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File: 87 KB, 615x310, Devil May Cry 3 v. Ninja Gaiden Black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8209682 No.8209682 [Reply] [Original]

Settle it.

>> No.8209686

Spiderman PS1 mogs both

>> No.8209694

What's there to settle? Only retarded people would choose LE EPIC DANTE

>> No.8209801

>Which one was "better"
They're both good games for their own reasons. This whole, "let's decide once and for all which game is objectively superior with subjective preferences" thing is stupid.

>> No.8209901
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For me, it's Sword of the Berserk, the best 3D beat 'em up.

>> No.8209914
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>> No.8209928

Imagine you're working on a melee attack mechanic for a horror game and your boss is SO impressed he tells the team that the game is now about comboing these melee attacks and we'll be designing midair combat systems tomorrow

>> No.8209949

Wast majority of you contrarian cunts have never touched NGB, same with Godhand let alone tried to be good at those.
But since you don't care about the games anyway and only created this shitty ass thread for the (You) - DMC3 is better because the camera in NGB sucks fucking ass and the story is worse.
And while we are on that topic - Godhand, as good as it is sometimes, is unpolished as fuck and those teleporting faggots are the worst enemy in any popular action game.

>> No.8209964

Ninja gaiden. DMC didn't settle into real goodness until 4. It had good style and musics, but ninja gaiden had that too (except to a lesser extent for music) and had good gameplay on top of it. DMC up until 3 was still quite clunky gameplay wise (even 4 still has some problems).

>> No.8209974

ng feels like shit to control. easier steering a car than ryu.

>> No.8209987

They are too different, Gaiden has enemies that reaaaaally fight back but bosses that are kind of lack luster generally, while enemies in DMC are mostly punching bags with really great bosses (not all of them)
>Explosive Kunai spamming ninjas
>Niggers in motorciles.
God these fuckers are what made shallow spam endlessly

>> No.8210002

dmc1 and 3 gameplay weren’t lacking by any means. 3 is maybe a bit clunkier than ngb but not by much. you’re right that 4 is the real game that should be praised though but at the same time ng2 destroys dmc4 as ngb does dmc3.

honestly OP should be comparing dmc to bayonetta. those 2 have more in common. NG is in a league of its own in terms of mastery.

>> No.8210085

>3 is maybe a bit clunkier than ngb but not by much
I won't deny that. But I was asked to define a winner.

>> No.8210375

I personally prefer the gameplay style and visual aesthetic of Ninja Gaiden.

>> No.8210378


>> No.8210383

Give me the superior Ninja Garden Sigma instead of that xcucks shit.

>> No.8210542

3 is more fun until you get to the highest difficulty and the game falls apart
NGB is designed around getting to the highest difficulty at which point it's awesome

>> No.8210875

Ninja Gaiden BLACK is so good I haven't even bothered with tranny may cry 3

>> No.8210887

Fucking *4*?! Really? When did this unmemorable 7/10 with Silent Hill 4 tier pasta become the contrarian sigma male 4chan choice?

>> No.8210898

Not gonna lie, been filtered by NG a couple times and I've beaten most of the other character action staples and Sekiro which I imagine is about as hard. To be honest I think I'm not driven to git gud because I don't find it all that fun and the environments are bland. I want to like it but I just can't.

>> No.8210958
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>Dodging and blocking are useless
Couldn't be me

>> No.8210960

DMC3 is just a better game. Better music, better setpieces, more memorable characters, perfect video game story. NGB is kinda forgettable in every aspect outside of its difficulty, which is why the series never had the same staying power as DMC.

>> No.8210983


>> No.8210995

4 has technically better combat but I can't stand how the game recycles levels. I also don't like gilgamesh or lucifer, but in the latter's defense I'm just too stupid to use it properly.

>> No.8211072

Ninja Gaiden Black for challenging combat with fun levels and enemies to fight. Also the aggressive enemy AI is pretty much second to none. DMC3 however also has great although very different combat system with a better story and characters. Also has plenty of fun boss fights and levels. It does lack the great inter connectivity of NG though.

I'd have to give the edge to Ninja Gaiden. That game remains one of a kind. I seriously was contemplating recently getting a SeX just so it can be my Ninja Gaiden box. I haven't played it in so long and I feel its overdue that I do.

>> No.8211091

>tedious mash executions
>dude your weapon hits half the screen with no rewarding feedback, lawl
>but it has 13yo-brain tits and ebin violence tho
Westerners will NEVER, EVER make a good char action game. They are genetically incapable. They've had like 20 years and it hasn't happened.

>> No.8211139

It wouldn't have been so bad if Dante at least got two more melee weapons so he can match what he gets in DMC3. He feels complex to use and oddly limited at the same time due to how they made him in 4.
I used to shit on GOW but now I honestly think the games got good combat system and if this is the best the west can do well then I'd say not too bad it can be far worse. GOW is good in a different sort of way. The games at least are polished and don't feel super clunky to play.

