, because they took away some something from Gen 2 and added new things.
Gen 2 was literally a DLC for Gen 1. Gen 3 is where they realized that couldn't bank on the pokemania train Gen 2 derailed.

>> No.8224008

Looks like the exact same shit "critics" back then pulled with Mega Man.

>> No.8224012

Ironic how the excessive mode 7 usage and over reliance on flashy effects in golden sun ended up aging way worse than the clean pixel art of gen 3. Just goes to show how being technically impressive doesn't always translate to artistic quality.

>> No.8224019

It's really a mix of things. Mostly I think it comes down to the fact that Pokemon was bigger than the games and Pokemon stopped being cool around the time. Most of the people hating on it didn't even play Ruby and Sapphire, they just find any excuse to rag on it because they stopped being into it. "What's that, your Pokemon have lots of circle markings on them? So lame, these fake pokemon can never match the authentic majesty of "literally just a normal animal."

>> No.8224025

Ruby was my first Pokemon game and at the time I love (still do) but really didn't had any other gba games to compares aside from Yoshi island and Mario Pinball, really didn't care about graphics.

Anyway later I got Red and later Crystal (thanks backwards culpability) and was surpised how the gen 2 game felt so much bigger and interesting (thanks to night and day and ingame weeks) than the gba game, also the battle sprites looked better and even had a little animation, the whole going back to Kanto pretty much beat anything Ruby did and I can see how it could build bigger expectations for veterans.

I felt similar about the GBC Zeldas and MC, the gba sequels just couldn't compete with the content of tbe GBC games

>> No.8224032

>Gen 2 was literally a DLC for Gen 1.
In what capacity?

>> No.8224035

This, kids are fickle little shits. That being said, pokemon got better with Gen 3 and found a solid foundation in Gen 4's Platinum which is one of the few game to not actually be hindered by a flaw in the design like Gen 2's level curve or Gen 3's lack of physical split.

>> No.8224040

In that it's mostly spare ideas that they couldn't get into the first version. Doesn't help that the Johto version feels like one big tutorial for Kanto postgame thanks to the level curve.

>> No.8224041

Physical split isn't good or bad, many pokemon got fucked by it and having the types tied to sp atk or atk can be good for balance.

Also gen 4 was slow as shit for no reason

>> No.8224045

So how is that literally DLC?

>> No.8224046
File: 554 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-215Sneasel[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having the types tied to sp atk or atk can be good for balance.
This is Sneasel, if atk and sp. atk were still tied by typing, he would be rancid garbage like he was in Gen 2-3 instead of the Dragon rape machine he became thanks to the split. Sneasel says fuck pre-split pokemon.

>> No.8224048

Because it feels like an expansion to Kanto, and that's basically what Johto will ever be thanks to HGSS not fixing shit.

>> No.8224053

And then there is Regice who went from being the best Special wall to the biggest joke legendary, Regice says fuck the split

>> No.8224054

So how is that literally DLC?

>> No.8224056


>> No.8224057

Ah yes, I remember downloading Pokemon Gold version for my Gameboy.

>> No.8224064

And there is Tauros, he was the one of the most powerful Gen 1 mon and became a joke thanks to Gen 2 and 3. Pokemon were getting shafted by changes in the gameplay long before the split.

>> No.8224069

All I'm saying is that Gen 2 is more of Gen 1. It didn't get better until Gen 3.

>> No.8224074

building on your franchise >>>>> fuck it let's make a reboot

>> No.8224078

The allure of pokemon faded and it became solely for newcomers and hyper addicts who care about weird meta shit like EVs and IVs. Anyone who just wanted a nice game got shafted.

>> No.8224092

Because the fad seemed to be over and pokemon was viewed as a kiddie thing throughout the 2000s, so much that a lot of vidya sites didn't want to bother with pokemon, it was viewed as a lesser game outside of niche communities. Then 90s nostalgia happened around 2010 and people started suddenly appreciating pokemon to the point where it was taken seriously.

>> No.8224097

Adding bases, changing the stat system to prevent stat max-out, creating the first battle frontier, natures, double battles was building on the franchise?

>> No.8224106
File: 1.21 MB, 4335x1341, Holy Trinity of Pokemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone who just wanted a nice game got shafted.
No we didn't.
Thank Pokemon Go for making it acceptable in the eyes of society.

>> No.8224110

I really like White but there is no way I'd rank it over HG/SS

>> No.8224116

At the end of the day HGSS is a remake and a unsatisfactory one at that while BW was something flawed, but different.

