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File: 91 KB, 1024x640, sonnybonds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8132825 No.8132825 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the worst adventure game hero and why is it the king of bland Sonny Bonds.

>> No.8132834
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Hey now! REAL Sonny is a man's man. A bonafide genuine HERO.

>> No.8132860
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Mike Dawson, pure loser. Makes Guybrush Threepwood look like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

>> No.8132862
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also Larry Laffer

>> No.8132870

Larry's loserness is intentional though.

>> No.8132893
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Well you didn't specify what you meant by worst, now didya? The actual worst is none of the above, it's some obscure protagonist from a shitty euro point & click barely anyone has played.
As far as popular stuff I think Prince Alexander (KQ6) is a charisma void. He's like a medicated Wesley Crusher.

>> No.8133207

CGA or VGA it doesn't matter , Sonny Bonds is a boring knob.
I like Mike in DS2 because he's a weirdo with PTSD after an alien literally fucked his head, Mike in DS1 though is almost as boring Sonny.

>> No.8133232

Came here to say this. Both as a character and because of the fucking gall that the game dev had to put his ugly, uncharismatic self into a game where they managed to secure the rights to using Giger's artwork.

>> No.8133392
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>Sonny Bonds
What an absolute chad.

>> No.8134015

Giger's artwork is really the only thing Dark Seed had going for it IMO, it's not a good point and click adventure.

>> No.8134384

it really is garbage but then again the entire genre is, i want to know what people think the peak of this genre is because i've played quite a few point and click games and they're all formulaic, nonsensical and overall shit

>> No.8134530


>> No.8134540

Fate Of Atlantis.

>> No.8134568
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>instead of Halligan stabbing himself in an act of heroic sacrifice, he stabs his gf instead

It's like a perfect climax to an entire game's worth of incompetence and selfish dickery.

>> No.8134580

I get the impression that Halligan is written like an autistic idiot on purpose, because that's the only sensible reason I can imagine.

>> No.8136667

>>instead of Halligan stabbing himself in an act of heroic sacrifice, he stabs his gf instead
But it worked though.

>> No.8137337

German adventure games tend to have really dick-ish heroes both the comedic and serious ones so it's hard to say, I will say the English voice acting is really good in Druids.

>> No.8137343

The only real answer here.

>> No.8137418

Second Police quest Sonny was pretty badass. He shot arabs in the mouth.

>> No.8137843
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>i want to know what people think the peak of this genre is

Monkey Island 1/2.

>but those are bad

Then it's very likely nothing in the genre is ever going to meet your standards.

>> No.8137926

darkseed 1 mike dawson is a chad though

>> No.8138453

Broken Sword and Sam and Max Hit the Road are fucking phenomenal games. I don't even like the genre but those are brilliant times.

>> No.8140604

I like the corniness and small scale on police quest 2. It was written by a real cop. Hate on sonny from the sequel, when he just becomes a miami vice rip off