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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8194950 No.8194950 [Reply] [Original]

Would this make a good Christmas gift for my 6 year old son? I'm hoping to get him to relive the golden age of gaming.

>> No.8194961

>Nintendo shit
Might as well slip HRT into his food

>> No.8194967

Your kid is going to want to play what his other friends are playing in school, not 30 year old roms.

>> No.8194969 [DELETED] 

isn't Nintendo the only modern company that doesn't censors sexy girls?

>> No.8194972

Not the SNES one.

>> No.8194978 [DELETED] 

I was playing TMNT Fighting game the other day and the female character was pretty sexy. I was thinking how she'd probably get censored if it was released on modern systems.

>> No.8194980

my brother got his 8yo son a laptop and installed a ps2 emulator with a bunch of games, and he loved it
I'm afraid a SNES might feel too old for modern kids to enjoy though

>> No.8194991

No ways, I grew up on Xbox

>> No.8195048

My primary school aged kids play snes all the time. However my family aren’t brain dead burgers so this might not be relevant

>> No.8195063

He'll get bored of it after half an hour of dying then go back to his modern games. Zoomies have no short term attention span which is why games have to basically jangle keys in front of them every 10 seconds.

>> No.8195117

She DID get censored in the US version. The JP version had her showing more skin.

>> No.8195123
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His kid will want to play whatever everyone else is doing on the phone. Or some meme shooter. Whatever is new and whatever a black celebrity talks about.

>> No.8195127

Sony caved in after the #metoo bullshit and is now censoring and/or refusing to sell all ecchi games like Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball, Senran Kagura, or VNs.
Nintendo said they don't give a fuck. Half the titles in the e-shop are shitty indie anime porn games (my girlfriend is a big titty succubus, my waifu gives blowjobs, etc).

>> No.8195157

A Raspberry Pi would be cheaper and more versatile.

>> No.8195179

>Will my wife’s 6 year old son like retro?
This is a new retarded meme. Fuck off.

>> No.8195190

>Half the titles in the e-shop are shitty indie anime porn games
How dare you besmirch the likes of Pantsu Hunter!

>> No.8195431

Yeah. The anon you replied to want Nintendo bigots to get on HRT and date him.

>> No.8195435

I'm already on HRT, does that mean someone will buy me a Switch?

>> No.8195442

Only if you are a cute trap.

>> No.8195446

nah, I'm speedrunner tier
brb date with rope-chan

>> No.8195468
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I wish. Kids these days have it too good.
When I was young we already had a 2600, PC, and NES.
I got my SNES for Christmas and to this day it's my favorite console. The runners up being PS1 or PS2. I'll never forget how rich and crisp it looked running off coaxial on our Sharp tube. Great times but you can't replicate that feeling. Just get him a Series X or a PS5. Get him Switch for his birthday or something.

>> No.8195516

a 6 year old isn't a zoomer you total retard
It's also a six year old basically a blank slate. You know what I did when I was 6? I pretended that my own caps were link and ganon fighting. And clearly this wasn't ancient times. Kids are literally capable of enjoying any outlet for imagination.
Assuming that kids these days are so alien from your own childhood is retarded.

>> No.8195523

why is /vr/ so defeatist? Do you guys even remember your childhood
I'm not saying make your kid into a clone of you by forcing him to enjoy your childhood shit. But the opposite extreme of buying your kid what is now an adult oriented media center that borders on $1000 is also retarded for obvious reasons.

>> No.8195536

I respect Nintendo for gimping the Switch because it doesn't have some of the stuff that their previous consoles/handhelds gave kids access to.
I remember seeing pornhub put out percentages of what console accessed their site and it was just kinda sad to see.
For 200 bucks I feel a bit safer sticking a lite in front of some kids face once I think they're old enough

>> No.8195547

I don't even know what a modern kids game is. I don't think they get advertised at e3 or anything. Aside from maybe bugs snax.

I know that modern games would be too slow and confusing for the child version of me. Maybe I'd just wander around in the open world forever totally lost?
Kid me would hate fortnite too because I'd suck ass.
It feels like everyone who isn't nintendo has given up on the kid market entirely. Kind of sad honestly.

