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820143 No.820143 [Reply] [Original]

I found a Youtube comment that perfectly sums up my feelings on the Resident Evil and Silent Hill games. Thoughts? Fan rage?

>> No.820176

I agree, but I tend to give Capcom some leeway since the survival horror genre was new and still finding its footing at the time. The tank controls seem to be a hand-me-down from titles like Alone in the Dark, and while it does add tension to the game, so would playing the game with vaseline smeared on your fingers.

I liked Croc, but it had the same frustrating tank-like controls. Like Resident Evil, it would have been a lot better without them.

It was a still a good vidya for the time.

>> No.820181

I never understood why Final Fantasy could pull off better controls than Resident Evil did since they both came out at the same time. I'm still not sure if it's a design choice or engine limitation.

Either way if you keep playing these kinds of games a lot you'll eventually get used to it and it won't seem so bad.

>> No.820198

This debate has been going on since 1996 and it will NEVER cease.

I got used to RE1's controls when I was 10 in about 1hour.

There is no excuse, you just suck because your mind can't comprehend that the controls are character centric and not camera centric. You have a feable mind.

>> No.820206

I respect your opinion about it, but I really "like" the controls to this day. They're downright frustrating and when I pick them up I need some time to get into them again but, intentional or not, they add to the general feel of the game.

>> No.820207


gr8 counter argument m8

I don't even hate the RE controls but you've gone and made yourself look dumb with that post. Bravo.

>> No.820208

Why would you make a 3rd person game with "character centric" controls? I could understand 1st person, but saying that's a good idea for a 3rd person game is downright retarded. The controls were designed to be frustrating which might add tension not because you are genuinely scared of the atmosphere but because you can't turn around and run within a 10 second timeframe.

>> No.820210

>Why would you make a 3rd person game with "character centric" controls?

Because camera angles change ALL THE TIME which means that if you have camera centric controls then the direction you'll have to press will constantly change. They just didn't have the idea yet to implement a mix of camera and character centric controls which Project Zero was the first to do.

In the meantime, because camera angles change all the time, character centric controls are objectively less confusing, because at least pressing forward will always make you go forward. If RE1 had camera centric controls, the direction the character would go in when pressing forward would change every 2 goddamn seconds

>> No.820215

This is basically the reason I don't particuarly enjoy the early Resident Evils.
Apart from a few small rooms (Particuarly in the hospital), Silent hill did it a lot better.

>> No.820219

Which is dumb because most, if not all, RE characters are all trained people. Jill was a member of elite police force, and even supposed to be ex-delta force (as ridiculous as it is). Makes no sense why she should act and move like the ordinary, bumbling girls from Clock Tower or Haunting Ground.

>> No.820232

If asked, I'd respond that they're not really ready to face zombies and various abominations but I know it's a shitty fanboy-ish excuse.

I never analyzed the RE games so much, this thread got me thinking.

>> No.820268

Exactly. Whenever I play a game and find that something annoys me, I just take 2 seconds to think about it from a game design standpoint and go, oh duh, that's why they did that. Most of the time, either it's a reason that makes sense, or a reason that would take redesigning the entire game to make what I want work.

>> No.820278

eternal darkness was able to do it pretty well.

>> No.820285

Man, what a retard designs chess knight. That outdated fag, has he ever seen a real knight? Clunky jumpy controls, knights don't move that at all. Total immersion breaker if your ask me. Unforgivable.

>> No.820302


You still should give them the benefit of the doubt, because they improved the controls and such over time. It doesn't make it completely excused, but it lets you know they were not half assing it.

>> No.820335

Do people who complain about tank controls also whine about Biker Mice from Mars or Rock n Roll Racing?

>> No.820503


Yeah, Resident Evil predates Eternal Darkness by many years. Obviously over time the idea was improved, but this was back when the 3D era had really gotten off the ground.

>> No.820537

>it's the game's fault, it couldn't possibly be mine

Babbies, grow up and take responsibility for your shortcomings.

>> No.820539

1. Silent Hill and Resident Evil barely have anything in common. Silent Hill is, for the most part, a bad game with a great story, while RE is an amazing game with a silly intentional camp for a script.
2. You are a child if you don't understand how RE controls are brilliant, what purpose do they serve in building tension and directing gameplay, etc.

>> No.820563
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Bashing classic Resident Evil because of controls is like bashing Super Mario Bros because the dialogue is bad. You're just missing the point and fixated on elements that are beside the point.

If we were talking about a first person shooter, then yes, controls are of the utmost importance. But a survival horror game where you walk across pre-rendered hallways and experience an atmospheric narrative? Talk about barking up the wrong tree.

I hate it when people try to use industry buzzwords like "controls" or "storyline" or whatever to try to bring a game down. Stop nitpicking and learn to see the big picture.

>> No.820565

>RE controls are bad

holy shit, you have the shittiest taste of all.

>> No.820573

>I don't even hate RE controls
>says they're "crippled" and "bullshit"

>> No.820572

He just doesn't understand that RE is not an action game. He tries to play it like one, keeps failing to have fun, and is wondering if it's the controls or something.

