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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8155942 No.8155942 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss your retro handhelds. Which is your favorite?

>> No.8155958
File: 89 KB, 848x802, 73AAB3A6-7BC2-4AE2-A540-A3F4AEC63F43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

>> No.8155962

Retro chink shill thread

>> No.8156031

t. gba reseller seething

>> No.8156038

Some people have told me they were a legit company but this shit is looking more and more like a scam considering it has been a year and a half since it was announced.
Let's see if they don't delay it again.

>> No.8156042

Just checked their Twitter and saw it got delayed to December lmao

>> No.8156043

What color did you order?

>> No.8156056

I did not preorder it. I had the chance but I did not want to.
I refuse to preorder something like this in the Information Age.

>> No.8156060

Meant for >>8156043

>> No.8156061


>> No.8156081

psp-2000 still going strong. it's amazing how little handheld emulation has progressed in 16 years.

>> No.8156084

can't play snes

>> No.8156090

meh, you can play the less demanding ones just fine, and the worthwhile snes games have gba ports anyway.

>> No.8156095

The GBA ports are usually worse and the PSP is usually poorer at GBA games.

I think SNES emulation on PSP is fine for games which do not use mode 7 or expansion chips, though. The SNES emulator was optimised a lot following the release of Snes9x for 3DS.

>> No.8156098
File: 109 KB, 1024x576, 5290ae5e444c2a9b0a47f77b60337e1e_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's hype?

>> No.8156112
File: 91 KB, 1200x811, gpd-win-3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This lil guy's letting me finally get into the PS2 library. I regret getting a GC back in the day now. I wouldn't recommend anyone buy it considering the Steam Deck is coming but I ordered it back in January.

>> No.8156113

my experience has been that gba is almost perfect on psp, but snes lags even on non superfx games like alttp.

>> No.8156121

>All new retro emus are gonna be Android
>New Ambernic, PowKiddy, etc. gonna be Android

>> No.8156128

all we can hope is hardkernel releases an OGA 2 with rk3566 and a linux build so the chinks can copy it. otherwise it'll be a dark android age from now to eternity.

>> No.8156138

The raspberry Pi 4A will probably the SBC to hold us over until then. DIY is a step back, but it seems to be the cycle needed before the chinks catch up.

>> No.8156150

might take a long while if the chip shortage excuses are to be believed. rk3226 was so popular b3cause it was ch3ap and easily available. who knows what the successor chip will be and when it will be as abundant.

>> No.8156193

what am I looking at exactly?

>> No.8156196

desu I'm ok with it since Android has pretty good ds emulation. Touchscreen enabled emu when?

I dug up one of my old ds and my god it's falling to pieces (it's a leftover console from normie kids). I know I can easily play on my smartphone, but for some reason it feels off.

>> No.8156213

Not a scam, they've released a ton of products and they're generally high quality

They're still fucking ahit though for not being clear and open about progress/reason for delays. It was supposed to come out next month and they still haven't even shown one working

>> No.8156221

It's been delayed until December.

>> No.8156239

original gba shell modded with an upgraded screen and a rpi4 board.

>> No.8156319

What is the source of this, is it by LCL?

>> No.8156324


>> No.8156326

Which is why I said 'supposed

>> No.8156330


>> No.8156518

Probably will cost more than a Switch lite.

>> No.8156698

The CM3 version was £150, it will probably be a similar price.

>> No.8156780

>now i know it does support wii and gamecube games
>i haven't done anything and try yet as i don't have those emulator roms
reaaaaaaaaaally dude?

>> No.8156784

It's just a cm4, so it is exactly as powerful as a pi4. Benchmarks have existed for it for years.

>> No.8156796

definitely a scam and >>8156213 is a big ole faggot

>> No.8156834

Are you serious? I can emulate the fucking psp at 720p on my Switch. I can emulate Dreamcast and even the DS on my switch too. AND run Android.

Your using a psp that runs mega drive and SNES like shit.

>> No.8157060

I have
And soon an RG350MP.

PSP is used for PSP exclusively.
RG350 for everything else.
Starting with dreamcast and N64, I use a computer hooked to a TV. the new chink shitter is supposed to be "endgame" for me, as in last device I'll need for everything up to PSX. Not looking for anything better. Also though about that RGB10 max, but the dim screen kils it for me.

Coming out never.
People must be having GCW Zero flashbacks, although that one came out after huge delays.

Hoping the koreans do something, because if the chinks can't copy, they can't innovate either.

>> No.8157328

>but the dim screen kils it for me
it maxes out at like 100 nits but none of those shills on youtube mention it.
I'm glad I found out about it.
Yet another reason to never listen to retrogamefaggot and only stick with anbernic for chink shit

>> No.8157371

Dude that thing is fugly. Its hard enough to look at and your telling me you wanna game on it

>> No.8157382

Reminder that anbernic was once a chink company like the others shitting out horrible quality handhelds. They simply started giving a bit of a fuck about build quality, that's all.
But they're still chinks and shit on the consumer with high prices, refusing to release a full featured handheld (one doesn't have wifi, the other has a shit screen, another one has a shit SoC, etc).

>> No.8157445

>refusing to release a full featured handheld
its not up to them what SOCs get mainline linux support.
At this point really all that's available to use in a device like this is the mips soc with open dingux support and the rockchip.
if you use anything else you're stuck with shitdroid.
also I would rather have no wifi with a full CNC'd case than have them shoehorn a wifi chip introducing audio interference and having plastic sides.
$150 isn't bad for the 350MP considering the build and screen quality. other chink companies would happily charge you $250 for a similar product.

>> No.8157453

When are anbernic going to start using a new chip set? Last I checked these things couldn't handle anything beyond the PS1 without noticeable frame dips?

>> No.8157456

read nigga >>8157445

>> No.8157464

I was talking about releasing a bunch of devices with different features instead of a unifying device with every good feature
>dual analog
>mic out on the underside if the device instead of the top
But nooooo, they have to keep milking the customers.

Next ambernic is going to be a 5.5inch 16:9 android monstrosity. Hard pass.

>> No.8157468

The analouge thing for gb games. Steam deck for everything else

Fuck the steam deck is going to be such a good emulation box. I fucking love how both the dpad and the analog stick are in the primary position, making it great for both 2d and 3d games. I hate all these handhelds that ape the switch layout which basically fucking nueters them for 2d games

>> No.8157482

nigger there is no 350mp. i've seen multiple posts on this board referring to 351 devices as 350 but they are two very different devices. 350 shit has MIPS chipset, 351 has rk3326 ARM chipsets. learn the difference fag.

>> No.8157485

>Next ambernic is going to be a 5.5inch 16:9 android monstrosity. Hard pass.
Thanks for saving me the time anon, for fucks sake these companies get so close to making the perfect product but fall short at the finish line.

>> No.8157498

>Next ambernic is going to be a 5.5inch 16:9 android monstrosity. Hard pass.
What's the fucking point? At that point might as well simply use a Switch.

>> No.8157513

anbernic are a bunch of tards who just copy others, they cant design or develop anything on their own. look at the big boys like hardkernel for actual advancements in the handheld market.

>> No.8157558

Hardkernel dabs on the chinks.
Best SBC, best innovations. Where they fall short is on design, because they're just a bunch of korean engineers and an autistic brazillian that takes care of their linux distributions.

>> No.8157687

>I was talking about releasing a bunch of devices with different features instead of a unifying device with every good feature
>nooooo options bad
fuck off

>> No.8157748

>let me just release the same device 30 times with slightly different specs, but none of them optimal
You fuck off

>> No.8157805

Damn this new Ambershit is just getting worse. It has a loud fan too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dfwHf3hZTk

>> No.8157921

But anob, it's an SBC SoC shoved into a handheld format. Probably overclocked to get that good PSP and Dreamcast emulation with such a weak CPU. I bet battery life is going to be awful too.

They're throwing battery/power efficient, but low power SoCs out the window and going straight for old, powerful but inneficient and housefire SoCs.
Just source a goddamn "recent" power efficient ARM SoC and throw linux on it instead of android. Fuck.

But no, developing a linux distro is too much work, much better to find a shit SoC that already has android support and throw a cobbled together shit android firmware.

>> No.8157924

day 0 purchase, from me

>> No.8157927

>But no, developing a linux distro is too much work
it is when you have to reverse engineer drivers for every single component on the board you retarded fuck

>> No.8157937

>reverse engineer drivers
You idiot, they buy the chips, they have access to all the info they need about them and all the drivers from the chipmaker. This is how it works, you buy the chips and all the associated information.
They just have to shove the drivers onto the kernel.
The hard part is cleaning up the linux kernel to keep it slim so it can have maximum performance for the target device, and userland programs.
Just pick any chink SBC, for example. Fucked up and outdated linux kernel (because it was the version they found where they had to do the least work).

>t. Hardware/software engineer

>> No.8157949

>They're throwing battery/power efficient, but low power SoCs out the window
That was the appeal for me and they're doing away with it. Cute little silent devices with tons of battery hour. If I wanted bloated, loud, powerful handhelds the Steam Deck is right there.

>> No.8157996

>access to all the info they need about them and all the drivers from the chipmaker
no they dont retard.
the kernel is outdated because the board drivers are closed source and not mainlined.
You genuinely have no fucking idea what you're even bitching about.
engineer these nuts faggot you're a kid

>> No.8158084

Yep, that's what happens with 10 year old SoCs.
Use recent SoCs, even if low powered, shove the drivers onto the kernel et voilà.

>> No.8158090

>shove the drivers
from where you retarded fucking faggot
Just shut the fuck up, you have no clue what you're talking about

>> No.8158101

From the chipmaker binaries. You know, the things they give you, together with all the datasheets and manuals needed to know what's in there and how to use it.

>> No.8158171
File: 1.42 MB, 3024x4032, rgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally took the plunge on a dedicated retro handheld. been using the PSP and while it is alright for GBA and Genesis, the SNES performance left a lot to be desired. plus I wanted something with a smaller form factor for carrying in my pocket.

I started with this Anbernic RG280V and installed the OpenDingux Beta firmware. put a bunch of new emulators on and it works pretty damn well. I get full speed on PS1 games like THPS2 and Jackie Chan Stuntmaster. Snes works really well (except sadly Starfox is a little slow). GB/C/A, Genesis, and Nes of course are perfect. to me Retroarch was a meme and it's just too much of a pain in the ass to get set up. I had it set up but wasn't a fan of the interface and process of getting a game going.

The Powkiddy V90 has decent form factor and the screen is pretty good but this thing kinda sucks. the only things is does well are Genesis, NES, GB/C and kinda Advance. SNES blows and PS1 is a joke. and this is after installing custom firmware. I get it though, it's a budget handheld. I ordered the powkiddy first from aliexpress but then after watching more videos decided to get the RG 280V from amazon so i tinker around sooner. ended up really falling in love with everything about the 280V. feels solid, nice size, and plays the stuff I want very well.

the only thing that's driving me nuts is I can't for the life of me get Neo Geo or CPS stuff working. tried installing Neo4All and it kept saying the cd bios wasnt found. GnGeo seemed promising and i had the Neogeo bios in the rom folder but it kept saying the files werent found or i was using an old romset. and FBA has been a bitch trying to get working too. really sucks cause if I could get Neo Geo at least this thing would perfect, being able to play TMNT 1989 and Turtles in Time arcade at full speed would make it god tier.

