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8105810 No.8105810 [Reply] [Original]

>polishes petrified parents into rocks
>later everyone who was petrified returns to normal

Is Rapp not only the ugliest but also the dumbest jRPG character ever?

>> No.8106351

>Long answer
Rapp is a great character. The matter of his parents gives him personal stakes in the story's primary conflict, and this the initial bridge for Justin and Feena to enter it properly as well. He's a hooligan but he's not dumb whatsoever, he's Justin's voice of reason in the form of enacting necessary chaos, the way Feena is his voice of reason in erring on the side of caution and thinking things through properly. People who hate on his character purely for replacing Sue don't realise that she couldn't fulfil this role in the more serious segments of the story that take place during Disc 2; she could barely fulfil the role at all.
He took care of his parents' petrified forms every day, the way someone who's lost loved ones in a more typical manner might maintain their graves regularly, because he never thought they were coming back. Even smashing the Garlyle tower that caused their petrification didn't work, he has no reason to believe they're going to come back to life until Justin shows up and gives him some kind of reason to.
The exact roundness of their "rocks" isn't actually mentioned, it's exaggerated in the sprite art to show how long he's been at it. Also, you really think the same Spirits who were able to bring Leen back from the dead can't put everyone who was petrified back together the way they were before?
>Short TL;DR answer

>> No.8107153

No, he is young and has suffered.

>> No.8108954

I've seen this recently. Is hating Rapp a zoomer meme or some determined autist with a weird vendetta?

>> No.8108989
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Where else have you seen this? I hardly ever see Grandia I II or III threads, let alone hate on Rapp by himself.

>> No.8109005

It's not a zoomer meme. Ever since the game was released he got hate for replacing Sue in the party.

>> No.8109158
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I want Milda to be my rowdy amazon mistress.

>> No.8109720

He's not anymore of a replacement than Feena is.

>> No.8109735

I agree with you. But that's the main complaint people have made over the years, even if it's a piss poor one.

>> No.8109761

I remember people complaining about thematic changes between disc 1 and 2 but playing it as a 10 year old I enjoyed the increased stakes and shift from adventurer to hero. I don't remember much about Rapp besides he swears occasionally and has a portrait where he's picking his nose.

>> No.8109972
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Sue's stoicism and maturity is perfect for the second part. Rapp adds nothing to the story, he could be an NPC like everyone else who had someone petrified and literally nothing would change. The lack of mature characters (primarily Sue, but it could also be Milda or Gadwin, nobody complained about those two) is exceedingly apparent when shit goes down, and to nobody's surprise Rapp the rat abandons Justin. Fuck Rapp.

>> No.8109992
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>> No.8110041

The game became very depressing for me when Sue left.

>> No.8110174

Anon, try replaying the game and paying attention without preconceptions of having a character you like removed and "replaced". Sue is precocious but she isn't mature enough to offer that perspective. It's largely filled by Feena anyway, so your argument about that is redundant. Gadwin was a means of Justin making the transition from boy to man (just as Sue leaving and returning to Parm is symbolic of this). He had no personal involvement with Gaia like the following four (Rapp, Milda, Guido, Liete), he doesn't need to be in the story long term. An argument can be made for Milda, as she's similar enough to Rapp with a near identical backstory, but having one and leaving out the other means the Laine and Cafu subplot doesn't work.
>Rapp adds nothing to the story
He pushes Justin forward where Feena restrains him. Whenever Feena criticised Justin, Sue would back her up with something like "YEAH JUSTIN YOU SUCK". She's not a boring character by any means but she doesn't exactly bring anything to the table either, which again makes your point redundant.
>Rapp the rat abandons Justin
Rapp helped Justin save Feena after the Zil Padon Ruins. He was rightfully angry that he was leaving her to her suicide mission, especially since Justin had told Feena right before that happened that he was going to find another way. "You're pathetic, fuck you I'm leaving" was completely warranted from both Rapp and Liete.

>> No.8110206
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>> No.8110286
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>> No.8110319

Have you even heard of Quina?