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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8114409 No.8114409 [Reply] [Original]

When will prices ever go down?

>> No.8114415

It won't. Reddit nu-males aren't going to stop.

>> No.8114445

They wont if people keep buying them. If sales slow down they might go down a little but retro games will never be cheap again.

>> No.8114461
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Never probably

>> No.8114476

what would cause prices to fall for out of production commodities that are decades old? if you can't come up with an answer, then maybe you should start recognizing that they aren't.

>> No.8114483

Just wait till Biden issues the next stimmies.

>> No.8114512
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I still buy sealed games as long as they're under $60

>> No.8114519
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buy ps3/360/wii games

>> No.8114523
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>> No.8114539

I got a sealed Wii classic controller for $20 early this year. Can new dualshock 3s still be acquired?

>> No.8114545
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>> No.8114557
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The only consoles I care about are snes and ps1 and the emulation for those consoles are perfect so I do not care.

>> No.8114573

>PS3 going up

>> No.8114592

Here's a hint: buy a VPN.

>> No.8114604

Thanks James Rolfe of Cinemassacre.

>> No.8114610
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Probably but I always go used. I got three dual shock 3s from a garage sale for like 3 bucks. You just gotta look and dig

>> No.8114614

I checked a few years ago and the real deal ones were all like $180
but they still have the new "sony" ones that are so flimsy the leds shine through the plastic. it's unclear if they're official or not

>> No.8114650

And where do you find the garage sales?

>> No.8114952

>posts n64 gif

>> No.8114971

Hopefully never. Going to make a killing of you bandwagon faggots.

>> No.8114981

>Emulation is perfect for those conses
Oh no. Don't tell him

>> No.8114983

>Can new dualshock 3s still be acquired?

Not for a reasonable price, no. Gonna have to settle for cheap Chinese shit and replace it yearly.

>> No.8114994

It's pretty close and does not really matter to all but the most autistic of the autistic.

>> No.8115001

pretty much this. simps gonna simp. emulating and repros are the way

>> No.8115024

>buying plastic to clutter your home
Why ppl do this when they could download any game, store it efficiently and beautifully in digital form all for zero dollars?
Are old gaymer men retarded when it comes to hobby choices? Or is nostalgia for clutter part of the hoarding addiction?

>> No.8115027

It's mostly reddit basedboys and zoomers who collect.

>> No.8115028

You're insane if you think it's just old people
It's just nice to have physical stuff . Computers are just awful man. I don't want to have anything tied into a computer or worse, steam.

>> No.8115054

>snes and ps1
Disgusting noob.

>> No.8115056

>computers are awful
Are you new to using computers lol
What is this cope? You can store thousands of pc nd console games on separate hard drives, usb sticks, cloud storage, etc

>> No.8115058

I know too much about computers . That's why I want to not use them as much

>> No.8115064

Tell us your tin foil hat theory

>> No.8115067

Not cluttering my harddrives with rotting roms. Fuck off faggot.

>> No.8115076

>Computers are just awful man.
Posted from a smartphone that cost more than a high-end gaming PC

>> No.8115115

>role-playing that his video games are more than just computer programs because they're in old plastic
They were mass-produced in a factory, not hand-crafted in Switzerland.

>> No.8115125

Sage. This price whining threads are killing the board

>> No.8115138

So are you.

>> No.8115380

Accept that you're a zoomer, a retard, or both (most likely) that got too late into the collecting game. Maybe try getting into something else.

>> No.8115381

If you say so

>> No.8115559

Uh, locally, retard?

>> No.8115562

No shit, retard. Think.

>> No.8115574

Just download ROMs

>> No.8115576

This will certainly solve all our problems.

>> No.8115578

collectors spend more time looking at their plastic and complaining about prices and scalpers than playing and enjoying video games, that's why they are the bottom of the barrel scum

>> No.8115580

>hehe, i am now the superior

>> No.8115596

When morons stop paying them.

>> No.8115630

I like owning physical things and not being entirely dependent on my computer.

>> No.8115636

Probably never just take the emulation/flashcart pill and give up on the delusion of the market for retro stuff ever not being cancer again.

