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File: 57 KB, 350x256, The_Legend_of_Zelda_-_Majora's_Mask_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8165691 No.8165691 [Reply] [Original]

The quests in this game are bullshit without a guide. Literally makes no sense. Explain this Zeldafags.

>bitch in the hotel can't find her fiance
>describes the mask he's wearing
>catch him running into some building at the laundromat
>he runs inside and locks the door
>no option to knock it
>when you go back to talk to the lady in the hotel, Link won't tell her that he's spotted him at the laundromat
>when you try to go to the store through the long alleyway (the other entrance?) it doesn't do anything
>look up a guide
>it's some random bullshit on day 3 you have to go to some cave
>even though he was already in clock town on day 1


>> No.8165708

You literally can't refute this.
NO. It makes NO sense that you can spot the character physically on day 1 of the cycle and not have a dialogue to communicate this information to the hotel lady.

>> No.8165717

Textbook filtered

>> No.8165720

>shitty devs don't account for simple logic
>enourmous plotholes created
yeah filtered this shit game because OOT is better than fedoras mask

>> No.8165746

and even then oot is a mediocre game. majoras ass cant even compete with that

>> No.8165765

OOT doesn't become cryptic bullshit until around the song of storms, and mirror of truth. This game is bullshit from the first second.

>> No.8165924 [SPOILER] 
File: 62 KB, 219x267, 1632389511695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pircrel: the thread

>> No.8165962

If you talk to NPCs they sometimes tell you about plot points and hints. Sometimes they change their dialogue depending on what mask you are wearing. Talking to characters is how normal people complete quests in games instead of running to guides.

>NO. It makes NO sense that you can spot the character physically on day 1 of the cycle and not have a dialogue to communicate this information to the hotel lady.
"Hey I saw this small child wearing the common character mask you said your adult fiance was wearing. That's probably him somehow, give me my reward bitch."

>> No.8165975

The quest is supposed to go like this, I will be very explicit about it with important information in caps because you have mental disabilities.

>Talk to all NPCs because you actually give a shit about the world.
>Speak to Kafei's mother who hangs out at the Mayor's office all day, she gives you a mask and says "HEY BY TALKING TO PEOPLE WEARING THIS MASK YOU CAN ASK THEM ABOUT MY SON"
>Try talking to various people wearing the mask
>Talk to Anju.
>She tells you to meet her after the inn closes, at which point she says "I GOT A LETTER FROM KAFEI, IF I WRITE A LETTER BACK YOU CAN FOLLOW THE POSTMAN TO SEE WHERE HE IS."
>So you do this.
>Sneak inside the laundry room while he is talking to the postman

Of course if you don't actually read the dialogue and just look up the rote instructions of where you have to be it's going to sound like it makes no sense!

>NO. It makes NO sense that you can spot the character physically on day 1 of the cycle and not have a dialogue to communicate this information to the hotel lady.

He is supposed to be an adult. That's a kid. Link has no fucking reason to believe that's the guy he's looking for until you intercept his letter and speak to him directly, at which point he asks you not to tell her until he can recover his stolen wedding mask.

>> No.8165995

shitload of fuck

>> No.8165997

The only good Zelda game is Wind Waker. You may not like to hear this, but it's true. The Gamecube actually had one or 2 decent games on it...

>> No.8166005

It doesn't even follow "spirit of the game" logic like "Why don't you just shoot the lock in an RE game?"

>> No.8166029

t. "WW was my first game" Gamecybe babby

>> No.8166046

Link's Awakening is also fucking great, but then that was my first Zelda game. How did they fit it all into an original GameBoy cartridge?

And the fact that it's hilariously broken makes for a good post-game/glitchy muckaround.

>> No.8167127
File: 53 KB, 169x319, MM_Kafei_Model.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kafei is the son of Mayor Dotour and Madame Aroma,[11] and is engaged to Anju
>Kafei is the son of Mayor Dotour and Madame Aroma,[11] and is engaged to Anju
>Kafei is the son of Mayor Dotour and Madame Aroma,[11] and is engaged to Anju

Your game is shit kill yourselves

>> No.8167135
File: 735 KB, 1000x600, MM3D_Anju_Hugging_Kafei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey I saw this small child wearing the common character mask you said your adult fiance was wearing. That's probably him somehow, give me my reward bitch."


>> No.8168148

anybody else dropped this game when the start all over mechanic set in?

>> No.8168168

>OOT hate thread
Okay fair enough
>MM hate thread
Yeah, your contrarian ass can just fuck off.

>> No.8168251

How is the Song of Storms cryptic in the slightest.