>> No.8158350

Dear god how I wish someone would remake the powkiddy v90 but use a shell that doesn't look like dollar store plastic and use a board that actually runs SNES. Funkey S would have been perfect if they made it the same size as the v90. Hopefully one of these days.

>> No.8158412

Is it bad I don't mind this? As long as the form factor for these upcoming handhelds are good or they are cool clones of pre-existing handhelds, I could care less. It's a lot less awkward than carrying around a phone with one of those controller attachments.

>> No.8158418
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Same, the clamshell design is very underutilized and is easily the best in terms of portability. I do wish it was a little bigger since I have larger hands, and since mine came out of the box with a scrunched up ribbon cable I get screen tearing issues.

>> No.8158504

Which emulators do you use on Switch, just the stuff through Retroarch or something else? Trying to get mine set up right now.
Ever tried Dolphin through Lakka? I've heard it's supposedly possible to get it playable, but I didn't have any luck when I tried.

>> No.8158540

holy anon btfo

>> No.8158546

RGC has made chinks so much money

>> No.8159191

can powkiddy v90 and a66 both play gb, gbc and gba all fine? think im gonna buy one if they can, ps1 would be cool but don't really care. other wise i'll probably get rg351p.

>> No.8159193

You'll have one or two frames dropped in some gba games like advance wars 2.

>> No.8159212

you answered your own question you dumb fuck

>> No.8159215

why'd you buy the two worst ones kek

>> No.8160060

I honestly can't wait because the screen seems pretty amazing for GBC, but I gotta say, that dpad looks like shit.
I also wish they went with only 2 face buttons.

>> No.8160073

280v can at least play almost all PS1 games fullspeed

>> No.8160078

I'm assuming there will be a snes core available for it (from kevtris or otherwise) which would explain why they went with four buttons

>> No.8160089

I have an RG350M, "full speed" is a low bar
PSX4ALL sucks at dithering and lighting, games like silent hill, spyro and ace combat 3 are unplayable.
It's ok for 2D games though.
maybe after open dingux gets "stable" someone will update it to take advantage of the better drivers and SDL.
Snes on the MIPS devices sucks too

>> No.8160959

the Powkiddy seemed cool for a starter device for tinkering around with. I knew going in it was underpowered but for $30 it seemed like an alright gamble. it ended up being okay and I'll probably use it for Genesis and GB/C stuff or possibly give it to a nephew.

The 280V is pretty sweet though. idk how it's one of the worst. the form factor is great, and it runs everything i'd want pretty well. no need for analog sticks personally.

haven't tried those games in particular. i'm just happy to play THPS2 ps1 portably. and yeah, probably just 2D games as well.

>> No.8161185

I hope PSX4ALL becomes a retroarch core at some point, might help fix some of the issues it has

>> No.8161405
File: 236 KB, 1170x2131, FA02E8EB-DA98-4FE4-A4F9-C019E8A92B6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found a powkiddy for a little over 16 bucks and bought it.

>> No.8161430

If that's actually legit, I'll grab one just to mess around with.

>> No.8161450

Shipping only takes 2 weeks for me.


>> No.8161462
File: 224 KB, 1280x720, 02PjOF8NmxLpTvf38pZBnBp-1..1610042998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anbernic RG351P

>> No.8161475

that's a damn good deal. just look up some videos on it if you wanna try custom firmware for better performance on some emulators

>> No.8161497
File: 63 KB, 720x892, 3fb3bea94c1adea39b0ff5ff6bac8511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got the same one in the same color(RG 351P)

Really like it. Feels very nice.

>> No.8161560

Just sold my 351p for a 351mp. I'm hoping 351elec is ready by the time it makes its way here from China. One of the devs is a huge asshole though so I don't dare ask.

>> No.8161585

I will, does the firmware make the SNES emulation better?

>> No.8161616


as long as you're okay with having to potentially frameskip to keep it smooth you should be fine with most games

>> No.8161798

Can someone recommend to me a retro handheld device? Someone told me to pick up a Vita, another told me to pick up a switch lite, I've seen so many things suggested. I just want to good games while on break at work.

>> No.8161854
File: 121 KB, 1166x705, 2021-09-21-1632280026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why use these shitty forks with their reddit-tier interfaces when you can just use lakka?

>> No.8161858

no reason to get anything but the RG351MP at this point

>> No.8161863

I'm not seeing a 351mp build here

>> No.8161885
File: 78 KB, 736x637, 2021-09-21-1632281525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's sad everyone uses those bloated, niggered up "images" instead of lakka
fucking youtuber faggots

>> No.8161891
File: 213 KB, 1546x303, 2021-09-21-1632281698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>28 minutes of absolute rambling
>doesn't once mention how dogshit the screen and dpad are
I really hate this guy, it's like he goes out of his way to get annoying as fuck and spread misinformation.

>> No.8161912

Is it better to just play GBA ports of SNES games?

>> No.8161931
File: 226 KB, 1170x2023, C82D1753-4F82-41D1-8F69-E6D9D176569F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to play Vita games get a Vita. If you want to play Switch games get a switch.

If you are a casual gamer that wants a Retro handheld don’t get those because they are expensive and hard as fuck to hack. I have no idea how you would hack a switch light.

If you want a retro handheld but a retro handheld. As for Chinese retro handhelds, I would recommend getting a cheep one now and waiting for the next generation this Christmas to come out. I have just seen the pow kiddy v90 and q90 for 20 bucks on Alibaba pic rel. You can watch about those here.


And buy cheep



If you need a more powerful one now you can get a Retroid Pocket 2 for around 100 bucks. Or get a RG351MP for like 140 and that will have similar power to the RP2 but better buttons and is easier to use. However the next generation of handhelds will be out in a few months and will be more powerful (able to run high end PSP games and maybe gamecube) so I’d say wait or get one of the cheep ones I listed and buy a fancy new generation one for like 140 in 2-3 months.

Alternatively just get a Steam Deck for 400 bucks if you can wait a year and that will be ultra powerful and able to pay almost every game every game.

>> No.8161936

Steam Deck will be able to play almost every game ever made*

>> No.8161943

>having generally the best configurations for a device ready
youtube really lives in retards heads rent free. Nobody wants to use this shit.

>> No.8161965

shill moment

>> No.8161974

you couldn't pay me to give china my information

>> No.8161975

You got a better idea?

>> No.8161979

I got the Retroid Pocket 2 and I think I hate it...

>> No.8161980

spoken like a true windows nigger
enjoy your minute long boot times and "emulation station" faggot

>> No.8161983

literally everybody warned you

>> No.8161997

does it fit in your pocket?

>> No.8162004
File: 30 KB, 739x415, 14BCFC03-C660-4846-B04E-6D9E72235F66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah it’s like a modern sega game gear, but more powerful than a PS4.

>> No.8162009

I'm an adult with a job so I use macOS. I never turn the fucking thing off because I have a working sleep function. Enjoy spending 500 hours configuring this shit but it's okay because at least it's not reddit

>> No.8162018

friendly reminder that screentearing is real for these devices
despite saying he 'doesn't notice it in-game', i've seen many anons in here and other places mention it

>> No.8162021

>so I use macOS
lmao you're not helping your case

>> No.8162024
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>despite saying he 'doesn't notice it in-game'
he doesn't notice his fat gut hanging down to his knees either
powkiddy garbage is unusable

>> No.8162027

Not interested then

>> No.8162034

Watch this for more options. Also keep in mind downloading roms is a civil offense, you want to buy something that has a bunch of roms on it to reduce liability.


>> No.8162036

Watch this video for more options.


Also keep in mind downloading Roms is a civil offense, so you want to buy something with a bunch of roms on it to reduce liability.

>> No.8162043

Watch this video for more options.

https://youtu.be/4veObJ0f9jY [Embed]

Also keep in mind downloading Roms is a civil offense, so you want to buy something with a bunch of roms on it to reduce liability.

>> No.8162046

Sorry about that, fucking bugs

>> No.8162047

Man those looks sketchy as fuck ngl, most other stores have atleast sold a few items but these listing are under a fresh account. Sounds like a scam to me.

>> No.8162051

It’s got 75 day buyer protection, I’ll just get a refund if it doesn’t ship.

>> No.8162059
File: 562 KB, 1170x2532, 1F56AEDB-919D-4F5C-AC21-F399632446D6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has to ship within 8 days or I get an Auto refund also.

>> No.8162063

>downloading roms is a civil offense, you want to buy something that has a bunch of roms on it to reduce liability
Do you honestly believe that Nintendo is going to backtrace your ass and take you to court over downloading some old roms?
You think the fucking cops care that Billy from Bumfuck Idaho downloaded a video game?

>> No.8162068

1 rom maybe they don’t care. 5000 roms maybe someone does.

>> No.8162074

>Also keep in mind downloading roms is a civil offense
when did /vr/ become this cucked

>> No.8162083

>retro handheld tubers
I can't believe a one word outta these videos. No matter how good/bad a device is you almost exclusively hear praise and "don't forget to use the link in description." Not to mention they get some of these handhelds free which means hand selected and they are more likely to have a bias.

>> No.8162174

some of the tubers are just kinda clueless rather than shills so they don't have much capability for in depth criticism. retro game corps guy for example had zero background in tech before he started his channel. basic shaders are a new and exciting thing to him.

>> No.8162293

Those guys need to know:
>how the game originally played and looked on real hardware
>How hardware functions, even if on a surface level
>How emulation works, even if on a surface level only
>how original hardware looks and feels, ergonomics and button wise

For example, every reviewer praises the anbernic buttons. I own an rg350. I know how original hardware feels like. I know anbernic dpad is very good, and the ABXY buttons are too. But I also know the start and select are a bit shitty, and the shoulder buttons are not optimal. Even a 30 year old SNES controller has beter shoulder buttons than the anbernics.

Or regarding the screens.
>oooooh so pretty, wide viewing angles, so much color, so bright
No, you idiots, most of these screens (powkiddy mostly, or the rg280m/v) have fucked up color balance. They're either have the contrast way too high, or are very warms, or have fucked up greens, or whatever. Or, they're dim like the rgb10max and completely unplayable outside the home.
At least my GBC has really nice colors and contrast even in daylight (or below street lights at nights, eh).

But another problem is that the chinks compete for the attention fo these faggots, so they shower them with devices. So, the faggots constantly praise them. It's just

You can check lebbit, most of those idiots have several handhelds that they don't use and take little pictures of their consoomlection for attention seeking.

And they don't even play games. Retrogamefag was amazed that one guy (jockingly) reviewing an anbernic thing started playing mario64, got the wings and blasted himself with the cannon. He couldn't believe that was possible on the game kek

>> No.8162321

>Even a 30 year old SNES controller has beter shoulder buttons than the anbernics
that's because the chinks are deadset on using microswitches for shoulder buttons. No idea why.

