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8124260 No.8124260 [Reply] [Original]

Good game but it lacked the atmosphere of the original. I prefer 1.

Agree or disagree?

>> No.8124263

i prefer ctr

>> No.8124265

Disagree, 2 is just better all around.

>> No.8124274

2 > 1 >>>>> 3
This is objective.

>> No.8124283

1 is far better as an actual platformer. 2 is too easy and has more gimmick levels.

>> No.8124327

2's only gimmick is the jetpack levels.

>> No.8124364

2 is peak 90s

>> No.8124365

2 feels better to play

>> No.8124390

1 definitely has the best theme, if it wasn't for its retarded save & gem system I would probably prefer it over 2.

>> No.8124410

That secret ending with the gems was, disappointing.

>> No.8124543

>2's only gimmick is the jetpack levels.
And you can blaze through both of them in ten minutes.

>> No.8124672 [DELETED] 

>crash 2
>lacks atmosphere

>> No.8124691

The hub world breaks the pacing. The first game's progression was a lot better

>> No.8124695

Wrong. There's also the polar bear and jetboard gimmicks. The Jet Pack is the worst gimmick in the trilogy too.

>> No.8124710

>polar bear
Crash riding on another animal was in the first game too with the wild boar, you retard.

>> No.8124715

I like 1 and 3 the most by for different reasons.

I really appreciate how in 1 the mechanics are so limited but they made the most of it, constantly re-inventing themselves and creating smart level design that pushes the limit of what you thought they could do with what they had.
That's something 2 and 3 don't really have, mainly because of the different gameplay styles.

3 though has the most tight design. The game might be easier but the pacing is excellent, and for me there is almost zero annoying bullshit, the underwater stages are a lower point but that's about it. Meanwhile in 1 you have to deal with poor hit detection at times, and the save and 100% system can be annoying until you figure it out.
2 also has some really nasty gems, like their way to give length to the game was to more bullshit .

>> No.8124716

It was a gimmick in the first game as well, dummy.

>> No.8124719

2 >> 3 > 1

1 too short and basic

3 has too many gimmicks

2 is perfect

>> No.8124734

2 is boring. So many of the levels just have lazy design or easy platforming. It’s weird because if i had to list the bad levels in 1, i’d have a handful maybe. But with 2 it’s like listing the good levels would only amount to that much.

>> No.8124735

So what, retard? Also the jetboard only shows up in small sections of a total of 3 levels.

>> No.8124742

I disagree. 2 Is the best in the series objectively. Go fuck youreself OP you cunt.

>> No.8124747

>so what?
So the original post was “2 has more gimmick levels than 1”, not “2 has gimmick levels and 1 doesn’t”. Learn to read.

>> No.8124749

So you are wrong, moron.

>> No.8124759

I didn't say they don't count just because the first game has them. I'm saying you're a bitch if you think the gimmicks are bad.

>> No.8124761

Personally the problem isn't the jetpack levels it's that the final warp room just has shitty variety. Two similar lab levels and two similar jetpack levels, it's just boring.

What they should have done is swap a lab level with a ruins level from warp 4 and move one of the jetpack levels to the secret warp room, maybe put like a sewer level in the final warp in its place or something.

>> No.8124770

They’re not bad, however they’re inferior to the standard platforming levels. 3 struck the nice balance of making most of the gimmick levels as much fun, if not more fun, than the standard levels. 1 and 2 though didn’t.

>> No.8124773

This board is too anti-gimmick

>> No.8124776

>3 struck the nice balance
3 has 3 times the gimmicks of 1 and 2, what the fuck are you on about? They're also really shitty. Stop having wrong opinions.

>> No.8124778

I loved gimmick on nes

>> No.8124782

It does have a lot of gimmick levels but they’re good. The tiger ones are the best animal riding levels in the series. Jet ski and motorcycle are fun and fast-paced. Even the less enjoyable stuff like the airplane levels are substantially better than many of the platforming stages which are some of the weakest in the series btw.

>> No.8124783

Protip: it's only a gimmick when it sucks, otherwise it's a unique mechanic.

>> No.8124801

I agree that the first two was great and 3 is dogshit
>double jump

>> No.8124803

Based as fuck. The first game was tense all around because it felt like the entire islands were out to get Crash, and they were. There wasn't a comfy warp room to go back to.

>> No.8124807

Jet ski and motorcycle have abysmal handling and the tiger has collision fuckery that hits you beyond the models. They're shit.

