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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8149729 No.8149729 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly, even though I know Re-Volt is better, Ignition will always be the king of arcade/mini racing games for me.

>> No.8149758

But ignition is neither an arcade game nor unpopular anon

>> No.8149764

I don't see a lot of people talking about it on the internet.

>> No.8150613

There was this UFO game where you abducted cows, like a puzzle game

I'm the only one who played it

>> No.8150619

KKKND Krossfire

>> No.8150731


>> No.8150883

Captain Claw

>> No.8151069

What is there to necessarily say about it? It is a cheapo car game. Even in your own thread you are barely talking about it.

>> No.8151285

I could talk for at least 3 hours about it, but no one else understand me

>> No.8152509

kknd2 is still on steam, pretty good sountrack too
>tiberian sun
>age of empires
the holy trinity of rts kino

>> No.8152516
File: 51 KB, 318x314, Tailofthesun_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tail of the Sun

>> No.8152553

Based. I hate how the few sources of talk about this game on the internet fucking trash it. For me it's an extremely unique game and the best unga bunga simulator in existence.

>> No.8152608
File: 68 KB, 474x588, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic Riders is radical and what happened to it is a damn shame.

Tell us about it

>> No.8152650

It's a simple game where you play as one of many generations of cavemen, with your sole purpose being killing mammoths (but not before killing other things until you attain the technology to make better weaponns), whose tusks are used to build a tower towards the mystical Tail of the Sun. As the tagline of the game "Wild, Pure, Simple life" describes it, your only worries are eating enough and sleeping enough lest your life end abruptly while you're crossing the ocean or you slide down a mountain face first as you fall asleep. One of the coolest aspects of the game for me are the seemingly useless landmarks littering the map, such as giant statues of body parts (including a lone breast), a caveman couple encased in stone looking over the horizon, an altar with a large crystal in the middle of the ocean, Stonehenge with a huge chunk of gold you can carry around to no effect as well as the island with aliens disguised as cavemen which you can murder. There's also the skills system where you can build up experience in jumping, swimming and other things which affect one of the many endings you can get (all rendered in a cute chibi style which hilariously clashes with the terrifying models used in the game), also including an ending for murdering other stray cavemen.

>> No.8152661
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, gruntz-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe it never got popular, such revolutionary gameplay at the time

>> No.8152791


>> No.8152923
File: 91 KB, 640x480, 3d maze man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this pac-man knockoff "3D Maze Man" was the shit
The developer got sued and had to stop selling it

>> No.8153153

I was a PC only master kid (read: my parents wouldn't let me buy a console) so the only JRPG I could play was Septerra Core.

>> No.8153283

It's routinely mentioned on 4chan though. Pops up in basically every thread about retro racers.

>> No.8153640


>> No.8153642

>Re-Volt is better

>> No.8153850

Basically what >>8152650 said
The game is fairly simple, but the world is alive and you can affect many changes and outcomes. It's a pretty amazing feat for a PS1 game and I think it was the best sandbox game for the console. It was way before its time.


>> No.8155971