>> No.8162336

It's cheaper.
They should be using domed tactile switches like the ones used on the PS Vita and GBA SP, at least.

>> No.8162449


You sound like an angry woman who complains instead of fixing the issue. Make your own YouTube channel if you think you know how it should be done. You wont though so fuck off. You're probably the same faggot who spams "chink shit" in every thread like youre some comedy genius. The typical person doesn't care about all that shit you mentioned. It literally is a case of CONSOOOOM with most people. Deal with it and move on. get a life.

>> No.8162494

Why fix it? I can search all the information I need easily enough and I don't want to spend time making little youtube channels.
But it's true the channels don't have all the information they should have.

>you spam "chink shit"
No, I own two chink shit products. I like them very much. But I know their strengths and weaknesses, they're not perfect devices.

>> No.8162495
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why bother with anything else?

>> No.8162517

We'll have to see when it comes out.
It's very promising, although I don't know how ergonomic it is going to be.
Also, what are the square things below the buttons? Configurable touch pads?

>> No.8162549

because its xboxhueg. I like a tiny handheld I can actually carry in my jacket.

>> No.8163047

Are there any good consoles that can play PS2 games aside from a PS2?

>> No.8163065

no. steam deck maybe when its released if that counts.

>> No.8163145

GPD Win 3, AYA NEO, OneXPlayer. They play PS2 fullspeed at 2x resolution and more. They cost $1000+ tho

>> No.8163527

What the fuck? I'd have thought it a simple thing to do nowadays.

>> No.8163563
File: 14 KB, 466x343, 41xLVwUS0LL._SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just learned the Sega Master System has a resolution of 256x192, which makes it perfect on a DS screen.
What other systems use that resolution?

>> No.8163847

> pi4 spaceheater

>> No.8164191

i wouldn't subscribe to your youtube channel so dont even try anon

>> No.8164210

RG351v or MP as someone else suggested.

>> No.8164217

Just use ArkOS.

>> No.8164365

based GPD man. Been using GPDs for years and never had a problem. I love the win3 its hands down better than the steam deck will be. Look at that thing you have to grab it from the top, it looks like shit. I'm sure playing games not off of steam will be a pain in the ass. Most space you get is like 500 gbs. So with an sd card, if it even has that and it works well, you can maybe have a tb of games. In the days of 50gb games that'll be a lot of fun, especially for someone like me that wants the sd card dedicated to retro. I got 512 that's basically full with everything I could ever want. I guess I could grab a tb one but ugh. I get being excited for it I still kinda am but there's already something pretty nice on the table.

>> No.8164395

I wish the Vita was decent at emulation, but it's not.

I finished Super Metroid the other day using my iPhone SE paired with a DS4, it ran perfect.

>> No.8164407
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I wish the Vita was decent at emulation, but it's not.

I finished Super Metroid the other day using my iPhone SE paired with a DS4, it ran perfect.

>> No.8164431

it is, you just havent updated your vita in 2 years or are a brainlet

>> No.8164713
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Steam Deck looks incredible for what it is but I'd prefer something more portable. I'd kill for a Vita styled handheld instead of the soulless rectangular slabs we seem to get on the regular, and something that's powerful enough for emulators like Higan and Mednafen's PSX & Saturn cores. Also niche features like screens adapting to the original refresh rates with some kind of VRR implementation. I don't think anything like this exists for these handhelds, even the Deck won't have VRR which honestly blows, VRR has spoiled me and it's hard to go back unless the original hardware ran at a straight 50/60hz which almost none of them did.

>> No.8165352

I was thinking about getting one, but the UI and N64 performance is pretty questionable.

>> No.8165442


>> No.8166728

>Bitches about only having 500gb
>Buys the 500gb model
SD support is pretty well confirmed at this point. Even if you run out of space like the disgusting hoarder you are you could always just carry a second micro SD and get fine performance.

>> No.8167989
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I still use my CFW N3DS XL because these other handhelds don't seem worthwhile yet. Also though not retro I like having access to DS and 3DS games is nice.
>Systems it handles well
NES, SNES, GB/C, GBA, Game Gear, Sega System, Genesis, Sega CD, 32x, TG16, TGCD, DS

PSX is hit or miss but 2D games run at 60 fps and a good amount of other games run between 55-60 fps. Wonderswan, NGPC, and Virtual Boy all run at shit speeds.

Retroarch cores are hit or miss TG16, Genesis, SNES, and NES games play better on Bubbles2k16 emulators, GB/C run better using the DSi build of gameyob over the 3DS. System is Going on 8 years strong.

>> No.8168049


>> No.8168078

virtual console injects

>> No.8168161

Yes just don't use the retroarch as the snes cores are poorly optimized for the new 3ds ether do what >>8168078 said by using Nintendos emulator or use Bubbles2k16 standalone port of snes9x, I've never had issues getting things to run at 60 fps and I've tried Kirby Dreamland 3, Kirby Superstar, Yoshi Island including rom hacks and Mario Kart all run at 60 fps with the occasional dip to 59. Notice I said "New" 3ds, old 3ds works good with bulbbles 2k16 too but has less compatibility.

>> No.8168316

I feel like these custom handhelds are using vsync and probably have loads of input lag

>> No.8168336

I can't speak for the other models, but the new 3ds xl has terrible build quality, probably the worst I've ever felt on a nintendo console. Combine that with the IPS/TN screen lottery that I lost, and I kinda regret buying one.

>> No.8168398

okay you have me interested
shill me two devices:

The powerhouse option, I have every emulator available minus maybe switch and ps3/4
The cute option, it just feels and looks great

>> No.8168651

Steam Deck. It's not only more powerful than any chink device, it's also way cheaper.
Trimui/Powkiddy A66. It's cute, small, and it uses microswitches instead of membranes, so the buttons are super clicky and responsive. The custom Minui firmware is also pretty cute and snappy.

>> No.8168661

>microswitches instead of membranes
that's not a good thing
why is /vr/ filled to the fucking brim with low IQ retards?

>> No.8168664

I know the New 2DS XL has questionable quality, the top screens are known to bust all the time. Idk how Nintendo thought they could get away with using a 1 millimeter thick plastic to encase the entire top screen, you can't even replace the screen if it ever breaks you have to replace the entire piece because you destroy the case housing the skin it's so cheap as shit.

>> No.8168665

Okay, not him, but what's wrong with microswitches? Microswitches feel nice to me, and they're not unreliable in my own "tests."

>> No.8168670

My own 3DS XL feels just fine. Maybe I just got super lucky.
I'm not sure if I won or lost the ISP/TN lottery, the screen looks pretty close to how I remember it on my original 3DS, which... ultimately broke because it fell 2 feet onto concrete and the hinge completely busted, the cables dislodging from the circuitry of the top screen.
I'm still salty that it survived a nearly 7 foot drop onto a glass table and off of my tall as fuck bed onto hardwood floors, but couldn't survive that.

>> No.8168684

Membranes are for smoothbrains.

>> No.8168710

Likewise, microswitches are for microbrains

Not him by the ways.

>> No.8168741

The original 3ds models let you swap SD cards by opening a flap on the side. The new 3ds models make you remove the back plate, which is a flimsy piece of shit with 2 of the crappiest small captive screws ever, and then needs to be pried off with the stylus or a screwdriver. The backplate is really easy to crack and the screw holes are easy to strip with slight over tightening.

The hinge feels loose and has way too much play no matter which angle you lock it at, which is extra frustrating if you got unlucky with TN screens.

The glossy finish is an absolute fingerprint magnet, almost as bad as the PS vita was.

The "new" features all feel half assed. The ZR/ZL and right analog nub all feel like absolute shit and are in terrible spots, and the head tracking 3d cameras do more harm than good, causing the 3d effect to spaz out any time it loses track of you, which happens way too easily.

The membrane and contacts under the face buttons wear out super easily, and taking the system apart to fix is a huge pain in the ass.

All that combined with the fact that it didn't even include a charger just makes it feel like a cheap half-step console that wasn't worth the price.

>> No.8168764

>Microswitches feel nice to me
that's because you're retarded

>> No.8168791

>... remove the back plate...
Fair criticism, although this ended up being a GBA SP sort of situation. The only way they were able to cram an SD card slot in was if they put it on the back like that. Still, I wish there was a better way of handling that.
>hinge feels loose
Mine doesn't, but maybe that's because my old 3DS also felt that way, at least before it broke. My DSi has more give than that thing.
>glossy finish is an absolute fingerprint magnet
Dude I put fingerprints on fucking everything even with really clean hands and things that hide fingerprints, this doesn't matter to me at all.
I can see how that's annoying to those who like to keep their consoles looking clean though.
>"new" features are half assed.
>ZR/ZL and right analog nub all feel like absolute shit and are in terrible spots
Personally, ZR and ZL feel fine to me. The analog nub doesn't feel like it's misplaced, HOWEVER I concur that it is a fucking terrible feeling thing to use. Beats the original in placement, I guess, but still.
>head tracking fails to operate
In my 400 hours of operating my new 3DS, I have only encountered this 3 times. Granted, I've only used the 3D for about 30 hours, so maybe that's why I haven't noticed it being a serious problem. That and also my head is just fucking massive, it's hard for it to lose track of me.
>membrane issues
I haven't encountered this yet. I have, however, encountered a dent in my touch screen.

>it feels like a cheap half step console
Yeah, because... that's basically the release model of most of Nintendo's handheld consoles. Hell, even the Switch is getting that treatment now.
Overall, that sounds like a fucking hell, and I guess I have just been extraordinarily lucky with my console.

I think you're just baiting at this point. Microswitches feel nice, but I have no qualms about membrane.

>> No.8168863
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>> No.8168876

tl;dr was offered at the end of it.
>Overall, that sounds like a fucking hell, and I guess I have just been extraordinarily lucky with my console.

>> No.8168883

I'm a switchfag and would like my next handheld, to well, be actually portable. Switch is great but I would be lying if I said it was completely portable.

>> No.8168884

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.8168891

If it is polite to ask, what the fuck is your major malfunction, ma'am?

>> No.8168946

You're the type of autist that doesn't shut the fuck up when he's told huh.

>> No.8168953

who hurt you

>> No.8168954

See you keep replying

>> No.8168957

Ma'am, if you're gonna get your panties in a twist, please don't do it in front of me. I'd rather not see you.
Also that wasn't me who replied that time.

>> No.8168960

again, you keep replying.
shut the fuck up you faggot nobody cares

>> No.8168968
File: 28 KB, 532x440, You had a point until you blamed someone else for me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I planned to until you implicated someone else as me.

>> No.8168976

have sex

>> No.8169380

Any recommendations on any Ambernic with a similar form-factor like the Analogue Pocket? Don't care for a right-side analog stick as I'm looking to solely play handheld games.

>> No.8169401

he wasn't replying to you, schizo

>> No.8169407

Actually, I think I was replying to him, but he might have been the second guy I replied to now that I think about it.

