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[ERROR] No.8164397 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any other soviet or russian video game consoles beside pic rel?

>> No.8164417
File: 27 KB, 600x600, 1q35y54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Russia
>UR men make the best books
>UR men make the best cartoons
>UR men make the best ballet spectacles
>UR men continue to make classic music which is the best also
>Make shitty videogame stuff that's cringe and dumb

What a cruel fate of this woman.

>> No.8164429


>> No.8164436

>shitty videogame
Fuck off, anon. "Nu pagadi" video game is a lot of fun.

Also "Pathologic" and many other great games were made in Russia.

>> No.8164447

>игpa A
>игpa Б

>> No.8164452

>Modern Russia
>Doing anything best

>> No.8164462

game is kill.

>> No.8164513
File: 213 KB, 945x542, elektronika_im-23_-_avtoslalom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Avtoslalom an original Soviet design or did they rip off someone else? It has no G&W equivalent.

>> No.8164514

Either there's a lot of commieboos in Russia spreading this information online, or Russia really did accomplish and innovated the most during Soviet times.

>> No.8164620

There's a shitload of brainwashed inbred ruskie who really think so.

>> No.8164642

I guess this is why Ukraine makes better games

>> No.8164838

>Make shitty videogame stuff that's cringe and dumb
Tetris was literally made inside the user stfu zoomer

>> No.8164876

Yeah, someone even came up with the lie that they sent the first man in space or something.

>> No.8164938

Nice cope.

>> No.8165307

Looks like the gameplay would be identical to Tiger's Road Race despite the skewed perspective to fit the clock.

>> No.8165346

>a single good game in 80 years of democratic socialism
>still worse than any entry of Columns
Commies just can't win.

>> No.8165529

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.8165570

Oh that's the term most US communists use to try to peddle "socialism".
Which, they've not even bothered trying to hide it, it's literally just communism under a different name and not real socialism.

>> No.8165584

Looks like it's just a Hy, пoгoди themed reskin of Game & Watch Egg, there was a bunch of cartoon reskins for these, like a Mickey Mouse one. Soviet bootleg market was pretty big until the collapse of the whole country.

>> No.8165657

Real socialism has never been tried (except in movies and videogames like Pokemon). Based Japanese developer crypto-leftchads.

>> No.8166405

>Soviet Handhelds
real bydlo hours ITT

>> No.8166473

Meant for this g >>8165570. Pokemon proves socialism.

>> No.8166837
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>Real socialism has never been tried

>> No.8167389

What exactly suggests the Pokemon world is socialist again?

>> No.8167573

If anything it seems fascist, there are very few corporations that produce items, and they very likely are controlled by the state.

>> No.8167604

I agree. Plus, if we go with the theory that the Elite 4 and Champion make up the executive parts of the government(assuming they even operate with an executive branch), there's the cult of personality that almost all fascist countries need to operate.

>> No.8167676
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It is told to be the only one not copied directly from Game&Watch.

Some cruel deplorable joker even thought that a watch only version needed to be made.

>> No.8167763
File: 123 KB, 1200x833, altair1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing beats the game&watch&dosimeter combo, though. A small batch was made to capitalize on the Chernobyl marketing opportunity, so to speak.

>> No.8167787
File: 168 KB, 831x750, 1369648700354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real socialism has been tried a million times and even succeeded a few times in Northern Europe. What actually hasn't been tried, or rather, hasn't been achieved, is real communism.

>> No.8167885
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>> No.8167981

>Are there any other soviet or russian video game consoles beside pic rel?

From what I know, there were a shit ton of ZX Spectrum clones. My uncle had this one (it's called BASIC): https://speccy.info/%D0%91%D0%B5%D0%B9%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BA_%28%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BF%D1%8C%D1%8E%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%29

Speccy was popular among Russian nerds and programmers in 80's and 90's

Electronica also released licensed Atari Pong/Soccer clone systems.

>> No.8168136
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I still have one of mine from 1989, and it's still works somehow. There were tons of different variations of the same concept. And we didn't even knew that is was a ripoff of Nintendo Game and Watch. Mom used to take several of these to long flights while working as cabin attendant. The amount of money one could make by renting them to passengers was absurdly high. Mostly thanks to them we could afford a real Sony Trinitron, a VCR and stereo CD deck while everyone else only had shitty soviet black and white TVs and horrible tape decks.

