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[ERROR] No.8159558 [Reply] [Original]

Convince me to play it.
I read everywhere that it is shit compared to MP1.

>> No.8159560

I can't. I eventually quit because the light/dark mechanic became too tedious.

>> No.8159663

You sound like a faggot that does not deserve to play it. Go back to your proper board now please.

>> No.8159664
File: 2.00 MB, 3333x3333, 1631224463332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people spouting this are normalfag secondaries who put Prime 1 on a pedestal because their libtard game mag journos told them to. Its pretty much a consensus among true hardcore Metroid fans that 2 is the best one.

KEK, good. Stay filtered.

>> No.8159719 [DELETED] 

Shame, because it becomes superior to MP1 once you get the first suit upgrade

>> No.8159721

Shame, because it becomes superior to MP1 once you get the first suit upgrade

>> No.8159723

If you liked 1 because you thought it was fun, play it. If you "liked" 1 because the internet told you you did, don't bother.

>> No.8159745

I would have liked prime 2 better it had a more varied biomes of areas you visited like prime 1 and 3 had. I still really love the art direction of that game and the game in general.

>> No.8159746

Did any of you guys see that kiwi talkz interview with that vmformer retro studios employee? It really showed a lot of insight into the making of prime 1 and 2.

>> No.8159752

Metroid died when it went 3D
Change my mind
You can't

>> No.8159756

No, I don’t think I need to do that. Also, this game isn’t retro.

>> No.8159794

>I read everywhere that it is shit compared to MP1
I've never seen this, what I have seen though is this:
>"everybody says it's shit compared to MP1, but here's why it is better"
That said I do think it's better. The light/dark mechanic doesn't waste your time and recontextualises the game world a lot better than MP1's tremendous backtracking. Backtracking is pretty much nonexistent in this one actually

>> No.8159797

you explore worlds, get powerups, it's the same game as 2d metroid except the shooting sucks which is a shame

>> No.8159801

3d metroid is the only fun one to me

>> No.8159809

Primehack is tons and tons of fun and totally the way it should be played.


>> No.8159816

>"dark mechanic doesn't waste your time"
>forced to go through the purple lava version of the same level

>> No.8159817

Prime series shows an intense respect for Metroid and tries to faithfully translate that into a modern 3D game. It tries to stay grounded with sci-fi setting with horror and atmosphere. You can't think of a better more faithful adaption. Meanwhile, the official Japanese Nintendo sequel of Metroid feels like a cheap mockery. Metroid 2 remake and Dread look merely okay but nothing groundbreaking or special.

>> No.8159821

Love Prime and played it a lot on my NCG. Enjoyed 2 as much as I could, but the two world mechanics annoyed me. Never played 3 though. Is it any good? I never see anyone talk about it.

>> No.8160018

The atmosphere was good. Otherwise the enemies are way too bullet spongey and sometimes require specific weak spots to the point that you're just running past them half the time unless the game prohibits you from doing so. I remember enjoying it as a kid, but dropped it about half way through when I tried replaying it a few years ago after not dying once and running past most enemies due to fighting them just feeling like a chore most of the time.

>> No.8160027

forced to go through a remixed version of the level once*
Let's not forget how MP1 went:
>forced to go through just about every room 3 or more times with no changes

>> No.8160049

Prime 1 has better exploration but Prime 2 has better action. Pick your poison.

>> No.8160068

I've played MP1 to completion 5-6 times. MP2 once , MP3 0 times. They just get worse as you go, mate.

>> No.8160079

ignore prime 1 vs prime 2 insects.
2 is a slightly better shooter at the cost of slightly worse map design. they are very similar games otherwise. if you liked the first you will like the second.

>> No.8160123

>mp2 has worse map design
first time i've ever heard this
you don't have to go through magmoor caverns and back to achieve the slightest thing in prime 2

>> No.8160141

The few occasions where you do have to backtrack (Seekers & Power Bombs) are much less convenient because of how rigid and overly strict the map design is. Prime 1 has more backtracking but it's also better designed, with more routes and opportunities to use new items.

>> No.8160159
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there's two worlds and it takes forever to load. it's fun and well made; as are all things retro. slightly annoying though: it takes wayyyyyy too long to beat.

