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File: 23 KB, 315x315, Tenchu_Stealth_Assassins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8145485 No.8145485 [Reply] [Original]

How tf are you supposed to play this? The draw distance and camera are so bad I keep getting spotted by enemies I can't even see.

>> No.8145487
File: 8 KB, 230x156, 1627932170866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Wrath of Heaven

>> No.8145491

The first game is like a beta, it's kinda fixed in 2. The PS2 ones are where it's at.
Wrath of Heaven is a thing of beauty

>> No.8145514

my japanese friend has been speedrunning that for years, makes it look easy (it's not though)

>> No.8145620
File: 80 KB, 386x318, Tenchu1-Hud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch the Ki meter at the bottom left corner.

Moving while crouching helps as well staying onto of roofs to look below.

>> No.8145628
File: 1.23 MB, 1231x724, 5b9717ff304eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where'd you get this screenshot from? Why is this dude not doing stealth kills?!?!?!?

>> No.8145680

I got the image from google. The dude isn't doing stealth kills cause he's bad.

Don't fight in this game.

>> No.8145739
File: 39 KB, 250x292, folder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will make a fine addition to my collection.

>> No.8145765
File: 32 KB, 604x453, eee2c20256145cd5632aeafa4bb40a12ac68d726a60c9404facee7218932e1f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first mission
>get to the appropriate building through the second floor, there's a guard lying down
>there's a 50/50 chance your downwards stab will not connect and will just alert him
>leaving him alone is a bad idea because you can't grapple hook through the way you came in
>fuck this shit.tiff
I haven't been this hard filtered in a while.

>> No.8145794

Why would you post TIFF files?

>> No.8146052

Does anyone have a download for the soundtracks of these games? They're honestly so good.

>> No.8146725

You can stash upward while crouching.

>> No.8146737

> draw distance
This is the one thing that bothers me about old games, especially PS1 era. I dont mind low res textures, low poly models, etc., but the extremely limited draw distance in some games is hard to tolerate. In the future, hopefully this is something that can be corrected through patches and/or emulation. Though, admittedly, this could break games with gameplay and level design built around that limited draw distance.

>> No.8146743

It really isn’t hard to stealth kill everyone, stick the roofs when you can and use that grappling hook often. Git gud, i beat this game as a kid, there’s a practice mode which im pretty certain that one screenshot is from. And if nothing else works , use cheats. Most retro games have cheat codes that make it more fun.

>> No.8146769
File: 2.94 MB, 584x480, Tenchu - 02.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol just take them head on

>> No.8146789

Why does she walk like that?

>> No.8146821

To accentuate her butt

>> No.8146824

Ninja steps, you would know if you trained Ninjutsu.

>> No.8146976

Holy shit, seeing this game in motion, it really does show that this game was made by the devs behind the Way Of The Samurai games. I'm pretty sure some of the ninja moves here made their way into the WOTS series as well with the ninja weapons.

>> No.8146984

That's the exact same thing I thought when I fought the other assassin in the first mission.

>> No.8147742

Looks like a nightmare to control.

>> No.8148391

It's heavily dependent on RNG. You can do the exact same thing and you'll get spotted one run and not the other. Not to mention there are 3 possible map layouts for each level and which you get is random to begin with.

>> No.8148470

Only if you suck. "tank controls" are not inherently bad. They actually provide more precision and are not a problem so long as the game is designed around them effectively.

>> No.8148476

Are you just running forward? You have a Ninja-sense in the bottom that is 100% accurate. You will notice someone a long distance away with that. So go slowly and use things like roof-tops.

Yeah, draw-distance and draw in are a bit annoying. There's a little jank to the majority of 3D PS1 games, but if you can embrace the jank, you can find gems. It's still a solid game and really makes you feel like a ninja.

Remember, this is a stealth game. Think of it as MGS-Ninja.

>> No.8148486

I did not learn about the quick-turn ability until recently. If you master the special movement options and the rolls, you will be way more mobile.

>> No.8149609
File: 1.15 MB, 1050x582, firefox_56vAJDeYyO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the second game is even worse in that aspect sadly. i think they masked it abit in the first game by just having "darkness" in the distance. but beside the render distance the first 2 games have been very fun. tenchu 2 even has multiple "campaigns" with different routes, compared to the first one. i went a bit crazy last month with buying alot of aquire games

>> No.8149903

You don't play a ninja against guards, you are player against the game's shit engine. The game is barely playable if you don't understand how the enemy spawning works. Basically the game can't hold enemies in memory properly and a lot of the time they don't spawn instantly, waiting for another occassion when you aren't looking at their location. This may make one spawn right behind you. Tenchu 1 and 2 are very methodical and slow games, you always must be on guard and double check (use the radar) every patrol route to make sure you haven't missed someone.