>> No.8169420


>> No.8169439

>cheap as shit
For real for the original $50 price cut they removed $100 in quality easy. The screens are more faded and as you stated in unbelievably thin plastic you can put light pressure on the back of the screen and the colors start to warp, the speakers are so quiet its a wonder why they even bothered, they used the battery for the original 3DS, the plastic doesn't feel nearly as solid as it should overall, and the stylus is small making it incredibly uncomfortable to hold.

What really shows just how many corners Nintendo cut is the battery, they not only used the smaller battery from the older unit but they didn't bother putting a door in so you could replace it easily. They easily could have added a door there, there is enough room but they didn't wanna spend the fraction of a dollar it'd have cost to make more money. I'm surprised Nintendo put their name on this its like nothing else they have released

>> No.8169514

WHy? What's so bad about it?

>> No.8169572

>mushy feel
>lower activation force
>can stop working, but cleaning solves the issue
>will last million of clicks before rupturing the membrane
>faster action for fast games

>clicky feel
>more actuation force needed
>will double click in six months
>will stop working after one year
>solder/desolder needed to change them

Yeah, no. Fuck microswitches for consoles.
Just bring domed microswitches instead, like the ones used on the vita and gba sp
>between mushy and clicky feel
>low travel, low actuation force
>not loud
>won't get dirty and stop working
>more durable than microswitches

>> No.8169578

>using retroarch ever
>but especially on vita
are you stupid?

>> No.8169584

>Clicky feel
This is a good thing though???
>More activation force
Bit of good and bad, depending on the situation.

Otherwise, I can't agree or disagree. I don't have any experience with a GBA SP, but I think that might be a good compromise just hearing about it.

>> No.8170107

>This is a good thing though???
not for face buttons you fucking spastic

>> No.8170354


>> No.8170450

let me guess, you also like membranes. congrats on being the biggest retard in the thread. you aren't the biggest retard on /vr/ as a whole, but keep eating glue, you will get there one day.

>> No.8170472

bought an rg351v last week and very happy with it so far
not even the formfactor bothers me, i heard some people have trouble holding it for long periods of time

>> No.8171032

I am tempted to get one.

>> No.8171103
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Jesus Christ, what were they thinking when they designed those L2/R2 buttons?

>> No.8171278
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Anyone know how to get Violated Heroine to properly run on RG351 devices? I keep getting invalid image errors. Encoding is set to Shift-JIS, other Japanese RPG Maker 2000 games work fine this way.

>> No.8171458

Okay, I really don't know the problem. Clicky face buttons feel fine to me, but then again, I must be a spas.

>> No.8171503

Just got a rg351p and man it's neat, gonna look into the best firmwares and stuff tonight.

>> No.8172339

Possibly a stupid question, but do any of you Anons in the thread know of a portable SNES that runs on disposable batteries? I saw one once long ago that ran on AA batteries, but I have had zero luck finding anything related to it or to a handheld using disposable batteries.
Feels weird to think that the GBA is retro, let alone the GB and GBC. I have a collection of five GBA units - three standard a frontlit SP and a backlit SP. I mostly use a standard that I put a Funnyplaying screen into, because I prefer to use AA batteries over finicky rechargable SP batteries.

>> No.8172475

Hacked 3DS of course.

>> No.8172548
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It's pretty bad without the CFW 1.3.3 update (as well as the PS1 mods). But with it them I'm able to play some comfy CTR and FFT (the only problem being some of the text being a bit glitchy, but performance wise is good).

>> No.8172674

if it ever actually ships

>> No.8173401

It runs pretty well for what you’d expect retro. Let me guess, you don’t know how to set it up?

>> No.8173470

best cheapest emulation device looking at options

>> No.8173473

probably something along the lines of
>this is the only place they'll fit

>> No.8173480

not sure but it looks like something is up with the file paths because it has a mix between the japanese and western path separators

>> No.8173553

an old laptop with at least intelHD 3000-4000 series graphics

>> No.8173581

Installed the Elec firmware because I'm feeling lazy and don't wanna configure stuff, GBA games look amazing and it feels so nice and light in my hands, it's been awhile since I've held a GBA(more then a decade) but this feels about the same weight I think.

>> No.8173945

>intelHD 3000
not gonna cut it
you'll need at least a quad core with a 4600 or newer igpu
even then you'll be stuck at native res and the demanding titles won't have a steady framerate

>> No.8173965

Those things are actually good at emulating? Could you run shitty pc games on it like doom? R is it mainly for console games?

>> No.8174268

came here to see what you guys think, glad i'm skipping this one. looks like an abomination

>> No.8174589

You can expect to run up to 5th gen consoles well on one. Possibly select Dreamcast games. Never tried anything like DOSbox but it'd probably work well.

>> No.8174651
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next gen chinkshit is starting to roll out, Powkiddy is accepting preorders for the $173 X18S

>> No.8174697

Holy fucking ugly.

>> No.8174727

getting a weird mid 2000 vibe from this

>> No.8174760

I'm not sure why but I like the design.

>> No.8174783

I dig the design but I fucking wish they would change their name, Powkiddy sounds wrong.
Super famicom colours with a clamshell.

>> No.8174785

Does it feel too small on the hands?

>> No.8174826


since anon wont link it

>> No.8174835

is this a chipset with known benchmarks?

>> No.8174836


>> No.8174863
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i wonder if less ram will have any effect on the gamecube emulation

>> No.8174875

i'd only be getting one of these to play dreamcast and gamecube but i think i might just hold out until the steamdeck, even if it is Q2 2022 for me.

>> No.8174995

Damn, it has more ram then my tablet does.

>> No.8175475
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>> No.8175496
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>> No.8175565

My new 3dsxl feels mostly fine, but the non-xl n3ds is by far the most high quality feeling model. Matte finishes really go a long way in making stuff feel nice. It sucks they didn't really ship a ton of them in the US

>> No.8175616

Yeah, I think I fucked up assuming the XL was just a straight upgrade. The thing has shit ergonomics too

>> No.8175617
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god why is the next gen chink devices so god damn wide so far?

>> No.8176006

I have been using my New 3DS XL since 2016 without a single problem but again, I'm a huge guy with huge hands.
The New 2DS XL is the tits for emulation.

>> No.8176025

Blogtime: I work in the electronics section of a Target and we use to carry chinese emulation consoles. Most of them are JXD tablets disguised as consoles, but we get the odd offbrand model now and then.
In general, they are shit pieces of plastic that conks out after 6 months or less no matter how well you take care of them so we are used to deal with upset customers returning them or complaining because the batteries die fast, or the device overheats, the buttons make cracking noises and the pad is plain uncomfortable, etc.
So from personal experience I wouldn't recommend any kind of chinese consoles at all.

>> No.8176047

shut the fuck up you stupid faggot

>> No.8176057

Sorry bro, but chinese consoles are crap and always will be no matter how hard you try to blend in to shill them out.
They are cheaply made, they use stolen emulators, come filled with spyware/malware and never perform as they are supposed to, so I wouldn't recommend them to anyone, not even to make a sale.
Get used to the idea of this faggot warning everyone to not buy gargabe, because right now, that's what chinx consoles are: garbage.
And the chargers that come with them are filmsy as hell to boot.

>> No.8176064

Legit question, no memes. Who ACTUALLY plays games outside their homes? Maybe on a fucking car ride, but not out and about. Buying a handheld seems pointless unless you wanna play in bed or some shit.

>> No.8176069

Me when waiting in some places or the bus and I have no one to talk too. And even when I'm with friends, I like sharing what I play with them.

>> No.8176072

those devices are nothing like the ones that are commonly recommended in these threads and you are merely a white man passing through who couldn't contain their autism

>> No.8176082

I love handhelds and almost never take them out of my home. They're entirely for playing in bed or out on my deck in the evening while listening to the cicadas chirp

>> No.8176091
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Bought this from my cousin when he upgraded to the XL model and for $40 I like it. Its not something you can pocket very well though sadly. Still it's shape feels nice to hold and it handles most everything up to the GBA rather well. SNES has issues on some special chip games though like Super Star and Star Fox are unplayable but Mario Kart runs smoothly. Overall though all I could ever want from a handheld.

>> No.8176132

Bro, unless you talk about the pocket computer/handheld hybrids that run on Android, Linux or Windows, most chinese handhelds discussed and shilled here are like the garbage we are asked to sell at Target.

>> No.8176138

They are nice but almost always unappealing. No joysticks, only 2 shoulder buttons, something that fits in my pocket, doesn't need to do Dreamcast or N64. Needs to be a modern day GBC/GBA with 16bit capabilities. Just something I can use when most people hop on their phones because I hate that thing. Mostly play puzzle games and but do like some platformers and rpgs from time to time. Sadly no perfect device exists.

>> No.8176185

Literally just
>make the dpad a little bigger adjust the alignment of the face buttons to add 2 more
>extend the shoulder buttons to feel more like SNES shoulder buttons leave room for a type C port
>Handles up to any SNES or GBA game
>IPS screen
>add a micro SD card slot and headphone jack where the cartridge slot used to be
Then its just a matter of quality. Sadly these knockoffs care more about knocking off more consoles than making a device youd want to use.

>> No.8176191
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Meant to send it with this picture

>> No.8176689

>they use stolen emulators, come filled with spyware/malware and never perform as they are supposed to
If you are using default chink firmware and not any of the open-source options, you are retarded.

>> No.8176806

u have no clue what you're talking about mr. target

>> No.8176824
File: 129 KB, 1406x942, rg351p_purple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The RG351 devices are by far the most shilled here, they run linux but are not "pocket computer/handheld hybrids". If you're gonna claim they're garbage please provide your reasoning, otherwise piss off.

>> No.8176840

I've been wanting the blue sp and have been seeing it a lot lately. Very strange.

>> No.8176841

I just want to emulate up to dreamcast. That's it. And not pay 399.

>> No.8176845

If I was a 20 year old hipster chick I'd carry this around. It's kind of fuckin slick.

>> No.8177002

hacking vitas is grug tier, are you dumber than a caveman?

>> No.8178163

wait 2 more weeks

>> No.8178209

I play them during my lunch break

>> No.8178229

I play at work during 12 hour shifts and night shifts.

>> No.8178249

>I also wish they went with only 2 face buttons.
>wanting less buttons for your raspberry pi
GBA for me. It was almost perfect.

>> No.8178934

too bad
pay 399

>> No.8179163
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>imagine buying the cheap version
couldn't be me.

also a little advice:
instead of using rga scaling, use the ddt shader. it looks much nicer.

>> No.8179282
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>> No.8179295
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3DS is best

>> No.8179321

2 button layout is superior when you only need 2 buttons.
the angle of A and B in 4 button layout makes them harder to press than 2 button layout A and B.
this is also why the DS is shit for playing GBA.

>> No.8179339

Ew, I can see the pixels...

>> No.8179342
File: 2.38 MB, 3840x2160, 3dss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just from the camera

>> No.8179365
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that can actually be a good thing.

>> No.8179373

No, it can't. At least CRTs were blurry, but this is just disgusting.