>> No.8224123

>addding bases
It was dropped so no
>changing the stat max out
Ok no fuck off, the classic gen 1-2 Ev system was superior, want a strong trained pokemon? Just train all stats, the new system is shit where you have to specifically use up all EV points to min max which is always boring shit and even more in gen 3 with no proper means.
Emerald did that
A mistake, only like one or two natures will be good per pokemon, no natures was much better and there were even natures that would hinder your pokemon ie: modest Machop adamant Abra
Yes that was good you're also forgetting abilities which is the best thing RS added

But I mean it in a worldbuilding way rather than a gameplay way

>> No.8224124

I'm a different anon but I'd like to hear your reasoning. I ended up skipping gen 5 but HG/SS is one of my favorites next to Yellow and Emerald

>> No.8224128

>a remake of a good game >>>>>>> the biggest sin the franchise
There is a reason why BW is so polarized and had terrbile sales for a new generation and it couldn't even manage to look better than gen 4. Zombie Pokemon truly started with BW.

>> No.8224137

Not them but I didn't skip BW and it was the worst pokemon game I ever played, even XY and SM were more fun, try hard reboot while still sucking Kanto's dick hard (totally not Red main character, it gets more heads upon evolution like Kanto mons, colors again just like Kanto, only 151 Pokemon until post game because we wanted to be Kanto again and seasons turning into meaningless shit because of thay)

Literal line region in which there is a cutscene in every town because something must happen to keep the zoomers from getting lost.

>> No.8224139

>It was dropped so no
But it was added with Gen 3 you dunce
>Ok no fuck off, the classic gen 1-2 Ev system was superior, want a strong trained pokemon? Just train all stats, the new system is shit where you have to specifically use up all EV points to min max which is always boring shit and even more in gen 3 with no proper means.
Sorry anon, but have you ever played with friends at lv 100? It's very slow since the pokemon get bulked out, you need to make PP their moves because you will run out of PP. Let's not forget that bulk mons run the show since they can just tank hits and curse up for more attack and defense.
>Emerald did that
Yeah, and Emerald is a Gen 3 game.
>A mistake, only like one or two natures will be good per pokemon, no natures was much better and there were even natures that would hinder your pokemon ie: modest Machop adamant Abra
It means more variance anon, you get more of a selection.
>Yes that was good you're also forgetting abilities which is the best thing RS added
That too.
>had terrbile sales
Anon, BW sold 2 million copies less than Gen 4 despite a four year space between them and BW coming out during the final days of the DS when the 3DS was around the corner. It sold great.

>> No.8224150
File: 1.61 MB, 400x1600, Gen 1 and 5 vice versa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a different anon but I'd like to hear your reasoning
HGSS did very little to change up Johto region after GSC. There's more gimmick like following pokemon and getting your picture taken but little was done to fix the level curve after beating Morty, the distribution of Johto pokemon to Kanto one, the poor gym leader rosters of Kanto and faster ways to level up your pokemon. Postgame wise, they just copy and pasted the BF from Sinnoh instead of doing more with Kanto or Johto.
Speak for yourself, it was refreshing to get a region that wasn't just Kanto again.
>but le Kanto rehash
Learn what a niche is, retard.

>> No.8224168

>it was added
And it was dropped
>bulk bad
>long battles bad
Shit taste, long battles of strategy will always beat boring touch strong move and win and there is plenty of ways to fuck up your opponents strategies, sounds like you and your friends pkay by spamming low pp moves hoping everything dies in 2 hits (which is boring)
>is a gen 3 game
And is not RS which is the one we are talking about
>you get more selection
A selection of 2 or even 1 (so none) at the costs of 10+ hinderances? No fucking thanks, about time Gamefreak made them changeable

>> No.8224170
File: 82 KB, 1051x665, Xatu moveset Gen 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And it was dropped
>>bulk bad
>>long battles bad
Yes. What's the point in making a diverse team if Snorlax will just Curse and rape your shit. Also, Gen 2 movesets were straight up shit and they didn't get better until Gen 4.

>> No.8224172

>reading comprehension
The we was gamefreak
>wasn't just Kanto
Except all regions were always distinct from Kanto already
>is it okay suck ass if you're a niche
As that's why it is shit, Hoenn already did your reboot gimmick million times better
Not for a Pokemon game

>> No.8224180

The big thing that killed Tauros was 1) the inclusion of Steel type and 2) making its special attack ridiculously low. At least in gen 1 it could belt out a fire blast that could do respectable damage, in gen 2 the fireblast unironically did less damage against scarmory (one of the defining gen 2 mons) than using a STAB body slam.