>> No.8168303
File: 10 KB, 250x241, agony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really liked OOT, and wanted to like MM when i got it as a kid, i only made it to a bit after getting the zora mask, i would have been 13 at the time
i've tried to go back and play majora's mask 4-5 times over the years but it's really not a very fun game, there's so many fucking QOL issues that they exist for no reason other than to waste your time, i think in order to make the game seem longer than it is

the concept is cool, the art is cool, the wacky characters and everything are cool, some of the gameplay is cool even, but for whatever reason, it's just not a fun game

>> No.8168306

sounds like your problem, ass

>> No.8168308

Well it’s not meant to be solved on the spot. you’re just expected to run into him by chance on day 3 which happened to me a bunch of times but I didn’t connect the dots until I read the guide. Yeah...

>> No.8168368

Majora's Mask is the only 3D Zelda I consider to be better than Breath of the Wild. Perfect games don't exist outside of maybe Tetris, but holy shit is your taste fucking abysmal if you hate Majora's Mask. The three day cycle was incredibly brilliant as an inversion of Ocarina of Times long scale time mechanic, and the way they made Clocktown feel like the world's most intricate coo coo clock was kino as fuck.

>> No.8168386
File: 27 KB, 400x400, sPe325c-_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waahh the game doesn't sacrifice it's artistic goals to give me cheap convenience
Stay filtered faggot

>> No.8168392

was the bank rupee thing really necessary? was losing consumables really necessary?

>> No.8168457

No. Majoras Mask is an overall shit game.

It has nice graphics, world-building, music, sound design, and characters but none of that matters if the actual gameplay and quest writing is retarded. It's NOT carried by what I listed.

>> No.8168612

Why would anything in the game be less artistic due to the gameplay being good?

>> No.8168614

Majora's Mask is a Zelda game as made by a person who doesn't like Zelda games.

>> No.8168638

>OP this assblasted at MM's logic
I'd hate to see him play a point and click adventure

>> No.8168683

Probably because you're a frogposting faggot

>> No.8168691

Now type that without a cock in your mouth.

>> No.8168774
File: 132 KB, 800x600, C52D20D9-31C9-4DEE-A379-9F811575F8B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8168778
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>> No.8168783
File: 381 KB, 640x480, 8C28C79C-1458-4BB9-8C19-E0EC37323A52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8168786
File: 71 KB, 861x741, 497037DC-9215-4CF4-96FD-22026CC30334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8169005

m-mod name pls

>> No.8169015

Sorry I don’t know, I found these pics in another thread a few months ago. I figured this thread was a highly specific excuse to post them

>> No.8169063

first two are mock-ups, third is cow text, fourth is already in the game

>> No.8169658

You get rupees and all your consumables by killing enemies and slashing bushes on the way to wherever it is you need to go. I legitimately do not understand this criticism I've seen here and from AVGB. Did you deposit and withdraw your rupees every single time you restarted the time cycle?

>> No.8169836

no nigger because that's the whole point of the game

>> No.8169840

I just got done playing this for a 3rd time and once again got filtered once I got the Goron mask. I recall on my first playthrough I made it to that dungeon but that's it for me. I always give up around this part of the game.

Time travel mechanics are whack and ruin the game.

>> No.8171131
File: 1.24 MB, 1189x616, 1628038956096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people who I've met IRL who didn't like this game were all females.

>> No.8171182

How are they whack. Explain. I understood them perfectly when I was 8 years old in 2000.

>> No.8171218

I see that Nintendo's filtration units are still working great.

>> No.8171829
File: 23 KB, 637x336, goron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you get goron mask you just roll into the bushes in the field right outside clock town to fill up your consumables. It takes about 2 minutes if you want to max out everything lol.

>> No.8171882

Majora's Mask fags are the biggest contrarians in the Zelda fanbase. Deep down, even they know OoT is superior, but admitting so would make them lose their special snowflake status, so they go on pretending that it's not. You're almost as bad as Code Veronica and RE0fags.

>> No.8171897

if you're that assblasted you can just do what the scarecrow tells you and play the song of time backwards. it makes the clock move at less than half speed

>> No.8171906

I really don't think OoT is better. Even if you don't like the direction MM went you can't ignore that OoT is barren in comparison. OoT feeds of the nostalgic feeling that it was a vast open and breathing world when in reality it's pretty fucking empty. Majora's mask is full of detail and liveliness at every turn. I have my own gripe with MM being that the beginning is just way to slow. The bomberkid shit always sucks and the deku mask quest is only fun the first time. Other than that though, this is why I will always prefer MM because it just feels like an expansion pack to the original game that has been thankfully polished to hell.