>> No.8179375

bro, that stick...
my og 3ds also is falling apart like that, but replaced the one of my xl, new3ds non-xl is still fine.

>> No.8179385

I want to replace it soon because I love the animal crossing edition but I really only use the n3ds at this point anyway so haven't yet.

>> No.8179387

Reminder that gba is native on 3ds

>> No.8179392
File: 3.71 MB, 4032x3024, DSC_0193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok zoomer.
double pixeling is disgusting.

>> No.8179589

yeah but it scales horribly and if you don't scale the picture is way too small.

>> No.8179603

Not on an xl

>> No.8179746


>> No.8180935
File: 1.36 MB, 2684x2136, E8lLytzVoAEofoq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we lost gpd bros...

>> No.8181085

what an abomination

>> No.8181246


Use FTPD, nigger. Speed is not so good, but tolerable. Just place your 3ds straight to wi-fi module.

>> No.8181261

Ikr. I hate using this word, but it legit looks like a soulless DMG. Might as well just build a Pi into a DMG shell, it would look 1000x better.

>> No.8181323

I do, doesn't excuse the fault

>> No.8181326


And? What's wrong with you zoomers? You still have them, you just don't see them. It's not good. I prefer to see my pixels and also my code. Or at least I should be able to reverse engineer it. Ah, good old times. Well, gotta go back to my grave.

>> No.8181460

I like it. For the kind of games I would play on it I wouldn't need shoulder buttons anyway.

>> No.8181635

Any recommendations for replacement shells? I have a GBA and a PSP in rough shape that I want to fix.

>> No.8181794
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Retro Modding is alright.

>> No.8182134

Bro, I was saying the handheld consoles were shit, not the hybrids.
We don't carry those.

>> No.8182164

>that control layout
Ruined before it's even out of the gate. Why do they keep doing this

>> No.8182636

I've never used Alibaba before, how reliable is it to order from? I was thinking of picking up the RG351MP and people have told me to use Alibaba when ordering, though I'm not really sure why since Anbernic has a website.

>> No.8182664

Alibaba and Aliexpress are shit when it comes to deliver your goods.

>> No.8182716

Alibaba is for bulk orders, use Aliexpress. They have decent buyer protection. if you buy directly from a manufacturer you are fucked if your item gets damaged or lost in shipping.

>> No.8182732

The world would be a bit better if Retroarch was on the app store. Still using my Vita for that reason.

>> No.8182739

You can find some of these handhelds on Amazon.

>> No.8182819

use a credit card so you can at least contest the charges later down the road when your info is compromised

>> No.8183043

use ebay

>> No.8183140

the Vita is pretty much what you described
>2 joysticks
>only 2 shoulder buttons
>optional "shoulder buttons" via touchpad on the back if needed
>fits in your pocket
>does GBC/GBA/SNES well with Retroarch
get the Slim version with the much better battery life and microusb, I play small 20-60 minute sessions before falling asleep and charge the device like once a week/every second week
no N64/Dreamcast tho (possible but performance isn't good, just "playable")
only downside is that I don't know how much these two joysticks can endure in a pocket

hacking it is pretty easy and fairly fast

>> No.8183189

None, get a fucking android you retarded children.

>> No.8183201

Don't let the clickbait Luigi's mansion pic fool you. It literally crashes after the first cutscene on the CM4 chip. DC and PSP are alright though.

>> No.8183202

Get the Adam 1.2 update

>> No.8183203

The problem is the Vita is getting fucking pricey in the second hand market.

>> No.8183220

my psp. custom firmware 6.61... though that said i only have shock troopers on it as far as retro right now. i have tested the gba emulator and others but its honestly hard to think of old games i liked that i didnt do everything in already

i had suikoden 2 on it just to do a perfect clear with all 108 stars. then i deleted it

>> No.8183238
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>> No.8183301

Is any handheld capable of running F-Zero X at 60fps? Are smartphones worthwhile for emulation in general?

>> No.8183397

banggood is better

>> No.8183447

thats a handheld console you stupid fuck

>> No.8183613

why? not having to deal with pajeetdroid is alaways a plus

>> No.8183646


>> No.8183670

f-zero is actually one of the few n64 games that run full speed on the rk3326 devices. so pick your poison from any of the rg351 devices, rgb10/max, OGA and OGS or gameforce.

>> No.8183672

am i crazy or has the amount of chinktoys shat out since the inception of the steamdeck increased tenfold
just feels like desperation at this point

>> No.8183690

yeah no. these things take ages to design' they were already well under production before anyone knew what the deck was. not like the deck really competes with most chink handhelds anyway, the price class is untouched by the majority of chinkshit.

>> No.8183691

honestly just a GBA SP with an IPS mod. Though the shoulder button has an issue... after being on some time, it will permanently be held DOWN. I think it was an issue with the capacitor so removed that and that changed the behaviour somewhat... no way am I skilled to replace an SMT cap of that size, so it might just be a case of replacing the damn board.

>> No.8183778

The P's plastic shell is premium enough. Definitely better than anything powshitty or others put out.

>> No.8183850

The GPi Case is a Raspberry Pi Zero based handheld that looks like a mini-DMG (shrunk to about 75% size, around the same size as a Pocket but thicker) but runs off AA batteries. Stock SNES performance is iffy. You can get an upgrade "cart" for it though that will replace the Pi Zero with a Pi CM3 or CM4 and give you full compatibility. And I saw someone selling a custom SNES-themed button and label set for it on Etsy awhile ago. Not sure how much that's all worth to you, but good luck.

>> No.8184150
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Thank you.

>> No.8184260
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bro, your built-in wifi?

>> No.8184303

Yours stilo have plastic sides, chump.

>> No.8184414

Thanks bro, I'll get to looking into the device.

>> No.8184596

Are there any good handhelds that can play console games off of physical carts?

>> No.8184638

no need for it. I have the dongle if I need it, but I prefer to keep it wifi-less anyway.

Just out of curiosity, I've heard that the M's tend to lose controller input if they drop below 40%. Any chance you've seen that too?

>> No.8184701
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Nothing beats a GBA original with a screen light.

But without any light accessories I have to give it to the GBA SP, into problem is that it was less comfortable to me than the original because of the decreased width.

>> No.8184726
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If we're talking non-retro, I really liked the New 3DS XL. It has a decent library, most of the best ones being ports of older games, and a virtual console selection that's only second to the wii's

>> No.8184739

not just the M, it's a hardware fault that affects all rg351.
when the power gets low enough it becomes unstable, dunno at what percentage exactly, but for me starts to act up under 20%.

>> No.8184981

>The P's plastic shell is premium enough. Definitely better than anything powshitty or others put out.
for less than a gba ips mod you get a 2x integer and a dpad that rivals even the original gba

>> No.8185047

>a screen light
Something external or a modded screen?

>> No.8185131

what the fuck is that disgusting nail

>> No.8185141
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>actually selling bottom barrel chinkshit in 2021
Saw a bunch of these in plastic ziplock bags in a flea market once, can't believe they're still selling them

>> No.8185237

The external ones you could purchase.

Of course modded ones are better, but I'm assuming OP wasn't asking about modded consoles.

>> No.8185879

redpill me on the RG351MP. I've seen way too many people talk about it to honeslty believe that it's worth getting.

>> No.8186045

* Aluminum shell
* mushy,classic Nintendo-style dpad and buttons
* Uses GPIO for input instead of unreliable usb controller interface. Also makes it so that putting the device to sleep doesn't rape the console if you're in a non-RA emulator.
* 4:3 screen doesn't compromise portability. Size is comparable to RG350M
* Easy to develop OS/firmware images on since it's the same chip.

* Same exact chip as the P/M/V, but at a premium
* Same clicky shitty shoulder buttons side by side
* Cost/feature ratio is fucked. You pay an extra:
>$70 more for an aluminum shell and 4:3 screen compared to the 351P
>$40 more for a 4:3 screen and no internal Wifi compared to the 351M
>$50 more for an aluminum shell and no internal Wifi compared to the V.
* Speakers sounds like shit compared to the P/M/V. Also loses volume wheel for +/- buttons.

>Talking points that aren't really in favor of/against the MP
Don't immediately listen to the ones who say everything is better. The screen is only better if you prefer to have letterboxing for just GBA/PSP games, whereas the P/M are widescreen and has the perfect 3:2 ratio for GBA games. "Better" is subjective based on the aforementioned qualifiers.
You never keep the SD that comes with the console and you always replace the OS with a 351ELEC or ArkOS image. This one has 2 SD card slots like the V.
Chinashit batteries always lie on how much mAh is on a battery and it's always less than what's labeled. Unless you don't mind the actual battery, you'll probably end up buying an Odroid battery anyway, regardless of the model.

I won't link it, but look up Retro Game Corps on Youtube if you want a deep dive and visual guide.

>> No.8186157

More like if you weren’t a broke faggot living in his mom’s basement.

>> No.8186269

GBA games also look better on the P but that's one system vs the dozen that look better on a 4:3 screen.

>> No.8186274

The use of GPIO will solve this issue

>> No.8186476

>Don't immediately listen to the ones who say everything is better.
the screen is absolutely better since it doesn't have the fugly greenish blue tint that the 351p and m have. I don't get how people just ignore this, the colors look like ass.

>> No.8186746

Finally committed to actually beating a Metroid game, and I'm playing through Super on the RG351P with 351ELEC. It's a superb little machine. The game's janky as fuck though.

>> No.8186759

>Super Metroid
You double nigger

>> No.8186760

C'mon, it's janky as fuck.

>> No.8186773

Triple nigger.
The controls are actually tight, learn to play. The original Metroid is janky as fuck though.

>> No.8186783

Thanks for repeating things I already said in

I guess I didn't outright say it, but that's correct.

it's just blue and it mimics the GBA SP AGS001. Whether or not that is a detraction or a selling point is up to you. As an additional point worth taking into consideration, the RG351V screen suffers from ghosting if you play for too long to the point where you might get temporary burn in until you reboot. If the MP uses the same screen, it's bound to have the same issue, so it has its drawbacks too. I haven't seen anyone complain about this yet for the MPs though. It did just come out so it might be a while if there is any ghosting noticed by people who care about it, or at least can tell what ghosting even is.

>> No.8186820

No prob. I enjoyed mine for awhile but I switched to the Pi Boy from Experimental Pi when it became available. Full sized DMG replica with extra controls (six face buttons!!!), a better D-Pad than the GPi Case, and a full Pi 4 inside. It's a small (American) company building them and their customer service is spotty (they try but they just don't have the staff), but if you're a DIYer and love the feel of the DMG it's a fantastic way to go. And they sell SNES coloured buttons for the unit direct through their store as well. Hoping to score the transparent black shell and some red buttons next restock myself. But it uses a rechargeable li-on battery, not AAs, not sure if that's a dealbreaker for you. Definitely look into it though. SNES is a way better experience on pretty much anything that's not a Pi 0 so if you forego the AAs you'll have more options.

>> No.8186962

I honestly don't care at all about Metroid: Dread for some reason and would really like to play Fusion but I never owned an Advance. Emulation is pretty much my only option, huh?

