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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8136768 No.8136768 [Reply] [Original]

When all it did was introduce unskippable cut scenes and dumbed down their games?

>> No.8136772

It's a heterosexual thing, you wouldn't get it

>> No.8136775
File: 715 KB, 2048x2048, 14075050_10157284554950641_1819529795_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fpbp, what do you think OP seasons his penis with pre-selfsuck?

>> No.8136786


>> No.8136817


>> No.8136818

I’m sorry you can’t read, Anon.

>> No.8136820

>I play video games to read text

>> No.8136840
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its not why, but who praises snes games

>> No.8136912
File: 36 KB, 535x475, mm3 cutscene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>introduced unskippable cutscenes

>> No.8136963

Mega Man 7 is way harder than any NES Mega Man game.

>> No.8137002
File: 361 KB, 792x482, 613946EB-7EB1-4F94-A133-30C545E723CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>introduce unskippable cut scenes and dumbed down their games?

>> No.8137020
File: 439 KB, 1000x1000, bomber_man_64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> unskippable cut scenes
just hold start

>> No.8137204

You're thinking of the PS1.

>> No.8137230

That final boss battle alone is harder than anything an NES MM game threw at you, indeed.

>> No.8137525

>please guys stop liking the super nintendo! It's not fair! stop praising it!
Nope. Not gonna happen auster. You will die and it will continue to be a legendary console. Your insistent shitposting will have 0 consequence in the way the super nintendo is perceived

>> No.8137618

Amiga has a bigger fanbase and a more active community than the Snezz has or ever will.

Keep coping though, Nintenbro.

>> No.8137623

4chan is so exhausting to post on with the constant bait and the constant rage about dumb shit from all sides by everyone who posts here. No wonder so many of you idiots have become obsessed with politics and identity issues and all kinds of utter nonsense.

>> No.8137676

Decades later Amiga fans are still desperately trying to make a good game for the platform. It hasn't happened yet but they'll keep trying.

>> No.8137701

What are some actually hardcore games on the Super Nintendo? Something that rivals Arcade difficulty.

Closest I can think of is Super GNG, too bad the game runs like ass and has lots of dull autoscroller sections in the first half.

>> No.8137715

>Amiga has a bigger fanbase and a more active community than the Snezz has or ever will.
Imagine actually unironically believing this. Like how fucking deluded are you? I wonder what it's like to be you. It must be very sad.

>> No.8137716


>> No.8137721

Wild Guns.

>> No.8137745
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>too bad the game runs like ass


>> No.8137761

>my heckin amigenegro
no one cares

>> No.8137770

I'm not impressed that you play hard nes games.

>> No.8137773
File: 46 KB, 450x450, GnG Collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, it only took almost 20 years later to make the game actually fun to play.

Meanwhile, Saturnchads got to play that game without any slowdowns long ago.

>> No.8137775

i guarantee you Amiga community and demoscene is 20x what it is for SNES. even the Mega Drive has much bigger community putting out homebrew stuff for it.

>> No.8137781


>> No.8137786
File: 797 KB, 200x150, InbornHandsomeDogwoodclubgall-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait...Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts is on this one??? And I never bothered to play those collections AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

>> No.8137795

If liking genny is gay I guess I’m a faggot

>> No.8137826

>oh fuck they got me. whatever, lets blatantly turn the thread into amiga shitposting
Sad life you lead.

>> No.8137830

Wrong aspect ratio.

>> No.8137846


>> No.8137935

This "auster" shit has long past exceeded boogeyman levels and is approaching schizophrenia. Are you mentally ill?

>> No.8138007

what game is that? looks cozy

>> No.8138014

Rokku Manno Seben

>> No.8138027

Oh boy another /v/-tier bait thread where someone conflates difficulty with how good a game is.

>> No.8138038


Amigatards have no answer for this. What Amiga platformer looks, sounds, or plays this good?

>> No.8138041
File: 13 KB, 258x163, 61d_344ef5151b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[SNES] introduced unskippable cut scenes.

>> No.8138054

>unfairly comparing a game made by professional coders with years of experience versus the typical Amiga game made by some 18 year old German kid in his basement

>> No.8138063

Heh...I'll take that as a badge of honor.

>> No.8138064

>Amiga fans
Ah yes. Amiga fans.The guys behind raytracing. The guys who got Quake playable on it. Those guys.
They're probably not making good games because of a lack of accessibility to the hardware and emulation of it is a fucking bitch.

>> No.8138072

>What Amiga platformer looks, sounds, or plays this good?
>Leander, for its flaws, exists

>> No.8138075

>The guys who got Quake playable on it
What kind of $2000 enhancement card on the very last Amiga related computer ever invented is necessary to get Quake running at 15FPS?

>> No.8138079

You'd have to have an AGA Amiga to approach SNES specs, an OCS machine's not gonna do it. that's closer to a Master System spec-wise.

>> No.8138092

even the Mega Drive couldn't do the rain/snow in Cloud Man's stage because it's relying on the SNES having 3 background layers

>> No.8138118

The recommended specs were a 68060, 16 MB of RAM, an internet connection, a CD drive, and a 30 megabyte harddrive.
Despite how crazy this all sounds, this was actually the average upgrade path for an Amiga user took anyways. So yes, while no stock Amiga could possibly run it(not even the 4000T), the average upgraded Amiga was 100% able to.

>> No.8138145

yes but alas 80% of software publishers were determined to make everything run on an A500 with only floppy drive until the heavens fell in

>> No.8138149

>What are some actually hardcore games on the Super Nintendo?

