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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8125091 No.8125091 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start

>> No.8125101
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>> No.8125110

F-Zero? Psssshhhh, more like F-Queero. Hah!

>> No.8125118

GTA: San Andreas is the poster child.

>> No.8125192

Surely N64 has some games that look good?

>> No.8125198

I think X looks pretty nice for a 5th gen game, especially in action. It is very clean; and minimal use of textures works in its favor, as N64/Playstation textures look like shit.

>> No.8125220

it's fine, not great but I know you're just baiting for replies

>> No.8125251

>N64 and playstation textures look like shit

>> No.8125257

I don't see what's so bad about it. The visuals are simple to understand, they don't impede gameplay, and they respond very smoothly for the needs of the player given the high speed of play. I know that reviewers trashed this game for its visuals at the time, but it never particularly impressed me as a bad-looking game.

>> No.8125289 [DELETED] 
File: 2.97 MB, 344x261, CrazytaxiAy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't see what's so bad about it
This was released around the same time. A billion dollar game company created the graphics for FZeroX when there were kids in school able to do better on Net Yarzoie.

>> No.8125296

Why are you obsessed with this game exactly?

>> No.8125297

apparently you can't read but still replied to my post

>> No.8125305
File: 55 KB, 640x480, Road_Rash_64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The champ

>> No.8125306

FZero or Crazy Taxi? And you came into a horrible graphics thread to post FZeroX looks fine which is a lie.

>> No.8125309

This is probably the 10th+ time you've made a thread about F-Zero X's graphics.

>> No.8125312

F zero X looks fine man

>> No.8125316

Not even actual sega fans say this shit.

>> No.8125328
File: 43 KB, 600x450, Deus-Ex-1-One-Original-Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just bad fidelity wise, but ugly too. Deus Ex definitely holds the record for most concrete textures in a single game

>> No.8125339

What can't I be a girl JC? that's why I can't get into DE. I can only play games where I play as a girl

>> No.8125347
File: 91 KB, 250x294, JCDentonFemaleConcept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, they made some concept art but then someone remembered Jesus Christ was a man

>> No.8125370

What a faggot

>> No.8125405

I think this looks amazing plus it runs at 60fps and has 30 motorbikes on screen at once.

>> No.8125406

I always thought it was one of the best looking games on the system, because I could always tell what I was looking at. Sure, there are some better looking games, like OoT, but that game runs at 20 fps.

>> No.8125414

Man people obsess over fps so much
I can't notice oot fps at all

>> No.8125417

I don't know how anyone can not notice low framerate in a timing based game.

>> No.8125604

No ps1 is ok if you can mod it. N64 is almost always bad

>> No.8125608

prince of persia runs at even fewer frames than that and it's a more timing based game than zelda, fuck off with your retarded logic

>> No.8125634

F-Zero X looks amazing. Get a good CRT

>> No.8125637

Why would you come to a retro video game board and complain about graphics?

>> No.8125643

This is the only good board on this site

>> No.8125740

This thread is equally about fun gameplay. Nice try painting me as a console warrior though.

Anyone who uses retro consoles as an excuse for sub par graphics is being dishonest. Comix Zone, Jet Set Radio and Metal Gear Solid 2 all hold up to this day.

>> No.8125747

Everything on the Speccy.
No wait, they have bad gameplay too.

>> No.8125752
File: 13 KB, 720x426, images (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speccy final fight looks impressive and all things considered is a better port than what SNES got.

>> No.8125756


>> No.8125880
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>> No.8125905

Pretty much, and we survived the GBA/Xbox/PS2 influx after all

>> No.8125930

Because we bullied the shit out of the people trying to force it before it was allowed while occasionally having intelligent discussions that skirted around the rule. When it was first allowed the board was total shit and basically spammed with those consoles but I think they got bored and fucked back off to /v/.

>> No.8125932

It's revealing of the fact no one really thinks PS2 is retro. No one actually wants to make PS2 threads on a retro board, unless it's to discuss later iterations of retro franchises. They'll just do that on /v/ like they always have. The change was completely pointless and probably spearheaded by like three people who were trying to cause trouble.

