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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 14 KB, 512x384, jack the nipper (gremlin graphics ZX Spectrum 1986).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8174708 No.8174708 [Reply] [Original]

So this is what the UK had to play instead of SMB, Mega Man, Ninja Gaiden, etc.

>> No.8174721

If you were poor, yeah. The Master System did quite well too, and some people did in fact own the NES.

>> No.8174728

I played through the rare replay collection on Xbox and i have to admit the speccy games where fun

>> No.8174737

No idea what that is.

>> No.8174773

You're not missing much.

>> No.8174817

Gotta love how the Speccy is so bad at color many games just didn't even bother.

>> No.8174837

it has a colour memory map separate from the pixel data where each 8x8 block of screen is one colour, so that resulted in the famous "colour clash" and many games would just use a monochromatic playfield so it would look cleaner

>> No.8174854

Actually a really neat, elegant design compared to how most 8-bit micros' graphics work (don't even ask what Apple II graphics are like).

>> No.8174889

Wasn't this based on a British comic strip?

>> No.8174905
File: 284 KB, 762x820, UK Sales Chart May 1992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8174909 [DELETED] 

>even the bongs didn’t call it the master system

>> No.8174918

but that's not fair considering the Apple II is like 5 years older than the Spectrum

>> No.8174952

They sold the Apple II in the UK. It was expensive, only offices or laboratories or whatever had the things, and there were absolutely no games. I think at first they couldn't even display colour due to the graphics system being dependent on NTSC quirks.

>> No.8174997

Yeah absolutely zero people owned an Apple 2 for gaming. Oi me speccy, the Amiga and the commodore absolutely ruled the roost in England. Console wise it was Mega Drive for console and Game Boy for handheld. The Apple 2 was mainly used in offices and such

>> No.8175001

it didn't even get into UK schools because the BBC Micro dominated the educational market

>> No.8175005

Yes. Understand that the NES was expensive and had conflicting software released for it (games cost upwards of £50 whereas a brand new triple A speccy game cost, at most, £20, and even then you had to make sure your NES game worked with your console or not). People only really started to give into consoles around the mega drive before everyone jumped ship and got a PlayStation when that came out

>> No.8175024

those lovely un-optimized PAL games that ran at like 30 fps and they would release games 3 years after the US and Japan got them so you'd end up with LOZ in 1990, SMB3 in 1992, etc.

>> No.8175065

You know we actually had NES and Master System in the UK. I remember I started with a Master System and I had a mate who had a NES so every couple of weeks we'd swap consoles then back again so we had the best of both worlds.

>> No.8175071

What was your consensus on the NES? Did it not stack up to the MS In your eyes or were you envious of him and his big grey box

>> No.8175082

A lot of people especially professional game developers were often not that taken with the NES because they felt it was more of the same early 80s 8-bit nonsense and it took the Mega Drive before there was a console that looked really cutting edge.

>> No.8175084

>Yeah absolutely zero people owned an Apple 2 for gaming

>> No.8175086

I loved Mario 3 and Digger T Rock. I remember my downstairs neighbour had a NES as well but he had a game genie which completely mystified my tiny brain. I still preferred the Master System because I was a giant Asterix nut plus games were cheaper so I got to play more.I still love the Master System to this day to be honest, everything I played back then I can play now and enjoy (especially Asterix and Sonic 2), the NES only a very small, select collection of games I can still enjoy.

>> No.8175093

The U.K.
In America it was a different story but the computer was absolutely a work only thing in England

>> No.8175121

dude, like Apple IIs were just for public schools and nerds who played ancient grognard RPGs.

>> No.8176361

Yankies fears the speccy.

>> No.8176382

Rare Replay Collection is like the top 10% of Spectrum games, the vast majority are barely playable jank made by one 18 year old over his summer break.

>> No.8176385

I certainly do, I don't like playing with turds

>> No.8176410
File: 6 KB, 220x147, images (90).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet you enjoy this

>> No.8176445

I have that collection too and each one of those games were borderline unplayable shit other than Jetpac which was simply average. And those are supposed to be the best of the best speccy games so one can only imagine just how much worse the average game was.

>> No.8176889

Sup auster. Oy me speccer

>> No.8177645

It's probably better on a real Spectrum, emulation tends to be meh.

>> No.8177651

is that millions or individual units?

>> No.8178264

Out of curiosity, what's missing from the emulated versions?

>> No.8178384

>Mega Man
>Ninja Gaiden
Dumb septic

>> No.8179864

It's funny how many games the NES and the Spectrum share, the Spectrum version of TMNT is actually okay

>> No.8179881

Isnt the commodore version of TMNT like, actually unbeatable because one of the walls in the sewers is too low to pass and they didn’t test it properly, or am I thinking of a different port

>> No.8179908

>SMB, Mega Man, Ninja Gaiden, etc.
Boring copypasted platformers with simple gameplay and graphics.
>Jack The Nipper
One of the best action adventure games on 8 bit systems. So many more things to do than running right and shooting at braindead AI. More unique areas to explore. More than 3 sprites per scanline without flickering. Playable for tens of hours.

>> No.8179940

ms dos version. Although I never did finish C64 version myself.

>> No.8181698
File: 318 KB, 925x1050, 1492138170734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8181736

If Konami made Jack The Nipper it would be seen as an instant 10/10 classic on here.

>> No.8181757

It's the opposite, if some z tier bong amateur programmer made something like bayou billy (a konami game nobody really talks much about) for the speccy, creatures like you would say it's the quintessential masterpiece in all of gaming or whatever.
The funny thing is, even a mediocre game like bayou billy is still miles better than the abominations you played as a kid on your specce

>> No.8181771

You can’t buy .1 of a console dipshit

>> No.8181781

>One of the best action adventure games on 8 bit systems. So many more things to do than running right and shooting at braindead AI. More unique areas to explore. More than 3 sprites per scanline without flickering. Playable for tens of hours.
you forget where it cost 1/3rd what you paid for NES cartridge

>> No.8181821

and you could copy it for free! that alone makes it a better game! fuck paying for a good game! I'd rather have a shit one for free m8

>> No.8181829


>> No.8181874


If you haven't seen this game it's like a Sierra adventure but more arcadey.

>> No.8182504

You could go down to the grocery store and pick up a new Spectrum cassette ever week.

>> No.8182604

>So many more things to do than running right and shooting at braindead AI

really. like 80% of NES games could be boiled down to this.

>> No.8182980

>Someone actually took their time to type that
>Probably thought he's funny

>> No.8183063

it's fucking hilarious, eurotrash monkey.

>> No.8183094

I never ever played on retro PCs. That shit looks like some 14 years old tried to be funny.
>it's fucking hilarious
If you're a low IQ moron, maybe.