>> No.8172418

niggas say the word filter and think it magically can defend a shit game

>> No.8172437

i agree, majora is as good as it is because of what was built on from oot

>> No.8172456

This, please lock the thread.

>> No.8172473


>> No.8172539

If everyone thinks the quest makes sense except for you, you might have to accept that you are the problem.

>> No.8172656

>If everyone thinks the quest makes sense except for you
try reading the thread, better yet stop plugging your ears because I'm not the first or the last

>> No.8172659

someone can think it doesn't make sense and it's okay :)

>> No.8172770


>> No.8172802

>Bitch in the Hotel can't find her Fiance
>describes the mask he's wearing.

She does huh? When does she describe the mask Kafei is wearing?

Cause that's a pretty important detail there, and I have a feeling it's pure bullshit

>> No.8172807

doesn't she describe the wedding mask? i forget after all this time.

>> No.8172815

He's not fucking wearing the wedding mask. that's the mask that was stolen from him. if he had that mask, he wouldn't be staking out the pawnshop day and night in the first place.

>> No.8172818

that's why i asked... does she describe the keaton mask

>> No.8172838

The OP says that she does.
According to his post, he said the WHOLE reason he was running around in circles trying to get that quest to work was because she described the mask he's wearing and assumed from that what he needed to do next was confirm his location and speak to anju to trigger giving that information of seeing the boy she's looking for.

>> No.8172859
File: 58 KB, 976x850, sadfroglookingatyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me playing majoras mask
>get to the bit where you gotta steal back the zora eggs from the pirates
>stealth is already super janky and terrible in this game, power through regardless including fighting the ninjas who can oneshot you back to the start
>get the egg
>you need a bottle per egg
>mfw I have one bottle and realise I have to infiltrate this piece of shit fortress four more times
>stop playing, never touch majoras mask again

>> No.8172865
File: 79 KB, 320x310, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, let me clarify because I haven't touched this shit game in years.

Just to be clear the same plothole/problem exists its just different.

>The mayors wife Madame Aroma gives you the mask that looks like her lost son.
>You clearly see her son putting the letter in the mail on day 1
>You clearly see her son running into the store and locking the door
>There is no dialogue for link to communicate this for her.

Simple question. Why?

Why can you get this mask from the mayors wife and not tell her
>yeah I saw your son he ran into this bulding and locked the door
>gee idk since your husband is the mayor can you guys like not open the fucking door forcefully because you run the town.

Again. Stupid game.

>> No.8172867

i think a door opens later, doesn't it? one that makes it easier to come back?

>> No.8172918

Yeah, that sounds like some good game content right there.

>> No.8173038

>Sorry let me clarify because I haven't touched this shit game in years.

So this entire things been based on a vague memory where you got over half of the details wrong, but still insist there's something Valid about your complaint.

But to humor the question: Why seeing Kafei wearing the keaton's mask doesn't trigger an event?

"Hey ma'am. I found a 7 year old kid with similar looking hair to your adult son. I can't see his face cause he's wearing a mask, and I have no reason to believe you're son was turned into a child, but that's definitely your son"

on top of that, though. Just because the masked child walks within the players view and you tried to open the door he was hiding in, WHY would the game assume you as a player would jump to that conclusion?

If the masked kid walked in front of the screen and the player didn't even notice, much less come to the same conclusion you did, and then talking to the mayors wife suddenly triggered this new dialogue out of nowhere and resolved the whole quest, it would be the most disastrously stupid thing on the planet.

>> No.8173051

>Hey ma'am. I found a 7 year old kid
Except it's literally her kid. Kafei is her son.

>similar looking hair
The exact same purple hair.

>the masked child
he's not a child thats her grown adult son that marries anju at the end of the game

>If the masked kid walked in front of the screen and the player didn't even notice, much less come to the same conclusion you did, and then talking to the mayors wife suddenly triggered this new dialogue out of nowhere and resolved the whole quest, it would be the most disastrously stupid thing on the planet.

It's almost like... that's the point.. that the entire quest is shit... and the game is shit...

>hes short so he has to be a child!
Ok and? There are literally talking trees in this game, anything goes so I can be safe to assume anything.

>> No.8173083

This is zelda
this is an adventure game
this is /VR/

when an event triggers that's SO FUCKING IMPORTANT it solves a whole quest. You recieve an item. You here a signafacant sound effect. You get some sort of clear visual prompt and confirmation that tells you something is different.

The game doesn't interact with you by reading your mind and knowing what conclusions you've already come to.