>> No.8115639

So many doomers in this topic

>> No.8115650

I noticed that I'm really fucking stupid and also I've been using computers for all my life so the computers must have caused this. That's why I don't even go near them anymore.

>> No.8115679

weirdest plastic hoarder cope

>> No.8115687

Youre zoomer faggot

>> No.8115689

Getting a masters in computer science and working as a developer while being on top of technological developments for so long totally ruined computers for me. Quit all that shit.

>> No.8115698

PCs are just soulless fucking work horses. I even deleted my steam accounts because i couldnt stand this shit anymore.

>> No.8115702

Hoarder? No, I keep all of my things organized and only buy what I want, plus I only really have 7 retro consoles with 5 plugged in at a time. Not exactly something I'd call hoarding. But keep seething zoomer.

>> No.8115708

he says while browsing 4chan on his computer

>> No.8115710

Wow you're pretty smart

>> No.8115723

a fall in demand

>> No.8115731

Just get an FPGA

>> No.8115750

It makes me sad that the days of being poorer and just walking into a thrift store and buying an old game console are dead.
Nobody can just buy a saturn and scrounge together games and have a good time anymore
It's a reflection of how the spread of the internet has completely ruined the organic experience. You can't have that organic experience anymore. You sift through a cultivated set of roms and plug it into an emulator that's 'good enough' so you can play one of the games that everyone talks about. It removes the ability to experience media on a personal level. Removed from any dialogue or community. The deafening of all voices and it's just you and that media. That kind of thing is nearly impossibly nowadays. And now games are so expensive that buying anything that isn't already something you 100% like is idiotic.

It all feels very depressing

>> No.8115772

You're all too dumb to do this shit the right way. Yes the old days are gone. But now we have flash carts, soft mods, and odes. Getting good deals on hardware is still possible. You should figure it out before it's too late for you to even do that.

>> No.8115780

>It's a reflection of how the spread of the internet has completely ruined the organic experience.
Despite giving us the games for free, internet has also ruined gaming. Its almost like a paradox

>> No.8115809

I have 2 hacked handhelds and a gaming laptop. I have an external drive with all my backups & roms.
Minimalism is great. I recommend it.

>> No.8115817

Minimalism is fun for a while. You will grow out of it.

>> No.8115818

You'll own nothing and love it.

>> No.8115839
File: 77 KB, 112x112, bboomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a reflection of how the spread of the internet has completely ruined the organic experience

>phone local gaming shops
>none have the game except one that's 2 hours away
>drive there
>traffic jam adds another 35mins
>parking is overpriced, thank you Vancouver
>game is used, overpriced and not sure if it works
>go home to play it
>it works
>but it's not even good
>have to trade it in or sell it now


>download game, play it instantly for free
>it sucks? delete
>it's great? continue enjoyment

Yeah I'm really missing the nostalgia of organic consumer experiences.

>> No.8115849

imagine thinking you're getting back at Klaus by hording plastic and being a consumerist sucker conditioned by advertising in the 90s, instead of pursing things that matter and just downloading your roms/games for free lmao

>> No.8115851

I used to be into minimalism too. But I got tired of it. Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.8115856

Aren't some PS3 and Wii games blowing up in value?

>> No.8115861

Minimalism works for less important things. I'd sooner have a library of classic books than fill a room full of bing bing wahoo plastic and gaming posters like some sort of onion child idiot

>> No.8115862

Yeah I wish I had that
I don't really read the gobbledygook you wrote

Creating an artifice of inconvenience is the only way to get some spirit in modern life when everything is so torturously convenient

>> No.8115863

Yeah it pretty much is, fuck yourself. Even weirdo half broken shit like Monkey Hero is playable to the credits. Software is indistinguishable and almost every game can be hardware accelerated with no drawbacks. NES has been a basically done deal for all but the chinkiest, stupidest mappers since like the fucking early 2000s. Go collect a noose.

>> No.8115871

What the hell? Books are just as easily piratable as games. What is this double standard

>> No.8115874

I play roms but idgaf if somebody would rather play on the real hardware. I don't give a shit, just buy games dude. Prices aren't my problem because I don't shop for used games. I've got some old games I'm gonna sell sometime so if prices are extremely high that's cool I get money, so I'm okay with people buying games.

