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8194630 No.8194630[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any developer interviews about the making of Sonic 3 that specifically talk about the design of the zones? Specifically Marble Garden?
I always felt this level had something strange about this level and can't quite put my finger on it.

>> No.8194663
File: 628 KB, 1026x1644, SmartSelect_20211001-191139_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So spooky dude.

>> No.8194669

It's steep

>> No.8194673

t. Roaming roman

>> No.8194689

I always had the feeling that this level was designed exclusively by the Sonic CD team. I know most zones in 3K had the CD spritework style in them.

>> No.8194705

It looks nothing like Sonic CD.
Sonic 3's color palette is way more opaque and muted.

>> No.8194716

qrd on the roaming romans?
been seeing a lot of people within the sonic fandom lately talk about that, but I don't remember any romans in Sonic.

>> No.8194718

Was this the most important level in all of the Sonix series?

>> No.8194720

>Sonix series?
why was there never a proper Sonix character? (could have been a Sonic transformation, whatever).
There was Metallix and Chaotix.

>> No.8194721

These are the great questions of our day

>> No.8194732
File: 23 KB, 291x173, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding. These palmtrees are straight out of palmtree panic. The rectangle shaped grass is in the same style as the shapes in the background of Collision Chaos. It's the same style.

>> No.8194736

No its not you can't convince me it is its not its not its not

>> No.8194738

Not the same sprite.
The grass in Sonic CD reminds me more of Emerald Hill Zone or just Green Hill Zone.
Sonic 3's art direction was a major turning point.

>> No.8194745
File: 57 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's certainly an evolution, but I have a hard time believing the spritework didn't have input from CD's (amazing) sprite artists. Between this and the squared tiles technique used in a lot of levels, including Angel Island Zone.

>> No.8194749

>an evolution
I don't really see similarities though, Sonic 3 looks more messy and with more muted color palettes.
CD's art is all pretty geometrical, more on par with 1 and 2, very far away from 3.

>> No.8194752

What you're feeling is a sense if wonder and mystery. Surrealistic unreal artstyle of ancient ruins in the middle of the forest experienced at the formative part of your childhood. It just makes you wonder whats beyond it as if it was a real place. People are like that commonly for Mario.

>> No.8194753

Mario 64* I mean

>> No.8194956

Its a shit game

>> No.8194983

t. Sonic 2 fanboy

>> No.8195393

I'll put your finger on it, it has multiple insane vertical scroll loops. The other parts of the zone are all slow-methodical platforming like it's been made by a Sonic 1 or CD developer on a guest visit to the team. Plain spinning tops are used to fly, there is no indicated reason for this, they look like normal tops.

More than one "stop and wait while the screen rumbles" segment, because Robotnik is drilling. Robotnik is drilling to drill, there's no secret treasure under Marble Garden that this was all leading to, he's doing it for no apparent reason - all the important underground stuff in the S&K half is beneath Sandopolis. Man just likes to drill and this plot point that you sit and wait for repeatedly just doesn't exist.

>> No.8195409

>I know most zones in 3K had the CD spritework style in them.
>It looks nothing like Sonic CD.
yeah i'm not seeing where you get CD spritework from. elaborate?

>> No.8195723

marble garden has immigrating indians

>> No.8195956

Nothing is strange about this level, its a bunch of overgrown stone structures with a BOPPIN track.

>> No.8195961
File: 846 KB, 810x810, cat gives the look 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I always felt this level had something strange about this level and can't quite put my finger on it.

It's the most comfy zone to hang around. Also nice use of the Mega Drive's color palette.

>> No.8195965
File: 24 KB, 385x385, 1631781580698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is "strange" about Marble Garden

>> No.8195978
File: 30 KB, 700x285, marbles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no marbles in it.

>> No.8195982

The only thing I can find is this quote from Yuji Naka
>“Even though we used this pattern once before, we wanted to do another stage where the ground shakes ever since Sonic 1. In the first Zone, where Eggman is digging for jewels, we wanted that machine to appear and chase after Sonic from behind, something like that, but we didn't get to it this time”

>> No.8196059

something about the palette and or the music, they speak about things deep inside one

>> No.8196067

It's kind of eerie that permanent landscape changes are made to ancient ruins when player happens to pass through

>> No.8196150
File: 131 KB, 640x672, sonic3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I have to explain this to you. Sonic 1 and 2 have really detailed spritework on the stage tiles, like a normal 16-bit game. In CD, they use the same squared tiles with different palletes to create the illusion of depth and probably to save time and resources, giving it that unique geometrical feel in most stages. They also use a lot of weird rectangles to convey grass and other textures. You never see that on Sonic 2 and 1, where the tiles are always pretty detailed, if you look close enough.

In Sonic 3 and Knuckles, the levels use this a lot. Specially Angel Island and Mushroom Hill. Death Egg uses this. Even outside of this, there's a bunch of reused assets from CD in here, such as the hidden emerging springs in Sky Sanctuary and Death Egg.

By the way, only faggots get thrown off by the colors in CD. What kind of fucking excuse is that. Are you the same fags who shit on MM8 because of muh colors. It looks fucking great and probably worked because monitors back then used to mute the colors anyway.

>> No.8196232

This thread stinks of reddit

>> No.8196313

It's a weirdly oppressive-feeling zone.

>weird music
>weird chunky graphics
>weird gimmicks
>easy to run into obstacles
>easy to get lost
>hard to backtrack
>collapsing segments
>unconventional boss

just a weird one.

