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File: 173 KB, 1200x932, 1200px-Amiga500_system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8202189 No.8202189 [Reply] [Original]

What are some Amiga games that were first released on the AMIGA and the best version exists on the AMIGA.

One example would be Defender of the Crown. All the ports are inferior. I know this for a fact.

if I'm not wrong I believe Cannon Fodder's best version exists on the Amiga.

However a lot of the other games in its library you're better off playing those games on DOS or Consoles.

>> No.8202212

The C64 versions of Cinemaware titles tend to be programmed better than any of the other ones.

>> No.8202214
File: 264 KB, 800x1046, 67374-sword-of-sodan-amiga-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit fucking rocks. Most people play the Genesis version and think that's what it is. Hah!

>> No.8202618

>All the ports are inferior.
>I know this for a fact.
You are just lying

>> No.8202634
File: 166 KB, 640x400, Gods_08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first released on the AMIGA
>best version exists on the AMIGA
All Bitmap Brothers games afaik. They're all absolutely superior to the console ports it's not even funny. Psygnosis games have some decent console ports, but they're superior on the Amiga.

And the usual recs such as Utopia, Dune 2, Lotus games, Battle Squadron, Flashback, Populous, Hard Days Knight.

>> No.8202639

I love this button masher game, it's more fun than it has any right to be. The graphics range from ugly to awesome. It's really such a unique and distinct game.

>> No.8202727
File: 1.60 MB, 1152x720, Sword of Sodan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amiga games you had to be there at the time to really enjoy them, this stuff aged horribly, the art is eurojank of the worst. If was a novelty at the time, you couldn't get better so you compromised. Just search for Amiga best games and you'll find everything.

>> No.8202731

>this stuff aged horribly
zoom zoom

>> No.8202735
File: 149 KB, 640x480, superfrog10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were 14 in 1994 of course this would appear fun but that's because you couldn't get Sonic so you compromised with this euro garbage instead.

>> No.8202741
File: 7 KB, 800x469, Wings_Of_Fury-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if your brain didn't evolve since you were a child.

>> No.8202743

not an argument

>> No.8202763

>anything like Sonic
Are you legitimately retarded? What's next, Jurassic Park Rampage Edition is a Super Mario World clone?

>> No.8202805

How about "was always bad" instead?

>> No.8202808

Something can age if the gameplay always sucked but now the 16bit 'miger razzle dazzle of the graphics and sound being semi-impressive in the mid to late 80s is gone.

>> No.8202824

>was always bad
>the gameplay always sucked
more lies

>> No.8202836

I'm not sure if these were released on Amiga first, but:

Turrican 2
Great Giana Sisters
Lotus II
Supercars II

>> No.8202841

>Great Giana Sisters

>> No.8202871

>Turrican 2
The C64 was the first to be made, but the Amiga port was released first.
>Great Giana Sisters
No, C64 got it first.

>> No.8202893

Okay, Pip, okay.

>> No.8202917

Shadow of the beast
Shufflepuck Cafe

>> No.8202964

>All Bitmap Brothers games afaik. They're all absolutely superior to the console ports it's not even funny.
Lots of Bitmap Brothers titles are overrated though. Magic Pockets is an okay platform and that's it. Xenon 2 has shitty hit detection and controls, not to mention dead ends in a fucking shmup. Precision of control over character in Gods rivals the Speccy titles, it is borderline discreet movement.

>> No.8202970

>dead ends in a fucking shmup bad
t. goldfish

>> No.8202974

Almost any Psygnosis release....

>> No.8202981

>it is borderline discreet movement
Of course it's fucking discreet, it's an action puzzle game like Tomb Raider or Prince of Persia, not a bingbingwahoo.

>> No.8202982

>A Sonic clone isn't anything like Sonic
zoom zoom.

>> No.8202984

>sonic clone
put on your thinking cap zoomie

>> No.8205062

You're a retard. Graphically and musically and gameplay wise a game will be best on whatever platform it was intended on. Go through youtube and check every single other port of Defender of the Crown and you'll see for yourself

>> No.8205460

>gameplay wise a game will be best on whatever platform it was intended on
And that just isn’t the case with defender of the crown. The Amiga version is missing some features that are in later versions.

>> No.8205560

Speedball II is still a fucking masterpiece.
Chaos Engine is awesome.
Cadaver is good if you like the style.

>> No.8205562

He's right tho. It's not a clone by any stretch but it's definitely influenced by Sonic. It's also pretty bad. And I fucking love the Amiga and still own and update a couple :/

>> No.8205564
File: 56 KB, 554x640, 2512405-ambermoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best RPG on the Amiga

>> No.8205616
File: 11 KB, 640x398, madtv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remebered Mad TV existed the other day.

>> No.8206127

>but now the 16bit 'miger razzle dazzle of the graphics and sound being semi-impressive in the mid to late 80s is gone
The Amiga looked face-melting when all it had to compete with were 8-bit machines and shit EGA PCs but definitely surpassed by the start of the 90s.