I Grand Mastered it as a child on original psx, you can do it anon.

>> No.8149972

>the game's shit engine.

I doubt much else could be done though with the PlayStation, which was always a little weak at wide open games. Tenchu could have worked better on the N64.

>> No.8149975

>Better on 64

>> No.8150001

The N64 was the only system really capable of creating large open levels in that generation. However, it was a complicated system to program for with many bottlenecks meaning that Nintendo or only a few devs could make use of it. And it's smaller install base meant that devs would be unlikely to create a game just ofr the N64 or if they did it would be a cheap game or a port of a PS1 game. Ports were often quick and cheap meaning they didn't remake the engine to make use of the N64's power.

>> No.8150021

>The first game is like a beta, it's kinda fixed in 2.
LMAO T2 has a even shorter draw distance and enemies with the same detection range as the original meaning they see you from beyond the draw distance on flat terrain.

>> No.8150024

N64 has zero power. Look at mm64 or quake 64

>> No.8150030
File: 221 KB, 1280x959, mpv-shot0484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the few games where you can kill women


>> No.8150059

Iirc theres a cheat to make her nude. Not that there's anything to see.

>> No.8150062

Or am I thinking of nightmare creatures

>> No.8150064

nintendo is stupid

>> No.8150080

People sleep on Fatal Shadows, but I love that game.

>> No.8150629
File: 1.56 MB, 298x254, 1620498079718.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not nude, but it shows off her butt.

>> No.8150646

Way of the Samurai does this too, it's even funnier in one hit kill mode where you can bump them with the blunt side of your sword and they just fall over.

>> No.8150718

I had no trouble beating it as a child. You must be completely fucking retarded.

>> No.8151303

Tenchu a better stealth game than MGS1. You actually got to study the environment than rely on a mini map.

>> No.8151746

It is, but it also takes inspiration from MGS. It totally lifted the sticking to walls to see around corners thing.

I take it OP is rushing forward, getting caught and then trying to fight everyone. The actual combat is kind of weak and awkeard. Ideally you should never engage in combat outside bosses. Like the ninja of yore, you drop down, decapitate a guy, then slink back into the shadows like nothing happened.

>> No.8151783

>is like a beta
Got better ratings than your favorite game when it came out

>> No.8151786


>> No.8151790

>stash upward

>> No.8151796

>I just made this up
You’re full of shit, and you will never learn Japanese

>> No.8151916

Tenchu came out in February 98 while MGS was September so I doubt it unless they saw early trailers.

>> No.8151937

MGS was all over E3 and Tokyo Gameshow and they would have likely even checked out the demo they had there.

>> No.8152000

Bullshit, you're completely making this up. There is no record of anything even hinting at this being a possibility.

>> No.8152702

Well it's been 20 years and the memory isn't what it once was.

>> No.8152782
File: 160 KB, 793x1024, 4686303_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the ki meter turns yellow hit R1, take note of the enemy's detection range next to the ki meter, it's always shorter when stealthed (R1). While stealthed, use the camera to find the enemy, then roll away from them until they are in the very edge of the render distance. Since they're alerted they be walking towards where you were, but just keep them at the edge of the render distance while rolling. They'll eventually go back to green (or blue, I forget), turn around and start walking away from you. Stand up, run after them and cut their head off. Keep note of each enemy type's detection range when both stealthed and not stealthed; eventually it will become second nature and the act of approaching enemies becomes an unconcious process. Challenge comes from multilple enemies, overlapping LoS/patrol routes etc.

God I miss Tenchu.

>> No.8152941

I really hope From revives this series. Some of the Tenchu DNA really shines through in Sekiro and it obviously started its development as a Tenchu sequel, but Tenchu is one of the few series I hope gets a proper reboot.

>> No.8152987
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x1749, Tenchu2Mag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From won't revive Tenchu; they said in an interview post-release that Sekiro started as an idea to make a new Tenchu game, but the staff decided that it didn't seem right to make a Tenchu game without any of the original developers, so they made it a new IP. Early in development it was also more stealth focused as well, and it was only when Miyazaki joined the team that the focus switched to action. I got so hyped for Sekiro that I pre-ordered like a chump and was so dissapointed when it came out. So yeah, From has the Tenchu IP and is just gonna sit on it. A more realistic hope is for Acquire to pull their fingers out of their asses and make Shinobidou 3.