>> No.8195557
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My dad let me play on his NES and I thought it was neat. Ultimately though, I spent most of my gaming time on the consoles that were new.

Your kid is going to want to spend time playing games with his friends because everything is interconnected now. It's good for him. These games are special to us, but we have no reason to assume that they'll be special to someone this far displaced from the time they came out.

One day their games will be retro, and our games will be antique. They'll be trying to get their kids to appreciate Minecraft and Fortnite, and their kids will be playing half life 3 not giving a shit about how things used to be.

>> No.8195561
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You're saying one day nobody is going to give a shit about MGS? or ff7 or this one part of sonic 2? Or the hype to 9 9 99?
The console warring? The ads? Klonoa? Donkey kong country?
What the fuck was it all for if one day nobody's going to care about these things? They're not even going to be appreciated like art or whatever. And even if they were it'll be through some emulated or remastered version.
Nobody will ever care about my childhood psx I've restored or my collection or my snes...
What was it for.

>> No.8195564

licensed games were a big market for children, there's a lot less of those now thanks to mobile games and exploitative monetization

>> No.8195572

It's hard to say for certain what's going to be remembered. But I can name zero colecovision or commodore 64 games without googling.

But I'm sure everything is going to get several remakes so they might get a version of it adapted to their modern styles.

>> No.8195612

Just admit you want it for yourself.

>> No.8195717

>it's real
My sides

>> No.8195753

teach him how to use a laptop instead
first without any internet (of course), you will set up the emulators for him
then as he grows older you give him access to more stuff
this way he can play both old and new games, and learning how to use a pc is a useful skill
he can also use it for music, movies, ebooks, drawing etc

>> No.8195771

He wants to play Clash Royale, not decades-old Nintendo games, I'm surprised by your level of delusion

>> No.8195776

Why the hell do you want your 6 years old son to play video games? Please read some books to him and while you're at it teach him how to read and write, fucking Hell. I'm glad my parents were older than most when they had me

>> No.8195793 [DELETED] 

why? It's all just media consumption. I don't care if my kid reads or plays games. I did both and it never saved me. People place reading on a pedestal for bizarre reasons. Probably out of guilt because they don't read as much as they arbitrarily feel they 'should'.
It's all just media man. It's not worth stressing about on that level.
No fruit of my loins will ever be a creator type. So why bother? Why play pretend that 99% of us aren't just drones. Why pretend that consuming one media trough is superior to another? You're still consuming.

>> No.8196116
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This. Get him a 1Chip MSX instead to play all those sexy retro Japanese shm'ups.

>> No.8196128

That's not a Minecraft/Fortnite box.

>> No.8196139

Imagine getting your kid to sit still while you read faggy stories to him like a woman/nerd. Get him lawn darts and kick him out the front door. Don't let him back in till sundown.

It's just not the same as the original computers.

>> No.8196153
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>> No.8196154

not really, 6 is pretty young for old games, it's like trying to tell him to appreciate art, they just have to naturally come to do it, have to really know what it is that you should get him

>> No.8196217
File: 417 KB, 800x400, wp-content.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get him a hacked Wii U, the amount of games that can be played on that thing absolutely trumps emuboxes by a long mile. It can play games from every Nintendo console leading up to it (NES, SNES, N64, GC, Wii, GB/C, GBA, DS), Master System, Genesis, Atari, PS1, and modern games like Minecraft so he's not out of touch with his peers

>> No.8196356

True story: for me, 1990s JRPGs were an enormous contributor to learning how to read. It really speeds up the process if the kid is having fun learning to read, and it's a more advanced reading level than bearstain bears and the shit they have children read to learn.

Only downside is that your vocabulary is significantly more dorky. So yeah, thanks FF6 and earthbound

>> No.8196365

Get him a speccy

>> No.8196864

ok is this a joke i'm not in on? the new hot meme? why do you need three threads for this if not? anyway, if you're not just taking the piss, i loved emulating snes games as a kid and still do so sure, but you may as well teach him how to use a laptop and download snes9x. maybe a few years down the line he can do randomizer runs, idk. like genuinely any kid that age would probably just be glad he's playing a game. and snes ain't as difficult as some nes titles. didn't really get picky myself until my early teens, and even then i'm poor so it's whatever if i had to play some shovelware.

