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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 33 KB, 646x475, 6AFE38B4-E40D-4CB1-ACCE-D417EC9AB263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.8215604 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8215617

There are a lot of fun Spectrum games if you respected its limitations and didn't try to tell yourself that porting 68000 arcade games to it was a good idea.

>> No.8215619
File: 86 KB, 1280x853, 1280px-ZX_Spectrum_+3_(6952355908).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8215623
File: 101 KB, 1200x678, 1200px-Commodore-64-Computer-FL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vastly superior.

>> No.8215726

Nobody has even heard of these. It's all about the N.E.S.

>> No.8215873

I honestly think that cassette tape as a game data storage is a genius idea. You can just turn on the radio, press the record button and get yourself a new game literally out of air. Although I don't know what would happen if some outside noise will interfere during recording, you'll probably be fucked.

>> No.8215881

they actually did that

>> No.8215886

not a proper speccy, thats a post amstrad buyout abomination. The 128k+ was the last true speccy made by Sir Clive.

>> No.8215891

yes, sadly you yanks werent bright enough to make decent cheap home computers back then and had to rely on the japs to bail you out

cucked by your former enemies....well done

Sir Clive even let you have speccies under the name Timex Sinclair but you were too mong to use those

>> No.8215901

bro we had Atari 8-bits, TRS-80, VIC-20, C64, TI-99/4A

>> No.8215904
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>> No.8215920

That NES Dizzy is garbage anyway, it was clearly made for little kids and the difficulty scaled way down.

>> No.8215927

you almost sound proud of that pile of scrap you mentioned

>> No.8215930

he didn't list the ZX Spectrum in there anywhere

>> No.8215931

like american computers in the 1980s

>> No.8215934
File: 462 KB, 1920x1080, 1621307400764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the best of all time, but the larping kiddos don't remember it because they weren't actually alive back then and their Youtube heroes (who are also kiddo larpers) never mention it.

>> No.8215936


>> No.8215941

im 41, I remember it well

ghastly heap, would you prefer a nice acorn atom?

>> No.8215943

Thing is Yuropoors had no indigenous computers of their own except Sinclair and Amstrad even Amiga and Atari ST were created by Americans. and then in the end they like everyone else just all started using PCs in the mid 90s.

>> No.8215948


this thing is junk. it's just the TRS-80 CoCo chipset but with a 6502 instead of a 6809.

>> No.8215951

Why would I prefer some piece of shit Bong machine that literally didn't exist in my country?

>> No.8215954

Acorn, Dragon, Sinclair, Amstrad, Newbrain....theres more

stop talking shite

>> No.8215961

acorns were sold in the usa


>> No.8215969

Early days of home computing were pure sci-fi

>> No.8215971

[citation needed]

>> No.8215984

shove this up your self satisfied hole


>> No.8215990

>beats on google like it owes him money
>finally finds something that might work
>hopes no one notices it's talking about the bbc micro and not the atom
>declares victory
Yep, sasuga Bongland.

>> No.8215991

the BBC micro IS the atom you stupid twat

the atom was a cut down micro.

You would know that were you not some 12 year old larper

and its sausage, american education system at work there I see

>> No.8215994

I refuse to believe this isn't embarrassed shitposting.

>> No.8215995

Shit, is that Bouncing Babies? They had a DOS CGA version of that. I used to play it.

>> No.8215996

try reading and you might learn something dickhead

>> No.8215997

The Spectrum is a lot like the 2600 in that nobody aside from geezers likes or cares about it

>> No.8216001

>why don't you know the entire history of our computer companies that never actually mattered and were never relevant in your country
Sasuga, Bongland.

>> No.8216005
File: 60 KB, 541x481, 1627086279209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part is that no one actually mentioned being from the United States. The triggered Euroshit just assumed.

