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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8112147 No.8112147 [Reply] [Original]

I've played ff4 on gba and psp, and I feel like playing it again. should I do the snes or 3d version?

>> No.8112154

3D remake is actually different and quite challenging.

>> No.8112168

that's what I'm told. I just came from ff3 nes which had challenge in the form of a lot of grinding at the end. is it like that or do you need strategy in battles? or both?

>> No.8112195

Mostly in the form of strategizing.

>> No.8112730

3D isn't grindy, it's genuinely challenging from a gameplay perspective. Boss encounters are beefed up and you have less time to react to mode change, so you kind of need to know/remember what their gimmick is going in, or you'll get smacked by attacks you were meant to disrupt. You also need to know which party members leave and when to maximize your gains from the new augments ability.

Basically this version assumes you already played through a previous version and remember it pretty well.

>> No.8112757

You are gaining nothing at this point by playing SNES. Same again, so if you don’t want that then try the 3D which is different.

>> No.8113058
File: 7 KB, 500x260, FFRK_Zeromus_EG_FFIV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More primitive graphics aren't a bad thing if you know what you're getting into. Issue with SNES is you have to pick between the US easy mode release or JP release with a translation patch.

>> No.8113115

3D is only good on an actual DS/3DS. If you play on PC the visuals are quite jarring due to the 15fps battles. And yes there is a patch but it also increases game speed which completely breaks the ATB system.
IV original - play on PS1
IV remake - play on 3DS
After years - Wii

>> No.8113137

Really not trying to start any shit here, but does the concept of "challenge" even apply to jRPGs at all?

>> No.8113145

Not trying to start shit, but is the idea that an entire genre is locked to a single difficulty really something you actually believe?

>> No.8113156

Play the game and find out for yourself shitter

>> No.8113191

But these games are not locked to a single "difficulty level", really (except stuff like FF2 or 8). It's just that the whole concept of translating time invested into enhanced chances of success is turned into a hardcoded game mechanic disconnected from player ability: the player doesn't get better, the characters he controls do. It's almost like an extremely simple semantic proxy created to rationalize simple interactive stories as something closer to actual "games", but it just crumbles if you actually think about it for more than a couple seconds.

>> No.8113246


>> No.8113252
File: 30 KB, 450x300, knee-jerk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I just described why I'm not the target audience of the genre anon, please pay attention

>> No.8113253

play the 3d version just for the novelty of it, i think it's a pretty cool remake overall and i wish they bothered to give ff5 and 6 the same treatment they gave to 3 and 4

square's sfc to ps1 ports all have the same problem of really slow loading because they didn't account for the fact that a cd loads slower than the carts those games were designed for, like it really puts a damper on the experience trying to play ff4/5/6 or chrono trigger

>> No.8113324

The pixel remaster comes out tomorrow, you could give that a shot.

>> No.8113368

Pixel Remaster with orchestal music is literally coming out tomorrow, give that one a try.

>> No.8113559

>squenix shilling in /vr/

>> No.8114074

All these games are easily pirated. Take your HRT

>> No.8114119

>goes on a gaming forum
>gets upset people are promoting games

>> No.8114165


It's still not that simple though. A game might circumvent the fundamental grinding concept somewhat, by limiting the number of experience-increasing battles available or increasing character levels only in response to non-repeatable story events or increasing enemy levels along with player levels. More commonly, some of these games occasionally impede success in ways that aren't mitigated by the "enhanced chances of success" normally provided by grinding. They'll throw puzzle bosses at you, puzzles on the map (involving fetch quests or talking to the right NPC or maze running or password decoding), enemy abilities that strongly counter certain things you can do no matter what level you're at... in practice it's generally still quite easy, but in theory it doesn't have to be at all. The genre is loaded with untapped potential for high-difficulty games.

Another powerful mechanism I don't think I've seen used in any significant way would be the large-scale overarching time limit, like in Fallout or Pikmin. I guess probably some JRPG has done that... anyway that'd be a very natural way to limit the overpoweredness of XP grinding while also telling a story (in which, presumably, the heroes are racing to stop the villains before their evil plan is completed, or whatever).