>> No.8211312

>grenade ninjas
Fuck these guys in every direction. Worse than the x-ray piranha, or the birds in the NES games. They are the only enemy that I use cheesy tactics on, like spamming wallkick + Y until their heads fall off.
I vote NGB, because it has the class not to taunt you with easy mode when you get a game over.

>> No.8211326

I got filtered hard by the second Alma fight in NGB last time I played it but I'd still say it's the better game by virtue of it having way more inventive enemies and levels that look and play less like one generic combat room after another.

>> No.8211424

It does show you the easy mode if you die multiple times on the first level.

>> No.8211453

To be fair, it's barely an easy mode. If I remember correctly it just gives you defense armlet but otherwise it's just normal

>> No.8211613

4 had the most refined gameplay up until that point so it's only natural that people would flock to it since DMC always focused hard on the "combat" aka combo masturbation. It still sucks donkey dick because Nero isn't fun to play and having to backtrack through the entire game is fucking dumb.

>> No.8211653
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The one with the based director.

>> No.8211983

>yeaaaah pizza ssstylish!!!
fuck off, I like the whole DMC but a few meme cinematics don't make the previous games the best games.

>> No.8212238
File: 22 KB, 325x277, sakurai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in smash!

>> No.8212330

>no comeback about the defense
I accept your concession

>> No.8212786

I just like the levels, char design, and bosses more. DMCsnore isn't even retro anyway, so YOU fuck off.

>> No.8212809

He is based but Devil's Third is cringe and he should apologize for it.

>> No.8212984

you know an anon just loves to eat shit when he prefers smegma

>> No.8213039

It loads you up with healing items, items are found more often in the game, enemies are weaker and you do more damage all while having to wear the purple sash. It’s about as much a taunt as seeing try easy every time you time.

>> No.8213094

the "parry" lasts too long to feel satisfying and dodge rolling on the right stick feels awful. i hate his dodge animation too, it has a bizarre springiness to it and i don't feel in control of his movement. i think the god of war devs expect you to just abuse the huge chain range so the defensive options are simplistic. DMC3 and NGB have parrying and i-frame dodge mechanics that are a million times deeper and better.
DMC3 lets you do them in the air and parrying builds a meter that lets you do shit like nuke a boss's health bar or transform into a super demon if you're good, and does a great job of letting you quickly dodge and get right back into being aggro.
NGB has a simpler dodge roll but it also has cool shit like his teleports and special actions with invincibility. the counter attack is again simple but requires precise timing so you feel like a god when you pull it off. extra great when you find a counter attack launcher. i think there's a lot of the DOA influence in there where you could get by with basic movement and blocking, but the most advanced options exist if you want to go deeper.

>> No.8213419

DMC just forces you to jump around like a mental retard, the lock-on dodge roll is useless

>> No.8213547

The roll is pretty shit, yes
3 gives you trickster dashes and royal guard parries though

>> No.8213610

Which require style switching.
Damn I hate when games do that.

>> No.8213670
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For games: DM3
For girls: Ninja Gaiden Xbawx

>> No.8213993
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I don't even think NGB is any good. The most overrated action game of all time. Dogshit camera. Boss fights are pure trash. Never played DMC3 but that has to be better than that Ninja Gaiden bullshit

>> No.8214056

Yeah I played the remakes on Vita. Didn't have any fun at all. Just quit. I like the other games I had for Vita, and other CHARAYZEE games.

>> No.8214089

XBOX did what PS2n't.

>> No.8215579

Not having games?

>> No.8215871

Honestly NGB should've had the Mission Mode unlocked from the start so you didn't have to suffer through the awful swimming and platforming levels

>> No.8216484

It can't be settled because they're completely different styles of gameplay that are both equally worthwhile and essential.

Ninja Gaiden is a single player fighting game where survival is always on the edge of a razor.

Devil May Cry is about putting on a show and encouraging the player to be creative and make their own action movie sequences with thoughtful use of its mechanics.

If you don't love both equally you're a retard.

>> No.8216489

>on the edge of a razor.
please tell you aren't proud of that one, redditard.

>> No.8216835

this was DMC before DMC kek

>> No.8216841

shame busa couldn't make it on time.

>> No.8216847

too fat

>> No.8216860

found the gay
he's right though, your supposed to almost die every encounter

>> No.8217492

I too prefer flatties.

One of these days imma commission a jap artist to draw Ryu princess carrying Marie Rose and there's NOTHING any of you can do to stop me.

>> No.8217514

Based itty-bitty titty enthusiast.

>> No.8218065

found the shitskin