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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8198258 No.8198258 [Reply] [Original]

Looking to build my collection of high quality PC games from the pre-2007 era. Would like to get more games that are good for casual LAN play, but interested in hearing about anything you can recommend.

>> No.8198269

starcraft, day of defeat source, cs source,

>> No.8198302
File: 20 KB, 279x356, JediKnight-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good LAN game for casual play?

>> No.8198375

Good recommendations though I'd probably go with the pre-source versions due to the specs of my Win XP laptops

>> No.8198505

Honestly F.E.A.R and Stalker SOC as the last good shooters released before 2007 which marked the end of the golden era

>> No.8198509

>high quality
>any of those
better start over

>> No.8198620

Too scared to make your own recommendations because you can't handle criticism on an anonymous board?


>> No.8198639

Lords of the Realm I/II/III
Empire Earth

>> No.8198643

If you liked Zeus and Poseidon, check out Pharaoh and its Cleopatra expansion. Top-tier atmosphere for a city-building game.

>> No.8198660
File: 84 KB, 1024x768, ricochet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8198807

> Q3 Arena
> Return to Castle Wolfenstein
> Chaos Theory
> SWAT 3/4
> Thief
> Rainbow Six
Not quality games? Faggot, just end it now

>> No.8198875

I played the sequel with friends a few years back and it was pretty fun. Idk how similar they are though.

>> No.8199057

Did you actually take a picture of your screen?

>> No.8199063

his xp machine is probably offline dude

>> No.8199082

Trackmania Sunrise Extreme
It even finally got a proper NoCD patch a few years back

>> No.8199640

Yep because this >>8199063
Plus I thought the boomer aesthetic was appropriate.

>> No.8199663
File: 24 KB, 300x274, 4zwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the good ones.

>> No.8199715

Quake 3 is all you need.

>> No.8200159


>> No.8200163

meant for>>8199640

>> No.8200240

It was meant for you bitch. Never seen someone troll so hard here. Make recommendations or go back to your furry porn

>> No.8200464

meant for>>8200159

>> No.8200480

Missing oblivion, morrowind, and halo pc port is dog shit id just stick to xbox for that or MCC

>> No.8201240

> halo pc port is dog shit
I only played a bit of multiplayer. Seemed fine. Nice graphics. What's wrong with it?

>> No.8202070

Normal maps dont work, a ton of lighting effects missing, theres a whole host of problems, the mcc pc port is 90% fixed but there a whole video on how fucked the original ce pc port is

>> No.8203037

>Trackmania Sunrise Extreme
Never knew about this game but it looks awesome. Thanks anon