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[ERROR] No.8219394 [Reply] [Original]

If SEGA was actually run by competent people, they would have:

>Let retailers know in advance about the Saturn
>Launched it day 1 with a 3D Sonic, either Xtreme or a game more resembling an expanded Sonic Jam 3D title
>Save the experimental jester game for a later date, maybe 1 or 2 years after Sonic had his turn shepherding the console launch
>synergize more properly with cameos and the new controller

But no, instead SEGA lets Naka do as he pleases, nearly kills Senn with his petty faggotry over an engine, and makes everyone scratch their heads at Nights in marketing material. "Fly plaything, fly." WTF? Sega magazines at the time even joked about Sonic being AWOL on the Saturn and were doomposting quite frequently. SoA was the only reason Genesis succeeded in the West because they knew the value of brand mascots and competing against Nintendo. Throwing that all away for a programmer's vanity is probably the #1 stupidest thing Sega ever did, barring all the obvious ones like the 32x.

I mean seriously, imagine walking into a Toys R Us as a kid back then and seeing the game kiosks featuring Nintendo and Sega. One has SM64, and one has fucking Nights. Which one do you think you would have gone for? The 3D platformer with an already famous and recognizable mascot? Or the 2D flight simulator featuring a fruity jester that looks straight out of Eyes Wide Shut? Imagine how much more different this comparison would be if it had the soulful poly Sonic from Jam. Now THAT would have been a more even comparison.

>> No.8219398

It was too late by the release of the Saturn. The only way to save Sega would be for them to not release the 32x or the CD.

>> No.8219405

32X was based. Sega unironically should have gone that route and delayed the Saturn until it could do 3D as well as the Playstation could.

>> No.8219459

I've only started playing Saturn games recently first time in my life and honestly it feels like a supercharged SNES or mega drive. N64 seems two generations ahead. Like Mario 64 or OOT compared to burning Rangers or Nights is just a joke.

>> No.8219468

Yeah, the N64 basically KO'd the Saturn. Made Sega shit their pants and have to rush out the Dreamcast to compensate for their failed 5th gen contender that nobody liked.

>> No.8219475

I wonder sometimes, if Sega was run by competent people would they have been Sega? Would we have gotten the same amazing art pieces that they were fond of creating? Your picture has Nights in it, a game far out of date of its release design-wise, largely focused on fast movement and arcade gameplay. If Sega is competent would we have just gotten another Nintendo like piece of rarified blandness?

>> No.8219480

Nights is a genuinely great game, otherwise I agree.

>> No.8219489

It's a meme game that offers absolutely no challenge or interesting scoring potential. The personification of the saying style over substance.

>> No.8219494

>Let retailers know in advance about the Saturn
They tried, Sega of Japan said no.

>Launched it day 1 with a 3D Sonic, either Xtreme or a game more resembling an expanded Sonic Jam 3D title
SOJ wanted a new Sonic title, Sonic Team had superstar status and could say "fuck you" to them and go do their own thing, which was Nights.

>Save the experimental jester game for a later date
Sonic Team worked on this instead of Sonic. It was all SOA could release that had "sonic" on the cover ("a game by sonic team").

The real issue wasn't this. It was that the Saturn was bankrupting them. The reason they were unable to sell the console wasn't lack of popularity (it was very popular by 1996), it was that Sega lost too much on every console sold. Only thing they could do was not manufacture enough consoles. And since Japan was their biggest market, they got most consoles; meanwhile they tasked Bernie to prepare them for their next console, hence "Saturn is not our future".

In the only market that mattered to Sega, they were selling better than the Saturn (thanks to Virtua Fighter 2, Sakura Taisen, Segata Sanshiro, etc).

>> No.8219504

Sonic Xtreme nights engine, Sega Black Belt Yuji Naka Saturn? 32X. Saturn Nights Engine Bernie Stole our Nights engine Sonic Xtreme. R? Sonic Xtreme 32X! Sega Black Belt Naka.