>> No.8160160

I won't because it is not as good and MP1 is much better. I played a much smaller portion of 2 and I can't say that I feel like I missed anything.

>> No.8160169

Are the enemies less bullet spongy in MP1? I've only played the second.

>> No.8160172

Prime 2 gets better the longer you play. Agon is the weakest area, Torvus is a little better but Sanctuary is top tier.

They feel spongier to me in Prime 1. Towards the end of the game it also forces you to use certain weapon types on certain enemies, but in a tedious way rather than a satisfying weakness-exploiting way.

>> No.8160176

the beams are more useful

>> No.8160179
File: 676 KB, 1750x2300, metroidprime2_map_light_temple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rigid and strict
nigga the map is a circle, everything connects to everything. Meanwhile in Prime 1 you have to go through magmoor caverns a billion fuckin times because there isn't a convenient route for anything. People complained in Samus Returns that you would constantly have the atmosphere interrupted with Lower Norfair's music coming in but it was the same shit in prime 1 but even worse

>> No.8160186

Are you bored? It's a fine game if you have nothing else to play, definitely worth a playthrough.
I doubt you'll ever come back after you're done with it though.

>> No.8160192

>Towards the end of the game it also forces you to use certain weapon types on certain enemies
Better or worse than the enemies in MP2 that for example require getting behind them and tearing off a plate with your grapple beam to expose their weak spot that you need to shoot at, then throwing a couple at you ever time you walk through a room before you're even half way through the game?

>> No.8160207
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>enemies in MP2 that for example require getting behind them and tearing off a plate with your grapple beam to expose their weak spot
That sounds more like MP3 than MP2. Prime 3 is the one where you use the grapple beam to tear off shields.

>> No.8160208
File: 14 KB, 258x195, aether.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic

>> No.8160215

>nigga the map is a circle, everything connects to everything
Yeah, by the endgame. But none of those elevators open until they're already too late to be useful. You must go through Temple Grounds every time, the same way you came in. Prime 2 doesn't do it as often but it can't because it'd be too annoying to have any more backtracking.
Prime 1 on the other hand gifts you elevators most times you need to backtrack a long way. It happens after you get the Spider Ball, the Ice Beam and the Power Bombs. Backtracking is smoother because you're usually seeing new rooms or using new items, even though you're heading to an old location.

I meant to post this image >>8160207 with this post.

>> No.8160218

Prime 1 is more like a web actually, which is by design superior to your circle.

>> No.8160219

it would be a web if magmoor caverns werent there

>> No.8160223

I'm talking about the enemies in Torvus Bog that jump around and shoot electricity from their horns.

>> No.8160225

i do not like the mario 64 hub. it's not a complete space, it's 3 levels and a stage select.
this also omits the fact that there's a second fucking dimension you need to travel through to get around. yes the very end of the game is nicer because you can blow open all the obstructions, but any time before that, traversal is a raging bitch. god forbid you go exploring in a metroid game. they loop you around as much as possible and they have a 4D space to do it with

>> No.8160226

>But none of those elevators open until they're already too late to be useful
is this really the case

>> No.8160232

Oh those niggas. Well Prime has some annoying enemy types but they're mostly at the end of the game, the first ~2/3rd have nothing like that.

>> No.8160240

Agon-Torvus requires seekers, but it's useless because you don't get seekers until you're halfway through Torvus and there's nothing to obtain in Agon by then.
Agon-Sanctuary requires power bombs (I think) but it's useless for the same reason.
Torvus-Sanctuary requires power bombs but you can only use it after a massive awkward backtrack via Temple Grounds to get the power bombs in the first place. Like why couldn't it have opened up before that?

>this also omits the fact that there's a second fucking dimension you need to travel through to get around. yes the very end of the game is nicer because you can blow open all the obstructions
The light world still has dozens of rooms that have no counterpart in the dark world, meaning you have to hop in and out of the light world constantly to get the dark world keys. It's still a pain in the ass to get around.

>> No.8160253

oh also fuck translator modules

>> No.8160378

I love metroid prime but can't get into 2d metroid at all. Wish I could find a game like prime

>> No.8160758

Metroid Prime blows Other M out of the water too, but everyone knows that Other M was little more than a failed experiment. I bring this up since Yoshio Sakamoto, director of Super Metroid, worked closely on it. I find it interesting how much more faithful Metroid Prime is to Super Metroid regardless.

