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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 14 KB, 522x237, n64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8189425 No.8189425 [Reply] [Original]

>play N64 game
>has literally 150-200 ms of input lag (9-12 frames at 60fps) inherent to the game alone
>disabling framebuffer emulation breaks the game
>game runs at 20-30 fps
how the fuck is this even playable?

>> No.8189435

mario, zelda, banjo, the list goes on and on....

>> No.8189437

on original hardware like God intended

>> No.8189448

Use a better emulator or use actual hardware

>> No.8189452
File: 531 KB, 1600x1200, Mario Tennis (USA)-210925-183230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disabling framebuffer emulation breaks the game

What game? Mario Tennis? That's the only game I can think of with advanced framebuffer effects, just look at that glow! No other game did this and I have no idea how they did it.

>> No.8189550

This. OP is a faggot retard.

>> No.8189565
File: 1.01 MB, 1401x1079, image-asset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which emulator are you using, OP?

>> No.8189580

>no computer specs
>no game
>no emulator with settings being used

Good thread.

>> No.8189590

Zelda OoT, Rogue Squadron, Perfect Dark, and Banjo Kazooie just off the top of my head.

I can guarantee it's almost just as bad on original hardware. OoT ran at fucking 16fps in PAL version lol

>> No.8189601

The human eye cannot see more then 16fps

>> No.8189607

I olay Quake 3 competitively and I can tell the difference between 100fps and 125fps. either cope or retarded.

>> No.8189613

That was quite clearly a joke.

>> No.8189630

A high-end rig and the only relevant N64 emulator (Mupen64) has tons of input lag inherent to the game/emulator/system. This is literally best case scenario input lag by pausing game and advancing frame-by-frame until an action on screen, so it's not even including any external factors (thus it's actually even worse in practice)

My computer has no problem running it, this is just the games, the hardware, or the emulator itself. For example, Mario 64 with disabled frame buffering has literally 1-2 frames @60fps of input lag compared to 12 of OoT (where you have to enable frame buffering due to horrible artifacting). Even the Gamecube has literally one frame of input lag in some games (for example pausing in Raiden), and PS1 has two for many games; it technically should have three but you can actually use run-ahead unlike with Mupen64.

Also the frame buffering is literally emulating how the fucking N64 hardware does it, so I highly doubt it would be much better on actual hardware. Even then it would still be much worse on actual hardware for all the games where you can disable frame buffering without artifacts.

>> No.8189660 [DELETED] 

nazis get punched


>> No.8189665

>Mario without a moustache

>> No.8189695

What the fuck is with all these shitty low quality N64 threads?

>> No.8189716

Its just /v/ bleeding into /vr/

>> No.8189747 [DELETED] 

This is peak emufag cope.

>> No.8189762 [DELETED] 

You’ve never punched anyone, faggot.

>> No.8189776
File: 11 KB, 425x366, N64 Flow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also the frame buffering is literally emulating how the fucking N64 hardware does it, so I highly doubt it would be much better on actual hardware.
N64 is notorious for having the worst emulation due to it's thread flow. Use an Everdrive you massive fucking faggot.

>> No.8189793 [DELETED] 

Real n64 hardware is slower than emulation, and also more expensive and faulty. Your homophobic insults cant change that fact.

>> No.8189826

don't waste money on an everdrive, there's only like 10 games on the console. Get them over with and never touch it again, that or do the smart thing and let them stay in your memory.

>> No.8189836
File: 90 KB, 800x497, N64 Emulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then shut the fuck about latency or deal with it because emulation will increase it despite being able to run more frames than original hardware. Fast and accurate emulation for the N64 does not fucking exist, most times you're lucky to get just one of those qualities with emulation.
>Your homophobic insults

>> No.8189842 [DELETED] 

you were agreeable until
>Your homophobic insults
painful cringe.

>> No.8189863 [DELETED] 

I don't like retards and I don't like faggots, which means I don't like retard faggots.

>> No.8189874

85 dollars is less than you'll spend on those 10 games.

>> No.8189876 [DELETED] 

I actually didn't read the post you were responding to and thought you were greentexting him calling you a fag, kek. carry on, soldier.

>> No.8189912

>PAL region
There's your problem. There's a reason game consoles in general aren't popular in PAL regions.

>> No.8189916

One angry boy years ago keeps spamming his hatred again and again.

>> No.8189946

Modded Goldeneye and Perfect Dark on 1964 emu are a lot more responsive than on the original hardware.

>> No.8189949

just emulate them for free. They aren't worth obsessing over if they have the correct three point texture filter or noise transparency.

>> No.8189953

Does anyone aside from turboautists give a shit about framerate?

>> No.8189969

Do you mean the mods that add mouse aiming? That's when you add something that didn't exist originally and therefor don't have to try and mimic the original controls.