>> No.8219530

I like how hordes of retards sit around talking about these companies and figureheads like they have any actual idea what was going on. You weren't there, you talk about these people like you worked with them but you're just a fat faggot making yet another "what if" thread and speculating based on foggy articles and media you've uselessly consumed for years that don't have anything to do with the actual day to day operations of these businesses. Yes, Sega was fucking retarded, you're stating the obvious and you need to find something else to talk about.

>> No.8219539

From what I heard a lot of the issues within Sega came from the American and Japanese branches constantly shitting on each other and outright sabotaging one another.

>> No.8219546

they fucked up with the sega system

>> No.8219568


also, interview with SOJ confirms the issue was that they couldn't make enough consoles cause it cost too much. They could've sold several times more units, the machine was very popular, but it just cost too much, so they couldn't put enough units into stores.

What I wish to know is how did any of those rumored Saturn 3d accelerators looked like. We only have bullshit speculation about Real3D chipsets (which turned into the Intel 740 and sucked so much it was considered a 3d decelerator). I want to know if they ever got anything concrete.
And a dump of that sega pluto hdd.

>> No.8219582

>In the only market that mattered to Sega, they were selling better than the Saturn (thanks to Virtua Fighter 2, Sakura Taisen, Segata Sanshiro, etc).
And even then it only sold a few hundred thousand more hardware units than the N64, which is also considered a failure in Japan. Throwing their popularity in the west under the bus for such a sub-par performance in their home nation was fucking retarded.

>> No.8219583
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Sega did a lot of dumb shit between 1994 and 1995, They should have decided to either go serious with the 32X, or cancel it and go serious with the Saturn (of course, without all the mistakes they did with it). Not divide company's efforts between both. Also, don't kill the Genesis by 1995.

>> No.8219595

Who was handling Sega in Europe? Cus I literally unironically didn't even know the Saturn existed until like 2005 when we got broadband internet.

And I was a Sega fanboy. Had a mega drive and Dreamcast. I straight up thought the DC was the Mega Drive successor. There were NO Saturn's or Saturn games in game stores or rental stores in my country ever. I never even heard of anyone in my school as a kid having one. Never ever seen an ad for it on TV. It never existed to me.

>> No.8219647

This is because they angered a lot of retailers which weren't provided Saturn units for the surprise launch they did in the US. Walmart, I believe, and a few others dedided not to carry Sega products after that. It's crazy to believe, but in the US, there were more Sega CDs sold than Saturns.

>> No.8219652

Same here. I just though Sega took a while to get their 5th console out, and that was the Dreamcast.

>> No.8219739

> It's another armchair quarterback "I could have saved Sega" episode

>> No.8219749

>32X was based
zoom zoom

>> No.8219752

>Yeah, the N64 basically KO'd the Saturn
zoom zoom

>> No.8219757

>Cus I literally unironically didn't even know the Saturn existed until like 2005 when we got broadband internet
t. shitposter

>> No.8219831

What is wrong with you, man?

>> No.8219884

>great model 1 ports, no weebshit
32x was based

>> No.8219919

This. Hindsight is 20/20. People who make threads like these couldn't survive in a world where you would have to have spare change on you to make a telephone call.

Most people didn't know Japanese had their own language until 1998. Information traveled so slowly that English speakers just assumed that Japanese people spoke Chinese just like everyone else in Africa.

>> No.8220118

>Most people didn't know Japanese had their own language until 1998. Information traveled so slowly that English speakers just assumed that Japanese people spoke Chinese just like everyone else in Africa.
Maybe you thought that.

>> No.8220334

I'm not even joking, dude.
Never heard of the Saturn, never seen it advertised, never knew anyone who had one ever.

>> No.8220951

its not nakas fault you retards prefer an obese plumber for children over nights

>> No.8220960


It was the same here in AMerica
literally nobody has heard of the saturn. i never ever saw one. i saw dreamcast when it came out but nobody had a saturn, only either psx or n64.
even the people i know who are very much into games and retro games. when i bring up the saturn they get confused and ask me if that was before the sega master system or something.