>> No.8160784

Few things don't blow other M out of the water. It still baffles me how this piece of shit got green light, it's not even a decent beat them up or run and gun let alone an enticing light novel.

>> No.8160815

If you wanted more content out of Metroid Prime 1, play it. They're similar enough that 2 could be considered an expansion. It doesn't matter if it's "better" or "worse" than Metroid Prime 1, that would be like arguing over the game's areas. Play it and decide for yourself.

>> No.8160829

I play the prime trilogy back-to-back. "Which prime game is better?" is such a pedantic argument to me. Prime 2 is just more of the same kind of experience which some additions or changes in design intentions.

>> No.8160849

>"Which prime game is better?" is such a pedantic argument to me.
Agreed, all of the Prime games work better as one whole experience.

>> No.8160926

worse than AM2R, the fan game made by prime cultists

>> No.8160948

Fuck you too.

>> No.8160960

prime games do descend in quality with each iteration

>> No.8160972

Corruption felt like an improvement in many ways imo. I dig the return to 2D metroid style upgrades (weapon stacking) and the level design was really good despite its linearity.
What felt wrong was the cringe worthy muhreens dialogue and the bounty hunter designs.
1 > 3 > 2
And I don't think that's an hot take.

>> No.8161049
File: 122 KB, 900x1300, Ghor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Ghor's design. It's a shame we didn't see much of his ability to apparently interface with other electronics.

>> No.8161072

MP1 was shit, so if you enjoyed that then its no different than MP1. 3D Metroid is fucking godawful padding and bloat.

>> No.8161076

The fact that it's called 'Another' Metroid 2 Remake implies that Metroid 2 remakes are dime a dozen.

>> No.8161079

ok dude go back to your indie metroidvanias

>> No.8161217

They were dime-a-dozen until all of the romhackers decided to just come together and make AM2R

>> No.8161229

yes but this was the first one to finish, and it's the best one

>> No.8161282
File: 26 KB, 596x402, 78458745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8162003

At the time yeah, but this is the only one that came out

>> No.8162057

It’s a little slower to get going but by the time I hit the swamp level it got really kino. Eventually you have enough resources that the dark aether or whatever the fuck it’s called is pretty trivial.

>> No.8162094

IMO, as flawed as the dark world implementation is, I actually think MP2 has better level design and boss design than MP1.

>> No.8162103

Corruption felt boring and Halo-y to me.

>> No.8162349

It's a tedius, visually dreary game that due to being disliked, has effectively put out a mandate that any hopeless contrarian call it their favorite ever. That's it. Anyone whose brain operates by "I am more special if I like something other people don't" will praise the SHIT out of this game like their life depends on it (and their whole identity as a person actually does).

If you like doing exploration on an autistic health timer and waiting for regeneration experience, and think looking at only 2 styles of environment for an entire Metroid game sounds thrilling, knock yourself the fuck out man.

>> No.8162497

it's not shit but it does become very tedious when they want you to go back and collect echoes
>inb4 prime 1 did the same with artefacts
nah, you can find majority of them without backtracking on your first pass through

>> No.8162508

I concur, that's the space muhreen thing I was talking about. It withers away after the first planet leaving us with proper metroid only to come back just before the finale.

>> No.8162509

Both of them are suck

>> No.8164418

>I read everywhere that it is shit compared to MP1.
I have literally never heard this. I've seen people prefer Prime 1 to Prime 2, but imo Prime 2 is basically a straight improvement.
It's not a perfect game, the dark world is largely a palette swap with some assets moved around, I disliked the key hunt ... but I disliked it in Prime 1 as well, and I felt like the final boss of Prime 2 was anticlimactically easy.
With all that said, the atmosphere is a powerful, moody, terrifying improvement. Despite it's flaws, the dark world is a genius way to increase the size of the game, and it's genuinely unsettling at points. The Ing are fantastic antagonists. Some of the best bosses and environments in the series.
Prime 3 has better pacing, setpieces, and a better climax, but Prime 2 beats it out for raw atmosphere.
You've done yourself a disservice to overlook it. Even if you come away from it preferring Prime 1, it's difficult to believe you won't enjoy yourself. You should play Prime 3 as well.
What kind of dumbass doesn't play videogames because people tell him not to.

