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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 48 KB, 1216x892, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8198136 No.8198136 [Reply] [Original]

Scanlines - Yes or no?

>> No.8198150

What old TV even looked like that? I never recall having a TV with visible black lines.

>> No.8198157

Raw emulation all the way. Why the fuck are all those shaders so dark?

>> No.8198159

On a CRT? Yeah. On an emulator? No.

>> No.8198164

Fake scanlines are cringe.

>> No.8198189


not if they look like that.

>> No.8198212

Scanlines on an LCD yes this is the way games were meant to be played.

>> No.8198238

i like fake scanlines but those are kinda too thick

>> No.8198245

What a stupid thread

>> No.8198852

arcade monitors

>> No.8199260

100% scanlines look good at 720p and I've gotten used to using them, but the one's in the OP are too thick. Looks like shit.

>> No.8199301

None of them.
OPs "filter" is so ancient and terrible that it can't be anything other than a troll post.

>> No.8199303
File: 2.09 MB, 1794x1344, Super Metroid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but yours looks fucking horrible

>> No.8199341
File: 1.60 MB, 2637x1864, Far East of Eden - Tengai Makyou - Ziria (Japan) (Rev 7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. Not as good as a decent CRT, but it's good enough for JRPGs and slow paced games without much need for motion clarity.

>> No.8199369

Only if done well. The OP one looks like it was from a really early emulator

>> No.8199402

Scanlines are a weird concept, horizontal lines across the picture, it was never a selling point back in the day, "look sir this TV has the thickest black lines of all the sets, your kids will love playing the latest Mario game like the developers intended".

>> No.8199417
File: 163 KB, 1328x360, 1632923124150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8199420

haha he looks like hes holding a penis

>> No.8199421

post the one with the edited link for indie developers

>> No.8199424

Dude I fucking love Neo Bomberman literally one of my fave games of all time. Shit is so fun coop

>> No.8200096
File: 493 KB, 1196x896, neobomberman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but not those scanlines

>> No.8200141

what you do, emulate ON A CRT
problem solved

>> No.8200207

Anybody knows what tsunade is saying here?

>> No.8200218

She says
>look at my neck. it almost looks like the graphic artist painted skin colored scanlines over it although that is not how CRTs worked.

>> No.8200259
File: 2.50 MB, 1920x1440, Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom (USA)-210921-191338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally find raw completely disgusting, especially for third and fourth gen games. But you do you

>> No.8200427

High TVL Trinitrons.

>> No.8200440

With Retroarch?
Sure, looks genuine.

With actual consoles through scalers or line-doublers?
NOPE, way too dark and inauthentic to even approach a CRT look.

>> No.8200443

what shader?

>> No.8200485

Sure, she's saying キャーッ! ナメクジの神さまにあえたなんて夢みたい!!サインもらっとけばよかったなあ!

It follows on from a scene in which the slug god calls her a bit of a fucking retard.

>> No.8201640

CRT dr guest venom 2 or some shit like that

>> No.8203904
File: 1.05 MB, 1172x960, Wizardry---Proving-Grounds-of-the-Mad-Overlord-(USA)-200604-021714.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8203912

I never saw them or noticed them back in the day.

The thick horizontal scan lines are really only found on PVM/BVM Trinitron monitors and nobody ever used those for gaming back then. It also looks terrible and makes games look like they're being viewed through window shutters.

>> No.8204019

my japanese is rusty but this should be pretty close. had to make some interpretations about context though
>KYAA! The God of Namek is eating! Someone sign* him to stop!
*TN: sign as in communicate using American Sign Language

>> No.8204478

nah, it's more obvious on bigger sets too

>> No.8204590

I saw them at the arcades, that's when it kickstarted my fad with scanlines for a few years, there was this 3D arcade racer with a huge CRT monitor and the scanlines were thick and it got me wondering what that was about since my home TVs didn't have them.

>> No.8204635

Is any meaning lost if you use "tell"? Much more natural.

>> No.8204653

the only reason i use retroarch is the integrated shaders
if other emulators had that i'd abandon it

>> No.8204674

This is so wrong it's incredible
>Kyaa! I can't believe (you?) met the Slug God! I would be happy with even a wave (lit:some sort of sign, not ASL) from him!