>> No.8190003

That's what happens when**

>> No.8190156

the memearch N64 cores have long surpassed Mupen64

>> No.8190373


Play on original hardware, emufag.

>> No.8190452 [DELETED] 

It was so good when people like OP didn't exist. PC faggots really are insufferable.

>> No.8190458

lmao who gives a fuck

>> No.8190463

No one is playing the PAL version, it's just that you're delusional if you think some of these games with awful framerates would run low latency on original hardware

>> No.8190520

>9-12 frames of input lag
On your shitty emulator? sure. Not on my actual NTSC N64 though, not by a longshot.

>> No.8190659

that's 9-12 frames at 60fps (to keep it standardized).

Imagine thinking 20fps Zelda doesn't have 150+ ms input lag button to pixel

It feels so fucking insanely sluggish especially since NES, SNES, Genesis, GB, GBA all have 2 frames with runahead down to 1. PSX is 3 with runahead down to 2. And DS, Saturn, and GCN are 3-4. Then you have N64 where many games have fucking 10

>> No.8190727 [DELETED] 

Ok so I'm like 95% sure this is the games themselves. Smash Bros 64 has 2 frames of input lag with frame buffering enabled and 1 frame of input lag with it disabled. This is just as low or probably lower than hardware.

These games are just poorly optimized and choppy garbage. A lot of these 30fps games have way worse input lags than from framerate alone (for example, Spiderman in 30fps has like 60ms more than 60fps)

For example, even on PS5, one 60fps game can have 33ms of input lag, another game has 55, another game has 115, another game has 125, and a 30fps game has 190. see https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/m020e3/dualsense_wired_vs_wireless_latency_comparison/

>> No.8190732

My N64 has 1-2 frames of internal lag on my CRT. 150ms is unplayable, so believe me it's nothing near that. Please play a real N64 if you want to see for yourself.

>> No.8190734

Ok so I'm like 95% sure this is the games themselves. Smash Bros 64 has 2 frames of input lag with frame buffering enabled and 1 frame of input lag with it disabled. This is just as low or probably lower than hardware.

These games are just poorly optimized and choppy garbage. A lot of these 30fps games have way worse input lags than from framerate alone. For example, even on PS5, one 60fps game can have 33ms of input lag, another game has 55, another game has 115, another game has 125, and a 30fps game has 190. The same game in 60fps has 60ms lower input lag than at 30fps. see https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/m020e3/dualsense_wired_vs_wireless_latency_comparison/

>> No.8190738

It depends on the game you dumb tard. I just watched a YouTube video of N64 on CRT and Mario 64 had like 5-6 frames (@60) which is consistent with Mupen64. Smash Bros however only has 2 frames even on emulator and even with emulate frame buffering enabled

>> No.8190742 [DELETED] 

Which game are you saying has 150ms of lag? Zelda? Cause you're wrong there too.

>> No.8190751

>I just watch a youtube video
Fuck off, that's not a reasonable amount of experience to use in judging a creator's work. Play the real game on the real console and then you can have a valid opinion.

>> No.8190758

It's just video games relax man

>> No.8190812

>I just watched a YouTube video of N64 on CRT and Mario 64 had like 5-6 frames (@60)
How in the fuck did you conclude this from a youtube video?

>> No.8190854

It's a high framerate slow motion recording of the screen you moron

>> No.8190856

Do you see the guy's hands too?

>> No.8190867

Yes... do you not know how these videos work? It's a recording of a button press with the CRT in the background with a high framerate camera. It was an N64, N64 controller, and CRT. Still 5-6 frames (game inherent)

>> No.8190881

This looks like two frames to me.

>> No.8190889

I can confirm that OoT (and Majora's Mask for that matter) has a lot of input lag even on real hardware. I didn't notice it when I was a kid, but I played it later on an emulator and was struck by the input lag, and I was wondering if it was the emulator or what. I booted it up on my N64 hooked up to my CRT, and there it was, clear as day.

So yeah, some N64 games really are like that, emulated or not.

>> No.8190897

>I can confirm that OoT (and Majora's Mask for that matter) has a lot of input lag even on real hardware
I don't believe it. Those games are really responsive despite running at 20FPS.

>> No.8190898

He's lying, the PAL version ran fine on original hardware.

>> No.8190908

It still works, mind you. I never had any issues playing it then, and I certainly do not now. But try it out yourself. Do something really simple, like swing your sword or hell, just flick the analog stick to turn around. You'll notice it's not instantaneous.

>> No.8190937
File: 62 KB, 849x765, IMG_0843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the PAL version ran fine on original hardware
Yeah, with crisp choppy frames.