>> No.8187078

Do you want to play it on a handheld? Emulation, whether through a chinese retro console or through a DS/3DS is a pretty viable way of experiencing the game. Otherwise, stick to PC. You could play through a GBA or the Gamecube Gameboy player, but it would cost you much more to do this.

>> No.8187110

It's not required, no. I just hate playing games on my computer.

>> No.8187114

Well, I asked and you delivered. I'm having second thoughts on purchasing one.

>> No.8187131
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>Emulation is pretty much my only option, huh?
you can get an ips modded gba or gba sp (though I prefer the look of the sp101 screen more) and a flashcart (ezflash omega definitive edition or everdrive gba x5 mini recommended) and play almost all of the gba library and then some gb and gbc with built-in emulators.

emulation is an alternative, you not a must for any of the gameboy's.

>> No.8187134


>> No.8187297

So, I bought a black rg351mp some days ago and it arrived. I'm comparing it to my rg350 and a friends rg351v:

Great, better colors than the rg351v (probably just a factory color setting, the two screen seem to be the same otherwise).
Much better for some PSX games and Dreamcast, from what I've seen.

they don't get fucked going into sleep mode

it doesn't distort unless you put it at literally MAX. Max - 1 doesn't distort. And max volume is louder than the rg350 and rg351v,, which means they're just overdriving the speakers. The lowest sound setting seems the same as the others.

>build quality
The rubber things on the back are kinda shitty, the reset button if pressed very hard can go a bit inside the case. Wobbling it can make it return to its normal position.
The printed white lettering on the back (legal shitty stuff) are a cancer, and seem impossible to remove with acetone or alcohol (seems it can't be removed without fucking the aluminum shell).
Regarding the shell, shit's HEAVY

the USBC to USB3 adapter is huge. I just used another one I had laying around that's 2/3 the size. Not having integrated wifi doesn't seem a problem. Connect it once, update everything and scrape game info, then disconnect.

I think it was a good purchase, feels better than my friend's rg351v on the hand, is comfortable, and has a great screen. It was also overpriced.
7/10 wouldn't buy again (just because I have one already kek), that other anon that bought two is a chump and a faggot.

Also, fuck android emulation.

>> No.8187317

Objectively there has to be a "best" handheld to get right? One that out performs all others?

>> No.8187354
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>> No.8187365

>Do you honestly believe that Nintendo is going to backtrace your ass
not Nintendo personally, but theyre lawyers will
>and take you to court over downloading some old roms?
yes, absolutely. im pretty sure its been in the news that theyve done exactly that a few times already. Nintendos reputation is so bad that Redump is scared to list their Wii datfile to the public
>You think the fucking cops care that Billy from Bumfuck Idaho downloaded a video game?
Bad example. Zog has a hardon for arresting whites for any reason. If you said Tyrone from Baltimore, Id say no, the cops wont bother arresting him. But they will absolutely arrest a white supremacist Idahoan, rom piracy just makes it easy to get their no knock raid approved

>> No.8187379

>No, you idiots, most of these screens (powkiddy mostly, or the rg280m/v) have fucked up color balance. They're either have the contrast way too high, or are very warms, or have fucked up greens, or whatever. Or, they're dim like the rgb10max and completely unplayable outside the home.
>At least my GBC has really nice colors and contrast even in daylight (or below street lights at nights, eh).
if you get gud at linux you can set up an ICC profile for your screen

>> No.8187393
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>Just use ArkOS.

>> No.8187398

which model is this? I may just get steam deck because why not

>> No.8187404

Steam Deck / Aya Neo / GPD Win 3 / OneXPlayer

>> No.8187447 [DELETED] 
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xbrz master race reporting in

>> No.8187458
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xbrz master race

>> No.8187462
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>> No.8187493

arkos is shit
I switched to it from 351elec and the shit is ugly (bar at the top with useful info, but 351elec hast the same info without the bar) and a hassle to configure (351elec has all the relevant options integrated in the start menu instead of having to go into a barely functional app just to get wifi up).
of course I switched right back.

>> No.8187520
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only filter I use (apart from image-adjustment to do my own gba color correction) is reverse-aa. I know is not its intended use but it only blends really obvious borders (look the BSL logo).

>> No.8187523
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This better?

>> No.8187525

Same experience for me
Apparently N64 performance is better on ARKOS but I can't be bothered to deal with that shit

>> No.8187527


>> No.8187538

i bet you play snes at 4:3 instead of 8:7

>> No.8187546

i do

>> No.8187748
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you can have your barfing yoshi meme back

>> No.8187771

>Anbernic RG351P
How do you like it? Limitations?

>> No.8187826

Your point is?

>> No.8187967

yes: n64, nds, and dreamcast via the retroarena emulator are all better on ArkOS. I admittedly haven't tried PSP, but it's probably better too.

>> No.8188093
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not him, but I have the RG351M (only practical difference being built-in wifi)
at first I didn't liked that the screen is of a weird resolution (480x320) as many systems don't scale on integer numbers.
but playing with shaders (I use ddt) and scaling options (I have rga scaling disabled or shaders don't work correctly) I found that you can make most systems look great.

>> No.8188150

you mean retrorun?
those are on 351elec too.
I don't find them particularly better since there is no UI to configure anything and some effects are missing or controllers aren't as I like them or have retarded mapping (Z on R3 for N64, really?)

>> No.8188215

Btw does anyone ever tried to Canibal old android smartphone and turning it into retro handheld gaming console? It's interesting by using old android machine rather than Raspberry pi to power retro handheld machine with a gameboy case for example.
Does anyone ever tried something like that here?

>> No.8188241

Does anyone ever tried to Google something like that on here?
Anyways Android still has pretty bad lag from what I've seen and you'll have to dedicate a Bluetooth controller to it, so I wouldn't bother.

>> No.8188275

What emulator is the Metal Slug game using?

>> No.8188302
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metal slug 2 turbo on finalburn neo with unibios.
bilinear filter: off
rga scaling: off
shader: ddt
aspect ratio: core provided

>> No.8188362

take your meds

>> No.8188484

Why are there so many choices? Why can't there just be a monopoly so I only have to buy one console emulator

>> No.8188559

Spend an afternoon doing research and you'll see the only real options are the Anbernic 351 line or to wait and see if the next gen of chips steps things up with the Odin, Retroid Pocket 3, or RG552.

>> No.8188614

>next gen of chips
With how things are now, when are those chips even going to come out?

>> No.8188750
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You're the best, Anon. Honestly, as long as I can play Super Smash TV and a few other games for the SNES, I'm willing to use slightly inferior hardware. My fixation on a device that uses disposable batteries means that such hardware is few and far for the most part. With that said I might grab a GPi for myself, and a Pi Boy for my best friend for Christmas. That way I can get an idea for how well it works, and if he gets bored with it he'll probably just give it to, or sell it to me cheap.

>> No.8188825

That's the wrong one you jobber

>> No.8188832

yeah, I meant retrorun. I'll hand you that, controls aren't easily changeable without diving into config files. You would think that because it's a firmware as opposed to a full on OS like ArkOS that emulators would run more optimized on 351Elec, but you can see a clear difference specifically on Dreamcast with Soul Calibur and Sonic Adventure 2 where ArkOS causes less stutters. It's not much, but it's something. Since 351Elec is picking up steam, and since it's adopting features like Anberports, I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes the defacto image by the end of the year.

>> No.8188835

RG552 is slated for December. We'll see if that ends up being true. Not unlike Nintendo, these console manufactures tend to stick to established hardware and chipsets to make their product.

>> No.8188843

what a fucking retard

>> No.8189000

351elec implementation of retrorun must be flawed (or the settings set at quality instead of performance), I just tested and retroarch is way faster than retrorun and that shouldn't be like that.

>> No.8189251

Requires hacking, 300MHz, unusual 30:17 aspect ratio, 1800MAh battery for 4-5 hours battery life, slow development scene, PS1 mostly perfect, SNES acceptable, N64 terrible, GBA hit and miss. $100

Works out the box, 1.5GHz, 4:3 aspect ratio, 4500MAh battery gives 8 hours battery life, very fast development scene through android, PS1 and SNES perfect, N64 mostly perfect, NDS pretty good and GBA perfect, some dreamcast works well. $80

Why anyone thinks this is even a close contest is beyond me.

>> No.8189262

spbp, the bugs are mad.

>> No.8189268

How is the RP2's d-pad?
A bad d-pad is about the only thing that's keeping me from buying some of these.

>> No.8189274

It's pretty bad, but not the worst. Most similar to GBA d-pad.
>we will never get another d-pad as good as the Game Gears

>> No.8189282

Where you finding a used Vita for hundred bucks nowadays?

>> No.8189357

Seriously, I wish this pandemic would hurry up and be over just so new chipsets can get out and older hardware stops having such inflated prices...

>> No.8189369

>too retarded to use the analog stick and the l2 button at the same time.
Fucking what? I know awful tiny buttons but how can you be so dumb you need to remove your thumb from the stick to press a button with your middle finger

>> No.8189729

>N64 terrible,
imagine writing this entire block of text pretending to have any knowledge of the current state of emulation on vita

literally daedalusx64 you mongoloid dick faggot

>> No.8189752

Scored one for $50 right at the start of the coof from some woman who was getting rid of her daughter's stuff. Came with a copy of gravity rush to boot. I looked to grab another for my wife's nephew and they're the same prices as a switch....
Even after the pandemic is "over" there's going to be a tapering off in prices, not a massive drop. So even if they drew a line in the sand that said "okay lads, back to normal now" the inflated prices would only degrade slowly.

>> No.8190152
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>Even after the pandemic is "over" there's going to be a tapering off in prices, not a massive drop
In the case of the Vita, Sony announcing that they were killing the Vita store earlier this year (but then going back on what they said) absolutely fucked over the market for the system, memory cards and games. Massive, bullshit price hikes happened. Makes me mad since I'm still missing a few physical games for the system that are now in the $100+ range even used.

>> No.8190163

>memory cards
What's preventing you from using SD2VITA, or are you just trying to stay true to the hardware? Also, please tell me that's in a seedy mexican "arcade" and not your basement.

>> No.8190189

In my case I try to stick to original hardware and firmware. I also try to stick to physical copies of games, so using SD2Vita would cause issues in that regard.

Sadly my basement is not cool enough for a frankencab, nor do I speak Spanish. I'm a-ok with Rugal though, even if Genocide Cutter is a blight against humanity.

>> No.8190219
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>Doesn't have a homemade cabinet designed from Japanese instructions, with a half assed front end, a pseudo-NES paint job, and a marque printed on an over the counter HP deskjet??
Why not?

>> No.8190420

>literally daedalusx64 you mongoloid dick faggot
which sucks fucking ass lol

>> No.8190572

PSP Go and Gameboy Micro.
I absolutely adore their size and think their game library and homebrew are pretty strong.