>> No.8197392

New kids dont like this old stuff.

>> No.8197484

This right here OP.

>> No.8197521


>> No.8197530


>> No.8197534

My son is 4 and seems to really like SNES games. Prefers Minecraft but he does play around on my SNES a lot. NES seems to be too much for him though.

>> No.8197556
File: 26 KB, 641x380, 1571242589_monster-static.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this make a good Christmas gift for my 6 year old son? I'm hoping it will arrive before he becomes my 8 year old son.

>> No.8197560

don't support this ewaste shit. Don't be an easy mark man.

>> No.8197716


This, OP. Mister (DE10 Nano) is another fine choice

>> No.8197773

I ordered one for my wife’s 6 year old son. I sure hope he enjoys it.

>> No.8197781

He’s not gonna be reliving shit, he’s 6. He wasn’t there dipshit.

>> No.8197790

Kids don't care about old shit. How can he discuss it with his friends when they don't know the damn thing in the first place? Buy him a ball and let him grow up to be an athlete instead of a nerd like his dad

>> No.8197791


>> No.8198353

Zoomer here. The worst thing you can do, if you want your kid to like old games, is to force them upon him. Just get him what he wants (only if it's appropriate for his age of course) and if he'll really like video games, he'll want to play some older games when he becomes a teen. just to experience what they were like. And if he's smart, he'll realize, that games, just like movies or music, don't age, and that the best way to enjoy the medium, is to not care about how old/new games are, but only if they are fun or not. Honestly, I'm kinda glad that my parents don't care at all about video games.

>> No.8198705

Not going back, you'll just have to shoot me officer.

>> No.8198765

No. Don't force your stupid hobbies on your children. Let them form their own personality without your beta fag urges. By him a playboy magazine and a buck knife. Quit raising your kid to be a pussy.

>> No.8198794

op is baiting, but to anyone who thinks it sounds reasonable, pushing your favorite thing on your child almost always fucking backfires

i know so many people my age who fucking hate star wars because of shit like this. the actual star wars btw, as in the movie called star wars, not the gelatinous mass of brand also called star wars.

theyll hate the games, and if you try to correct that he'll hate them forever and the harder you try the more theyll hate you too

>> No.8198796

It is reasonable though. Maybe there's a middle ground between pushing your favorite thing on your child and pretending it doesn't exist
Wait this is 4chan sorry. Middle grounds can't exist

>> No.8198808

>Wait this is 4chan sorry. Middle grounds can't exist

gett outta here with that shit pretentious fag. lmao enjoy your kid getting mad at your dogshit present. or worse, it works and your kid is an ostracized bullied faggot for playing that shit if they actually like it

>> No.8198814

I'm not even op.

>> No.8198823

>my brother got his 8yo son a laptop and installed a ps2 emulator with a bunch of games, and he loved it
That's pretty cool. PS2 seems a lot more immediately accessible to an 8 year old in 2021 than your average NES game.

>> No.8199001

A real snes and a flash card would be way better

>> No.8199014

no you old dinosaur buy him a switch like a normal parent

>> No.8199064

Flash cards so his son can enjoy japanese kinos in their original language as God intended? Based.

>> No.8200910

Get him a NES or N64 over a SNES, easily one of Nintendo's worst consoles. The best move would probably be to get a PS2 though. Access to the PS2/PS1 libraries

>> No.8200992


>> No.8201057

This is why gaming should have ended after the seventh gen of consoles. Zoomers do not deserve to even enjoy video games since the shit they like is so absolutely shit. Gaming was in its best years during the retro years.

>> No.8201271

what the hell is this

>> No.8201278

NES is more iconic than the snes

Both are good though

>> No.8201279

Then he's not a smart kid because 90s games are more fun than newer ones a lot of times

>> No.8201281

Or you know, a phone

Raspberry pi is basically pointless phones do the same thing

>> No.8201924

Literal unobtanium it's not worth it

>> No.8202094

>be heavy into NES
>get subscription to NP to help figure out which games were worth getting
>get into RPGs since it was a game you couldn't beat in a day or two and poor meant only got 2-3 new games a year
>enter school
>already capable of reading at a 6th grade level
Thanks Dragon Warrior 2. You were a cunt, but it made me a better man.