>> No.8164423

MP1 = MP2 >>>>> MP3

>> No.8164432

It's a good game with some of the best parts of the prime trilogy, but it's the hardest one, and its gimmicks become boring very soon.
You should play at least once because of the atmosphere and the bosses, but exploring here stinks.

>> No.8165495

>only played Prime 1 years ago
>get the urge to play through them
>have a comfy CRT setup with surround sound that I could play them on
>or could use Primehack and play them on PC
Fuck. I can't decide.

>> No.8165534

Comfy setup with crt anon.

>> No.8166043

I'd go with Hack for the higher fov.

>> No.8166098

As a kid I enjoyed it in its own way compared to Prime 1, but did find it frustrating in parts. Unlike virtually any other game in the series, there were a good few parts where I got stuck for hours not knowing what the fuck I was supposed to do, and there a few parts that were frustrating in other ways.

That being said, I remember that it's high points were really really high. Perhaps even moreso than the other two games.

>> No.8166112

Prime Corruption stutters on PrimeHack
wat do

>> No.8166694

It's nice that the game has a hint system but it's also an indication that the game could have had better design. I can only recall one case in Prime 1 were the hint felt necessary.

>> No.8166751

was that the bit where you need to get the gravity suit?

>> No.8166761

For me it was the space jump. The half pipe you're supposed to use is so long ago that it doesn't seem relevant. Gravity Suit was pretty straightforward for me because of the locked door immediately after the boss fight.

>> No.8166770

I also remember the plasma beam being a bit like 'uh, what?'

but honestly, I enjoyed fucking around in Metroid Prime so much that I didn't feel like the backtracking exploration was a chore. I preferred it to the Echoes approach of "now you will go to this place, and do all of the things. then you are done until the keys."

>> No.8166784

I find it hard to form a biased view of this game because I loved Prime so much that when I played Echoes my autism was pushed into overdrive by every little change, especially the model/visual changes, which I appreciate is daft.

In retrospect, I preferred the exploration in Prime, as outlined here: >>8166770
I enjoyed the greater feeling of isolation and the less rigid feel to the structure, both of which we largely due to those mission-issuing light-moth aliens ("Luminoths"?)

>> No.8166790

*form an unbiased

>> No.8166813
File: 612 KB, 1800x2100, metroidprime_map_mines[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plasma Beam wasn't too bad either, since you have the magmoor caverns elevator to easily get there. And there's a bunch of other stuff you can pick up while you're at it.

Keys in Prime 2 were a bitch. Prime 1 let you get them at any time just by exploring. Prime 2 didn't let you get them until they were required to progress, which makes it feel more like padding.

>> No.8166841


>> No.8167062

Prime 3 let's you collect their version of the keys along the way like prime 1 but you don't need them all to get to the final area

>> No.8167081

It's good as long as you know which route to take through the Valhalla. Otherwise you may waste batteries and have to go find more.

>> No.8167428

Plasma beam is the worst element of design in the game, along with magmoor caverns as a whole.
>finish section of phazon mines until blocked by x-ray check
>go back to get x-ray
>continue phazon mines, turns out soon after that you need plasma beam
>repeat exiting phazon mines, finding the upgrade, and going all the way back
Maybe it becomes more of a problem if you replay the game and there's a bigger chance you go to phazon mines with x-ray only, but still putting plasma beam door earlier would fix it.
If prime games were better paced, I would prefer Prime 1 approach, but for me navigating the world is a chore.

>> No.8167434

If Prime 2 HD did load-free light/dark transitions I might consider getting it.

>> No.8167437

Man, just play the game on a Wii from a USB drive. It loads plenty fast.

>> No.8167439

Agreed, OP is a massive faggot and needs to be raped into submission.

>> No.8167441

They're just re-skinned baby Sheegoths that can swim. But yes, they made their HP stat too high.

>> No.8167445

Once you know about it, it isn't a problem. The way to the plasma beam is on the route back from getting the x ray if you know about it.