>> No.8224183
File: 295 KB, 866x783, 1631846857334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is that they almost completely got rid of the day/night effects, got rid of the PokeGear, and didn't let you transfer your Pokemon from Gen 2 or 1. All these things were major selling points for Gold and Silver.

>> No.8224187

Toxic or Paralyze it haze it even, don't let it buff, that's on you

You get tms for the pokemon you want amd there is the move relearner in gen 3 (and in PS2 for Gen2) plus breeding but getting involved in breeding and all that shit is just boring, better use a cheat device and play the actual fucking game (we are talking about competitive like who gives a shit about this for a normal run?)

>> No.8224193
File: 183 KB, 800x600, 1629672410809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no day night cycle

we were robbed, bros

>> No.8224194

it will always be hilarious to me that the most powerful pokemon in Gen 1 aside from Mew/Mewtwo was just a plain fucking bull

>> No.8224198

Pokegear stayed with infinite numbers but only rematches

>> No.8224203

>Except all regions were always distinct from Kanto already
And so was Unova, by saying it wasn't Kanto, we're talking about a region that puts the other regions away to put the spotlight on the new one. The anti-Johto if your will.
>As that's why it is shit, Hoenn already did your reboot gimmick million times better
Did it? Were people happy when they couldn't bring back their Gen 1-2 mons? Were they happy that they needed a GC to get them back? Were they happy that Gen 3 removed the day/night cycle? Unova's biggest mark against it, now strength is that they didn't push Kantomons until the very end.
>Not for a Pokemon game
It's good for a pokemon game you twit. Gen 2 lost 8 million after Gen 1, that's not good for a series riding on a hype train.

>> No.8224205

Most of its strength came from its speed (faster pokemon had better crit chances) and the unique gen 1 ability to being immune to body slam paralysis. The former is why the meta was favoring slow, bulky pokemon and the latter is why a lot of normal type shitmons just lost relevance.

>> No.8224206

Oh no, now he rested and used Sleeptalk to Earthqauke. Sleeptalk sets are pretty popular in Gen 2.

>> No.8224215

And yet Unova is the one that feels more like kanto will trying hard to be different
>new for the sake of new over tradition and building over the franchise
Yes the anti-kino indeed if you will
>console limitations
Yes it was shit but better than this artificial only new (pastiches of classics) Pokemon allowed crap, when the gba and even gbc games have better Pokemon variety than the ds game it really says a lot
>it sold well
No Swsh sold well, BW couldn't do shit to get fans back, even XY could

>> No.8224223

Yes it's called strategy, should have switched to Skarmory

>> No.8224227

He just happened to have the right tool for each situation
No steel types
Only relevant rockies (Golem/Rhydon) can be hit hard with Blizzard (120BP 90% acc btw)
Only ghost type gets demolished by Earthquake
The mediocrity of fighting mons is even worse due to the hegemony of psychic types, so doesn't have to worry of getting hit supereffectively
Can pretty much spam the 1 2 Combo of Body Slam + Hyper Beam against everyone else
Decently bulky, powerful and quite fast

>> No.8224232
File: 115 KB, 796x1152, Johto pokemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes the anti-kino indeed if you will
Antikino is being Kanto's footstool, aka Johto.
>Yes it was shit but better than this artificial only new (pastiches of classics) Pokemon allowed crap, when the gba and even gbc games have better Pokemon variety than the ds game it really says a lot
No, Gen 2 is notorious for having bad variety. Gen 3 was good, as was Platinum.
>No Swsh sold well, BW couldn't do shit to get fans back, even XY could
SWSH sold well because it was the first mainline pokemon on a console. XY only sold a million more than BW despite being the first new game on the console. Compared to Gen 2 scaring away 8.2 million buyers, BW did better lol.

>> No.8224238

Wouldn't Surf be a better move? Or is Blizzard there just for Exeggutor? And yeah, gen1 had tons of shitmons with really arbitrary base stats; either they were balanced but mediocre or they had 1 good stat with a bunch of awful stats.

>> No.8224240

>she doesn't know my entire team is just fodder for my Snorlax who rapes Skarmories

>> No.8224243

>deluding yourself into thinking these games look like anything a GBC physically display
>spending half a page doomsaying over them not immediately showing any GC connectivity (only for gen 3 to end up with a practically annoying quantity of GC connectivity)
It's like they're just trying to come up with something to complain about based on like 2 screenshots, and they're not even doing a good job at it. I guess some things never change.

>> No.8224246

Tauros doesn't get Surf in Gen 1
A niche set is using TBolt exclusively for Cloyster, which is the best wall for the Standard set

>> No.8224248

I could've sworn it did. My bad then.