>> No.8124826

I disagree about the jet ski, I found it a very enjoyable Wave Race tech demo. The motorcycle sucks giant ass though. Handling is abysmal, Gran Turismo feels like F-Zero X in comparison. It's unbelievable that the same team made CTR just a year later.

>> No.8124836

The gimmicks in Crash 3 aren't good persay, but they made the game a lot more memorable, which is very important in a children's game. No seven year old was complaining that the game wasn't a pure enough platformer.

>> No.8124840

time trialing the tiger levels was the most fun i've ever had in a crash game. don't know if that speaks to the mediocrity of the standard levels or the brilliance of the tiger levels though..

>> No.8124916

it's a mixed bag for me
1 had better platforming and more interesting level design
3 had some good stages and more variety with it's themes
2 feels too easy but the tightness in it's controls is godsent and it's warp room is my favorite level select in all of videogames, next to mega man 1's level select

>> No.8124959
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It's hard to say exactly why I like 1 the most, I think it's just down to the little details.
>progression of levels from jungle to industrial, focus on natural environments
>diorama overworld map is really charming
>more natural and subdued music
>platforming is the most simple and challenging
>good range of bosses
>there's just something nostalgic about how basic it looks compared to 2 and 3, which hold up really well for PS1
My only real issue with the game is having to load in and out after dying on a gem run.

>> No.8124961

Really? I thought 2 had great atmosphere.
>the road to ruin levels
>the sewer levels with the banging pipe music
>rainy woods
>great boss fights like tiny tiger

>> No.8124969

Crash 1's "tense" atmosphere didn't work too well for a cartoony game. Crash 2 nailed the comedic-yet-dangerous theme of the series.

>> No.8124973

You've got to admit the final cotrex boss was cool though

>> No.8125202

I’ll disagree. The jet pack was annoying, yes, but the stupid jet ski and hot rod levels in crash 3 control so much worse.

>> No.8125214

Two and three was both great, I won't pick a favorite. One was good and had some uniqueness that two and three didn't have, but I still prefer 2 or 3 overall.
CTR was great. I absolutely do not regret having had CTR but no mario kart as a child.
Crash Bash was so fucking hard that my friend and I still never finished 100%ing it.

>> No.8125263

"Lack" is the wrong word. It has a different atmostphere, and 1's was great, but so was 2's. And 2 is a much better game overall.

>> No.8125273

I don't even remember it really, and the first time I actually made it a mission to get all gems(surprisingly only took two sessions), just being able to go on all the gem platforms to the true ending was really cool.

A lot better than the usual "you have everything, beat the boss again and get a different cutscene.

>> No.8125283

Hog, polar bear, and tiger levels were among the funnest levels in the trilogy.

Jetpack levels SHOULD have been awesome but the controls sucked.

Really I don't see why people complain about "gimmick levels" so much. The motorcycle levels were cool too. I generally liked them, and there were a bunch of normal levels anyway.

>> No.8125285

Even getting around the bullshit save system in 1, I honestly find it hard to play that game when 2 + Warped exist. Not to disparage anyone else's opinions about the games, but 1 is just really rough around the edges in terms of level design.

>> No.8125287

What do you think about the remakes where they backported 3's mechanics into 1?

>> No.8125292

Your post reminding me of the sewer levels made me realize Crash may be the only sewer levels I actually liked.

>> No.8125317
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>slide double jump into spinarooni
>not fun as h*ck

>> No.8125320

I 100% this recently. I never want to see another sewer level again.

>> No.8125323

I remember seething so often when the animation of her cuddling it after she got off took so long when I was trying to get the platinum relic. Of course at some point you master it. Those were the only time trials I did for fun after getting the platinum relic already.

>> No.8125364

I like the environments better in 2 more but I get the atmosphere argument. 1 has that feeling you are really going through the forest, temples/ruins etc. with the world map and it was cool to see around the islands. It is nice to pick your levels in each world but I think it also loses some charm. Hard to say for me. I like them all equally but 1 definitely has the best challenge although the save mechanism makes it annoying as hell at times.

>> No.8125863

I don't play shitty remakes

>> No.8125881

it's also just worse gameplay-wise, crash 1 didn't do everything right but at least the challenges are satisfying to overcome, crash 2 is just another "fake it til you make it" kind of challenge that permeates games from that era

>> No.8125897
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I only ever played a demo of Crash 1 but never owned a copy since it was so hard to find

>> No.8125942

You're not wrong but it's still a great game and it improved a lot of the original's problems
I liked it but they could have did more

Also, Piston It Away and Diggin' It can fuck off

>> No.8125960

They're all good games

>> No.8125983

2 is the best of the trilogy by far.