>> No.8216007


im not in bongland, nor am I a bong

fucking amerifats and their retarded cheeto stained jap consoles

>> No.8216009
File: 149 KB, 650x650, 1609995053581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8216010

jimmies unrustled

and I dont need to assume, you can tell from your shitty candour and cretinous posting style

>> No.8216012

Not only did you spell this word wrong, but you apparently have no idea what it means. Sasuga, Bongland.

>> No.8216013

they have to get the facts correct to "beat" me in an argument you stupid bellend, now why dont you go back to kissing niggers feet or not following the medical example of the rest of the world and dying because of your own ignorance...

>> No.8216015

it's about comparable to a VIC-20 performance wise

>> No.8216016

Ireland isnt in Bongland dunce

and thats the correct spelling, unlike yourselves we dont pass on our retardation to our children

>> No.8216017

Bongs are fucking apeshit about their piece of garbage speccy.

>> No.8216018
File: 318 KB, 925x1050, 1609911870750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entirety of the United Kingdom is currently on suicide watch in this thread. You all need to just calm down a little and play some Zniggy. It's a roight classic, innit?

>> No.8216025

>conveniently ignores the fact that he has no idea what the word meant
>talks about not being retarded
Sasuga, McBongland.

>> No.8216027
File: 29 KB, 217x286, 1604637152536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and its sausage

>> No.8216032

the home computer audience were more teenagers. the NES Dizzy was clearly aimed at 7 year olds.

>> No.8216047

There we go. They're all calming down with some Zniggy now.

>> No.8216054

Bootleg Spectrums were popular in Russia.
Any notable games made for it there?

>> No.8216059

conveniently ignores that I care about them or their words

Sausage, whatever the fuck you are

>> No.8216061


It's the return of the unpaid one...

>> No.8216067

'Breadline' and 'Breadline 2: Communist Crusts' were pretty big. 'Leave It to Brezhnev' was pretty good for a game based on a tv show.

>> No.8216072
File: 26 KB, 345x198, 1618555623903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is "them" exactly? And aren't you speaking their language right now?

>> No.8216075

clearly not chucklefuck

as one would expect

>> No.8216079

Then who's language are you speaking, triggered eurofriend?

>> No.8216089

ní an ceann a cheapann tú cuntrag

>> No.8216091

>starts shitposting in gaeilge
Why, triggered eurofriend? They were simple questions. Who is "them"? What language do "they" speak? Why are you speaking it, too?

>> No.8216097

ma nqanqal xejn il-ħabib Amerikan ritardat tiegħi

>> No.8216104

I accept your concession, triggered eurofriend. I am sorry that Americlaps live in your head rent free, though. That's got to suck.

>> No.8216107


твoя мaть пpинимaeт мoй члeн, глyпый янки

>> No.8216108

I accept your concession.

>> No.8216114

none has been offered

I accept your shame in your shitty 80s computer hardware

>> No.8216118

Concession Status: Accepted

>> No.8216121

>Massive 2 Meg game
WDTMBT? Sure wasn't megabytes, that's more than the entire software library at that point

>> No.8216123

thanks for conceding

>> No.8216124

I accept your concession.

>> No.8216125

Megabits. It's a 2 megabit game (256 kbytes)

>> No.8216130

I accept yours

>> No.8216131

A concession? Coming from you? Accepted.

>> No.8216132

That's more than the RAM of the system, so I also doubt it

>> No.8216146

The cassete image (.tzx) for Dizzy 2 is only 56 KB so I ask again, "2 meg" of what?

>> No.8216150

Not sure it's that, either. I'm seeing this was a 128k NES cart.

>> No.8216162

"2 meg" of bullshit and false advertising. Sasuga, Bongland.

>> No.8216170

This is the bong cope I was waiting for.

>> No.8216215

The NES Dizzy is actually cobbled together and has puzzles from several of the computer games.

>> No.8216245
File: 16 KB, 536x408, spectral-interlude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have finished the greatest non-linear Castlevania game of all time, right /vr/?