>> No.8224249

>critics shitting on the graphics for being unimpressive
They objectively were

>> No.8224265

>waaaah why are new Pokemon rare
No wonder you like literal trash bags forced down your throat, new pokemon being rare is good, sm understood this, Mareanie is much more memorable as the corsola's predator rather than some super common shitmon forced upon you on every encounter in some route same with Natu and Girafarig in GSC or Snouront in RSE, you want your new pokemon handed to you like a lazy ass
>Kanto footstool
But that's BW (Bw2 don't deserve to be tied to such shit games) even the names say it. Colors again like Kandto!
>gen 2 had bad variety
Nope, not as good as RSE (which has the best) but more on par with Sinnoh and Kanto, nowhere near as bad "we only give you two shitmons per route and fuck you if you choose Snivy" BW 1 Unova
>swsh was the first mainline on console
And everyone said it was gonna fail or keep the usual 15-16 million sales
>did better
It sold less so no, it couldn't even compete with slow as DP (not that it sold better than any generation else lmao)

>> No.8224270

holy fuck it's literally impossible to escape obsessive johto hatred, even on here

>> No.8224272

I don't even hate Johto (or any generation) it has it flaws but it's better than the shit that was BW1 (but every game is better than this try hard reboot crap that killed Pokemon)

>> No.8224275
File: 150 KB, 2140x950, GSC BW2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Johto has always been the inferior Gen anon. It's only claim to fame is being Kanto's neighbor and bring features that would be standard in the new games. I can't think of one thing it does better than 4 or 5 outside of just Red.

>> No.8224280

Fucking Yawnfag take your faggot ass back to /pw/ you fucking cocksucker

>> No.8224302

>postgame argument
A whole region > half region
>thinking shitty no name npc battles matter
>thinking level curvel matters once I can ditch the fakemon and bring back my real team from gen 4
Who gives a fuck? No one ever was dying to battle random veteran number one thousand, people want to explore or use facilities, BW 1 had a shit postgame but so did RSE and DP
>no argument
>can't even spell the board correctly

>> No.8224305

Mean RS, E had one of the best postgame to date

>> No.8224308

>A whole region > half region
In other words, quantity over quality.
>Who gives a fuck?
Anyone who doesn't want to see level 25 pikachus.
>people want to explore or use facilities
And we got that in BW while Gen 2 gave us a gimped version of Kanto. So not only was Johto shit, but it was shit for a Kanto that wasn't even as good as the Gen 1 Kanto.

>> No.8224317
File: 1.83 MB, 4823x1692, Johto gym leaders Unova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people want to explore or use facilities
This woman has never played BW or BW2. I got all that plus every gym leader and champion up to that point in BW2.

>> No.8224326

>quantity over quality
That's the name of the unova dex, let's fill this shit to met the Kanto number
Except there was no quality on the other half of the circle (not that there was on the first side to begin with)
>battling random npc
Like why? Just evade them, I don't want to sit through another boring battle with a no name npc trainer regardless if the numbers are big or not
>we got that
Yes and smaller and more forgettable, went through that post game half circle in a day, pretty boring, some money minigame because removing content is Unova's trademark and your Sinnoglh nostalgia fight, (plus the usual tower and third legendary crap) battle zone again? let me sleep (oh wait the battle zone had another legendary quest and final Barry)

Revisiting an old region will always beat small new area to met the postgame quota

>> No.8224329

Bw2 is among the best (even if it suffers from a bad start) I'm talking about the shit known as Bw1
>linear ass region
>not-tower crap but only new shitmons because not actually a postgame facility and the dumbed contests
No thanks

>> No.8224340

>A mistake

>> No.8224362
File: 249 KB, 1122x1496, E1695B2D-0BA7-46CA-ABC8-13C485638BFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BW2 —> based

Glad I bought both of them for $15 a few months after they came out.

>> No.8224491
File: 107 KB, 900x760, 36B786BB-3E58-4727-883F-B005F7178F79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumbass johtocuck

>> No.8224494

I like all regions

>> No.8224501

The only good ones are Platinum and Gen 5.

>> No.8224506

>platinum yes
Ftfy but both are shit compared to Hoenn in terms of exploration

>> No.8224514

So it's an expansion. Not a DLC.

>> No.8224540

>Tentacool the Region

>> No.8224556

>exploration = pokemon encounters
Ok retard

>> No.8224616


I was neither a newcomer nor a hyper addict, and I felt it was a nice game.