>> No.820590


Oh yeah. Except you need to fight fast enemies and bosses too. With THAT clunky controls and dumb camera placement.

>> No.820594

>"I lack reflexes and comprehension because I spend all of my time bitching!"

>> No.820596

> controls were not important in Resident Evil

Yeah, except when you need fight a Licker, a Hunter, A Tyrant, Nemesis, a giant Worm or any kind of strong enemy.

>> No.820598

> Stuck in the corner of the room with a licker blocking me
> I can't do nothing, except wait for the game over screen, because my only weapon is the pistol (too weak) and there's no way to dodge the monster
> This happened because I didn't saw the wall due to the camera


>> No.820608

I don't see how you can be honest and defend the controls. I understand the points about atmosphere, but the rest of the game does a fine job of that.
The camera makes it a pain to navigate, and the controls make any sort of encounter much harder than it needs to be. It's a shining example of fake difficulty.

>> No.820609
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But a survival horror game where you walk across pre-rendered hallways and experience an atmospheric narrative?
I'd rather play a game like that with good controls.

>> No.820628

>having problems getting used to controls

Casuals truly know no bounds when it comes down to being pathetic

>> No.820629

>I can't do nothing
>I didn't saw

wow, you really are retarded.

also stop samefagging.

>> No.820634


>excusing bad controls


>> No.820654


>implying it matters if the controls suck

Keep bitching, casual, while everyone with even half a nut in their sack just adapts within five minutes. You're like video game vegans.

>> No.820659


They're a bit clunky and awkward, but not downright bad. If you can't figure them out well enough to not die at the giant snake portion, you simply suck at games. It's not like RE controls have improved significantly over the years anyway. People praised RE4 for being awesome as fuck, but guess what, THE BULLSHITTY CONTROLS WERE EXACTLY THE SAME. CLUNKY AND AWKWARD.

>> No.820670


Lickers are blind. You could've just walked past it.

>> No.820674

>The game has to hold my hand and make it easy for me to kill enemies, otherwise it's bad!

>> No.820678


You're not supposed to be fighting most of those enemies.

>> No.820727


Acknowledging a game for it's flaws is not a bad thing. I'm not saying Resident Evil is a bad game. But I think that if you wish form an opinion about something ignoring the negatives is the wrong thing to do. They should be acknowledged, but it's up to you to decide how much it detracts from the experience. For people like you and I the controls don't detract much from Resident Evil but I can certainly see other people thinking that it very much does detract from the gameplay.

>> No.820731

Pure exaggeration. The controls could be better, but they are by no means bad and you do get used to them after, like, half an hour, so what little awkwardness there is isn't a big issue. The first alone in the dark game is closer to what's described in that coment.

>> No.820735

Oh noes, people who are easily frustrated won't enjoy the games!
What should we do? ;_;

>> No.820752

>survival horror

This shows you missed the entire point. Like DSP did when he wanted a shotgun when he was fighting a sniper boss.

>> No.820780

I'm assuming you're talking about the fight with The End in MGS3?
If you have a shotgun you can sneak up behind him, hold him up and get the game's best camo from him.
Maybe he read that somewhere and wanted to try it out.

>> No.820786

>Except you need to fight fast enemies and bosses too.
There are no fast bosses, and fast enemies are faster than you by design. They are meant to be terrifying, because they are so much stronger. Don't have a shotgun or a fucking rocket launcher? Run for your dear life. That's the point.

>mommy bad game scared me and killed the character
>but it's a horror game, getting cornered and slaughtere is a part of the experience
>daddy mommy is a bitch controls suck why can't Resident Evil be a run'n'gun

>> No.821009

The tank controls work really well in RE DS. Maybe it's the lack of loading times, but I had a blast replaying it on the handheld.

>> No.821019

I got used to it's controls eventually, but I never, NEVER stopped hating them, even after I got used to them.

My biggest problem I had was all of the backtracking and bullshit key finding. It was boring as fuck, and undead served more as an annoyance than a threat.

Never finished it.

>> No.821027

I just finished Alone in the Dark the other day. Controls in RE or SH? Please.

>> No.821032

People who complain about tank controls are just as bad as people who defend them.

Yes, they're bullshit, but you have to be genuinely retarded to not get a hang of them within the first 15 minutes of the game MAX.

>> No.821041

You can get the hang of them, but that doesn't mean that they're enjoyable to use.

>> No.821048

I didn't say they were. I said they were bullshit, and frustrating at times, but people who complain about them make them out to be impossible and truly detrimental to the gameplay when they're still pretty fucking simple to comprehend and use.

>> No.821104

You should try RE3 or Dino Crisis. They're still not difficult games, but dealing with enemies is more involved.

>> No.821135

>tank controls
>a problem
really, he just sucks. After you get used to them 10 minutes in it isn't a problem

>> No.821143


RE3 also has a lot of conveniences to help deal with tank controls, like automatically aiming at the nearest enemy, quick 180 turns, etc.

>> No.821157
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Great, you complained about it. Now what?

Why should I give a shit?