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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games

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8136878 No.8136878[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Discussion thread for all Mario related topics, questions, games, spin-offs, comics, artwork, lore, cameos, etc. Yoshis, Warios, Kongs, and extended universe friends welcome.

>> No.8136880


>> No.8136883


>> No.8136885
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I'm trying to cull the amount of Mario threads being made so people aren't complaining that Nintendo related topics are taking over and should be on a separate board.

>> No.8136898

That's fucking retarded and I just made another Mario thread, fuck you.

>> No.8136948
File: 2.51 MB, 518x347, Wario laughs as he drives off.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we could get a new Wario Land game sometime soon, but it's difficult to imagine what it would even be like without Gunpei Yokoi's influence. No other games have been able to replace the absurdity of Super Mario Land 2 and the Wario Land series for me, despite the best attempts of some fan games and projects. The original GameBoy and GameBoy Color were such comfy systems, you could bring them practically anywhere and they had the durability to back it up, Wario Land felt it embodied everything right about those systems. It's hard to think of a console + game combo more perfect than that.

>> No.8136997
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>> No.8137012
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What's all in this? I can't seem to find much else about it online other than that it seems to be an encyclopedia of sorts.

>> No.8137018

>I'm trying to
No you're not. Be real with yourself.

>> No.8137067
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>>8137018 (Here's your You)
What would you suggest then? I keep hearing about how there should be a containment board or thread for Nintendo fans. I create a general in hopes to centralize the discussion and keep Mario relevant topics without having to refresh the catalog looking for multiple threads. The first general did that just fine, but it reached bump limit, so that's why this one exists. I don't see the reason for so many Mario threads to exist when this general is here for Mario fans to gather to.

>> No.8137076

For this faggot post I made another Mario thread. Crawl into my ass and die

>> No.8137156
File: 127 KB, 627x1201, Tennis Yoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like Yoshi's redesign for Yoshi's Story or are you a fan of classic Yoshi? Because all Yoshis have used the Yoshi's Story design onward and those are supposed to be baby Yoshis, does that mean we haven't technically seen an adult Yoshi since then?

>> No.8137181

This deep and entirely topical topic deserves to be discussed in its own thread and not this fag one so I made a thread just for it. How do you like that tranny OP?