>> No.8167447

wrongthink, that's when it got good

>> No.8167452

It still plays the full 'Samus turns into Bubbles' thing, and a cutscene for every portal activated by scanning instead of shooting.

>> No.8169193

The light/dark mechanic doesn't become tedious. At the start it gives you the impression that it will become so, but if you actually play the game, it really never does.

>> No.8169218

only based opinion in this basedridden faggot ass board

>> No.8169246

This looks like fucking nu-DOOM, are you sure it's the way it should be played?

>> No.8169250

Because Nu-Doom was inpisred by Metroid Prime in the first place. Moving the arm cannon with a mouse is just a convenience, nothing more. It reduces use of lock-ons significantly.

>> No.8169256

When I said it looked like nu-doom i didn't mean it in a good way btw.

>> No.8169319

it turns the game into more of a shooter. whether that's an improvement or not depends on you
nevermind. opinion disregarded.

>> No.8171501
File: 30 KB, 277x504, zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a first person zelda game

>> No.8171562

It's way worse than 1 but still good, the first half of it is really tedious though.

>> No.8171568

In MP1 enemies are less spongy at first but get spongier later, in 2 they're medium sponge all the way through.

>> No.8173030

Is the Trilogy release on Wii better than the original versions of the first two games, or are the pointer controls just annoying?

>> No.8173090

Big improvement if you ask me. Then of course PrimeHack is a leap on top of that for the KB+M experience.

>> No.8173102

Would you recommend PrimeHack for a first playthrough or is that something you should only mess with after experiencing the games normally?

>> No.8173121

I personally find it to be a straight upgrade. If you were going to play the Trilogy release anyways no reason to not go with PrimeHack.

>> No.8173179

Regardless of how you feel about pointer controls, the first two games were made just before dual-stick shooter controls took over on consoles. Playing an FPS with what are essentially tank controls is not fun these days.

>> No.8173205

Halo was already out before Prime 2 began development. The only reason they used tank controls because it was better than using the C-nipple

>> No.8173240

Yes, see 'just before dual-stick shooter controls took over'. TimeSplitters was also dual-stick.

>> No.8173260

they took over the moment halo came out

>> No.8173275

Prime is the best Metroid though.
Yes I’m a zoomer, deal with it lmao.

>> No.8173313

Based and Prime Hack Pilled.

>> No.8173513

ok bro

>> No.8173573

Besides the 3D automap and the health/ammo pinatas, Nu-Doom and Metroid Prime have very little in common.

>> No.8173578

>specialized build for Dolphin
>only playable on emulator
>totally the way it should be played
you should totally fuck off

>> No.8174596

>I read everywhere that it is shit compared to MP1.
Lmao nearly everyone who played both thinks 2 is better, only the endgame scavenger hunt is worse.

>> No.8174603

All of MP2's scavenger hunts sucked balls desu.

>> No.8174607

All but the endgame one could be done as you progressed without going out of your way too much.

>> No.8175142

And the area variety, playing pace and annoying systems the game imposes are also worse. It's a monotonous game. MP2's only really positive point above MP1 is higher difficulty, which MP1 is subpar at. But if that were the only criteria in a game's quality we'd all still be playing Silver Surfer and Holy Diver. MP1 has freer exploration (exploration is the entire genre of the series by the way), actually varied places to go to and isn't mandating you play on health timers and regen zones for part of the game.

>> No.8175149

That's not true at all you fucking mong. They're both solid but MP1 is just a touch about MP2

Just play it anon, if you liked 1 you'll like 2. It's fun.

>> No.8176482

>area variety
Personally, I prefer 2's more cohesive world design. It actually felt like all the areas belonged together. Some of the area transitions in 1 felt very gamey in comparison.

>> No.8176515

is it true it's best to play the trilogy on the wii cause of better controls?

>> No.8176534

Yes, but don't say it so loudly.