>> No.8190949

The video isn't slowed so you can't tell. In the other video you can literally see the roll of each new frame to count

>> No.8190958

>you can literally see the roll of each new frame to count
How do you know it was captured at 60FPS?

>> No.8190965

Nope you're wrong. There's no lag on mine

>> No.8190980


>> No.8190982

The CRT scanline you moron. You can literally see and count each individual frame by the scanline

It was captured at 120 or 240fps because 60fps isn't enough for these tests

>> No.8190987

>60fps isn't enough for these tests
Why not? Just count the amount of frames from the time the button was pressed.

>> No.8191006

You're an idiot. A 240fps video did just that. It's 5-6 frames in Mario 64 on original hardware

>> No.8191024

Three things here. First, you're a retard. Second, on every platform in existence different games and different actions in games have (sometimes massively) different input lag. Third, even with literally zero input lag which is impossible, 20fps will always have up to 50ms input lag just due to framerate (and much, much more in reality)

>> No.8191035

I don't think you're counting frames correctly.

>> No.8191125

Frames should be measured in 60fps standard (60Hz display output). You can literally see the rolling scanline of each new refresh on the CRT TV in the video. Just counting game frames when some games run at 20, some at 30, and some at 60 is not very useful for comparisons.

>> No.8191131

>You can literally see the rolling scanline of each new refresh on the CRT TV in the video
Which video? It takes way more than 240FPS to see the rolling scanline.

>> No.8191132

ok dude I get it you hate the n64 blah blah
Now go away
so sick of these sony guys coming in for no reason. You never see the reverse

>> No.8191140


>> No.8191146

You literally can't see the rolling scanline in that video. You can see the refresh rate not matching the camera but that doesn't tell you shit.

>> No.8191156

PS1 has a lot of input lag in most games too just like N64 (mostly because they run at 30fps), but at least you can use run-ahead with Beetle PSX. N64 is definitely the worst offender with some of its games, particularly with how poor their framerates are.

However, some games like Smash 64 have insanely low input latency (2 frames vs. 12 in OoT), so it really just seems like a game issue.

>> No.8191158 [DELETED] 

5th gen babies are really sensitive

>> No.8191163

The psx is better though. Way better library and games

>> No.8191180

Yeah that's probably true. I have a lot of nostalgia for the N64, but the library is honestly really sparse. Genesis and SNES had way bigger and better libraries than either N64 or PS1 though.

>> No.8191185

so you admit the psx is objectively better?
I can't imagine being a nintendrone

>> No.8191192 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 882x758, wojakhand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

original hardware chads... it looks like we got too cocky... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qys9sdzJKI

>> No.8191235

why are you trying to start a console war? I am the farthest thing from a Nintendrone. I hate the company, I hate their practices, I hate their gimmicks, and I hate how they just rehash the same games for decades straight.

I have some nostalgia for N64 because I grew up with it even though the library is small and not that great, although that's the fifth gen in general where you had a lot of abomination games due to devs experimenting with early 3D. Personally I don't think either PS1 or N64 had strong libraries, especially compared to the gen prior.

Nintendo consoles do have some good exclusives though. I like their library of games, but they just ruin it with gouged prices, anticonsumer practices, shitty hardware, and gimmicky controller trash. The GCN was the last good system from them (or the DS if you include handhelds). I've gamed mostly on PS consoles up until this gen.

>> No.8191250

What's your issue with nintendo? They seem like the only ones doing good in this industry

>> No.8191258

You're just being biased. Nintendo is far better as a company compared to other hardware manufacturers.
Sony has always been such a cynical cold company with little in the way of innovation.
I miss Sega

>> No.8191264
File: 353 KB, 2000x1000, switchonline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they seem like the only ones doing good in this industry
fucking kek

>> No.8191267

I think that speaks more about the state of the industry than nintendo

>> No.8192497 [DELETED] 


>> No.8192498 [DELETED] 


>> No.8192707

I wish more controllers had B being to the upper left of A like on the N64.

>> No.8193119 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 600x601, 5E2CA4C8-6E9F-4DF6-B3BF-AE758A64BD53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8193153

Ugly colors and poor hardware design, requiring mapper chips to do the things other systems of its era could.
Released late, bloated with features, slower than genesis and even pce, and a lot pricier than both as well.
The garbage console with only a handful of good games, literally destroyed nintendo's credibility.
Mediocre console that didnt do anything noteworthy. Got held down by the low capacity of the mini dvd and the horrid controller design. Lost horribly to ps2 and the newcomer xbox.
A gimmicky console thats almost as weak as the generation of console before it. Succeeded because it was appealing for the lowest common denominator.
>wii u
Soulless, underpowered, even more gimmicky sequel to the wii.
Need i say more?

>It's okay when nintendo does it.
Indie company preasu undelstando.


>> No.8193842 [DELETED] 