>> No.8168185


>> No.8168198

Didn't even need to know the cyrillic, jesus christ. I've spent too much time here avoiding Deltarune.

>> No.8168349

didnt ruskies have MSXs too?
i remember hearing that somewhere

>> No.8168356

>Mom used to take several of these to long flights while working as cabin attendant. The amount of money one could make by renting them to passengers was absurdly high
based soviet-era hustle desu

>> No.8168380

Even if communism were to actually succeed, it would be a horribly antiquated system; bear in mind it was proposed when most countries in the world, except for the USA, were controlled by monarchies. Compared to living in serfdom it would be great, but compared to modern systems it would be like living in an Amish community.

>> No.8168425

I've never even heard of anyone having it, but again, I was too young for that and played my dendy and brick game consoles instead.

Wikipedia says MSX systems were definitely used in USSR, primarily in school classes and also in specific work circles, by musicians who created music on it, etc. There are even footages of the MSX games in some old movies, huh

>> No.8168471

yea i remember talking to some boomer ruskie on kc and he said the first computer he ever used was an MSX while in school
didnt know how widespread it was tho

>played my dendy
based dendy owner
how were those things when compared to real NES and other chink knockoff consoles?

>> No.8168758
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> how were those things when compared to real NES and other chink knockoff consoles?

While "Dendy" is a specific brand name of Famiclone produced in Taiwan and distributed in Russia by Steepler, every other Famiclone from noname chinks was still called Dendy. And there were thousands of those Famiclones.
So they are greatly varied in shape and quality. There were even ones with keyboards that came with educational cartridges teaching kids the basics of programming.
My first Dendy copied Mega Drive's design and died after 2.5 years of use. Second worked fine for 5-6 years until it was destroyed.

I have Steepler's Dendy Junior now. It copies original Famicom almost entirely, they even added port for zapper gun (?) to where originally Disk System port should be. Runs in slow PAL format (every Dendy does, which sucks), and recently, it started to have problems with connector, games are randomly glitching and sound sometimes cuts off. But it's a 25-year old system, so no wonder.
Newest Dendys produced today are absolute shit.

Games were the most important about it. No games that require additional cart battery for saving. No Zelda, no Metroid, no Kirby, Castlevania, Mega Man and SMB3 are rare as fuck. A lot of pirate/hacked shit, sometimes ruined versions of good games.
But in exchange, you've got a bunch of Japanese exclusives (everyone had Battle City by default), entire Nekketsu series, all Adventure Islands, all TMNT games, etc. But what's most important for 90's kid is Capcom's Disney games.
You watch DuckTales on tv and then you play it on your console. Go to your house with your bro after school and play some Contra or Battletoads in co-op.

So maybe russians missed a lot of licensed goods and didn't have all that fancy stuff like manuals for games, but it was still good. It could only get better if you had Mega Drive and Mortal Kombat.

>> No.8168804

Decent bait

>> No.8168815

>it would be like living in an Amish community.
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.8168823

Depends. If you like air conditioning, and playing video games, yeah.
If you like modern fast medicine and technical innovation, definitely.

>> No.8169007

Um healthcare that costs literally ZERO(!) Pokedollaridoos?

>> No.8169012

Denmark and Sweden have publicly stated they're not socialist because they're market economies. Then again, we have faggots in here that believe that a system of literal infinite resources (videogames like Pokemon) is reality and not fantasy.

>> No.8169027

Ah, but that could be a service provided to you under the guise that you are participating in the league. Barring that, this healthcare may be provided to you because you pay into it(which isn't exactly socialist, see the NHS), or, y'know, a company that is making money elsewhere. Who knows, maybe the Pokecenters are funded by Silph Co, or some other unrelated company.
Additionally, the technology shown in the Pokemon world is far more advanced, which combined with the concept of a government subsidizing them, could mean that they had found a way to stay afloat, subsisting ONLY off of subsidies, by providing medical services for free using technology that brings the cost as down as low possible.

>> No.8169065

& Watch

>> No.8169201

In 1984 and 1985, Information and Computer Science was introduced into general Soviet school curriculum, and various decrees on supplying schools with computer labs (as opposed to, or supplementing, theory and paper programming) followed. These were supposed to come as a set of teacher's PC, network components (sometimes with power delivery), and student PCs which either loaded software from host PC, or connected to it as terminals. Around two dozens of such packages appeared, some were local one-time projects, and some were chosen as state-supplied, and were produced in large batches by multiple factories. Officially localized imported MSXs were one of the first to be supplied (as an already existing solution) to hundreds of schools. BK, DVK, and UKNC based packages came to thousands and tens of thousands. Later, in early and mid-90s, they were replaced by IBM PC compatibles.