>> No.8206306

dungeon master
pinball fantasies
worms: tdc
emerald mine
deluxe galaga (pc version called warblade is really good though)
arctic fox
bards tale series
pretty much any multiplat game made before 1990

>> No.8206365

This. Its spiritual successor on PC was also great.

>> No.8206773

Kinda funny that you fly Japanese airplanes against the Americans in the X68k and PC98 versions.

>> No.8206794

>Lots of Bitmap Brothers titles are overrated though
All Bitmap Brothers games feel too stiff. They all look good, and their good games are infact good, but even Speedball 2 is so slow and unprecise that I wonder if my fond memories of it stem from playing it with actual friends, getting drunk and going out later that night.

>> No.8206821

Man just look at that artwork. We've really lost something over the years

>> No.8206827

YoJoe and Moonstone are my favourite by far.

>> No.8206829
File: 63 KB, 400x375, 8b7e077f-04db-4500-9c98-fc6def91b125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8206840

>bards tale series
were bad ports on the amiga

>> No.8207161

I didn't say nothing about Speedball, Chaos Engine or Cadaver.
>of course it is shit because it is SUPPOSED to be shit!
Have fun fucking up levels just because you picked the wrong turn first time, retard.

>> No.8207189

>Have fun fucking up levels just because you picked the wrong turn first time, retard.
Go back to your walking sim, zoomer

>> No.8207214

>shmuptard AND britbong
lol checks out

>> No.8207218

>>turn-based strategy AND kraut

>> No.8207226

Stop thinking of Amiga as a video game system, you'll always be disappointed that way.
Amiga was a great computer for audio and video edition, video games was just an extra it could do, and not as good as consoles or arcade boards, but that wasn't its goal.

>> No.8207228

>and not as good as consoles or arcade boards
Wrong (depending on the genre, of course)

>> No.8208061

name one

>> No.8208065

>>of course it is shit because it is SUPPOSED to be shit!
True. Super mario bros and mega man have slippery movement because they're supposed to be shit.

>> No.8208072

SMB has momentum-based physics but it's definitely not slippery. If you fall, it's your own fault.
>Mega Man
he stops as soon as you stop pressing the d-pad, not sure what you're referring to.

>> No.8208082

>SMB has momentum-based physics
Gods has positioning based strategic gameplay.

>> No.8208084

I wasn't the anon you were arguing with, just jumped upon reading your wrong post about platformers.

>> No.8208303

The pass a turn option

>> No.8209106

>positioning based strategic gameplay
It's a jank-ass platformer with horrendous controls

>> No.8209127

the eternal amerimutt just woke up

>> No.8211175

Please do not post Amiga threads on /vr/. Thank you.

>> No.8211240

t. nintendrone who doesn't want to face the fact that the Amiga, despite being almost half a decade older than the SNES, is wholly 3 TIMES faster

>> No.8211475

Lemmings suited computer much better than consoles thanks to mouse controls, and I thinl the Amiga versions were better than the PC ones, but the Archimedes port ran the best.

>> No.8211487

I loved my Amiga but seriously? The SNES just fucked it's shit up when it came to games. I would feel bad for my Amiga buddies when they would try to show me that their computer was still relevant because it had zool and street fighter.

Desert strike on Amiga was the best version though, fight me.

>> No.8211536

>I loved my Amiga
>mentioned zool and street fighter
No you didn't.

Lotus II is faster than any driving game on the SNES, maybe except for F Zero, but that game is just so flat and empty. Every 3D game runs better on the Amiga. Amiga has the best RPG and strategy games, SNES' port of Utopia was expensive and cut down. The vast majority of games that were intended for Amiga such as Flashback, Gods, SWIV, Alien 3, sound and play much better on the original system, and have no equivalent on the SNES. Not to say that the Amiga is better at playing scrolling games, but Ruff and Tumble, Alien Breed, Green Beret, Turrican games, Odyssey, Psygnosis games, X-Out and Z-out, you got tons of good ones that will keep you occupied for weeks and months.

>> No.8211551
File: 68 KB, 712x822, oimiger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AmigaCHADS, we WON

>> No.8212479
File: 23 KB, 640x400, Rocket_Ranger-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocket Ranger.

>> No.8212715

>Ruff and Tumble, Alien Breed, Green Beret, Turrican games, Odyssey, Psygnosis games, X-Out and Z-out
It is also worth mentioning that, whilst these games were developed by very small teams on microscopic budgets, the equivalent of what we would call "indie devs" today, SNES games often had large teams of AAA studios with virtually limitless financial backing behind them. And yet, the Amiga efforts were still able to come shockingly close to what even the best studios were able to get out of the SNES, even surpassing it in some regards, such as slowdowns and input latency. It goes without saying that properly funded AAA development on the Amiga would have thoroughly shown up the 1/3rd slower SNES.

>> No.8212751

It could be funding but then again it's not as if Amiga devs were under any rigid Q/C standards like applied to console devs. I do agree that it was expensive to release a Mega Drive game so you'd be less likely to take shortcuts.

>> No.8213459

For me it was Carmen San Diego. I was super young in the 80s