>> No.8224656

I don’t know about the critics but I personally found R/S to be downgrade from Crystal. No day/night no animated sprites. It really felt like they removed more features than they added.

>> No.8224681

good thing they never did this again!!!

>> No.8224727

Gen 3 could have been great. I like how the main campaign focuses so much on new pokémons, whereas gen 2 was like "here are your gen 1 mons with one rare new mon once in a while".

But the main issue is that the vast majority of the new mons just suck. Like, oh, here is your copy-paste of the Butterfree line except worse in every possible way. Even Gen4's new mons are better than 3s.

And then there is how they make the collectathon aspect more un-fun than fun... how many different games do you need to play to collect all mons in gen3? what is 5, 6?

>> No.8224816

>Why did Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire get shit on so much at the time?
Personally? Something just felt off.
I played Blue, Yellow, Silver and Crystal to death, replayed them multiple times and finished the pokedex in C. (also played Stadium 1&2)
I only finished Ruby once and never touched it ever again, this is where I lost all interest for pokemon.
It had some great new features imo, the beauty contest, secret bases, 2vs2 fights, those passive abilites and other minor improvements.

And yet it wasn't as much fun and kinda lacked the charm of the older games.
Some of the new Legandaries sucked imo, I mean who cared about Latias and Latios?
Not being able to transfer your old pokemon was a huge disappointment too and another thing that pissed me off to no end is how there were more Pokemon you couldn't get ingame but only via event or by buying a different game like Jirachi, Deoxys and the old legendaries.
Just imagine how fucked in the ass you feel when you finished the Pokedex in Crystal but in Ruby you got the same shit as everyone else.
Even worse, I never got to catch a Feebas and it's ultimately the grind for that piece of shit that made me quit.

S afterwards didnt rly add anything and LG / FR were remakes of the games I already played 10 times so I just fucking stopped caring.

>Was the reception of these games unfair?
I think the article you posted is indeed a little unfair, but might have been a valid point at the time.
I mean almost every game on the GBA looks kinda shit compared to Golden Sun, not that the other games look like trash, Golden Sun is just an outstanding title.

>> No.8224836

Even mid-generation Pokémon could go from irrelevant to overused.
Scizor was given Bullet Punch in HG/SS and became very popular competitively for it.

>> No.8224907

>Some of the new Legandaries sucked imo, I mean who cared about Latias and Latios?
The Pokemon movie that hyped them was pretty good and they were monsters within their own rights.

>> No.8224913

Here’s the thing anon: seeing nothing but singular and tentacool does not make the exploration any better. I’m fact seeing them plus trainers who only revolve around sending them plus having poor paying out makes the east portion of the game boring.

>> No.8224915

People wanted change until they saw change and worked out that they didn't want change after all, a tale as old as time.

>> No.8224941

This. And then they got angry that “their” beloved series changed for the better without them despite the fact that it was just a fad for them.

>> No.8224949

>The Pokemon movie that hyped them was pretty good and they were monsters within their own rights.
Oh I see, I think it didnt even air in the theater where I live, DVD only.

>> No.8225010

Seems accurate. By the time gen III came out I had already grown out of Pokemon. I only ever played the games many years later through emulation, and thought they were just average.

>> No.8225269

Because they looked like absolute shit, because they removed many nice things like the day and night cycle.
Also, the fad was over.

>> No.8226319

>identical to the GBC adventures
What the fuck was this guy smoking

>> No.8226321

I'll take these non-retro games as an admission that I am completely correct.

>> No.8226534

he's not wrong

>> No.8227190

The irony being Pokemon really hasn't changed much since its inception. The battle mechanics were heavily refined over the years and the plot became a bit more structured, but it's still largely the same game it's always been.

The criticisms in the article about the graphics are pretty spot-on, though. The GBA Pokemon games did have really shitty graphics for the era. They look like very early 16 bit RPGs with a slightly higher color palette.

>> No.8228484

>The GBA Pokemon games did have really shitty graphics for the era
lol no

>> No.8230153

Pokemon should have changed up after G/S/C
the fact that it was what R/S/E would turn out to be is a disgrace imho
i could go on forever ripping them apart, if you have to ask you are simply blind
it all fell apart for Pokemon on GBA

>> No.8230159

Also lets not ignore the fact that the GBA soundtrack is a total abomination

>> No.8230162

meant to say soundchip

>> No.8230163

Hoenn is the best region we've ever had.
Man, genwunners are ridiculous. R/a/e is a vast improvement on 1 and 2

>> No.8230172

Any good gen 3 romhacks?

>> No.8230176

Inclement Emerald
Blazing Emerald
Frontier Adventure