In USSR and ex-USSR, MSX was not a popular architecture for clones and compatibles. However, BASIC flavors in Soviet school PCs seemed to resemble MSX BASIC or even declared full support, supposedly, to allow the use of existing course materials, books, and articles.


>> No.8169213

It costs nothing, because socialism works and religious corporations have brainwashed you into thinking it doesn't and that there aren't unlimited resources. Japanese developers figured this out a long time ago. Grow up.

>> No.8169216

They used full boards for these (could be those that failed testing), the display was different, and only had contacts for clock elements. This is why it had the same AM and PM indicators as in original games that looked quite alien to a person used to 24-hour clocks.

>> No.8169518
File: 72 KB, 900x675, museum_Yamaha-MSX2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were MSX under the brand of КУBT (Class of Computers for Learning if you want a lousy translation). They even were made by Yamaha! And they probably had the strangest English keyboard layout I have ever seen. I had those in elementary school computer class, but they were rarely used. We played some weird puzzle game about a wolf, a goat and a cabbage. If only I knew that this grey beast could run actual Metal Gear 1 and 2!

>> No.8169726

Holy mother of based.

>> No.8169792
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>> No.8169797
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>Real socialism

>> No.8170190

There was the Dendy, a famiclone and a ZX Spectrum clone (appropriate for the moment). Probably more.

>> No.8170306

so cool
thanks for the autism
i always found this stuff so interesting
never knew there were dendy brand megadrive-clones.

>all TMNT games
another thing i heard was that the TMNT tournament fighter (for NES) was a big deal over there. considering the 8-bit limitations, that game is actually a really competent fighter. probably the best one on the NES not that thats a particularly high bar, but yeaaa. i had no idea about it until flipping through random roms years later and was pleasantly surprised

very interesting, thanks anons

>> No.8170320
File: 107 KB, 680x567, 1594576200121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself as soon as possible

>> No.8170395

>And they probably had the strangest English keyboard layout I have ever seen.

That's because they just converted the Russian typewriter layout to their phoenetic equivalents.

>> No.8170683
File: 302 KB, 1080x1332, Pegazus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While in russia the most known Nintenclone was Dendy, in Poland it was a Chinese bootleg console called Pegasus.

It's funny, really. Pegasus was so popular, that polish people called every video game Console in the 90s (exept the Ataris) "Pegazus".

>> No.8171325

Yeah, I know. It's just strange they decided to do that. Maybe it was to stop re-export, kinda like hardware region lock.
But then again, БК-0010 had the same retarded keyboard layout.

>> No.8173242

Phonetic layout and placing KOI8 block of Cyrillic characters corresponding to Latin ASCII ones shifted by 128 was a common things on many systems made with at least partial interoperability with existing foreign software. It was inherited from KOI7, a 7 bit code page that allowed programs with both Latin and Cyrillic text to be recognizable on both foreign and Soviet terminals and systems with both Latin and Cyrillic character ROM. And the principle was inherited from pre-computer era, when what you saw on the telegraph tape was defined by the physical typewriters that were remade for different alphabets.

BTW. a nice site with lots of live examples.

>> No.8173286

So now you're threatening me? Triggered! I thought we were talking about video games! Get back in your safe space because you've lost the culture war.

Thank you!

>> No.8173391

I liked Heroes of Might and Magic V

>> No.8173574

Both Dendy and Pegasus were made by Taiwan-based TXC, based off their Micro Genius line of machines.

They were specifically chosen for Dendy because they were one of the only companies that could make consoles that output in the SECAM color that Soviet televisions used, though only the earlier, non-Junior models could so many gamers were stuck playing in monochrome.

>> No.8173598

>Mom used to take several of these to long flights while working as cabin attendant. The amount of money one could make by renting them to passengers was absurdly high.
Holy based. My mom and grandpa used to sell berries and wine locally, also knitted clothes, but this is some next level /ussr/ grey market scheme.

>> No.8173603

>never knew there were dendy brand megadrive-clones
There weren't. Mega Drive sold there officially. SNES too, but it was way more expensive, and not a lot of games found their way there.