>> No.8115875

Oh god fuck reading non physical books. How can you even tolerate that

>> No.8115876

>Creating an artifice of inconvenience is the only way to get some spirit in modern life when everything is so torturously convenient
The goobledygook explains your idiocy in that you think contrived ''challenges'' like wasting time in traffic and collecting overpriced plastic somehow counteracts the convenience of modernity, if you want a challenge seek some meaningful work or endeavors. You're not a rebel for collecting gameboy shit and funko pops.

>> No.8115878

He wants to look SOPHISTICATED, and MATURE, anon. Don't you get it. He only browses this board IRONICALLY. He's better than us.

>> No.8115880

People have been saying this since 2014. the prices will never go down.

>> No.8115890

I genuinely enjoy sitting in traffic. Not sure why you're projecting all this weird rebellion stuff . Who buys funko pops anyway ?

>> No.8115892

Marie Kondo brain is for suckers. George Carlin once said something like your shit is stuff and everyone else's stuff is shit. Having things is nice. Looking for things after you've lost, broken, or sold them and fighting with other people who also want them isn't nice. That's why I hold onto what I have and take good deals when I can get them.

>> No.8115893

Its literally words on a slab. Saying you prefer the feel of a physical book in your hand and flipping through the pages then putting the thing back on the shelf is no different from saying you prefer the feel of slapping an original cartridge in a console with an authentic controller then putting the game back on the shelf.

>> No.8115897

If you collected every console since the NES you would not fill up a large cardboard box. Flashcarts, ODE, or other hack is also not that expensive or space intensive. A full grown adult can retrieve a single console from that box and play a game on it and then clean up after himself.
Not sure where the hoarding accusation comes from. It's probably just zoomers projecting because they watch all those retro game youtubers

>> No.8115898

I think zoomers like the novelty of it more than these grouchy old fucks who love to brag about how they sold off their shit and only play emulators.

>> No.8115902

You mean flashcarts. Don't be a rube.
You mean jailbreak those systems, right?

Just break the fucking cycle and pirate. It's not only the most practical, but most ethical choice now.

>> No.8115903

I don't care about physical feeling it's the ergonomics. I can't hunch into a corner or relax into a chair when I'm trying to read words on my computer. I can't relax outside with it either
Not to mention that most computer screens are total shit at words on a slab compare to paper.
So yeah. Fuck ebooks

>> No.8115904

>he doesn't know about e-ink

>> No.8115908

Bro, you ever heard of a kindle? You can download books on tablets, even your phone. I'm pretty sure these things can easily be loaded with PDFs of any book you can think of, too.

>> No.8115910

>Not sure why you're projecting all this weird rebellion stuff
You're the one pretending that sitting in traffic goes against the spirit of modernity, give me a break.

>I genuinely enjoy sitting in traffic.
you got deep problems

>> No.8115913

Nothing is ever getting cheaper. We are entering an age of scarcity

>> No.8115918

Usually ebooks are in epub or mobi format. You can pirate them all from libgen. They're about the same size as a single cartridge rom.

>> No.8115919

Too fragile and expensive and locked down for.me
>But book is paper
Yeah I know but somehow it proved more durable than my e reader in the end

>> No.8115921

I don't think I claimed any of that. Not sure why you're so angry over someone just enjoying something. Traffic is nice to just be alone in.

>> No.8115923

>Who buys funko pops anyway ?
Collectors and game hoarders who think there's merit to filling up your home with plastic toys and wasting time ''hunting'' for sick grabs to procure.

>> No.8115928

Seriously this board should be renamed to half-assed zoomer noobs. /hazn/

>> No.8115930

What makes you think you're any better for not filling up your home with plastic toys? The only downside to hoarding all these video game consoles and random electronics is my wife occasionally complaining about it.

>> No.8115931 [DELETED] 

>didn't claim that
the post I replied to literally claimed that being a time-wasting consumer/collector is how to put ''spirit'' back into modernity lmfao
>''Creating an artifice of inconvenience is the only way to get some spirit in modern life when everything is so torturously convenient?''