>> No.8204680

I assume it means signal

>> No.8204692

Yeah, but I don't know what happened before this. People don't usually say when imagining even being in the presence of someone they look up to that they want 'even a signal,' usually it's something like a wave or a smile, which is what 'サイン' usually means in this context.

>> No.8205557

true, yeah "sign of acknowledgement" could be translated as wave or smile so it doesn't sound awkward

>> No.8205641

Holy fuck, N4s are the worst. "Sign" as in autograph, you fucking retarded faggot.

It's even the first result in whatever dumb dictionary tool you should really be using here so you don't look as dumb as you are.

She's saying that she can't believe she actually got to meet the slug god, and that she should've got him to sign something for her.

The other guy was obviously just shitposting, but when you're this incompetent and you don't know it, it's just sad. Learn Japanese before you attempt to translate things.

>> No.8206114

How was there this much discussion about the meaning of サイン before someone who actually knew what they were talking about joined?
I want to believe everyone involved was just fucking with everyone else.

>> No.8206212
File: 1.26 MB, 2984x2296, trin_20210327_015833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. accept your square fate. or own a CRT

>> No.8206521
File: 133 KB, 1380x360, 1631911903193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.8206535

These look blurrier and uglier than OP's. CRTs are meme, they're only good for lightgun games.

>> No.8206564

Ok, zoomer.

>> No.8208719

Love the light bleed on the moon

>> No.8208876

what matters the most is screen size actually. retro games are better emulated on a small screen, like a psp, vita or hacked switch
you do need to have a crt, but only for lightgun games
fuck filters

>> No.8208951

On Retroarch I am using a filter for PS and N64 emulation that looks EXACTLY like my old 15" TV 25 years ago.
Get fucked zoomies.

>> No.8209004

that's that one

>> No.8209043

scanlines who do not account for beam width increasing toward higher brighntness are shitass mofo cunt crap diarrhea

>> No.8210120

"Scanlines" are a no. Black lines don't simulate anything except being deprived of oxygen. Anyone who knows anything about properly configured CRT shaders wouldn't call it "scanlines" so there's no overlap or loss in rejecting any and all "scanlines" proposals. If you want authenticity this isn't it. If you want image clarity this also isn't it. Just put it in the garbage.

>> No.8210182

OP knew the image looked like shit and posted it to purposefully make scanlines look bad.

>> No.8210198


Get the fuck out of here, underage faggot.

>> No.8210232

Using scanlines on a LCD panel to simulate a CRT look is like watching a movie on a fake cinema overlay... it just doesn't compare.

>> No.8210295

Scanline shaders just look bad, there's no reason to use them unless you're an idiot.

>> No.8210296

>sure, I want to see less of what I'm doing
go ahead, tell me why

>> No.8210330

People like to distract themselves from the fact they're adults spending time playing games made for literal 8 year olds instead of growing up

>> No.8210342

terribly wrong
painfully inacurate
>kyaa! Meeting the god of namekuji (sorry I don't know the game, I'm going by the jis here), it's like a dream!! It would have been good if you could get me his signature(authograph).

>> No.8211015

the funnier remake of this image makes PVMS look the best but the original they make it look like a meme.

Which is better CRTS or PVMS?

>> No.8211145

PVMs contain CRTs, dumbass.

>> No.8211912

>translators note: kyaa is an excited girl scream
>translators note: namekuji (sorry I don't know the game, I'm going by the jis here)
>translators not : Signature means autograph

>> No.8211923

>>8198136 overdone it on purpose
>>8200096 done it correctley

big question, why would OP do a bad example on purpose?

>> No.8211993

I saw that coming. It's not like I'm officially translating for the game nor releasing a fan sub. Otherwise I'd make some effort to actually research the material.

>> No.8212030
File: 2.63 MB, 1440x1080, Cruis'n Exotica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but more decent and tasteful.

>> No.8212079

Real crt has vertical scanlines

>> No.8212116
File: 19 KB, 1280x720, A4F93B8A-A81F-4972-9E31-595FE912E1CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The electron gun does not scan vertically, it scans lines horizontally from top to bottom

>> No.8212837

Does Retroarch come with the 1st and 3rd effects?

>> No.8213072 [DELETED] 

this is a real CRT, isn't it?

>> No.8213078

Is this a real CRT?

>> No.8213112


>> No.8213130

Chrono Trigger

>> No.8213661

No, crt-mattias shader in retroarch.