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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8196914 No.8196914 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any similar games like Castlevania Symphony of the Night?

>> No.8196918


>> No.8196921

Yes, at least two.

>> No.8196925

That's what metroidvania games are anon

>> No.8196960

10/10 troll

>> No.8196965

Jet Set Willy is best of the genre

>> No.8196971
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no, nobody remembers that flop anymore

>> No.8196980

it really isn't

>> No.8196986 [DELETED] 

Would my six year old niece like this game?

>> No.8196996

he means good games

>> No.8197067

I just can't stomach 2d pixel metroidvanias anymore. Indies ruined this genre

>> No.8198764

err, there's sooo much garbage, true. But the good stuff is at least as good as games made back in the day, if not better.

>> No.8199836

Only lesser simulacrums

>> No.8199976

I have the original psx disc, I play it on my ps3 with smoothing on, it looks really good, I also have the xbox live arcade version I play on a 360, it's annoying with original or enhanced graphics because it doesn't take up all the way to the top and bottom of the screen and maintain the correct aspect ratio, while the psx version on ps3 does, also the colors seem brighter on the xbox version, more saturated, what's that all about?

>> No.8199980

In english, doc

>> No.8199983
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lyle in cube sector

>> No.8200000


>> No.8200006

Wasted GET. That game is fucking shit.

>> No.8200014

wrong bloodstained. for a classicvania clone it's really good, though. I'd rather play this than Ritual of the Night.

>> No.8200035

More like fucking shit taste

>> No.8200053

Keep eating up indie garbage, they'll never be as good as real retro games were.

>> No.8200065

finally a non-biased magazine

>> No.8200123

worst get ever

>> No.8200884
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It's a real question (I'm not OP tho). SOTN is really fucking awesome but none of the other Metroidvanias I've played were ever that good, unless we're talking Souls.

I've tried to play Metroid and Super Metroid. I really gave them a chance, but it was just fucking unbearable for me. Unfortunately, none of the other Castlevanias that follow the formula are that good either, unless I'm mistaken.

There's some guy on youtube who is making "SOTN Hacked" which is apparently a really buffed up overhaul of SOTN, but that probably won't be out for a long time.

Recommend me the BEST Metroidvanias, /vr/.

>> No.8201109

They're both wildly overrated, entertaining but overrated

>> No.8201117

>usong the term "Metroidvania"
>calling "Souls" a "metroidvania"
I guarantee you are a 23 year old faggot who never played Demon's Souls

>> No.8201127

It’s possible he played it on ps5

>> No.8201151

>That fucking ridiculous, Nintendo Power propaganda

>> No.8201164

why are you so triggered over those words, friend? i have demon's souls on my homebrewed PS3 and im 24 btw :^)

>> No.8201190

Literally all the DS Castlevania games are better than SOTN. And so is Super Metroid anon get some taste.

>> No.8201196

Castlevania creator Keiji Inafune literally made a spiritual successor to the game on kickstarter.

>> No.8201202

it's more like dawn of sorrow than symphony of the night

>> No.8201212

>Keiji Inafune

how can Igarashi make a 'spiritual successor' to the king of presentation with a shitty 2.5D low budget game?

>> No.8201220

DrillDozer for the GBA, I suppose.

>> No.8201318
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Because Ben Judd, his agent, told him that 2D games were both dead and too hard to make so it should be an Unreal engine based 3D game. That way it's quick to make (ha!), future proof, and highly portable. Ben Judd has like the opposite of the Midas Touch for games.

>> No.8201339 [DELETED] 

Americans are fucking dumb and since they're too stupid to do the right thing and get the vaccine the government is perfectly justified in resorting to more authoritarian measures to deal with those idiots. It's like raising a child, if they behave themselves without you having to do much good, but if they don't learn and keep acting up you need to beat some sense into them.

>> No.8201371

The GBA and DS games, also Bloodstained. However the lack of this type of music in them kind of takes away a bit of the magic that SotN has. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv5MAdxxX_8

>> No.8201375

Actually Iga stated he wanted Bloodstained to be like SotN, but that there isn't really a talent pool for good sprite artists anymore.

>> No.8201418

what about just good artists period? even the concept art was bad

>> No.8201457 [SPOILER] 
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Ok comrade.

>> No.8201465

Welp can you trust that face?

Then again most indie metroidvanias that suck shit like Chasm and Timespinner take 5 years to make and they likely procastrinate so there's that.

>> No.8201723

If we are talking about metroidvanias outside of SotN, the GBA trilogy and the DS duology and the metroid games....i dont think there really were any of that genre before the indie space, the closest i can think of is maybe Goonies 2 on the NES and TMNT 3 Radical Rescue on GB.