The Saturn had zero fucking presence or advertising

>> No.8220994

>Hindsight is 20/20.
Everyone knew about Sega intenal problems in the 90's via game magazines and the early internet and even then knew the 32X and rushing the Saturn was stupid ideas.

>Most people didn't know Japanese had their own language until 1998.
You meant 1898?

>> No.8221009

In Britain, I've met exactly one person who actually had a Saturn, and he's a big game enthusiast, who was already in his 20's at the time, so he would have known. The average person who was casually into games or was a child at the time has no idea what the Saturn is. Maybe they know Nights if they played Sonic Adventure, but then they probably think it came out on the Dreamcast.

>> No.8221043

Sounds about right. Just pack the fucker with Sonic Jam at launch. Or at least some kind of "Sonic in 3d" playground demo.
I've come to appreciate Nights (goat OST) but nobody wanted that shit as a pack in title or system seller.

>> No.8221076

I've said it before, but they totally should have hacked together a romhack style Sonic 4, and included that in the Jam collection, so at least you'd have an original Sonic game to get people excited.

>> No.8221086

If you ever read a gaming magazine or walked into a game store 1995-1997 you would have known abot the saturn

>> No.8221094

Genuinely don't think my local place stocked their games, or my childish brain simply passed over them because it didn't understand what they were.

>> No.8221098

The mega CD was fine but yes the 32x was dumb

>> No.8221798

He's right. I literally never saw it, or any mention of it. I have a vague mention of seeing a copy of Bug! at a friends house when I was very young, but I moved away soon after.

What's funny is that I bought Sonic The Comic for years, from 95 to 98. Never saw any mention of the Saturn.

It's crazy how Sega went from being huge with the Mega Drive to dying instantly when the PS1 dropped. Only in Japan did the Saturn have any success.

>If you ever read a gaming magazine or walked into a game store 1995-1997
I read the Official Playstation Magazine, like everyone else. There was no point buying generic mags, because half the games were shit you couldn't play anyway, and the PS1 magazine came with fucking demo discs which were way more useful than anything you'd find in the other publications. I knew about the N64 only because I had a buddy who had one and we played the Pokemon Stadium mini-games once, but the Saturn was completely dead. If there even was a shelf for Saturn titles, I skipped right past it because I had no interest and I wasn't rich, so I couldn't afford more than one system. Most of the games I played were rentals anyway, much cheaper and I could actually afford that with my allowance.

>> No.8221857

amerimutt kids, too stupid to read and completely ignorant, many such cases.

>> No.8221910

>don't kill the Genesis by 1995.
the Mega Drive was 7 years by 1995, dude. if anything they should've killed it sooner. Sonic 3 should've been the launch title for their new platform at the height of their popularity. the Saturn would've been an amazing machine in '93

>> No.8221924
File: 28 KB, 489x616, hardandsoftrevenue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if anything they should've killed it sooner
Killing the Genesis in the midst of its glory days in the US? Are you high my boy?

>> No.8221932

the Genesis would've likely kept doing well for the first few years much like the SNES did even after the N64 launched. my point is that the Saturn was amazing hardware for '93. if they had launched it a year earlier at the height of their popularity it could've been a success.

>> No.8221938

They wouldn't have been able to launch the Saturn at the same price or power in 1993. Launching too early could potentially have confined it to the same skip as the 3DO or the Jaguar, not being close to keeping up with the Playstation.

>> No.8221942

right, i could see that being a factor. i wonder though, with the same specs, and even with a higher price, if they launched the Saturn in '93 with Sonic 3 as a launch title if that would've made it more successful

>> No.8221943

But skipping the 32x means more time to get 3D working on the Saturn.
Also the 32x is a Saturn with slower clockspeeds.

>> No.8221947

>Also the 32x is a Saturn with slower clockspeeds.
And no GPU or polygon acceleration.

>> No.8221987

>Launched it day 1 with a 3D Sonic, either Xtreme or a game more resembling an expanded Sonic Jam 3D title
That would have required Sega being competent enough to know that western game devs are trash. For Sonic to have had an outing on the title would have required several mistakes from years prior to have not taken place.