>> No.8173093

Why do you guys keep trying to do mental gymnastics to explain this off? It's an open and shut case?

>See NPC X as soon as you start the game.
>NPC Y says that NPC X is missing
>Link can't tell NPC Y that he saw NPC X sending mail and entering the laundromat because
>Instead turn it into some 3 day quest bullshit where you have to infiltrate a cave

>> No.8173109

>Link can't tell NPC Y that he saw NPC X sending mail and entering the laundromat because
Because Link doesn't know that NPC X is actually X. It's that simple. Just because you inferred that as the player (because you looked at a guide) doesn't mean that Link himself knows that on the first day of the 3 day cycle.

>> No.8173115

>see a character with purple hair on day 1 as soon as you enter clock town sending mail in the mailbox
>hey link have you seen my son he looks like this with purple hair lmao
>link says nothing

>> No.8173116

I figured it out when I was like 8. You are just retarded.

>> No.8173120

I'm sorry your parents bought you shit games

>> No.8173125

>I got mom to read me a strategy guide when I was 8.

>> No.8173126

Link didn't see his face or talk to him, he didn't make the connection

>> No.8173129

>link didn't see his face
He saw his hair purple. Which looked exactly the same as the mask.

>> No.8173131

NPC Y shows you what NPC X's FACE looks like


You see an NPC that looks similar to NPC X, EXCEPT his FACE is covered by a MASK.

You started this whole thread on the false pretense that you were shown the mask 'NPC X' was wearing.
that was a lie. No one was looking for a kid wearing a fox mask.

YOU misremembered the game
YOU misunderstood the instructions in the game.
YOU expected the game to just solve itself by assuming when and how you found Kafei.

You are making no sense.

>> No.8173132

It's a Japanese video game, anybody can have purple hair.

>> No.8173150
File: 1.57 MB, 2564x2884, retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when you rush a game development.

>> No.8173161
File: 21 KB, 170x236, Autism_Speaks_VerticalDS_Full_RGB_150dpi (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8173196

Theyre whack because I always have to worry about them rather than just enjoying the game. Take a good game like Wonderboy 2, when your timer runs out you should lose some health not restart the fucking game.

>> No.8173271

This is what happens when you have a FEELING of being angry at a game, and come up with the reasoning for it afterward.

>> No.8173312 [DELETED] 

Kafei was a grown adult, he got cursed to look like a child which is why he wears the mask and hides his identity. I mean fuck it's the whole point of his marriage quest.

>> No.8173315 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 854x480, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kafei was a grown adult, he got cursed to look like a child which is why he wears the mask and hides his identity. I mean fuck it's the whole point of his marriage quest. 8

>> No.8173367

There's no way in a casual session you would spend more than 3 hours in a dungeon, the time should never run out, you're scared for nothing

>> No.8173376

>restart the fucking game.
you keep all your key items like the 20 fucking masks
you can even defraud the bank if you desperately want to amass money
if it's day 3 and you're a massive bitch, just progress until you get an item or song and reset

>> No.8174069

just get the silver rupee chest on the roof in the southeast corner of clock town every time you re-start. you'll get plenty of bombs/arrows/etc on your way to wherever you're going.

>> No.8174086

They literally fixed this in the 3DS version
Try playing it that way with the restoration patch

>> No.8174198

Ah I remember now. I've been using an game magazine for some guide (it was German). It was showing several character artwork with a small description. One of them was Kafei and the character depictiing him was the fucking monkey from the Woodfall quest. This mag was lying to me. I knew of the child from the laundry place but I was confused.

>> No.8174380
File: 185 KB, 800x440, Hints For Retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is entirely the purpose of the Mask of Truth, to ask annoying gossip stones for hints.

>> No.8175465

I find it interesting that a lot of criticism of MM stems from an actual fear and anxiety of time. Like these players are desperately trying to hold on to the things they have and they're not willing to accept the cycle of the game and continue on. Or they're upset that the moon is going to crash in 3 days and they never get over that fact. It's really quite interesting.

>> No.8175482

You do realize she goes to the laundry pool herself on the second day because he sends her a letter, right?

>> No.8175730

This game is 20 years old. It is a ridiculous take to have expecting the game to be able to depict so much. Games from this gen still relied a little bit on imagination, so it really doesn't take that much brain power to realize that you need to suspend your disbelief just enough that it appears that kafei is sneaking behind all the busy towns people unnoticed.

>> No.8175739

3d zelda games pass themselves off as axtio adventure rpgs but theyre just garbahe pc point and click puzzle extravaganzas