>> No.8190587
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>GPD garbage
I'd rather wait for the Steam Deck to come out than to use this fucking pile of dogshit.
t. owner of a GPDWin 1, face buttons are so mushy and sticky that the X button can get stuck at times, the analogs are so slippery, and the d-pad's a mushy mess

>> No.8190676

That's really cool! Sadly though I lack the room and/or permission to buy or build a cab. Joys of being a useless piece of shit that still lives with parents even at an old age.

>> No.8190851

Self deprecation is very 2007, so it's not retro. Please take that to /v/.

>> No.8190939

why lie?
what is your agenda?

>> No.8190968

>PS1 mostly perfect
let me guess, you couldn't figure out how to set up adrenaline

>> No.8190969

>homemade cabinet
I never finished the marquee on mine, and it looked really rough, but it was still fun to mess around with. I still play on it with my Dad occasionally when I'm over at my parents' place.
I'm tempted to throw together a bartop that would actually fit in my apartment, but I feel like I'd rarely ever use it over something more convenient.

>> No.8190998

>I feel like I'd rarely ever use it over something more convenient.
You're correct, but that shouldn't stop you. Their pretty inexpensive to make assuming you've got access to a table saw, or have a steady hand with a skillsaw. Mine is running an old pc that I had, but Pi's have come so far that you can run whatever you want on them as long as the front end isn't extremely resource intensive (I'm thinking specifically of hyperspin, but I've been out of that game for several years). Even a vinyl wrap and a printed marque shouldn't be real expensive.....I've actually had plans to make a legit cabinet for the last few years but I keep getting side tracked with home renovations or project vehicles.
Also, if you get a touch screen you can probably find a way to emulate actual bartop games (word searches, trivia, what's different in each of these pictures etc....) and actually use it while drinking with friends.

>> No.8191038

If he couldn't, he'd be rating it terrible instead of mostly perfect (which frankly is too generous)

>> No.8191076

It's not that it's that expensive or anything, I just don't really have enough space for something I'd rarely ever end up using. Maybe I'll throw one together when I move somewhere with more space though.
My old full size one was using a PC, but I'd just use a Pi 4 with something like RetroPie now since it seems way easier to throw together, especially for a bartop.

>> No.8191348
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Yeah man I was talking about a bartop....One other thing to consider about a full size is how heavy they are if you make em out of MDF. IT's not something you want to move out of a 3rd floor apartment anyway. Definitely something to have in a house that you won't be moving from for at least several years.

Lol, Captcha: "SAAAW"

>> No.8191387


>> No.8191396


>> No.8191420

>4 buttons
Oh hey, look. It's what the original GBA should have been.

>> No.8191503

So you're either joking around or really don't know what you're talking about. It isn't people who download roms who get in trouble, it's people who PROVIDE copyrighted content, in other words people who host roms on the server of a website they run. Yes, it's very possible that if I run a website that has a lot of copyrighted content for download on it I could get in trouble. But the person downloading said data is not providing it to anyone, this is not a punishable offence in practice even though people will say downloading copyrighted content is illegal and so on.

It's possible you're confused since you're conflating downloading from website's servers to using a torrent client to get copyrighted content. Both end in the same result (the file is on your computer's hard drive) but it's quite different. People do get in trouble for using torrent clients, this is with torrents, the people who provide the copyrighted content are the same that receive it. (you're only able to seed torrents because other users have already downloaded the file and keep it up on their computers so others can download it.) You can get in trouble for seeding for the same reason someone could get in trouble for hosting data on a website, you're the one providing the copyrighted content to people. Again, quite different from merely downloading something someone else is hosting.

>> No.8191590

lol, you have to be joking, zoomer

>> No.8191610

I don't even have a great place to put a bartop right now, but it's not like that's stopped me before. I do want to make a proper full size setup some day too, but it'll definitely be a while before that happens.

>> No.8191632

Anyone know of any handheld android systems that can emulate DS pretty well?

>> No.8191647

Honestly tweaking the front end and finding all of the artwork/gifs to associate with each game is as time consuming as building the cab. If you've got the itch start with the software and get it the way you want it. After that it'll just be plug n play...

>> No.8191659

Bro it's okay to download roms as long as you delete them in 24 hours

>> No.8191665

DrasticDS runs even on a potato.

>> No.8192005

>"Do you honestly believe that Nintendo is going to backtrace your ass"
>not Nintendo personally, but theyre lawyers will
I want to dissect this claim. If you're downloading a torrent, it's actually warranted to be this much of a schizoid. However, using non-P2P protocols (i.e. via your browser or FTP), will realistically only be a risk to you if you're downloading from a Nintendo honeypot.

Let's take a worst case scenario here and say that the site you download from doesn't use HTTPS in 2021. The list of actors that can see you downloading roms are as follows:
>the content origin server owner
>your ISP
>a man in the middle between the ISP and your device downloading the roms
>NSA with their multiple rootkits already on your computer

>> No.8192007

The only way Nintendo and their ninjas can be a part of this equation is if they are somehow also providing you Internet or if you are getting your internet from a neighbor with free waifu who is snooping all traffic and also happens to be a Nintendo ninja. If I had to guess, you probably live in a home or apartment and get your Internet service from AT&T, Comcast, or some other ISP that doesn't give a shit about what you do unless they need to forward a copyright claim to you. Your ISP, the NSA, and the other entities I mentioned do not have a stake in you visiting rom sites to download ROMs and they don't need to take any action unless Nintendo somehow magically sees you obtaining ROMs from this site. I want to be clear here: they don't. Furthermore, every major romsite I can think of operates on HTTPS and isn't a honeypot, which further obscures your traffic from snooping entities, including from your ISP. With HTTPS, the most a snooping entity can see is that you went to a site, but not what you did on it.
>inb4 "but SSL inspection/decryption/MITM exists"
not without an SSL certificate warning or you doing dumbass shit like installing root certificates or programs from sites. This is not a normal circumstance unless you are using a work computer or something that's managed by some organization. Even then, the odds of the snooping actor taking legal action are realistically 0.

>t. cybersecurity analyst

>> No.8192383


>> No.8192638
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I picked one of these up for $30, honestly I'm not looking for much from it, mainly for GB/C/A and Genesis games on the go. Think I'll get a new battery straight away but am a bit upset with how it handles sleep/shutdown.

I was under the impression when closed it went into sleep mode or shut the screen off but whether its open or closed the screen remains on and its using battery at the same rate. Also you can't just switch it off if you just switch it off it can corrupt the SD you need to shut it down using the system menu and then use the power switch. Horrible design choices but it is only $30.

>> No.8192705

ngl with it being able to run gc and that design, has the exact vibe of a photoshop you'd see in a "next gen consoles leak" yt video from 2007 and i feel like purchasing for that alone

>> No.8192834


>> No.8192873

I just use a 3DS and a Vita combo to emulate everything I need. What's the point in buying any of these retro chink handhelds when the 3ds and the Vita are still cheap and can emulate anything up to the PSX?

>> No.8192879

Prices are inflated as fuck right now on ebay, even buying the Japanese models is still high.
I'm still buying a N2DS LL even considering that, I just like to see how these chink handhelds are progressing but I wouldn't pay anything over 100 for one.

>> No.8192890

Really hope the Switch OLED gets a software hack at some point. The screen not having a bezel and being larger and much nicer quality looks so nice.

>> No.8192891

>buying on ebay
That's your problem
Buy on garage sales or flea markets or on Facebook marketplace. Or ask around for friends/family who may have one lying around willing to give/sell. That's always how you buy videogames nowadays. Ebay is full of resellers who do the same shit.

>> No.8192892

With that said, I'm open to buying one of these retro chinkhelds but only when they can eventually handle PS2/GameCube or any system the 3ds/Vita can't

>> No.8192905

I don't want to touch anything that hasn't been sanitized or meet up with someone that refuses to wear a mask. I'm a full blown sperg that can't talk to people irl. I bought a PS2 one time off of craigslist and it was a horrible experience, I'd much rather win an auction than deal with people in real life.
I don't have a vehicle in which to go to those kinds of things and I refuse to get on busses that are filled with disgusting thugs. Fuck off normie.

>> No.8192912

So you're just an autistic NEET virgin got it

>> No.8192914


>> No.8192931


>> No.8193023

How good is the Genesis/Mega Drive sound emulation on these systems?

>> No.8193037

Fucking terrible, the Mega Drive is the only one I've purchased two OG consoles of just because nothing else can do the sound correctly.

>> No.8193042

what you'd expect from picodrive or genesis plus gx.
picodrive was recently updated on retroarch to have a functional low-pass filter much like the one genesis plus gx has.

>> No.8193872

>just because nothing else can do the sound correctly.
genesis plus gx is indistinguishable from hardware you faggot

>> No.8193880

Apparently it's been significantly reduced with the CFW Miyoo 1.3.3

>> No.8193898
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Built this yesterday. Any good roms or emulators for the gba i have some on my ds lite i assume its about of the same right

>> No.8193913

You can emulate some 8-bit stuff on a GBA. GB/C, NES, SMS, GameGear, The screen is too small for NES and SMS games so you'll mainly stick to the handheld consoles.
Original Game Boy compatibility is pretty good. GBC games are a bit dodgy, some work fine, others have some slowdown or minor glitches, and some just don't work (like Pokemon Crystal). If that's a problem you can just get a GBC flashcart.

>> No.8194060

Why do retro hanhdelds have two sticks when you won't use the second stick for anything except a few PS1 games?

>> No.8194062
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browse romhacking for enhancement patches and translations.
for example:
super metroid recreated in metroid zero mission: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6235/
rumble patch for sma4 (if you have an ezflash omega de): http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6234/
pc doom total conversion (port of prboom to gba): http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/4899/
megaman zero decensored (there are patches for the whole saga): http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3723/

enjoy your gba!

>> No.8194151

there are a few that only have one stick, but usually they put two because it costs like $1 to add another stick. it's still useful for mapping to retroarch functions like fast-forward.

>> No.8194167

How's the emulation scene for the Nintendo Switch? I'm getting a launch unit next month

>> No.8194271

Twin stick shooters from the arcades, ports such as Quake or SM64 remake and game streaming from PC.

>> No.8194319
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What's out right now that can emulate Gamecube or at least Dreamcast well. Wanna play Sonic Adventure on the go.

>> No.8194467

your smartphone. seriously.
none of the retro emulation portables are powerful enough for dolphin and the ones that run dreamcast run like ass.
my xperia 5 ii runs dolphin perfectly and with a kishi I have great physical buttons, analog triggers included.

>> No.8194470

GPD devices, OneXPlayer

or you can take a gamble with the much cheaper Powkiddy X18S which just started shipping days ago, so there's no reviews on it yet. it definitely will play DC and GC games, but the android build is likely shit.

>> No.8194519
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>> No.8194765

Soo I can play Diablo and map the second stick to the mouse, you retard.

>> No.8194810

Terrible weight distribution.

>> No.8194873
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Why spend 100 or more on a Chinese handheld when you can hack an old 2ds and have emulators plus native gba/ds/3ds? This thing cost 50 second hand and hacking it was just following a few steps from a list.