>> No.8222092

Even playstation magazine would have mentioned the saturn in the early days

>> No.8222130

kek well said OP

>> No.8222139

even if all your wishlist of things happened the saturn would have still failed.
if the future of a device is single handedly shouldered by the presence or not of a single game (in this case sonic), then it is a device that did not deserve existing in the first place.

>> No.8222148

I only ever got Official Nintendo and Official Playstation back in the day. Never got Games Master or Edge or whatever.

>> No.8222161

I only bought a PS1 in 96 or so, so maybe. Even so, it'd be off-hand shit about how the PS version looks so much better or something.

>> No.8222245

>Launched it day 1 with a 3D Sonic, either Xtreme or a game more resembling an expanded Sonic Jam 3D title
Nah fuck that, they should’ve had a sonic game that looked like guardian heroes that worked on multiple planes that crisscrossed
Also they should’ve done a lot more 3D/2D mixed games like bulk slash, I guarantee it would’ve been remembered more fondly if it did that

>> No.8222251

Even if Xtreme came out on day one, it would’ve looked terrible compared to
Mario 64. Hell, it would’ve looked terrible next to Nights

>> No.8222462

Kys namenigger.

>> No.8222474

>Hell, it would’ve looked terrible next to Nights

It would have also not looked good up against Crash Bandicoot. And keep in mind that Crash Bandicoot was released weeks before the launch of the N64 and Mario 64 in North America. Sony had commercials like this for Crash:

And Sega had commercials like this for NiGHTS:

>> No.8222528

Holy shit, screaming cg nights took me off guard

>> No.8222558

>Holy shit, screaming cg nights took me off guard


That is the "Sega Scream", which was part of Sega of America's "welcome to the next level" advertising from the Sega Genesis era. Sega of America's advertising for the Saturn was really a mess. The only thing this commercial really says is that NiGHTS is only possible on the Saturn because it has two CPU's and the Playstation doesn't.

>> No.8222563

I know, I just didn’t expect a grotesque 3D rendering

>> No.8222610

>trying to argue that a game about flight is somehow uniquely possible on the Saturn
Man, that's some dumb marketing. I think even children would be sharp enough to see that as nonsense.

>> No.8222658

In the long term, Sonic 3 on Saturn would have been hailed as the greatest Sonic ever (because good games on unpopular systems tend to get overrated). In the short term, the Sonic IP would have been trashed by Crash and Mario 64, and all those stupid edgy 90s bongland magazines calling Sonic an ancient 2d relic

>> No.8222667

Saturn launching with Sonic R would have been a good idea and would have been the best-selling title in Saturn's life. But it probably would have looked like early gen trash instead of the Sonic R we ended up with

>> No.8222695

We were pretty familiar with the Sega Saturn here in Portugal but that was mostly because one of the first titles that launched with the console (in our country) was Dragon Ball Z The Legends. The Playstation pretty much wiped out the Saturn in about 2 years and the Dreamcast was a colossal failure on launch.

>> No.8223258

Yeah you can thank the jew bernie stolar for purposely running the company into the ground while shorting it with his jew wall street friends

>> No.8224003

well, if Sonic 3 was on the Saturn in early '94 there would've been no Crash or Mario 64 to compare it to for another 2 years. either way it's just hypothetical to think about how that hardware could've maybe been more successful had it been released sooner

>> No.8224320

>I know, I just didn’t expect a grotesque 3D rendering

Typical 90's advertisement weirdness. I don't think Sega of America really knew what to do with NiGHTS. I played it on real hardware back in the day, its great as a title. But really lacked any mainstream appeal that Sonic once had from the 16bit generation. Sony had a whole advertising campaign around the first Crash game, where he travels to Redmond Washington to yell at Mario with a bullhorn at Nintendo's HQ. Crash was a pretty routementary 3D platformer with somewhat 2D gameplay. But the character/ game was effective and had the right appeal for 1996. It also showed off some really impressive visuals for the Playstation at the time. But Sony also pushed Tomb Raider as well, which is closer to Mario 64 as far as 3D platforming goes. Sega wanted Sonic Xtreme to be there to compete with Mario 64 as well. Tomb Raider was also for the Saturn, and was released first. It was a decent showcase that the Saturn could do a large scale 3D game. But up against Tomb Raider on the PC, it didn't look as good.