>> No.8201756

Not retro but Deedlit in the Wonder Labyrinth is good, as well as the other Team Ladybug games (Touhou Luna Nights, SMT Synchronicity Prologue, Pharaah Rebirth)

>> No.8201874

>Touhou Luna Nights
No not that one, all the ladybug games had bullshit inconsistent difficulty spikes and greedy exp point drops and ridiculous level grinding ladders, but that one really got carried away...

and for teh record i finally gave Wonder Labyrinth a chance and so far seems ok but i am at level 14 and on stage 2 one enemy still kills me at 3-5 hits, what the fuck and i kill the first 2 bosses quickly, i hate when games with rpg mechanics had dogshit grind curves.

>> No.8201940

Not him but fuck (You). I can't stand when people pretend they don't understand something simple. I don't know what's worse, you pretending not to understand it or actually being this much of a dullard.

>> No.8201945

>they get a little hard sometimes, a-buh-hur buh-hur buh-hurrrrrr
They all seemed fine to me.

>> No.8201952

woah, slow down there pal. put down the thesaurus and try again

>> No.8202030
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>> No.8202060

I don't think I ever grinded in any of their games.

Also getting killed in 3 to 5 hits is not something I would consider difficult, when your goal in action games is to not get hit in the first place.

>> No.8202074

>read castlevania sotn wiki
>"sotnfags consider Alucard the best 2d sprite ever made"
Do SoTNfags really believe this when Metal Slug exists?

>> No.8202075


>> No.8202086

metroid isn't metroidvania, there aren't enough RPG bullshit

>> No.8202297

Metal Slug has way too many rotating and tweened sprites. So does Symphony of the Night, but I'm not going to claim either has the best sprites.

>> No.8202487

there was an updated version someone made on /v/

>> No.8202493

mate, in other metroidvanias you can at least do decent if you get hit but not lost like a fuckton of energy and still make it safe and sound to the next checkpoint, specially if you grind like crazy, cause you are supposed to enjoy travelling as much as you can without using health items until maybe you are at low health.

>> No.8202601

Nintendo Magazine, from the UK. Nintendo Power itself was very sure to never bring console wars into its pages.

>> No.8202606

Have you considered [castlevania game made after 1998]?

>> No.8203105

The gba and ds castlevanias are awesome, though the last gba and the first ds games are closest in style to SOTN where you can get the powers of enemies.

>> No.8203109

Nah, not a single one out there like it.

>> No.8203110

The master blaster games are underappreciated metroidvania kino that arguably precede the name.

Also the retro style Master Blaster Zero trilogy.

>> No.8203112

more like symphony of shite

>> No.8203117

They objectively precede the name. "Metroidvania" is a 00s fad.

>> No.8203165

Anon here. I won't be playing the GBA ones. Even though the system had its place in my childhood (mostly Pokémon) and I've emulated Mother 3, I just feel like the GBA Castlevanias are a significant step down in visuals and gameplay from SOTN on PS1, so I'm moving to the DS ones and playing Dawn of Sorrow now.

>> No.8203180

I call them where-the-fuck-do-I-go games

>> No.8203195

>Indies ruined this genre
are those indies forcing you to play their games?

>> No.8203205

that's dumb, they stand on their own. HoD less so but still. it's your loss.

>> No.8203225

Too fucking many

>> No.8203548
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honestly, i think hollow knight is the pinnacle of the genre, not strictly "retro" though. also gonna get shit on by contrarians, obviously. it's really, really good, anon.

>> No.8203568

why is cave story not muhtroidvania?

>> No.8203575

it's divided into levels. you just warp to most locations.
also not much item lock-and-key stuff. usually you just unlock a new area by advancing the story. there's shit like making the explosives but even then you don't get an explosive weapon, you just advance the story until you're able to place it
great game anyway. just not much like metroid

>> No.8203649

holy fuck dude you can literally FREEZE TIME
luna nights has some brutal parts but the difficulty curve is pretty good and you do not need to grind. you probably weren't understanding some mechanic correctly. i remember marisa fucked me at first until i realized you can slide under the gap in her laser. some enemies demand a specific strategy so you gotta experiment

>> No.8203747

No you are right, that's it. Stop searching, stop playing. You won't find anything ever again. That's it.

>> No.8203891

i've already played through 90% of Hollow Knight (the content that was out at the time anyway). I was working my way through the shit required for the best ending and the arena challenges when i dropped it.