>> No.8125936

A lot of the PS2 talk here is about modding. It was always the same thing with the Wii which is just as easy and useful. Few people here were retarded enough to get upset about it unless someone was actually making a thread about trying to play Wii games. Maybe there will be more interest in the actual PS2 catalog with people doing that but I can't see it shitting up the whole board.

>> No.8125962

I've seen some nice GBA threads; either way I'm glad the speccy spam is finally gone

>> No.8125978

Are you guys serious?
That's a game from 2000 and it's fucking cool.

>> No.8126037

FF7 outside of cutscenes

>> No.8126038

It looks shit for a 2000 game

>> No.8126040

just like OP, that's bullshit
FF7 looks great at 240p, as do most pre rendered games

>> No.8126045

ffs what the fuck are you on about
i'm the fucking out of this thread

>> No.8126046

Ok bye zoomer

>> No.8126050

he's being facetious because OP is a fag

>> No.8126054

games from 2000 are not cool

>> No.8126180

Deus Ex is the best game.
It is also unreasonably, obscenely ugly for a 2000 game.

>> No.8126210

>Nice try painting me as a console warrior though.
I didn't do that. Blatant tacit admission.

>> No.8126293
File: 92 KB, 800x600, 13370-the-operative-no-one-lives-forever-windows-screenshot-oh-my.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most common criticisms when Deus Ex came out was that it was ugly as sin and ran like shit. Just look at No One Lives Forever, same year but much high fidelity and far more aesthetically pleasing. Deus Ex gets a pass because one other game compares, and honestly I've grown to find it's ugly graphics kinda charming

>> No.8126314

>unreasonably, obscenely ugly
I don't think so. the environmental texture work is great, if you look at the files. they are just not utilized to their potential.

can't remember that. magazines said it wasn't colorful enough, not ugly.

>> No.8126332

U haven't played many 2000s games then

>> No.8126343

Shenmue was out by that point. Deus Ex was definitely never a visually outstanding game. That's not it's appeal.

>> No.8126354

a lot of the characters look shitty but there's nothing really wrong with the enviorments, mostly lol, also remember it was a huge game that had to fit on a CD

>> No.8126361

Yeah, it's kinda fucking hideous and even ran like shit at the time. It looks even worse than Unreal which predates it by 2 years.

>> No.8126368
File: 346 KB, 1107x769, 20210911_091450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seemed like a common complaint to me, and looking into some old forum posts looks like it's was just really picky with hardware as far as performance goes. Here's a guy shitting on it, with a bunch of points I don't agree on, but he does mention graphics. No one is defending the graphics:

>> No.8126375

unreal is all aliens and fantastical enviorments where they were able to do whatever they wanted and could work around limitations, realistic enviorments are always harder

>> No.8126382

Worse he's quoting game journos from the time.

>> No.8126384

They didn't have to make them so ugly, even half-life 1 has better realistic looking environments. Paris is doom2 downtown tier in terms of layout. There's no shame in pointing out Deus Ex is ugly, it is. It's not its strength.

>> No.8126493

i didnt think f-zero looked bad
it also runs fast as fuck considering how shite the n64 is

>> No.8126501

I've seen worse in 37 years of gaming

>> No.8126503

deus ex is big where it counts
girth and density

>> No.8126505

What drugs are you on buddy
U1 was the standard for over a year, in both looks and benchmarks. Just read some magazines from the time.

>> No.8126508
File: 12 KB, 320x180, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worked on my machine back in the day, a PIII with Voodoo 3 3000

>> No.8126510

>the story is your usual covert operations story
imagine being so gay that you get filtered before the end of liberty island
what a bitch

>> No.8126516

Occasionally I take advil to deal with some headaches I get from having salty foods. Thank you for your concern over my health.

>> No.8126821

>if there are any games from the same year with higher-resolution textures than X, then X automatically looks like shit
Deus Ex looked perfectly fine for its time. Comparing it to Unreal is odd too when they're on the same engine and had basically all the same features and limitations; preferring one to the other is mostly just a matter of preference.
>no shadow effects
Deus Ex objectively has shadow effects.
>water effects are horrible
Most games I can think of from 2000 had simple water textures, no idea what he's talking about.
>criticizing the lip-syncing
Deus Ex had THE most advanced lip-syncing in all of computer vidya at release.

>> No.8126826

It has Conker, gameplay is not so good though.

