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File: 1003 KB, 2000x1260, Spinball-box-us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8178876 No.8178876 [Reply] [Original]

Okay I probably suck at "real" pinball but, I think this is the best pinball game I've ever played to this day. Exploring the boards is fun and you can actually steer yourself to some extent which is appreciated. I've also beaten it legit on real hardware. Only bad things really are the frame rate and ear raping music but you could blame the limited dev time for that.

>> No.8178923

It feels like they programmed this in Basic, why do the main three Sonic games have better pinball physics than this actual pinball game?

>> No.8178927

They programmed it in C to cut dev time because the sega jews were rushing them

>> No.8178961

Ugh, and it shows. terrible terrible game.
would have been 90% better if they could have build it with Sonic 2 code.

>> No.8178969

I liked space cadet

>> No.8179050

>ear raping music
Lava Powerhouse is one of the greatest Sonic songs ever made.

>> No.8179268


>ear raping music

you're fuckin' retarded

>> No.8180772

>pinball game with digital only controls
Now I finally realize why it sucked so much.

Modern pinball games (like Yoku's Island Express for example) feel so much better to play because of the sticks and triggers giving you a lot more precision.

>> No.8180793

I think my biggest problem with this game's gameplay is how hard it is to navigate some of the zones, but I suppose it's a fun sort of hard to most people

Also the music is amazing, just turn down the volume on your TV a bit and you can appreciate it more, if anything the sound effects are very annoying but the music itself is super cool

>> No.8180847

>better pinball physics than this actual pinball game?
No Sonic game has good pinball physics. Pinball is played on a tilted surface and the metal ball has no agency of its own. Sonic isn't a fucking pinball game just because they throw in some bumpers and some flippers.
Sonic jumps, rolls and is able to change speeds and directions at any given time. It's NOTHING like a steel ball on a pinball table.
The way sonic bounces and behaves is more akin to a fucking billiard ball, now where's my Sonic Spinpool game faggots?

>> No.8181079

weren't actual pinball machines digital controls? I seem to recall the flipper buttons being the same as or similar standard arcade buttons

>> No.8181204

Spinball is kino af

>> No.8181245

>bad framerate
This was a surprise to me years ago considering I had no Genesis and THIS was my introduction to Spinball

>> No.8181253

>Spinball is kino af
Wouldn't go that far but it doesn't deserve most of the hate it gets. You can see flashes of a good game that just need some more polish.

>> No.8182008

ahh, music to my ears

>> No.8182032

I think the physics are really bad though.
The idea is neat, on paper, a sonic pinball game should have been great, but it was sadly a rushed game developed by western devs. The Sonic pinball physics found in levels like Spring yard zone or Casino night are nowhere to be found on Spinball, instead it's oddly floaty and with weird hitboxes.

>> No.8182371

A Spinball game by the Japanese devs would have been awesome, but this crap should have never seen the light of day.

>> No.8182381

Is it wrong that I actually like it? It's grungy and cool.

>> No.8182437
File: 7 KB, 360x390, 041e67b48505d88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is horrible. I own it since it came out.

They suck, they feel unnatural and are totally worse than the pinball parts of Sonic 2.
The sound font used is ear rape. The tunes themselves are bad, bland and totally forgetable.
>overall visual design and aesthetic
Ugly and unaesthetic from whatever angle you look at it. Look at Sonic's sprite, it doesn't even look right. Backgrounds are ugly, foregrounds are ugly, enemies are ugly, colors are ugly.

I tought it was shit even as a kid. I was a huge Sonic fan back then and I remember thinking that the romhack of Super Sonic Bros I had was better than Sonic Spinball

>> No.8182453
File: 209 KB, 317x315, Sonicpp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, how does it compare to this then.


>> No.8182475

good taste, anon

>> No.8182481

>No Sonic game has good pinball physics. Pinball is played on a tilted surface and the metal ball has no agency of its own.
What about the pinball stages in Sonic Adventure, where it's played on a tilted surface and the Sonic ball has no agency of its own?

>> No.8182494

Holy earrape at 1:00. This was also my introduction go Spinball, I had a Genesis but only had the mainline games and 3D Blast. Lost the GBA Sega Smash Pack in my couch for years and unlike the GBA games that went through the washer it didn't work when I finally found it, but I don't really care since I have all three of the games on Genesis now. Watching this video though, I'm really impressed at how identical this is to the original. The music is almost perfect, unlike every SNES port. Lack of boss music is lame though

>> No.8182505

Nevermind, I didn't realize they just used Toxic Caves for every stage. At least those SNES ports had more than one song

>> No.8182520
File: 386 KB, 640x935, Dragon'sFury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but it's not even a contest.

>> No.8182537
File: 138 KB, 1920x1080, 1581801579504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8182542

listen to it not be fucked up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO9eox0UL2g

>> No.8182879

This game still blew my mind as a child. The cover art and just the first level and music.

>> No.8182893

This game made me rage, but it did have a brilliant rendition of the PSO theme song


>> No.8182921

fuck this game reminds me of my mum ;_;
she wanted to play this game so badly but we only had a playstation

>> No.8182942

In middle school I eventually could beat it on the regular. Not the most polished game in the world, but it tried something different and the boards were lots of fun to explore. And activate all the different whatsits. Also it had some elements from the NA cartoon. Fun stuff.

>> No.8182950

I haven't played Sonic Adventure, the post I was responding to only mentioned the mainstay 16 bit games, so I wasn't taking into account any games outside those original titles.
There's an advance pinball game as well that I didn't consider, I know I had emulated it at some point in the past but can't remember if the "ball" was controllable like Spinball.

So my "No Sonic game" statement should be "No 16-bit Megadrive/Genesis Sonic game has good pinball physics", and by good I mean realistic. Outside of the short bonus stages on Spinball, Sonic is always floating through the air bouncing off of things like a basketball as opposed to rolling on a surface like a weighted steel ball.

>> No.8183025

>Outside of the short bonus stages on Spinball,
That was gonna be my next "what about ____?". And yeah, fair enough

>> No.8183424

>I think the physics are really bad though.

This is pretty much the #1 reason why it should not have been released, it was clear that SOA did not give a rats ass.
No wonder the Sonic team didn't wanna do Sonic 3 with the Americans again.

Shame that we'll never get a Sonic Spinball DX romhack with proper Sonic 123 physics.

>> No.8184130

I imagine that romhack would more than likely require heavy modification to Sonic 1 or 2 to add all the Spinball stuff rather than just tweaking the physics of Spinball. It's a nice idea, but yeah, I don't see it realistically ever happening

>> No.8184135

It was made in 6 months. The engine was made in 2 months then development was scrapped at 3 months and restarted.

>> No.8184143

It's "Western Sonic" represented in game form, which I think does have a certain charm of it's own.

>> No.8184146

That was a sad story.