>> No.8138154

Yeah, the same thing kinda happened with the C64 and the C128.
Honestly, that should've been Commodore's warning that they would develop for the lowest possible platform to try to have compatibility with all. It needed intervention to prevent that from occurring.

>> No.8138158

Think more Atari 8-bit where the XL/XE was irrelevant since everything was just designed for a 48k machine anyway.

>> No.8138162

Anon... You can skip that. Have you never pressed the start button?

>> No.8138169

What game is that? Google image search was unhelpful.

>> No.8138170

Monster Party on the NES

>> No.8138184

Never came out for it. And the Battletoads sequels are all much easier than the OG.

>> No.8138187

Well, Battletoads in Battlemaniacs is for the SNES, but I agree that it's easier compared to the original NES game.

>> No.8138189

I wish Battletoads for Wii happened.
Battletoads for Xbox happened though, I think I'm gonna call Gamestop for it.

>> No.8138227

Why are segatards on this board so allergic to anything other than pure gameplay? You realize that there are plenty of games with a good sense of progression and plot, AND interesting, challenging gameplay, right?

>> No.8138242

Excuse me, but the Sega Genesis has its fair share of games with all 4 of those too. Shining Force is a good example of this.

>> No.8138294

I don't disagree with that, but the SNES simply had more games that fit this description, at least as far as its best games are concerned.
Not to mention a lack of truly interesting games was a major reason no one remembers the Saturn aside from contrarians on /vr/.

>> No.8138326

This but unironically

>> No.8138327
File: 46 KB, 850x400, carmack_storyfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with a good sense of progression and plot
Has no place in videogames, to be desu.

>> No.8138345

What's an Amiga again? Some computer that EU fags liked? Did any Japanese developers ever make games for it?

>> No.8138348

>Did any Japanese developers ever make games for it?
No but if they did it would probably just be lame eroge sims like all their PC games were.

>> No.8138356

This quote carries less weight when you realize Carmack suffers as a game designer as the Id team was fractured. They all needed each other to make something good, and as they split apart that became more obvious.

>> No.8138361

as we tragically learned about Kojima and Naka

>> No.8138369

>Not to mention a lack of truly interesting games was a major reason no one remembers the Saturn aside from contrarians on /vr/.

burning rangers

>> No.8138410

Bro, that "game" doesn't even have any enemies. It's literally just a Saturn hardware tech demo and prototype engine for Phantasy Star Online.

>> No.8138463


>> No.8138474

I always found the bigger sprites of the SNES to be childish and almost always signified an easier game.

>> No.8138478
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this is how you spot a disingenuous faggot. Only yuropoors and retards called it this

>> No.8138528

It's not sega fans, it's a retarded guy who hates how japanese games and systems are still praised to this day instead of his shit microcomputer shovelware he played as a kid. That's why he reacted mentioning Amiga right after being called out.

>> No.8138612
File: 68 KB, 800x425, dead SNES CPUs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there won't be any working SNES left soon

>> No.8138625

you know there was more to Amiga than just US Gold and Ocean shit licensed games

>> No.8138626

>still posting the exact same old pic
It's over australia. You lost.
People like the console, deal with it.

>> No.8138628

Good thing emulators exist and the SNES is one of the most documented consoles ever.

>> No.8138629

I think you're overreacting

>> No.8138636

Those are from Nintendo Super Systems. Arcade boards with no voltage regulator unlike a normal SNES.

>> No.8138641

when will Australia kun ever realize that nobody will ever care about the Amiga and ZX Spectrum except aging Euro Gen Xer manchildren on Youtube?

>> No.8138759

sprites seem to disappear when hit with that hack tho. praying for sa1 hack.

>> No.8138764


>> No.8138785

Without a narrative what keeps me playing?

>> No.8138804

Fun uninterrupted gameplay and good game design.

>> No.8139184

It's not as good as the NES, but nothing is

>> No.8139214

ActRaiser 2

>> No.8139353

SNES has two aspect ratios, technically.

>> No.8139464

The drive to do better

>> No.8139491

With your attitude all 2600 and early 8bit games aren't worth playing

>> No.8139668

Never played a game that offered this.
I don't like games where's just kind of dull and repetitive. Shmups and action games are boring. Maybe I could enjoy a pure platformer but those don't really exist on these systems outside of the obvious handful

>> No.8139692

>Why is SNES praised?
Made things flashier in a pleasant way. The moment devs got more room to express themselves, they started to add more dumb shit, and it just kept getting worse and worse the more powerful the systems got.

You can tell just by looking at how different Megaman X and Megaman 7 were handled. The former tries to push the franchise into the next level while the latter is merely trying to ride on the system superior specs to sell an outdated formula while making it worse in the process.

>> No.8141412

Reddit: The Console

>le ebic weeb jarpigs
>audiovisuals advanced enough to not turn off zoomer who would find 8-bit stuff too primitive
>le Nintendo

>> No.8142935

I had 8-bit systems as a kid, but nowadays I find the sprite flicker on NES games very off-putting. It makes the games look broken.

>> No.8142964
File: 30 KB, 600x337, 93B1B7F8-AEAE-4D91-B8D1-2ED4F20EF788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8142982


Holy cringe

>> No.8143226

the famicom accomplished rain effects with one background layer, this has nothing to do with anything

japan didn't care about amiga or dos because all their computer games back then were for pc98

emulators can disable the sprite flickering

>> No.8143541

super R-Type, though it was harder mostly due to bad design decisions