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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8154595 No.8154595 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically, will game prices go back to normal within the next 5 years? Consoomers inflated the retro market during the pandemic and almost everything is overpriced/overvalued at the moment

>> No.8154608 [DELETED] 

Take the emulatorpill and stop wasting your time and money trying to get second-hand shit, lad.

>> No.8154609


>> No.8154616

Emulation is dogshit, everything is on an almost 2 second delay

>> No.8154631 [DELETED] 

Emulation hit critical mass, the average joe looking to pay 40 bucks to get his hands on a game to actually play it doesn't exist anymore. The only ones left are collector whales that are willing to be price gouged.

>> No.8154634

i got my wii setup with all the good gamecube games and i never play it
gamecube sucks the only good game is pikmin and smash

>> No.8154637

both those games are bad

>> No.8154638 [DELETED] 

>gamecube sucks the only good game is pikmin and smash
based. last good nintendo console was the n64.

>> No.8154646

Flashcart pill is the way

>> No.8154648

not with the hyperinflation we're about to get hit with.

>> No.8154649

I'm that average joe

>> No.8154654

Shit, there's another wave coming?

>> No.8154665
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>They hated him because he told them the truth.

Take a look at this image. You can play these games by buying used physical copies for your PS2...
OR you can emulate the console versions/pirate the native PC versions and play them on your computer.

Total PS2 physical copy cost: $487.41
Total PC emulated/pirated cost: $0.00

Anyone who opts for the physical PS2 copies is a fucking fool. If you didn't buy them back when they came out, don't fucking bother at this point.

Besides, on PC you get better resolution, various control options, and more. They are a far better experience than playing on a PS2.

>> No.8154682

No. Supply is static and demand is growing as the younger generations have more disposable income. Knowing this, I'm comfortable with flashcarts and ODEs.

>> No.8154708

maximum poorfag copium

>> No.8154710

Ok but the question is: are prices going to go up or down? Do I sell my rare copies of games now for easy cash?

>> No.8154715

Varies. Generally when these collectable booms happen, what you see coming out of it is that the highly-desirable pieces remain costly and can even continue to raise, whereas the less-sexy, less-iconic stuff who had raised in price in step with the other stock will deflate in price.

In this case, I think all disc-based stuff = junk. NES and SNES carts = prime. Working consoles in good conditions will only go up and up, even newer ones.

>> No.8154724

Lying retard. Blatant misinformation from a Nintendo wagie.

>> No.8154725

You will never own a game.

>> No.8154727

Yes, please have a federal wagie deliver an emulation device to my home. Retard.

>> No.8154730

Prices will drop if the fed jacks up interest rates like they did in the late 70s. Otherwise, inflation will continue

>> No.8154736

Kys you literal e-waste hoarder. ROMs/ISOs are worth a trillion times your garbage 1980s ROM boards/optical media.

>> No.8154743


>> No.8154747

>purchasing used things whose production stopped over a decade ago

>> No.8154750

What's the difference between digital media stored on a disc vs digital media stored on a hard drive?

>> No.8154760

The comic book boom of the nineties is a good analogue to our present situation.
The classic stuff that was produced without the intention of ever being preserved has only continued to rise in value, if not as quickly as once before. But "collectibles" produced in that same era are now all but valueless, with only occasional and accidental exceptions.
I'd hedge my bets with modchips and flashcards where I care about hardware and cut my losses otherwise.

>> No.8154781

Sorry, that was somewhat incoherent. In this case this means that I expect values to continue to rise up to and including the Dreamcast.
Anything after that is doubtful, except for short lived and failed systems/games with cult followings.

>> No.8154792

Actually I just modded my PS2 and play them for free so

>> No.8154793

Or, OOOOR, flashcart/piracy hacks. Homebrew on real console, AND you get more use out of your existing console.

>> No.8154795

Yeah, that also works. My point is don't spend 400 dollars for 4 games.

>> No.8154807

OK true yeah OP is a fag

>> No.8154819

I don't discourage flashcarts or softmodding consoles, especially with the current market. YWNBAW

>> No.8154836
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Just go Atari, bro

>> No.8154845 [DELETED] 

because real hardware fucking sucks compared to the convenience of just firing up an emu.

>> No.8154849

No. It's over at this point. Morons who want shelf candy have been happily paying out the ass for the past 4 years or so. And what that means is that when these faggots have the inevitable "oh, god! I wasted my life!" Moment and try to resell; they are going to try to recoup their expenditures.
And since there will never be a shortage of morons seeking shelf candy, the next generation of such fools will also happily shit out money on old plastic. And the cycle will go on forever.

If you aren't willing to buy less than perfect shit; you aren't going to be getting anything good any time soon.