>> No.8126827

I don't know man, I played Deus Ex when it was fairly new and thought it looked absolutely awful.

>> No.8126837

I played it on release and thought it looked amazing, even though my Voodoo struggled to run it. Once I got a Hercules 4500, things were flying. I can understand preferring some of its contemporaries as mentioned, but I haven't seen a single sensible explanation for how it actually looks bad for its time.

>> No.8126846

oh boy another F-zero fans shit on each other while wipeout nerds fellatio each other about how their game is "superior" because it takes more "skill"

>> No.8126857

I don't know, there's just nothing appealing about the graphics. They are dull, low detail, and lack any sort of interesting style.
I don't even remember what year I played it first, though, it was definitely before HL2. So to use older games as an example, Halflife is a visually appealing game. Not saying it is a better game, but it is much nicer to look at.

>> No.8126873
File: 140 KB, 2048x1152, PerfectDark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8127063

>Deus Ex had THE most advanced lip-syncing in all of computer vidya at release.
Computer gaming, maybe, but Shenmue was out.

>> No.8127397


>> No.8127439

Conker has awesome gameplay dafuq. I loved using the shotgun to blast those zombie squirrels— shit was cash.

>> No.8127454

As another anon stated ITT, it probably has graphics that grow on you. I haven’t played through Deus Ex but the screens I’ve seen have ALL been turnoffs because there is nothing appealing about the game’s aesthetic. Although I don’t deny that it’s probably an amazing game and will definitely be playing through it soon, it literally just looks BORING and I would never in a million years have given it a second glance based on screens alone.

>> No.8127746
File: 21 KB, 652x471, images (84).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you did. In a thread discussing fun gameplay I mention FZeroX and as usual you come in and start making accusations that I'm obsessed. You can go now if you have nothing to contribute, as usual.

If you look at beta footage it's still lacking a lot, the cars at least were more detailed.

>> No.8127751

That could easily be a mockup shot. pretty common technique back then.

>> No.8127756

I can't get into deus ex at all
It doesn't satisfy me. There's not enough rpg and the gameplay itself is too janky yet shallow to get into. It reminds me of morrowind if it had skyrim stats or something

>> No.8127797
File: 430 KB, 1056x2260, 1630962525727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that "fzero x ugly" spammer is, to nobody's surprise, australia-kun.

>> No.8127951

>But you did
no i actually said it DIDNT look bad, see >>8126493
opie did
see >>8125091
>Games with horrible graphics but fun gameplay
>I'll start
>posts f-zero x

you seem paranoid
i came in and posted one drive-by, then a couple posts about deus ex, and now you think im some schizo boogeyman or whatever the fuck youre on about

just in case youre still confused: you quoted two different anons
its very likely neither of us are whoever the fuck you think we are

>> No.8127956

What are some good game where I play as girls? And not not eroge or VN

>> No.8127984

looked a billion times better than ps shit wobbly texture eye cancer
psx games looked absolutely disgusting to me just two years into that console's life. there was the initial wow effect when I first saw the games at a friend's house going from a SNES, but once the gen was in full swing holy shit did playstation games look like aids.

>> No.8127995

Psx games have a cool aesthetic though
I really like extremely pixely 3d stuff. But there's really just not much like it.

>> No.8128198

>You seem paranoid
I quoted you and another anon and had two separate replies. The reality is you get offended whenever someone doesn't praise everything about FZeroX.

>> No.8128210
File: 58 KB, 640x480, images (86).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can go back and find plenty of good looking psx games that still hold up today. N64, not so much.

>> No.8128218

Why does female JC have her navel exposed?

>> No.8128263

again, theres more than one other person on this board
i dont think ive ever talked about f-zero x here ever. hell, i only ever played it a handful of times
i just said that i dont think it looks that bad, especially when in motion because of how smooth it runs

hate to have to resort to cliches, but desu: take your meds

>> No.8128270

Oh boy, were you alive during the late 90s and early 2000s? The bare midriff was (again) ALL the rage until it went away (again) at some point. Not only in games but in pop and normie culture as well.

>> No.8128292

>muh framerate

>> No.8128301
File: 124 KB, 420x307, Mega+Man+X+(USA)-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backgrounds are so stale, the 8-bit games look better background-wise