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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8208482 No.8208482 [Reply] [Original]

I've been trying for weeks to get CD-i games to run through MAME in retroarch. I can't seem to find a single up-to-date tutorial. Can anyone help me out?

>> No.8208543

You'd probably need the BIOS ROM and software list CHDs, but CD-i looks to be in overall not working state. Do you know for certain that it's supposed to work? Sometimes the developers are overzealous in labeling what doesn't work.

>> No.8208571

yeah, I downloaded some bios roms and placed them in the system folder and converted some redump verified games into chd with no luck. According to the emulation general wiki, mame is supposedly the best and easiest way to emulate CD-i games.

The tutorials online are all unhelpful. Most of them are in Portuguese and Spanish, and none of them go into the amount of detail needed for this kind of thing.

>> No.8208661

The BIOS needs to be from a supported MAME set and goes into MAME ROMs folder. Your CHDs would go into a folder probably named cd-i inside software lists folder. You point MAME to that software list folder and not the specific system. I'm not sure if there is anything else you would need, but this is what ROM managers are for.

>> No.8208672

When I say probably, you need to be definite. The software list folder itself can be named anything, but the folders inside must be specific. MAME isn't smart enough to recursively search through folders to find what it needs.

>> No.8209050

>MAME in retroarch
Stop doing this.

>> No.8209328

If you have a better solution then provide one, shitposter.

>> No.8209404
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Standalone MAME is the way to go, yeah.
Sadly OP I don't know how to do it in RetroArch, the other guides mentioned seem good so follow those.

>> No.8209406

rude OP gets his just desserts

>> No.8209440

>mame team doesn't want to work with RA devs since lead dev is psycho and RA gets used for those sold emuboxes that make mame look like a piracy tool
>RA devs make their own forks of older versions of mame since new versions wouldn't work on underpowered hardware like rasp pi
>old forks are full of bugs and issues that were resolved ages ago in real mame
>shit doesn't work properly under RA mame, users go running to people who use real mame asking for help
>"use real mame and not shitty RA mame"
I find it amazing how none of the people who use RA ever think to ask the RA forums or whatever for help for the fucking RA program. It's like bugging the linux core devs for something that isn't working right in a third party package they manually installed since it wasn't on the repro. Why not try asking the people who actually made the fucking thing instead of someone else?

>> No.8209489

I'll try getting CD-i to run in Mame standalone then, thanks.

>> No.8209672

I had to work it all out for myself but they actually made it way easier nowadays (even if below seems complicated, it's really not), they just haven't documented it anywhere as far as I know. On older MAMEs the ROMs had to be a folder named cdimono1 with dummy zips and all that stuff. You don't need that now, the ROMs can be by themselves in any folder name as far as my testing goes. I can tell you what I did on Windows on the latest MAME (0.236):

Download MAME from https://www.mamedev.org/ then run it to extract it.
In its roms subdirectory put in cdibios.zip, cdimono1.zip and cdimono2.zip - you may need to use the newest version of these, here they are if you can't find them elsewhere - https://anonfiles_com/FaU6X2L9ud/cdi_zip
Then open a command prompt inside of the MAME directory, and run
mame cdimono1 -cdrom "C:\Path\To\ROMs\rom.chd"
The compatibility isn't amazing and even then it's fussy with which ROMs will load but the chds on EdgeEmu work fine in my experience. I don't recommend using the Redump bin/cue downloads from elsewhere, those bins will start but then cause access violation issues, so stick with chd.
When it loads it'll have some prompts, just skip past those, then it'll show a cyan screen for a bit. Wait. Then click Play CD-i, then wait again and it should all be working.

>> No.8209674

P.S. replace the first _ with a . but not the second _

>> No.8211308
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Anon, it worked. Thank you so much you are a fucking saint.

>> No.8211595
File: 434 KB, 1280x958, AC50E292-6382-46E8-9B06-1E253C789A45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that OP has his issue resolved;
sleeper CDi thread??

the apprentice
hotel mario

>unironically has the best tetris game ever made

>> No.8211642

that Tetris soundtrack is fantastic.

I'm loving all the odd software that was released on the CD-i. There were even seasonal clothing catalogs released for it. It's like, if you had an idea that you could put into CD-ROM, publishers would be happy to make it for CD-i.

Exit 7
Weather Kitchen

>> No.8211740

because all they mention in the settings is the emulator-name, not that RA is using a forked and modified version of it.
and people don't care about the nuances of open-source anyway. A fact which RA is abusing to externalize support.

>> No.8211767

>the apprentice
Required reading: https://tcrf.net/The_Apprentice_(CD-i)

>> No.8211797

A big issue with the CD-i scene is that there are several collectors who have tons of these sorts of interesting discs but purposefully won't share dumps of them
That said there have been moves to change this

>> No.8211959

very cool did NOT know this anon

>> No.8211974

flowers of robert maplethorpe mvp of the cdi

>> No.8212292

It doesn't work well and several games have showstopper issues that don't take long to encounter. That said, Iunno, fucking read or some shit it ain't that hard nigga. You are making it MUCH harder on yourself using MAME in RA though. Not dunking on RA, but the MAME implementation blows, and you're trying to do something relatively complex with it.

>> No.8212313

I couldn't get it to run in Retroarch. I used MAME by itself. I already forgot what I did since it has been a few years, but it is a little troublesome. I only got Hotel Mario to successfully work.

>> No.8212761

Is CD-i emulation in a working-enough state that I can finally get rid of my bulky, nearly-battery-drained console?

>> No.8213000

Ehhh... MAME works but it's far from ideal and there's quite a few games that aren't possible to emulate.

>> No.8213887

So name a folder cdimono1 in Software Lists folder and put all of those CHDs in there. This way he can search for CD-i in MAME TUI and access it that way. I still hate the MESS part of MAME, but they've gotten some systems working right more recently like X68000, 68k Macintosh, and just added floppy support to PC88/98 in 0.236.

>> No.8214005

recommended GAMES not magazine leaflets or workout videos anon

honestly buns of steel might be worth a playthrough though

>> No.8214008

should have got the small one anonkun

>> No.8214265
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call me when tempest 3000 is playable.

>> No.8214971

is this better than the jaguar port?

>> No.8214990


>> No.8215620

Doesn't Retroarch make more money than MAME anyway? MAME's developer is well-known for insisting MAME is just for archival and not even for playing games. (as if, but that's the pretense upheld.)

>> No.8216437

Thanks anon.

I wish at the very least there was a simplified frontend available for folks who don't feel like fucking with MAME and just want to play CD-i games. I'd call it DD-iAL, you can come up with your own conclusion what that means.

>> No.8216502

>Doesn't Retroarch make more money than MAME anyway?
how is that relevant?