I must say, the game map is actually ridiculously huge, the difficulty is high and it's clear the devs had a lot of passion for it, but there's too many design flaws in the game imo (especially that it took TEN hours to get good and the devs dont understand enough about veering player tendency or teaching players things organically. I think a lot of features and control inputs were fucking obnoxious and remember it being very frustrating. I also really wasn't a fan of the insect stuff that they use to disguise their very blatant DaS lore ripoff, but the environment art and the detail is cool. I'd say it's a 7/10

>> No.8203905

>especially that it took TEN hours to get good
this is the really mindblowing part to me
you need a bunch of the mobility upgrades before you can even potentially have fun. the air dash isn't even a very good air dash honestly but at least it's something
and even when you have that shit you can still end up wandering way into a pointless dead end/ locked area and having to tediously walk back through bland hallways

one of those weird games where it would be excellent if it was just shorter

>> No.8204039

If you adjust the screen just perfect it looks good, the ps3 must be need smoothing to avoid shimmering.

>> No.8204340

>one of those weird games where it would be excellent if it was just shorter
I can't in good conscience support shorter games when they're already so short on average. It only makes sense for a few indie "experience" games. The problem here is not that they 'spaced out' the content too much but that the early game was just not well thought out and was unfun

I've played some games with a REAL entry curve, like Rain World or La Mulana - those REALLY love fucking with the player above all, certainly above balance, fun or accessibility, but they do so deliberately to drive home the fantasy of the game.

It seemed to me like Rain World was more about creating a tough but accessible 2D Metroidvania Souls-like which was actually a colossally long and epic journey. I think the small dev team just didn't playtest it enough. I would have made the first area a lot easier and more streamlined and I would have made consumable gil items (like in Souls) to take off the stress of trying to explore in a game designed to make you want to explore while having 2D precision platforming and complex analog inputs that are badly mapped (keyboard didn't help either). Instead, the only concession they made was the "bank guy" who stores your gil.

>> No.8204342

>It seemed to me like Rain World
meant to say *Hollow Knight

>> No.8204348

I prefer the porn game with the girl that looks like the Bloodstained MC

>> No.8204387
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Tell me more... I just need a name.

>> No.8204525
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>I can't in good conscience support shorter games when they're already so short on average.
hollow knight is pretty long for a platformer
they also added a ton of content after the game released. i think it would at least be worth letting players get to that stuff quickly because it's more fun than a lot of the vanilla content
>The problem here is not that they 'spaced out' the content too much but that the early game was just not well thought out and was unfun
i agree but i also think there can be a lot of backtracking, which only makes the kind of boring areas even worse. later areas are a lot better about this though. it is more of an early-game problem

>> No.8204582

No, strangely enough. It's a completely once off game.

>> No.8204594

>lyle in cube sector

>> No.8204704

At least 20% of indie games coming out are SOTN clones.

>> No.8204803
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here it is

pretty much this, backtracking with abilities and key-like items is requiered to unlock new areas.

>> No.8204809

and people try to defend the shitty way it handles its map system, no square room screen mapping, have to but items with that map guy, rooms dont make sense in physical connectivity, etc.

>> No.8204858

Aria of Sorrow feels like a demake of SOTN with kirby/megaman mechanics.

>> No.8204887

Valdis Story and Blasphemous are such shit, how are they in great? Also some of these games are great, but just not Metroidvanias, like AM2R

>> No.8205228

>god tier
>hollow knight
shit list
over hyped baby-dev's-first-flash-game trash
it's only liked because zoomers just discovered the hot topic edgelord aesthetic, which is the only thing this game has to offer

>> No.8205386

>Rabi-Ribi that low
>Hollow Knight that high
Shame Shante and the Pirate's Curse isn't really a metroidvania since it's the only fun game in the series

>> No.8205394

>one of those weird games where it would be excellent if it was just shorter
This, I wanted to do all the content and got fucking burnt out. I actually didn't even finish it, I was just tired of the game. It overstayed its welcome.

If you want a modern, somewhat Metroid style game (not really RPG elements, so not Metroidvania) then play The Messenger.

>> No.8207574

Try using a CRT or shader. The classics never looked like indie pixels.

Maybe you'd like the Wonder Boy adventure games, there's even a remake. But only La Mulana and Super Metroid offer the same cabin fever as SOTN.

>of SotN, the GBA trilogy and the DS duology and the metroid games....i dont think there really were any of that genre before the indie space
Is this bait?

Don't worry, there's missile ammo to satisfy your grinding addiction.

Besides the graphics, the DS games are even worse.

>> No.8207972

Luna nights is easy, the game is essentially over once you acquire the chainsaw and somehow gets even easier when you find the thousand knives subweapon. It was so easy in fact i actually went back to replay it, this time only picking up the two required upgrades (stopwatch, screw knife) to beat the game, everything else like subweapons, store cards and health/mp upgrades i left behind.

>> No.8208017



Eat a nigger dick, faggot.

>> No.8208674

Wonder Labyrinth is the best they've done. It's still spotty and the map felt so barren with secrets and small but it was a lot better than the garbage Luna Nights.