>> No.8152998

>but the staff decided that it didn't seem right to make a Tenchu game without any of the original developers
That's not what they said. I read that interview. They said that as development progressed it morphed into a more action-focused game and that it didn't feel right to call it Tenchu if it was going to focus on action over stealth. They changed it into an original IP because their focus shifted away from the Tenchu formula mid-development. I respect that decision, because while Sekiro was a great game on its own merits, it would have been a terrible Tenchu game.

From DID try to reach out to the original Tenchu developers though, which is why Sekiro was published by Activision.

>> No.8154524

Agree, the combat is not good either. This is a game I only finished playing because I liked the soundtrack so much and sneaking around on rooftops.
And sneaking up behind someone for a silent kill was satisfying.

>> No.8155725

The ass was fat.

>> No.8155981

It's still better than Tenchu Z.

>> No.8155992

The sad thing is Tenchu 1 is actually rhe best game and the least bullshit in the series. Stick to roofs in urban levels, crouch and roll a lot in the outdoor ones.

Tenchu 2 is just bullshit with how the ranks work. Turns into a fucking easter egg hunt to hunt down every single guard just to kill them for the score. whereas not getting spotted in 1 guaranteed you a top rank on is own.

Wrath of heaven fixes the tank controls fucking finally, but they made the enemy patrol paths so fucking annoying with them constantly doing double takes just to fuck with you and make them really annoying to predict.

>> No.8156181

have you seen other games than tenchu that scratch the same itch?

>> No.8156587

>Tenchu 2 is just bullshit with how the ranks work. Turns into a fucking easter egg hunt to hunt down every single guard just to kill them for the score. whereas not getting spotted in 1 guaranteed you a top rank on is own.

Shouldn't a ninja just slip in and out unseen? Like you're someone at a place and you're having some tea, chatting with your wife. THen you go check on your lord only to find out he got sliced in two in the night before and you didn't notice. To carry out straight up genocide in areas seems not very ninja-like. And Rikimaru has some sense of honor (his characterization is more like a Samurai than anything) so I always imagined he kept casualties to a minimum outside of his target.

>> No.8156592
File: 2.89 MB, 1280x720, 1586412875129.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8156606
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenchu 2 has a custom mission editor and I'm shocked I've never seen anyone metnion it or use it. There would be neat to have some mission packs people release.

>> No.8156609

this game controls like absolute ass, and that's compared to tenchu which already isn't great.

>> No.8156631

if youre gonna bitch this much about gfx then just play wrath of heaven
its the better game anyways

>> No.8156640

youd be lucky if you could fit the first level on an N64 cart
youre fucking retarded

>> No.8156649

this makes me wanna go find a copy of the old PS RPGmaker and see how retarded i was at age 10
i still have the memory card, and still remember my password up square down square

>> No.8156651

You know Tenchu 1 had the same thing, right? And they did release a pack of mostly user-made missions, in Japan.

>> No.8156668

I think the mission editor was Japan only right? Then they made a separate cd for just the best custom missions fans made. This is really an awesome idea and it's a shame they didn't do one for 2 as well. \


>> No.8156695

I'm getting so hard filtered by way of the samurai.
It's not difficult but I have no idea what I'm supposed to do, it feels like a sandbox without sand to play with.

>> No.8156712

Look at the same games on PS1.

>> No.8156720

Tenchu Z is our only option for its generation. (sorry about the sad reminder)

>> No.8156775
File: 69 KB, 640x480, NINTENDO64--Jet Force Gemini_Sep22 11_08_46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N64 had space issues due to carts, but it's ridiculous to claim it didn't have better hardware for running large 3D enviornments. It did so smoother with way longer draw distances

>> No.8156790

You use your ninja sense and switch to first person view to increase the draw distance a little if you think there's an enemy nearby

>> No.8156795


>> No.8156905


>> No.8156915

it appears to be from the same devs as tenchu, why did they create a new name and not another tenchu entry? same devs and gameplay looks samey too

>> No.8156917

Publisher owns the rights to the name.

>> No.8156986

nvm found it i think

>> No.8157000
File: 67 KB, 640x905, Red-Ninja-End-of-Honor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8157021

Grandmastered the month it came out. I felt like an invincible god in wrath of heaven.

>> No.8157036

you were supposed to play it ~25 years ago

>> No.8157567

They did create a new Tenchu game a decade later for the Wii and PSP. Though it plays more like Splinter Cell than Tenchu

>> No.8157774

We don't talk about that one.
I can't believe they had the audacity to call that travesty Tenchu 4, I'd rather pretend Fatal Shadows or even fucking Tenchu Z was the Tenchu 4. Fuck that game holy shit. Pretty sure that game killed the series unless it came before Z.