>> No.8126108
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Based. I love all 3 but 1 is the best one. It's like DKC1 in 3D. The island is cohesive, as worlds go on you start getting into levels inside Cortex's lab, until you start climbing his castle. It has no gimmicks, it's straight platforming sweetness.

>> No.8126202
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DKC is a surprisingly apt yet obvious comparison in hindsight. It even has the blonde who gets added as a playable character later & a cart racer. What the fuck.

>> No.8126750

>be very good at CTR
>have no one to play head2head with
>try to get people to play it
>they'd rather play mobile garbage

>> No.8127023

I played them recently for the first time since I was a child, and 2 immediately struck me as being dumbed down for the kids, and filled with cinematics for the Sony audience. The first one feels pure. Just a good old retro platformer in 3D.

>> No.8127034

Crash is pretty blatantly just DK fused with Sonic. I guess the fact that no one really calls that out is indicative of the fact that they made a great game right out the gate, and successfully established a brand.

>> No.8127184


>> No.8127186

>and for me there is almost zero annoying bullshit
half the levels in 3 are gimmick shit, what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.8127208

>lacked the atmosphere of the original.
That's a good thing, because Crash 2's atmosphere is way better than Crash 1's

>> No.8127213


>> No.8128529

How is Crash like Sonic? I can see DK but having difficulty with Sonic.

>> No.8128729


1 had the globe trotting feel, but is overall daunting, difficult, and long. 2 is a perfect amalgamation of 1 and 3. Located in a single location, tight controls, and basically exploring new places without feeling too long for players.

Fuck 3. It's a good entry and its real whacky, but the moment Relics were introduced into the game and it's remake, it's just a fuckfest of hitting yellow boxes and one-upping your times by seconds.

>> No.8128742

It must suck to suck.

>> No.8128746

Something about the warp zone aesthetic of 2 and the way it blended tech and ancient ruins really did it for me. Particularly when it comes to the secret areas. Really felt like stumbling through the cracks and past the wires of the machine to find an ancient secret.

>> No.8128757

>the moment they entered this completely optional feature for challenge-seekers that doesn't interact with the mainline story at all, it ruined the experience because, as a kind of post-game challenge mode, it prioritized gameplay over theme
Christ, some people just want to dislike things.

>> No.8128763

It's a platforming game... very small factor in how enjoyable it is unless the areas are really amazing, which no Crash game is.

>> No.8128783

I loved the fuck out of Crash 1 and 2, it's absolute peak comfy nostalgia for me on par with Gen 1 Pokemon.

3 is where it kinda lost the magic for me. Too many gimmick levels and overall just not as imaginative.

>> No.8128854

How did Crash get so popular as a platformer when the core gameplay is just running down narrow corridors?

>> No.8128859

why are videogames popular if all you do is press buttons? kys

>> No.8128905
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>> No.8128906

What's the opinion on the pre-compression Crash music

>> No.8128910
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here's the (you) you ordered.

>> No.8129335

He's a "cool" animal who wears running shoes and fights an evil doctor.

>> No.8131034 [SPOILER] 
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>1 is great but has some rough spots
>2 is even better and refines the old while introducing new concepts
>3 is good but overstuffed, and it gilds a few of its lilies so hard that they are ruined in the process
just like Spyro desu

>> No.8131036


Crash 3>Crash 2<Crash 1

>> No.8131169

The minigames in Spyro 3 are nowhere near as bad as the shitty levels in Crash 3. The majority of them are even fun. I'd play Bentley boxing over a fucking diving level any day.

>> No.8131409

Some of them sound really fucking good, but honestly I'd go so far to say that most of the tracks actually sound better compressed. Like the pre-console Dingodile theme has samples that just lose a lot of personality without the compression.

Also dies anyone have a download for flacs of all the pre console tacks? I can't find downloads anywhere and it's annoying.

>> No.8132231

Not to mention the alternate playstyles in Spyro 3 are far more naturally embedded into the game. For example, Bentley boxing fit into the ice level well, compared to random motorcycle races out of nowhere in whats supposed to be a platformer.

>> No.8132305

It's neat how some songs sound totally different. Like in the example of Tiny there, the horns at :15 are more obvious in the console version while the bassy noises instead overpower them in the pre-console.

>> No.8132513
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3 > 1 > 4 >>> 2

>> No.8132702

Crash 1 does indeed have many similarities with DKC to the point where I don't even feel like playing Crash because I'd rather just play DKC instead.