>> No.8115936

>didn't claim that
the post I replied to literally claimed that being a time-wasting consumer/collector is how to put ''spirit'' back into modernity lmfao :
>''Creating an artifice of inconvenience is the only way to get some spirit in modern life when everything is so torturously convenient?''

>> No.8115943

whether a woman collects hundreds of shoes in a giant closet or a man collects toys and games in a room full of plastic, both are forms of mental and spiritual illness. The harm is that your priorities and mind are out of wack

>> No.8115945

If you say so. Good luck with that chip man.

>> No.8115953
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>the post I replied to literally claimed that being a time-wasting consumer/collector is how to put ''spirit'' back into modernity lmfao
the absurdity of it all.

>> No.8115954

>too stupid to download old vidya magazines
>too stupid to use Launchbox or something else that lets you view the boxes for a bunch of games and pick something based on that
Don't like the internet don't look at it

>> No.8115957

I could tell myself that but then when I literally need some random thing to complete a job that's going to make me money I'll be crying. I have a small cache of shit I keep because I might need and a lot of other shit I keep because I like it. Priorities are for dorks like you that larp as serious adults with pseudo-new age nonsense. If anyone is spiritually sick it's you. You sound like you shop at goop.

>> No.8115965

>self proclaimed minimalist
>owns 2 handhelds and a laptop
The jokes write themselves

>> No.8115971

Honestly soul

>> No.8115972

never. you will never have a game collection in your lifetime, accept it or keep seething.

>> No.8115980

>games are less important than books
This is correct
He is right though, there’s no difference between preferring the real console and preferring a real book

>> No.8115981

>I literally need some random thing to complete a job that's going to make me money I'll be crying.
what are you talking about? no job is going to need your special edition japanese ''hidden gems''. We're talking game collecting and toy collecting, not collecting tools or materials
>I have a small cache of shit I keep because I might need and a lot of other shit I keep because I like it.

>Priorities are for dorks like you that larp as serious adults with pseudo-new age nonsense. If anyone is spiritually sick it's you. You sound like you shop at goop.
everyone has priorities whether they know it consciously or not, it's common sense not ''new age''
clearly youre getting defensive just thinking about this topic which is why you aren't making any sense

>> No.8115985

>The jokes write themselves
jokes on you
I'm selling my handhelds since the Laptop is just better.

>>games are less important than books
of course, games never go beyond being a waste of time for fun.
while many books can change you and your life for the better

>> No.8115995

You would never get it because you work some stuffy job and you're a complete dork. You sold your soul long ago and you think anybody who isn't a zombie is somehow sick. You probably had an overbearing cunt of a mother and grew up to be an insufferable faggot.

>> No.8116009

>plastic collector manchild calling anyone a faggot
all that desperate projection, sad!

>> No.8116014

>original hardware thread
>broke liberals vehemently trying to convince everyone that not owning things is somehow good
like clockwork

>> No.8116016

Welcome to /vr/ anon. No matter how hard to convince me you're a real serious adult with a real serious life you came here to the retro board for manchildren. Until you leave I refuse to believe you're anything else.

>> No.8116024

keep seething consumer.
all my pirated software and roms are mine now, it's not rented or borrowed lol
/vr/ is more about gaming, not collecting hence why these threads get big turds dropped on them

>> No.8116032

Anybody who comes around here whining about manchildren is lost though. If you're such a huge normie you would be on your couch playing the latest call of duty or whatever on your ps5. Or better yet not playing games at all. It's really obvious that anyone thinking like that is ashamed of who they are and what they like to do. They're more scared than a gay boy in a southern baptist household lmao.

>> No.8116051

>coomlectors make a thread whining about games being too expensive (i guess they're entitled to old games at a "fair price" lol)
>start seething when somebody tells them to play roms
I don't see why they're getting angry at the romchads. When I play roms I'm helping you out by devaluing the physical games!

>> No.8116054

>I'm helping you out by devaluing the physical games!
That doesn't actually happen.

