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8101193 No.8101193 [Reply] [Original]

Season 25: Episode 8 (#324) Faxanadu {Famicom / NES} premieres on Thursday, September 9th.

Game Center CX - Nintendo Channel Challenge #1 - Mega Man 9 [charliechip95 & GooseCanyon]

Someone made a new twitch stream @ gemcentacxx

>> No.8101246

I love this show. I wish someone would make a raw stream too.

>> No.8101541

You're someone.

>> No.8101597

Ok, where can I watch it?

>> No.8101694
File: 80 KB, 680x881, sty1608220010-f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of us on discord watch raw eps from time to time, but it's a group watch rather than a constantly running stream

>> No.8101753

Here ya go:

>> No.8101756

If not a stream I at least want a mega archive of raws.

>> No.8101761

Now that you posted the new stream some asshole will report it, that's how these things work.

>> No.8101783

>Season 25: Episode 8 (#324) Faxanadu {Famicom / NES} premieres on Thursday, September 9th.

Woah. Neat. I suggested that game a few times over the years! So far they've done Rondo, Faxanadu, and a few others.

>Game Center CX - Nintendo Channel Challenge #1 - Mega Man 9 [charliechip95 & GooseCanyon]

So is there a real chance that these Wii episodes are just gone forever and we only have crappy copies?

>> No.8101791

I can't believe Arino's whiteboard just tried to kill him.

>> No.8101793

Looks like they also announced the exclusive challenge for DVD Box 18:
>August 27th Announcement: Game Center CX DVD-BOX 18 will be released on Friday, December 17th. The exclusive bonus challenge is Momotarou Dentetsu V (Momotaro Electric Railway V) {PlayStation}.

>> No.8101794
File: 36 KB, 480x360, mpv-shot0441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, no way that was the broadcast resolution. It would have been 640x480 since the Wii was still an SD resolution console if I remember right.

>> No.8101828

>So is there a real chance that these Wii episodes are just gone forever and we only have crappy copies?
Be grateful we got 360p. The original copy floating around that people were watching was 144p

>> No.8101836


Those are crappy youtube and niconico resolutions, so I guess these were posted there and ripped rather than properly dumped. The only way to get them is hope that some Japanese person has a wii with them saved, or they make a box set release with them.

>> No.8101841

No shit, you work with what you got. If you can find a better version, go find it then and you can pull a JD.

>> No.8101862

What other Nihon Falcom games have they left to challenge that could fit the show? The Romancia Famicom port is okay but not spectacular. Ys series are too long and would take 3 eps or longer.

Legacy of the Wizard (Dragon Slayer IV) was one of the better episodes.

>> No.8101870
File: 2.29 MB, 1280x720, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzhsgm2.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marchen Maze subs when?

>> No.8101881

Or you could just upscale it.

>> No.8102775

Anyone know if there's japanese subtitles for this out there anywhere?

>> No.8103378

There are not, aside from those hardcoded on-screen subs of important lines you sometimes get.

>> No.8103392
File: 611 KB, 1382x807, 64 Trump Collection - Alice no Wakuwaku Trump World (J) [!].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does "trump" in the context of cards have the same meaning as it does in English? I see that word used a lot in Japanese card games but never understood why. Is it just like "the card which has advantage"?

>> No.8103441

I think it's just a loanword for "western playing cards".

>> No.8103463

This is my understanding too. I've also heard ボーイ (boy) is used for waiters, bellhops, etc., which is kind of funny because in English it would be considered derogatory to call someone a "boy" in that context. Guess that aspect of it didn't translate to Japan.

>> No.8103471

Yes, in Japanese, trump just means playing cards, but the episode was done in early 2017, so Arino and the staff were clearly having fun with the current double meaning given the translation on the screen was the show's doing, and not a subbers.
There's also the fact that they used Arino's 'I hate Trump' as the clip for the game at the start of the episode, in the recap for the following episode and the game's intro at Messe. And Arino's message at the start was 'Kacho vs Trump!'

>> No.8103487
File: 21 KB, 523x262, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've also heard ボーイ (boy) is used for waiters, bellhops, etc., which is kind of funny because in English it would be considered derogatory to call someone a "boy" in that context.
I'm assuming that comes from the French "garçon", which used to be a little more commonly used in American English in restaurant before "waiter/waitress" seemed to take it over.
I also assume the fact that the age for waiters went up over time played a part in this too. Kind of like with food delivery boys, it's not uncommon to see older delivery men today. No longer just a kids job.

>> No.8103538

It's almost like Arino is a comedian or something.

>> No.8103572

Its not funny.

>> No.8103574

Yes it is.

>> No.8103615

It was hilarious. Conservatives just have no sense of humor.

>> No.8103639

If you mean like closed captioning, that's kind of an afterthought in Japan. GCCX episodes often get captioned well after they first air, but not always. You can sometimes find caption files that somebody grabbed from a repeat somewhere, but I believe the first-run broadcasts never have them.

>> No.8105000

we should still be collecting them as they would make a fantastic basis for subs.

>> No.8105104

I have a few, though they aren't timed to the available raws:

>> No.8105454

did something happen to the last stream?

>> No.8105459

DMCA'd. Enjoy the current one while you can, it probably won't last long.

>> No.8105653

These streams seem way more popular now than they used to be so I can see why.

>> No.8105682

I'm curious why the current stream is playing unsubbed versions of episodes that have subs. Is it a raw stream?

>> No.8106217

Am I missing something? They have subs.

>> No.8106262

Looks like the channel is run by a Jap who downloaded the English torrent and just turns off subs if the episode isn't hardsubbed.

>> No.8107987

>New Episode
>New Subs
>New streaming channel
Things are looking up

>> No.8109482

Wish I could watch this show without the constant forced laughter

>> No.8110162

There are a couple noisy laughers on the staff. I'm sure they have a lot of dead time without much laughing if they shoot over 12 hours in a day, but of course they're going to put the laughing in the show when it happens.

>> No.8110383
File: 2.67 MB, 1920x1174, file (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Arino know what lolicon means?!

>> No.8110392

Because he is a man of culture

>> No.8110403
File: 2.95 MB, 1920x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a creamy lemon expert as well

>> No.8110408

Yeah why would he use process of elimination to arrive at the only word that makes sense

>> No.8110415

Is the SAGCCX website working correctly?
I'm trying to locate the Kid Chameleon ep since it seems to be missing from the torrent I'm currently working through.

>> No.8110417

The term is well known in Japan due to a series of crimes

>> No.8110419

Anons, he's Cream Lemon expert
I think it's safe to say he's dabbled in loli thin books

>> No.8110423

>lolita compressor
I mean it makes sense considering the genre

>> No.8110426

I also doubt he knows the difference between Complex and Construct

>> No.8110543

He's never challenged Kid Chameleon. If you meant Kid Kool, that sub should be in Season 12 in most of the batch torrents, either through that website or in the pastebin.

>> No.8110553


>> No.8110564

It's an Otaku term, and people are away of Lolicon industry and comics even if they don't purchase them. If you go to Arino's office, you see a whole shelf or two of manga and a lot of anime figurines, showing that he is quite the follower of anime/manga. More than video games.