>> No.8154869

Yeah, but the emulator is never going to be 100% accurate, and certain games simply don't work on emulators thanks to very specific hardware bugs.
I can't point you to any games specifically, but an example of a hardware bug is the DMA bug for the Sega Genesis, which can display up to 4096 color images, but can't be replicated on an emulator easily due to the way this bug works.
Then there's the problem of motion controls and touch screen controls. More of a problem with Nintendo consoles, admittedly, but that's still an easy problem to encounter.

>> No.8154902

Fuck game prices.
I got a nes flash cart snes flash cart n64 flash cart gamecube mod chip and sp2sd gdemu for dreamcast and xstation.
I will never be subject to pump and dump retro game prices again.

>> No.8154908


>> No.8154943

If you live in a shoebox, right starting up an emulator is more convenient than lugging around stuff and unwinding cords and so on. If you have a proper house and setup, it takes a few seconds to play your game on real hardware the proper way.

>> No.8154959


>> No.8154981

>turn on console
>select game
Wooooow so inconvenient

>> No.8154998

used vidya prices follow a consistent trend where they start to really spike in price a certain time after they were current, generally correlating with when the people who owned them as kids become adults in their late 20s or early 30s and have disposable income to spend on dumb shit. On top of that gamecube has always been consistently higher priced than other sixth gen stuff because of the Nintendo Tax. And then of course on top of that, you also have prices spiking across the board for everything leisure-related and speculation-related (and this counts toward both) due to meme virus lockdowns and the modern clown economy we now have. Not to mention the significant inflation that has occurred over the last 1.5 years due to BRRR.

I wouldn't count on prices really going down substantially. For more than a decade now people have been counting the days until the "retro vidya crash" so that they can finally get cheap old games again. Those days ended with the advent of smart phones and everyone running all their old shit by ebay. What happens is prices spike on a set timer like I said, but they don't really go down after. They just plateau mostly. You can see how this has occurred for previous generations like 3rd and 4th (but you have to take the extra pump in 2020-2021 with a grain of salt again due to the meme virus bullshit)

>> No.8155003

Not emulation, dumbass. They’re just ROMs and you’re using real hardware

>> No.8155027

forgot my conclusion to all this, which is that buying old vidya isn't worth your time/energy anymore and hasn't been for years anyway. Way I see it, it doesn't matter whether a game is going for 50 dollars or 500 dollars or 5,000 dollars, once it's over a certain threshold I'm not buying it anyway. Once it gets to that point just buy a flashcart if you want to use your original hardware. Or a modchip or ODE for disc-consoles with DRM. Or for gamecube just softmod a wii and play them that way off a drive. Not worth the headache unless you're coming at this already owning dozens of games from back in the day.

>> No.8155046

They will go down when they do, just be patient anon.

Consoles are still decently priced, the games are the only problem. Get a cheap flashcart to tide you over like the Everdrive X3 line or similar.

>> No.8155260

No they never will, disposable income in the hands of people that grew up with the game increase demand and raise the price because the stock is limited. That's what is happening to GameCube now, it happened with SNES, and the NES before it.

This is a buyers market, you don't buy shit to sell it for less later. Friends I have that collected it are already opting to box shit they bought and keep it in their garage, one friend ending up getting divorced and his wife sold his game collection in spite. Buy now or start emulating your choice.

>> No.8155265

You dont even need to emulate there's easy options to pirate for literally every console. Even gamecube has an ODE now

>> No.8155287

I'm just not gonna buy games. Ever. I'll still just download and run it on a flashcart, modded system, or emulate. At $0.01 or $500. Fuck off collectoids.

>> No.8155309
File: 2.10 MB, 4032x3024, 4E901858-75D3-4163-8BE9-36C6C6386745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normalization never occurs like that in a limited market, normalization would just mean a period would occur when prices wouldn’t continue to rise so rapidly. Only minor losses in sales prices can occur via currency inflation.

Also it won’t normalize in the first places because it’s not a bubble. People waiting to buy when a 200 dollar games (50 four years ago) shows up for 175.99 means it’s not a fake valuation.

>> No.8155315

GameCube discs won't be considered junk
Not PS1 either

>> No.8155318

Pikmin is an experience

>> No.8155321

And you'll be happy

>> No.8155323

Short Runs like Switch Shankae will crash but $300 Path of Radiance is here to stay unfortunately.

>> No.8155326

>Needing all that shit
>Being too insecure to just love one console and stick to it

>> No.8155328

Your friend can't fuck

>> No.8155454

>ROMs/ISOs are worth a trillion times your garbage 1980s ROM boards/optical media
Under what logic? They're mass distributed and copied for free. They will never be as valuable as scarce working electronics.