>> No.8177459

true hardcore metroid fans are 2D only
fuck off zoomer

>> No.8177495

2 is the best of the Prime games.
The worlds are weirder than Prime, giving that super alien aesthetic to everything.
The new power ups like seeker missiles, annihilator beam, and echo visor are fun toys to mess around with.
Hardest bosses in the series, though I'll give you that Chykka is probably the most boring of the main four/five.
EASILY the best soundtrack.
The light/dark mechanics are very well done. None of it feels tedious unless you're just an impatient zoomer faggot that doesn't like Metroid type games but you wouldn't be playing this if you didn't.
Faggots often whine that the game is too hard and the ammo on the beams is a stupid limitation, but you get so much ammo thrown at you the only time you'd ever have to bitch is maybe during a boss fight, and even then you still get ammo.
BEST FINAL BOSS of the three, by far. Complex mechanics to work with that uses damn near every tool you've been given.

Echos is the best and anyone that disagrees is a pussy bitch.

>> No.8177508

Sounds like you got bored in Agon Wastes. Kek.

>> No.8177529

The desert is fun as fuck.
the lore at the beginning is good.

The swamp is a figurative swamp. You will get lost. You will get frustrated. You will feel incredibly satisfied IF you find the solution.

>> No.8178391

It's not like it makes the game easier considering it was designed around locking targets for combat. It's really just a quality of life improvement.

>> No.8178412

>It's not like it makes the game easier
you have much higher turn speed and you can aim up and down while walking. matters on anything that can go airborne or underground
the wii version has effectively the same changes though so retro doesn't care

>> No.8178423

You can, but is it actually useful?
I can't recall a single instance of the game throwing at me enemies I can't simply lock on.

>> No.8178471
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just lets you speedkill things easily. this wormy fuck normally is very hard to hit when he's jumping and burrowing. you have to hold R and look for him mid-air, then switch to lock on and start blasting. the mouselook removes steps and makes it much quicker to just open fire on him
reminds me of wii re4. on gamecube, moving was completely seperate from aiming. on the wii, you can line up headshots while moving and just pop them instantly.

>> No.8178553

That one drone in phendrana drifts?

>> No.8178565

The invisible x-ray drone boss fight becomes trivial.

>> No.8178789

Yes and no.

Wii controls are going to be easier to play for the modern gamer nowadays. But Prime 1 and Prime 2 were not designed at all around it, so the freedom of the motion controls makes those games way too easy.

>> No.8180762
File: 188 KB, 1920x1080, why do we all crave adventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Convince me to play it.
If you liked MP1 you will probably like MP2 as well. It's a very good game and there are few similar games desu. Planet exploration with constantly changing upgrades that change the gameplay.
Exploration is better in MP1 and most of the world is far comfier than MP2. The latter is more of a horror survival shooter for teenagers. So a lot feels more difficult and dangerous, at least when playing it the first time up to half of the game. Every door in the dark world could offer difficult enemies, and you might fuck up by not seeing properly where to go, so you might die by falling in a mud pool, etc. Choosing where to go next if there were multiple options was a tight choice for me. In retrospective I found MP1 usually more difficult than MP2, which felt more balanced. In general a lot has been updated, the levels, the worlds, the bosses, it feels more like a 3D Zelda game from that era with clearly distinct bosses and subbosses. Im MP1 the bosses often felt like normal, albeit unusual enemies and had no built-up.
The movement is very fun, especially the screw attack and the ball jumping on rails. I'm surprised that similar concepts/plagiats are rare in other 3D games where you move your character directly.
It's also one of the best Nintendo games from that era. I'm not very fond of the styles that have become dominant during the Wii/Wii U/Switch era but that's subjective I guess.
I liked the gamecube controls a lot, btw, it never bothered me. Most enemies have behaviours, that create few problems with the lack of quick turns.

>> No.8180838

Completely forgot this encounter. So it's not like it was ever difficult, but I yield anyway because you're right.

>> No.8180856

I'll add that the only encounter that ever gave me trouble in MP1 is the omega pirate.

>> No.8180858
File: 12 KB, 120x120, samus4_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dark world is a gimmick, but, it's everything quality you would expect from retro studios. see? americans can make a game. in texas even.

>> No.8180937

It's AS good, if not better than, MP1.
The only flaw is how you're forced to backtrack to get the artifacts to unlock the final area. That's it. It's kind of a pain to do that part of the game but overall, it's a masterpiece.

>> No.8181036

I'd say the invisible drone in phazon mines is difficult, particularly because it comes after a long stretch with no save points and several elites.

