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File: 80 KB, 580x577, rayman 2 the great escape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8212237 No.8212237 [Reply] [Original]

Which console had the definitive version of Rayman 2?

>> No.8212239

The Dreamcast version of course

>> No.8212249


>> No.8212273

Dreamcast = 3DS > PS2 > PC > N64 > PSX > DS > iOS

>> No.8212284

Dreamcast is the only correct answer.

>> No.8212287

n64 version is king

>> No.8212289


>> No.8212291
File: 68 KB, 638x599, 1619475857416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cultists have arrived

>> No.8212293

Dreamcast version has no voice acting.

>> No.8212296

No voice acting = Soul

>> No.8212314

When it comes to overall graphics and feel, the Dreamcast version wins out. Doesn't have voice acting, but you ain't missing much.

>> No.8212680

>Dreamcast > PC > 3DS > N64 > PS2 > PS1 > DS > iOS


>> No.8212695

If we're talking 5th gen purely it wins.

Kill urself

>> No.8212732

N64 (original) and Dreamcast (remake/enhanced port) are the only versions that matter.

>> No.8212745
File: 76 KB, 320x240, Rayman_2_2D_prototype_loading_screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame the 2D proto demo is only unlockable in the otherwise forgettable PS1 version.

>> No.8212753

>voice acting
Literally the worst thing that happened to gaming.

>> No.8212763

That's a good thing.

>> No.8212793

Didn't the 3DS version have a major bug affecting 100% completion? Why are you ranking it so high?

>> No.8212871

How many threads are going to ask this same exact question?
The answer is the PS1 version.
The true "all killer, no filler" experience.
Anyone who says otherwise is just a graphics whore.

>> No.8212915

Raymanise IS voice acting, you mong!

>> No.8213458

>all posts about the Dreamcast version
>it's missing content, but that's okay
What the actual fuck

>> No.8213472

>missing content
That's the gimped PS1 port.

>> No.8213731
File: 24 KB, 201x201, 1444521904029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8213741

PC is the best version. The minor improvements of the Dreamcast are undermined by poor design changes, like adding more combat.

>> No.8214001

is the voice acting really that significant to you that you'd play an inferior version just to have it?
i'm also fairly certain michel ancel has said that the dc version was closest to his original vision

>> No.8214849

The Dreamcast version might technically be the best but I always preferred the N64 version's level selection screen. There's just something about it that I can't really describe.

>> No.8214856

>missing content

>> No.8214871

Objectively teh PS2 version is the ideal version of the game. Key word is "ideal". Because of it's limitations that is the PS2, there's issues. But that can be fixed, it's called emulation

And because of that, DC native is the only direct competition it has. But becase I prefer narration/hub world/world building over Mario inspired level select maps n shiet, PS2 is the only one that matters.

>> No.8215324

>two people argue for "Dreamcast version is the best" before the post you replied, and no problem
>one person says the same for the N64 version, but Nintendo BAD
You need actual meds for your issues, not HRT, anon.

>> No.8216965
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All I know is when I feel like playing Rayman 2 I boot up my N64. It's so soulful I've never felt the need to explore other versions.

>> No.8218490

Dreamcast, no doubt. Widescreen support, 60 fps, overworld map, no specialized edition tier of bullshit.