>> No.8224331

>But up against Tomb Raider on the PC

I mean PS1

>> No.8224342

>Sony had a whole advertising campaign around the first Crash game, where he travels to Redmond Washington to yell at Mario with a bullhorn at Nintendo's HQ


I love these commercials. It's like there is a whole untold backstory with this guy walking around in a Crash costume.

>> No.8224347

Crash 2 ads:

>> No.8224353


Crash With CG Laura Croft. These were to advertise the PS1 "Greatest Hits" line (1997?) :


>> No.8224359

Today OP was not a faggot, fuck the shiturn

>> No.8224380


Crash at Pizza Hut:

>> No.8224393

Crash Bash:

>> No.8224395

But it is faggot, the games matter more than the console, the gameboy was shit compared to it's rivals but it had fucking games so it raped them all to dead

>> No.8224396

Another day on /vr/, another "How to save SEGA back then?" thread. I didn't used to believe the Sonic-Autism link, but I get it now. It's the same thread over and over again. You'd have to be autistic to still be fixated on this all these years later. Seek help.

>> No.8224404

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NDCddw-Nho [Embed]

Makes me wish there was a Tomb Raider CG series back in the day. There were those live action Tomb Raider movies. I wonder why Sony didn't do more with Crash? I guess Universal owned the rights? It seems like they would have at least attempted some sort of CG series?

>> No.8224439

the games indeed matter.
not the GAME. the gameboy had more than a single killer app, even without pokemon it was already a smashing worldwide success
the saturn had indeed some nice games, but it failed to produce a single game that made the system worth owning
there's no ocarina of time on saturn, no metal gear solid, mario 64, final fantasy 7
nobody ever cared in the west about virtua fighter.

>> No.8224448

I do not think mega titles like ocarina of time are as good as people act like they are, and have found the saturn to be an exceptionally fun console.

>> No.8224527

This, but at the same time, everyone knoes in a better timeline Sonic would have ended Mario and Sonic 06, ShTH, Unleashed, Colors, Lost World, Forces wouldn't exist, and a better made SA2 would have been the series future had the point of the Saturn era ended up differently.

>> No.8224638

I will never not be mad at how badly Sega fucked things. Wasted potential.

>> No.8224748

>complaining about “the same thread over and over again” on a retro gaming forum, where by definition it is impossible to discuss new content
maybe you’re the one with autism dude

>> No.8224752




>> No.8224871

>polygon acceleration
Which to be fair neither did the Saturn, but that's because the Saturn used modified sprites for its 3D.
I think the 32x is lacking SH2s as well but I may be wrong.

>> No.8225308

Plenty of companies release dud products but people don't criticize them 30 years later about it. Saturn was actually good if you were in Japan.

The stopped so many good games from coming from japan. Wonderboy 4 could have been the big Yoshi island competitor but they were not gamers so they couldn't even see all the good stuff they had.

Tech was going so fast. In 96 on pc saying your game has n64 graphics was a huge complement, in 98 saying a game has n64 graphics is what people would say to make fun of a game on pc.

They have could been like 3d0 m2 if they waited, if that was successful people today would say today that people just weren't for graphics of ps1 and that m2 was the minimum. Its like people say 3d0 was too early.

As a kid I barely noticed saturn was gone from shelves, my reaction was basically the ps1 is the same pretty much so I'll just get that one.

>> No.8225537

You're wrong, Saturn had a dedicated DSP for polygon transformation. But it was mostly overshadowed by the SH-2s which could do better in software.