>> No.8155610

holy fucking cope

>> No.8155670

Yeah, I want to know when Magic The Gathering cards are getting cheap again. And Mickey Mantle rookie cards, when are the prices going back down to normal?

>> No.8155675

no because a hot market attracts new sellers who will maintain the status quo, usually by selling to each other

>> No.8155682
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Good, I'll own them all instead

>> No.8155685

Emulation is indeed shit. Been doing it for 20 years now. And it fucking sucks. People need to stop defending this crap. If you havent got a collection of your fave games by now, flash carts is the thing to do. Dont listen to the delusional emu fags.

>> No.8155697

>can get identical experience
>can remap buttons into non-retarded configurations
>can use save states
>can fast-forward through cutscenes/ loading
>can play hacks that don't work on console
how the fuck is it worse? in the absolute shittiest scenario it's identical and free.

>> No.8155698

>>can get identical experience
There is no such thing with emulators. Blatant lie in the first sentence.

>> No.8155703 [DELETED] 

He's right, and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference if you were made to play a SNES game on real hardware and a SNES game on bsnes without knowing which was which.

>> No.8155714


coping poorfag

>> No.8155724

Dont care for snes games. My point is emulation for the majority of arcade and console systems is flawed in most areas. Often you can tell it by the audio alone. Or the missing headroom in the controls. There is always a give away. But if you are happy with a half assed, photo copy of the game, i dont care. Just shut the fuck up about it. You sound like fucking raspberry pie idiots at this point.

>> No.8155726

No of course not. It was time for gamecube to take off anyway. We're already coming up on wii collecting. Get your cheap wii shit now.

>> No.8156567

The real estate market is crashing around the world. Food prices are quickly ticking upwards, and thanks to centuries of breeding for size and nothing else, quality has taken a nosedive. Buckle up because these rest of the market falls after these do.

>> No.8156597

When CD rot becomes common and people start realizing about the durability of optical discs, a lot of these games will go back to be worth shit.

>> No.8156608

NESticle wasnt even this bad 20 years ago
tf you trying to emulate? ps5?

>> No.8156673
File: 159 KB, 1024x988, 1630895123172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owning video games is a meme physically. Its literally just data. Just download it and collect it on a USB or harddrive. Own only a few handful of games you know you love or grew up with. Dont become a Scott the woz nigger hoarding useless plastic shit to shore up your own failings as a wholly uninteresting and vapid individual

>> No.8157254

No, it's a bull market. It's time to sell.

>> No.8157263

I literally can't be anything more than an uninteresting vapid person defined by what i consume

>> No.8157267

You will never own a game

>> No.8157276 [DELETED] 

And you'll be happy, because you're getting the same experience as paycucks, but for free.

>> No.8157285

>literally youll own nothing and be happy

>> No.8157292

You might as well. If you really need the money right now I doubt you'll regret it if a game is worth $20 more in a year or two.

>> No.8157941

if your pc is so shit it can't even emulate NES games then you gotta get a better pc asap.

>> No.8158062

Pretty good bait

>> No.8158297

Hacked wii will play gamecube games perfectly and it's better than gamecube quality.

>> No.8158312

>will game prices go back to normal within the next 5 years?
Worry about the price of meat and eggs my guy, soon enough retro games are going to be the least of your concerns.

>> No.8158530

>Realistically, will game prices go back to normal within the next 5 years?

>> No.8159024

is pepe over?

>> No.8159126
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>> No.8159772

>Realistically, will poor babies go back to normal within the next 5 years?
Yes. They will eventually get tired of being mocked for crying about being poor underage bandwagoners and go back.

>> No.8159785

>will prices go down?

>> No.8159964

i dunno and i dont care
my hacked wii plays every nintendo game i want but goldeneye fine
mgba is basically like playing hardware
the only thing i need is like
hacking my 3ds for gba games on the go
maybe some sort of hacked ps2/3 but i dont even care lol i can play pretty much any game i want retro wise with the setup i have
which i really wanted god modern gaming sucks ass

>> No.8159971

ocarina of time
super mario sunshine
pokemon colleseum
time splitters 2 and future perfect
goldeneye on wii
all gba games all gbc games
mario kart 64 and double dash
thats just a few games not to mention rom hacks and shit

>> No.8159973

>gba games on a 3ds
Don't do this

>> No.8159989

why ? lol
i have a ace 3ds flashcart the 208 in 1 one for my 3ds
and the gbc emulator on it is so nice
way better comfort wise than playing on wii
i am pretty lazy and i dont wanna risk hackign my new 2ds xl cuz its like 300 dollars to get a new one or something dumb but i dont really wanna pay for more ds games
then again i only want like 3-4 more games max
the entire ds library + gbc + alpha sapphire pokemon x rune factory 4 fire emblem and super smash bros is probly enough for a handheld i dont even have time to play all this shit