>> No.8181191

zero mission came after prime and is arguably the best 2d metroid game

>> No.8181519

Too linear compared to super.

>> No.8181531

Zero Mission is pretty nonlinear desu.

>> No.8181539

Zero Mission is extremely non-linear by design. The stupid blinking objective thing confuses people; you can just ignore it and sequence break all over the place

>> No.8181549

Alright, that's on me. When I was playing I was actively trying to sequence break it but I ended up finishing the game with no issues so I thought that my attempt failed and I had just gone where I was supposed to.
I should try to play it normally next time, see how it's different.

>> No.8181582
File: 99 KB, 499x533, nofair hidden shaft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have most of the tricks from Super like the infinite bomb jump, wall jump, and shinespark. There are a number of hidden shortcuts too - here's one that changes the order of the game significantly. If you play around, you find that the sequence is quite open.

>> No.8181809

I just checked low percent run on wiki, and holy shit, you are right. I always thought zero mission sequence breaking was a meme aside from ridley first run which is very obviously intentional.
Time for replay.

>> No.8182586

I stopped as soon as I got to the dark world and never picked it up again. The idea of having dark and light versions of the world (which means heavy backtracking masquerading as "new content") and Backtrack Prime was already bad enough with that.

Linearity is underrated.

>> No.8182923

Currently at the fortress and loving it. Fuck the boost and spider guardians up the fucking ass though. I briefly tried MP1 after ragequitting spider guardian and MP1 feels super crusty, linear and unpolished by comparison. Haven't tried MP3 though, I'm using a Gamecube.

>> No.8184630
File: 32 KB, 450x315, metroid-prime-2-echoes-screenshot-multiplayer-4_1gek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else really like the multiplayer to this? I really hope prime 4 has something similar, I also loved Prime Hunters as a kid, and I never even played its singeplayer. I always thought it was like Halo but way way better. There's even a map in MP2 which is just a plagiarized Beaver Creek from Halo. Music is kickass too

>> No.8184673

Never got anyone to play it with.

>> No.8184718

Same, rarely ever had anyone who wanted to play it, but the few times we did I had a blast. I totally forgot this game had multiplayer. Would definitely be cool to see it return given all of Samus' cool movement options.

>> No.8185116

I feel like the ammo complaints wouldn't exist if the game made it clear you get the particular ammo type of the weapon you shoot a crate with
as soon as I learned that I never had any ammo problems

>> No.8185364

i played the fuck out of this, i love shit like this
a tacked on multiplayer you earn more maps for by playing singleplayer

>> No.8186163

Same, I always loved tacked-on-mp despite what people say about it. To me couch multiplayer is the most appealing thing, so having more games to play at a friend's house or at mine was always a plus as a kid. I still play MP2 DM with my bro sometimes too. He used to bitch about the lock-on and movement but the more we played he realized it was more intricate and that there's actually many ways to disrupt the lockon that you're supposed to do, and tons of strategies that make it really engaging.

>> No.8186226

it is still in the trilogy on wii right, with motion controls?

>> No.8186229

You can kill shit with a grape jelly beam.

>> No.8186236

Metroid Prime peaked at MP1. Sad but true.

>> No.8186286

Yes, they even added a neat little cutscene of the four Samuses fighting when you boot it up. I haven't tried it myself yet though, never played the Wii Primes, but I want to

>> No.8186326

Not as tedious as the magmoor caverns mechanic from 1.

>> No.8187218


>> No.8189810

name one post-halo fps that had southpaw controls by default aside from metroid

>> No.8189813

why is this retarded?

>> No.8189989

It was alright but metroid prime hunters is this concept fully realized.

>> No.8190759

you would want what, a level select instead? Metroid games have you retread areas that open up more with equipment upgrades

>> No.8191465

Not him, but it's literally a linear area. Optimized layout with shortcuts opened by upgrades would work better.

>> No.8192094

The game tells you about it by printing a message in center of the screen after you get light beam. Not sure how much clearer it could get.

>> No.8192149
File: 752 KB, 1145x653, lightbeam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they do not

>> No.8192170

ammo was a non issue when I replayed it recently, because I actually used the weapons instead of using it sparingly