>> No.8225606

four sided deformed sprites are polygons
the saturn and 32x both have 2 SH2 cpus (but the saturn also has several other processors)

>> No.8225621

Chudurn couldn't do 3D

>> No.8225653

>four sided deformed sprites are polygons
It's no use. Sega's naming convention for its four-point polygon rasterizer and forward rendering GPU will forever make any attempt to discuss the Saturn's 3D capabilities a giant point of contention. It's been going on for a quarter century so far and will go for far longer.

>> No.8225665

Sonic doesn't work in 3D so this wouldn't have been possible.

>> No.8225713
File: 31 KB, 540x540, sonic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should've commissioned another studio to make a 2.5D Sonic game for the US launch of the Saturn and made it the pack-in game, so they could focus all of their time and money on the next big 3D Sonic game to rival SM64 and Crash. Imagine if something like Sonic Adventure came out on Saturn, taking full advantage of its power, and focused on fast-paced 3D Sonic Stages, it might not have beaten Mario 64 but you bet your ass it would've destroyed Crash Bandicoot

>> No.8225731

>Sonic doesn't work in 3D so this wouldn't have been possible.
But Adventure did it pretty well, and Jam was well received.

>> No.8225804

I mean technically, I suppose, but it's quadrilaterals. When I think of polygon, I think of triangle.
I know this is a cop out response, but
>Which to be fair neither did the Saturn, but that's because the Saturn used modified sprites for its 3D.
Was meant sort of meant to be a joke, with the knowledge that my thought process is polygon=triangle.

>> No.8225867

>When I think of polygon, I think of triangle

that's because you don't know what polygon means

and you have some weird assumption that 3d means triangle, when we're talking about 2d shapes by the time the graphics hardware gets to it anyway.

>> No.8226149

>It's no use. Sega's naming convention for its four-point polygon rasterizer and forward rendering GPU will forever make any attempt to discuss the Saturn's 3D capabilities a giant point of contention. It's been going on for a quarter century so far and will go for far longer.

Sega Model 1 and Model 2 hardware use quadrilaterals, like the Saturn. So does the Panasonic 3DO. Nvidia's first video card uses quad-based rendering as well. VGA 2D accelerator cards were being widely used in the PC world back then, The Nvidia NV1 was trying to leverage a 2D card to do hardware rendered quads:

Nvidia's NV2 was in development for the Sega Saturn 2, and would have still used quads as well. But that turned out to be a disaster for Nvidia, and they moved from quad based rendering to triangle based cards that would use Microsofts DirectX.

>> No.8226395

adventure on saturn would have been slow, ugly and even more glitchy. it would have also come out waaaaay towards the end of the lifespan of the console.
people overestimate how much people cared about crash back then, and even the people that did usually had a bootleg copy
the psx succeeded because developers like square, namco and capcom basically wanted nintendo to die in a dumpster fire

>> No.8226398

>Sonic doesn't work in 3D so this wouldn't have been possible.
nintendofag detected

>> No.8226412

if you can make 2D Sonic work on the NES, you can make 3D Sonic work on the Saturn

>> No.8226416
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yeah, and you can make street fighter 2 work on the commodore.
that does not make it good, though

>> No.8226434
File: 292 KB, 623x466, you are made of stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not how it works, dumbass
you can't just commission an ENTIRE game and expect it to be finished in a few months, and you can't expect a fasted-paced 3D platformer to work on a system that can't do 3D
>b-b-b-but muh sonic r
Sonic R was like 20 minutes long and it was shit

>> No.8226521

sonic r was 3D, it was just way harder to do it well on saturn than any other console

>> No.8226724

>Sonic R was like 20 minutes long and it was shit

The original founder of Travellers tales said that they were under a very short development cycle to get a Sonic game out in a short period of time. The original Sonic R engine was meant for a Formula 1 race game, for the Saturn. Travellers Tales were contracted to develop Sonic 3D Blast for the Genesis/ Mega Drive, which was ported to Saturn and PC . And they were also contracted to develop a 3D Sonic game for the Saturn, which is Sonic R and was ported to PC and ended up on some Sonic collections.

>> No.8228817

I fucking love the Saturn, tho i have it modded with the Action replay and burnt 300 games on disc, so it's fun to fuck around with it