>> No.8202547

My cousin has this issue. He's 10 and he begs my uncles over and over to buy him a PS4 so he can play Fortnite, but they only let him have their old PS2 and Mega Drive. While he does enjoy those games (he's gotten pretty good at Sonic 2 and 3), he still makes fits about wanting to play those nu-games, and has a problem fitting in at school with his friends. Trying to lead your kids down the right path is something a parent should do, but maybe too much is an issue.

>> No.8203121

It's not really that the games are better or worse it's more about peer pressure and the social scene for most kids.

>> No.8203191

Some games and consoles will live on the same way Shakespeare lives on now: as antiques that are appreciated by people who are really into the artform, but not really appealing to normies. I'm a zoomer who loves video games new and old, but that's because I'm a fucking geek.

A zoomer who knows what a Goldeneye 007 is just isn't the norm. Later on such and such gen knowing what a Fortnite is will be wierd. People will still love them, they'll just be niche unless some hipster trend pops up.

>> No.8203316

How on earth is the Pocket e-waste? There's a million reasons to discount Analogue, but their products are generally pretty well constructed.
If anything, it's the endless buffet of cheap, Chinese emu boxes that are wasteful.

>> No.8204286

I wouldn't think modern 10 year olds even play vidya at all or anything but play with phones.

>> No.8206274

As an adult you can do whatever. Dress whatever you want, consume any media you want and nobody cares. Teenagers don't have this freedom; fitting in and looking cool is very important. So even if your 13 year old son would prefer Colecovision games or whatever, he's pretty much obliged to play Switch games to fit in with the insect hive.

>> No.8206293

Phones only replaced handheld gaming

>> No.8206308

>reasonable post that makes sense gets a fucking deranged reply by an oomerposter missing the point completely
Every single time.

>> No.8206324
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>Dress whatever you want
>Teenagers don't have this freedom
They have so much freedom they kill themselves over it all the time.

>> No.8206328

If your kids see you enjoying SNES games they'll want to try them out and probably enjoy them. If you force them playing anything they'll probably end up rejecting it. Use the games to bond with them instead of projecting your childhood into them.

>> No.8206336

I don't think my sister would care about SNES games or playing them now but when she was 13 she was completely "PS2 PS2 PS2 PS2 PS2 PS2" and she thought oldskool games were stupid.

>> No.8207146

it's always the trollbait-spam-threads which live the longest.

>> No.8207440

Your first mistake was having a child.

>> No.8207647

Sounds like another great reason to homeschool.

>> No.8207680

your 6 year old son, or did you mean your wife's 6 years old son?

>> No.8207824

Vintage Japanese PC are ven more trannyer than nintendo.

>> No.8207839
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>> No.8207842

A real Snes with a Everdrive and a decent CRT will cost less.

>> No.8207846

I'll tell you what the good games are if you don't know em

>> No.8207865

>6 year old
Did I unintentionally create a meme? Lol

>> No.8208149

OPs child likely isn’t autistic like you.

>> No.8210407


This. Get him into football, boxing, basketball, and maybe baseball instead. /thread

>> No.8210464
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maybe a PS2 with pic related?
I ended up liking the 16-bit era games more anyway :)

>> No.8210657

This is the only correct suggestion.
He's 6 years old, he has friends and is absolutely going to get more out of a sport than playing with your old toys.
Hell, he probably already has a few valid interests you just haven't bothered to learn about.

>> No.8210660

Based brazilianchad

>> No.8210861


You're going to ruin some kid's life if you ever get the chance to reproduce.

>> No.8211659

Recently, my mom's friend's has been borrowing old games from me for her grandson to play.
Kids tend to love older games more than recent ones for multiple reasons.
First, the obvious fact that the older ones we will share will be better than the ones he will randomly select out of the choices of modern games, We can curate what they play, and keep out cheap crap.
Second, older games are simpler. Aside from modern games being way too complex in mechanics, even their controls are an awful mess. After the year 2000, controllers had too many buttons, and games tended to overcomplicate their use of the controllers. Things now play like crap even when they are good.

Keep him with the older stuff. Make some amazing picks and see what he likes.

>> No.8211735

>100 replies to a trolling-thread

>> No.8212448

What's that shit?
looks phony af