>> No.8196545

I dunno man, I think Sonic 2 is the one similar to CD, not 3.

>> No.8196549

>where Eggman is digging for jewels
There you go >>8195393
Were there any visible jewels in the level, though? And why do you think Eggman needed jewels?

>> No.8197395

He might be searching for the Chaos emeralds or Hidden Palace zone which houses the Master Emeralds

>> No.8197434

from a programming point of view, it's technically very impressive.

>> No.8197474

to make zones "bigger" the devs use overflow to loop up down, or left right, marble garden is the former.

if its left right you can get stuck in a wall and do the zip zoom skip. (crouch and press left)
you can also do some funky stuff in ice cap by crouching the screen top close to sonic then jumping, it despawns movable objects iirc while its trying to correct for what just happened.

>> No.8197525

This level was hard and something is indeed off and spooky about it.
The human mind was darker and more creative in the 90s.

>> No.8197531

You forgot the werid music this level has.

>> No.8197538
File: 204 KB, 444x726, Screenshot_20211002-181210~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has diaper mamas and the stone face where you pop its zit

>> No.8197819

It feels like way more of a mishmash than other zones. The theme is what, steep hills? There are black pools in suspended locations, swinging maces that aren't machines, tops, eggman repeatedly drilling for literally nothing, plus ancient ruin like things such as statues that spit arrows, and holes in walls. The paths lead nowhere and back in on themselves. You have to wait for drilling segments. What is this place supposed to be and why is anything happening? Sonic games are loose with logic and that's never been the point, but if this one stands out, maybe it's because it feels like significantly looser logic and theming than even what's normal.

>> No.8197826

>There are black pools
seriously, what the fuck was that all about? I'd assume they're oil pools but why? It makes sense in Oil Ocean Zone.

>> No.8198229

Every Sonic game uses geometric styled assets you fucking schizo.

>> No.8198250

Retard the bottom right is Sonic 2 you shithead. Emerald Hill looks closer to CD than Mushroom Hill to the side comparison
But despite that all of them looks near identical compared to 3D Sonic so making this shit claim Sonic 2 was the most "off model" game or some shit is fucking retarded.

>> No.8198256

That was mud you stupid fuck
Seriously, this thread reeks of underaged it's killing me.

>> No.8198312

Mud in floating places.

>> No.8198315

? What do you mean?

>> No.8198320

Get your eyes checked.

>so making this shit claim Sonic 2 was the most "off model" game or some shit is fucking retarded
I never said that. Also take your meds.

>> No.8198336

Sonic 2 and 1 barely have them, in the way that Sonic CD and 3K does it. It's all just collumns and blocks on there. Maybe save for Green Hill Zone. Why do I still bother arguing with nostalgiafags.

>> No.8198345

Nigga bottom right is EMERALD HILL. By using that as an argument yet go and say
>You never see that on Sonic 2 and 1, where the tiles are always pretty detailed, if you look close enough.
Makes your entire post null and void. Top right, bottom left and right all look comparable to each other as top left, mid left and right do each other. Aka, ALL of the classic games used the same style between them, just more often of a mix of it in subsequence sequels respectively because more experience. Kys schizo.

>> No.8200867

I always thought the mushroom zone looked gorgeous.

>> No.8201374

I prefer the visuals in Sonic games to almost any game from SNES besides maybe Chrono Trigger and Super Metroid.

>> No.8202580

Marble Garden is the surface of Hydropolis' subterranean tunnel network. It allows you to see that a full blown civilization used to live on this remote island. Another reason it comes off as uncanny is because it's a repeat of a Sonic 1 zone.

>> No.8203114

You guys are way overthinking this. It's just a fun stage with a decent visual design that they didn't put much thought into besides "how can we make this zone look unique from the other zones?" There is no deep meaning behind any of it.

>> No.8203157

Can you FUCK OFF already you schizo


>> No.8203252

>It has diaper mamas

>> No.8203257

It’s an ancient ruin/“earth” zone.
Tar pits, to go with the ancient past theme.

>> No.8203518 [DELETED] 

OMG FELLOW CHANNERS SANIC 3 STRANGE VIBES THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? HECKIN BASED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sonic CD team was based out of Japan, Sonic 3 was developed in the US, you stupid nigger.

>> No.8203523 [DELETED] 

This is a fucking forced meme thread. Mods don't give a shit.
Nothing. Some faggot wants to shitpost about "strange vibes" in Sonic 3 and other gay shit.

>> No.8203637

Or maybe, just maybe, he wanted to know more about the zone and its lore.
What's the negative thing about noticing the zone has "strange vibes"? It totally does.

>> No.8203834

Sonic 2 Manual.

>> No.8203860

As a child. I think i named the spike balls. Diaper mamas.
Or it was the face statue. With the spike ball.

>> No.8203865

holy baseido

>> No.8203939


>> No.8203948
File: 13 KB, 320x224, marblegardenzone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the only Sonic stage that features food.
Are these peaches?

>> No.8203960

the themes is the ruins of a long dead ancient civilization. probably knuckles' ancestors.
the machinery implies that they went down a different technological path. they have short range flight via the tops but they still build with marble.
think atlantis but not wet. ys is basically this.

>> No.8203974

Pretty sure Sonic 2 has coconut palms, but yeah those look like peaches trees.

>> No.8204013

a general overview of development and history but still interesting