>> No.8116062
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>I'm selling my handhelds since the Laptop is just better.
So you can buy more laptops, right?

>> No.8116075

>I don't see why they're getting angry at the romchads.
Because you are half-assed emulator bugmen with zero personality or taste of your own. Its more disgust really. But your ego has to mask it as "seething" anger.

>> No.8116086
File: 200 KB, 756x651, me buy all da game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't see why they're getting angry at the romchads. When I play roms I'm helping you out by devaluing the physical games!

>my personality is entirely defined by the plastic I hoard
that's why the manchild is despised by normies and gamers

>> No.8116092

>So you can buy more laptops, right?
haven't thought about that, my laptop is fine for current gen games but I mostly play retro. Maybe in 3 or 4 years I'll upgrade?

>> No.8116203

in the case of a nuclear apocalypse, they will go down.

>> No.8116271

Up. If they're all gone, there's no market left.
If there's any left, they'd be obscene.

>> No.8116280

what good are these trinkets without electricity? food > retro stuff

>> No.8116325

The manchild is despised by narcissists, because its deflected self loathing.

>> No.8116370
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You WILL be happy

>> No.8116450

Not him but which PS1 games can't I emulate? I can literally only think of Monkey Hero.

>> No.8116864
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I want to short the retro games market

>> No.8116885

Maybe he doesn't have autism, so doesn't care.

>> No.8116890

All you have to do is borrow money and buy shit.

>> No.8116897

There won't be a fall in demand. Theres thousands of people like you and everybody else in this thread "waiting" for a drop. If the drop ever happens, demand will skyrocket again as everybody like OP swoops in. Then you're right back where you started.

>> No.8116907

>you are either an emutranny or a coomlector!
I play all my pirated games on original hardware. Keep wasting hundreds of dollars for a plastic box you fucking retard lmao

>> No.8116909

Way ahead of you man. Been grabbing a ton of Wii stuff from FB for months. Just last week I picked up a Wii, wii fit board, 4 wiimotes, some shitty games (along with mario kart), cables, and battery packs for $12.

>> No.8116919

So what? Computers are a scourge on society, also emulation will never feel the same as the real thing, like the difference between masturbation and sex.

>> No.8116927

There are government programs for poor people that provide free phones. You would know if you spent some time away from your computer for a while.

>> No.8116935

Are you poor? Why you defending buying expensive games if you got an Obama phone?

>> No.8117047

You're playing computer programs
On a type of computer made for video games
> emulation will never feel the same as the real thing
You treat old computer programs like religious objects of worship

>> No.8117501

It's probably too late to start learning Japanese to take advantage of that market. It will surely be ruined soon too.
Flashcarts, FPGA, and software emulation are the future for all but the wealthiest and faggiest of faggots.
For someone like me that loves the entire experience: hardware, boxes, manuals etc. this is a big loss, but it's still no reason to participate in a market this retarded.

>> No.8117934
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>tfw collect mainly for my 2 fav systems PS2/360

>> No.8117951

PS2 is on an upward trend.

Any PS2 and 360 refs besides the usual? Curious.

>> No.8117953


>> No.8117971

hell where to start man I have too many recommendations to even list its all about what you are into ?. I am lucky to live in a rich Toronto suburb town where there are no collectors to compete with I get gamecube/ps1/ps2/360 games mainly for 50 cento to 1$

>> No.8117991

Fucking hell that's cheap. If it weren't for the cost of postage offsetting the savings I'd buy some from you.

As for recs, literally anything you think is good besides the usual top 10 fodder, you know the ones. Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Mass Effect, so forth. I ended up liking Zone of the Enders and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West for example.

>> No.8118045

Wild arms 4
dark cloud 1/2
red faction 1
star wars racer revenge
FF games
jac and daxter 1
devil may cry
ssx tricky

everything from halo to skyrim

I recommend you get in on 360 cause its by far the cheapest system to collect for right now and the games are great. it won't be long till its just as hard to collect for as other systems. I am just luck man that I live in this rich white yuppie town these boomers have no idea what these games are worth

>> No.8118074

a game store in my town has a silver one for like $120, I dont know what a reasonable price for ds3 is though