>> No.8194957

Try running a 32x game there and tell me how it goes.
Also try running some SNES Chip FX games or games with Hi Res menus like Treasure of the Rudras and tell me if you don't notice anything funny.

>> No.8194973
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Life good.

>> No.8194976
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>> No.8194982
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>> No.8194987
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>> No.8195039

Bought this RG351p and 2 of the shoulder buttons are fucked you need to press really down on them for shit to register.
T-thanks /vr/

>> No.8195057

works on my machine
that's what you get for buying the cheaP version instead of the M.

on a more serious note, return that shit if you can, it shouldn't be like that.

>> No.8195067

Yeah I already sent the retailer an email with proof.
The thing is, I already flashed the microsd with 351elec, should I try to find an image of the original shitty setup it came with and flash the microsd with that thing?

>> No.8195075

Form factor is a big part and to be real getting a new toy is fun.
Advice for the future do not use the SD card it comes with, those things have a insane rate of failure.

>> No.8195086

>those things have a insane rate of failure
Yeah it definitely looks crappy for a 128 gig card but I didn't have a decent one lying around and I had to get shit going because the first game I launched on the stock setup was streets of rage 2 for the genesis and then sor2 for the master system boots up in 3:2 and I just couldn't take it so I got 351elec and flashed it immediately.

>> No.8195089

take the back off and reseat the shoulder buttons

>> No.8195093

fuck I really with lakka had suspend/sleep support
these niggered up bloated os images with faggotstation are awful.

>> No.8195096

I do have a soldering iron and I know how to solder but I just feel like it should have arrived in perfect working condition, you know? It's the principle of it.

>> No.8195102

nigger literally just take the back off and wiggle the button around until it's seated correctly holy shit.
Why the fuck is /vr/ so garbage with maintaining their toys?

>> No.8195116

I configure the right stick as a dpad for one handed gaming.

>> No.8195118

Because I wanna play ape escape in bed

>> No.8195119

Apparently the GBA can now be played on one's own television via a mod that enables TV output, but it's composite only.

>> No.8195131

Nice thumb nail

>> No.8195142

What anime?

>> No.8195143

Bubblegum Crisis

>> No.8195148

Ahhh I thought so but I don't remeber them getting into power armor while in thier suits

>> No.8195149

I played pokemon one handed on og hardware setting L=A in the options.
pretty comfy and school approved, so I could game with one hand and take notes with the other.

>> No.8195159

anyone with tech knowledge know why the form factor of the known upcoming android chink devices are so large? It's just so fucking ugly, especially the upcoming powkiddy

>> No.8195173

I just did that, it's still fucked.

>> No.8195174

no need to be a tech guy to say that they probably thought
>bigger screen = better = more sales
because of the odroid go super and RGB10 max and other shit like that like the switch.

>> No.8195176
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My favorite.

>> No.8195186

you could also just install retroarch on a smart tv or smart stick. I will never understand the appeal behind handheld consoles with video out, especially when they output RCA

>> No.8195189

I bet haters would remember it more fondly if Nintendo released the Ngage.

>> No.8195294

The Virtual Boy say different and the N-Gage is only slightly better then that, I won't fault Nokia for it's ambition but while the N-Gage was ahead of it's time as a phone but behind as a game machine.

>> No.8195314

>behind as a game machine
not true.
the original ngage released late 2003, no ds or psp and had ps1 level of graphics on the go.
the library was small and hit or miss, but the hardware was quite capable.
had nintendo released it it would have succeeded only because nintendo.

>> No.8195481

more power hungry chips = larger battery, sometimes active cooling = larger size

>> No.8195541

I need help, my autism won't let me buy a handheld until someone tells me which is best because I can't trust my own research, so /vr/ if I had 150 to 200 USD to burn what would be the best bang for my buck?

>> No.8195552

Sure, but those are good trade-offs for having access to native gba, ds and 3ds backups and a much lower price of entry, no? I mean 32x and a few super fx games. The only one worthwhile is probably yoshi's Island and that has a gba port anyway.

>> No.8195560

the size and format of the screen is ass in general
the "native" gba looks like shit on it, and integer scale mode is too small
if you don't care about that stuff knock yourself out but for me it's no alternative to the rg351 when it comes to retro handhelds

>> No.8195582

same, finna buy a rg351p or v. 351p looks comfier, but 351v looks cooler.

>> No.8195602

rg351 series is the only real option
by whichever one looks best to you

>> No.8195651

rg351mp probably. 640x480 screen'nice form factor, looks pretty aesthetic too, especially the blue one.

>> No.8195678
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definitely the vita. i've loved going back and completing PS1 stuff. i've also finished PSP games that i never got around to.
the depressing fact of the console is that i've never actually played a vita game on it.

bought the switch a few weeks ago since its unpatched. having fun with it.
i agree with the other anons, too fucking big.

>> No.8195704

what's the best firmware for the rg351v? i was looking at 351elec and arkos but i don't like how there's a slow and inconvenient front-end. lakka looks great but unfortunately is horribly optimized for the 351v (bugs and performance issues galore). what do?

>> No.8195713

the choice is between 351elec and arkos really
351elec is more user-friendly
arkos is more autistic but has better performance for some systems like n64
personally i use 351elec because i can't be arsed to deal with arkos

>> No.8195780

daedalusx64 runs terribly on vita. Nothing worth playing like that.

>> No.8195782


>> No.8195801

3 seconds on google proves otherwise
again, why lie? what is your agenda?

>> No.8195807


>> No.8195813
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>> No.8195845

>3 seconds on google proves otherwise
but 3 seconds trying to run Majora's Mask on daedalusx64 proves that yes, it's shit.

>> No.8195847

This. I was at a train station the other day and this loser sat next to me and got out a dedicated handheld and started playing some games. I just rolled my eyes and opened my backpack, took out my xbox controller, took out my mount, put my phone in the mount, binned the messenger bubbles, synced up the bluetooth (phone was on 30% from being used all day but a bit of bluetooth should be fine), found the retroarch app, loaded it up, noticed it was running very slow, cleared background processes (probably because I used google maps earlier anyway), chose the core I wanted, chose the game, noticed retroarch was expecting touchscreen inputs instead of my controller, went back into retroarch menu, set controller to bluetooth device, back into game.

I didn't get to play as much as the other guy, but at least I didn't look ridiculous.

>> No.8196164

Yeah, that troublesome setup process really showed him what for. Fuck that guy for having a cheap portable device instead of bringing his expensive controller on a crowded train.

>> No.8196172

Remove the fucking mouse pads on the controller. You have analog sticks and a touch screen. If I was going to be playing a game with a mouse, those games would be too small for the screen anyway and would rather dock. Also why can't you remove the controllers from the screen? If the motherboard does not extend to the controller parts and those only contain parts specifically for the controller, I will be frustrated.

>> No.8196181

>Also why can't you remove the controllers from the screen?
So everything feels flimsy like the switch?

>> No.8196190

Why would removing the controllers make it flimsy?

>> No.8196197

If the controllers are detachable as opposed to 1 solid piece of course everything's not going to be as sturdy as they should.

>> No.8196221

You could get a back cover for it if that is your worry. I just wish I could play the Steam Deck comfortably in a coffee shop. I could only really see myself taking it to an internet cafe to hook to a display. It is just so big.

>> No.8196246


>> No.8196248

>false flag: the post

>> No.8196253

>What is satire

>> No.8196460

help us help you. Does your autism crave mushy dpad+buttons or clicky ones?

>> No.8196465

arkos is a full ass operating system, which is why certain emulators perform better. It takes up 8gb on the card, but provides all the liberties that come with running an OS, including running scripts and codes to make the device better. For inspiration, you can find raspberry pi scripts meant for emulation station/lakka.

>> No.8196467

>Semper Fi! The classroom erupted in cheers!

>> No.8196470

Looks rad. I want one.

>> No.8196791
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bro, your plug and play kishi?

>> No.8196796


>> No.8197041

Does it really make all that much of a difference? Nintendo only had mushy buttons right? for the advance and stuff?

>> No.8197398

NES, SNES, and GBA are fine through Retroarch, N64 was kinda slow so I'll probably have to mess with settings.
PSP and DC seem fine through Lakka, but I haven't tried much with those.
Haven't tried anything else yet.
EasyRPG and ScummVM seem to work pretty well too.

>> No.8197463

I'll help you narrow it down to 2. From here on out, it comes down to form factor, though they're pretty similar. To help paint each option, here are 2 thorough review guides:

RGB10 Max:

Odroid Go Super:

>> No.8197485

They're both shit

>> No.8197571

The best battery and fastest running due to the overclockings and heatsink.
The controls are shit and the screen bezel is huge. Too big.

Ahit build quality, shit dim screen. Better controls than the odroid.

Both have mediocre speakers.

I'd pick the powkiddy just because it's smaller though.

>> No.8197858

10 max is fucking garbage
dont ever post that shit ever again

>> No.8197937

As an Anbernic fanboy, I don't disagree. However, it's the best "clicky" option.

>> No.8197961
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how bad exactly are the sd cards that come with anbernic devices?

>> No.8197975

It's a mixed bag, but they're all unbranded. People tend to notice failure upon heavy data transfers, i.e. when you first get it and want to load roms.

>> No.8198049

mine works fine. OV brand 64GB class 10 U1.
I have already reflashed 3 times without issues (first to replace stock emuelec with 351elec, second to swap 351elec with arkos and a third time to go back to 351elec).

>> No.8198053

U3, my bad.

>> No.8198107

ended up selling my retroid pocket because it sucked at playing the games i wanted. I'm just gonna buy a phone and install lineage or something on it and get a telescopic controller.

Anyone have any recommendations? From what I have read the razer kishi and gamesir x2 are the best.

>> No.8198135

>I'm just gonna buy a phone and install lineage or something on it and get a telescopic controller.

>Anyone have any recommendations? From what I have read the razer kishi and gamesir x2 are the best.
kek from one bad decision to the next
why do googleniggers never learn

>> No.8198205

what's stopping you from using your current phone?
take into account that the gamesir x2 landscape is upsidedown. so it's shit for stereo phones since the speakers will be reversed.

>> No.8198358

>google fanboy
>installing lineage

I dont want to use my phone. I want to mess around with custom roms, either lineage or graphene, rather have a new phone for that since this one is really old. I'll take that into consideration though ive never had issues with speakers. Thanks

>> No.8198382

>using a google made kernel
stop being such a dumb faggot

>> No.8198391
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>using shovelware and dead OSes

>> No.8199103

>it sucked at playing the games i wanted
what games would that be

>> No.8199479

Various J2ME, Android, Symbian, DOS. J2ME ran fine but a few games I ran experienced slowdown that would only be fixed by resetting the emulator. Android lagged a lot even though the game I was running wasn't that intensive. Constantly switching between modes to configure DOS was just too annoying to to do. And the Symbian emulator wouldn't even launch. I wanted to do some stuff with exagear but at that point I just gave up, far too much configuration and switching between modes. I just need an actual phone for my situation.

There's even a BREW emulator out now. But I doubt the retroid can run it. I already got a 3DS with CFW so there's little point in using the retroid for conventional systems.