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809630 No.809630 [Reply] [Original]

What is a good beginner's JRPG?

>> No.809648

final fantasy mystic quest

>> No.809664

I said beginner's JRPGs not handholding: the game

Thanks for the suggestion, though.

>> No.809659
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>> No.809668

Goddamn this place is turning more and more into /v/ by the day.

>> No.809667




>> No.809669


Final Fantasy VI. You'll still lose once in a while but it's not as hard as others in the series.

>> No.809670

So, I've been recommended MQ twice. Would that really be the best for a beginner?

Or would Pokemon be better?

>> No.809676

nope MQ is easier than easy but its got a god tier sound track

>> No.809679

Sorry. It's not like I'm new, (I've been here since day one of /vr/) I was just responding how I felt appropriate. Especially since people act like MQ is so dumbed down that it's insulting.

>> No.809683


I don't know what you consider a beginner, but that game was developed for beginners. It's the only reason it exists, really. Maybe too easy, but I don't know where you're coming from here.

Pokemon is a good one, too.

>> No.809707

Final Fantasy VI
Chrono Trigger (it certainly isn't hard, IMO)
Dragon Warrior (Quest) I, or IX if you're looking for something non-retro
Super Mario RPG - great game, not hard, lots of fun, and definitely a JRPG at heart.

>> No.809717

The grinding in DW might turn some people off.

>> No.809720

>Dragon Warrior (Quest) I
I disagree - I'd advise against I, it's more of a historical importance piece than something to rec. IV or V would be a solid starting point, though.

>> No.809771

What about the SNES remix

>> No.809790

Chrono Trigger and Paper Mario/SMRPG.

Just avoid anything with random battles or you will hate the genre.

>> No.809805

I'd say Suikoden 1 and 2 both have 0 grinding.

>> No.809806

Super Mario RPG is pretty much the definition of babby's first RPG. Relatively short, very straightforward, simple enough mechanics (though there's a lot of hidden depth for more hardcore players to abuse), no random encounters, and no need to grind due to its relatively low difficulty. It also has a lot of optional content and sidequests if you wish to dig deeper into the game.

Overall, it is a great introduction into RPGs, especially if you are a Mario fan.

>> No.809841

Dragon Quest I is a fantastic beginner's JRPG if you're playing the GBC version.

It's simple, no frills, and the world isn't massive. It's also much shorter than IV or V.

>> No.809897

Persona maybe? Digimon World 3, any Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest DS remakes.

>> No.809905

earthbound, smrpg or ff6

>> No.809925

i want to start ff6. Which version is better, the SNES or the GBA one?

>> No.809928

GBA one although I guarentee a lot of people will disagree, but trust me.

>> No.809931

The music sucks on the gba

>> No.809936


>> No.809941

Modded GBA

>> No.809951

But it doesn't really have much in common with almost all other JRPGs. Not only because of how progression is handled, but also because you don't have a party. DQ3 is a much better choice hurr durr Loto spoiler blah blah

>> No.809984

how do I mod it?

>> No.810009

You just download the music patch from Romhacking or someplace and apply it to the ROM via LunarIPS or something similar.

>> No.810094

For a gamer who is new to RPGs? Chrono Trigger.

For someone who has never played a video game before? Pokemon or Mystic Quest. Or Chrono Trigger.

>> No.810101

Dragon Warrior. That's the NES version of Dragon Quest 1. You think I'm having a laugh? It's simple as shit so you can't get confused but at the same time it's not babby difficulty. What better introduction to the genre could you ask for?

Don't wuss out and and play the remakes, they _are_ babby mode.

>> No.810106

I felt that Super Mario RPG is very beginner friendly. You can get through the whole game just spamming the attack command basically, and if you develop some strategy then it's really immensely easy.

>> No.810119
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It was designed to be a beginner's RPG. It was the first I beat, without a guide or anything without even much English.

You may find the graphics terribly wonky. And the game wasn't exactly meant to be a monumental masterpiece.

Just sharing what things were like for me. The first RPG I played was Legend of Legaia, and that's not what I'd call a beginner's RPG.

You could do what a lot of people did back then and start with Final Fantasy VII maybe? Or perhaps a masterpiece like Chrono Trigger?

>> No.810124

Nearly any final fantasy only needs you to spam the attack button against every monsters except some bosses. I don't think that it is possible to have a hard time playing these.
I haven't played through every FF in existence, but there also never was any need to grind for whatever reason in any of the ones I completed.
Chrono Trigger is just about the same, Super Mario RPG is the same too. Same goes for seiken densetsu 2 & 3, or for anything I've played up to now.
But I haven't played any DQ up to now, so maybe those are different.

Anyway, them being easy doesn't mean that they are not interesting, but I would say that any JRPG is a good beginner's choice as long as it is actually a good game.

>> No.810126

Dragon Quest 1 on GBC.
Dragon Quest 4 on NES (or DS if you can't handle the old graphics)
Dragon Quest 5 on SNES or DS

Final Fantasy 4 on GBA or PSP
FInal Fantasy 6 on SNES or GBA

Chrono Trigger on SNES or DS
Super Mario RPG on SNES

>> No.810156

A lot of JRPGs take inspiration from Wizardry, so start there. Maybe at Wizardry IV, to lessen the old tech culture shock a bit.

>> No.810160

Why do people want to attribute it to a single game? JRPG's take inspiration from a number of early RPG games, including Wizardry, Ultima and The Black Onyx.

>> No.810185

Yes, but on a fundamental level, Wizardry is the most similar from today's standpoint. Ultima went the "open-world interactivity immersion" route and Black Onyx is just a simplified Wizardry clone anyway.

>> No.810187
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Chrono Trigger. Game's not hard, but is still quite fun. Pretty much any combination of characters can function well, and the combo attacks are actually worth a damn. Plus you really don't have to grind too much (unless you really want certain techs).

Tales of Eternia's also fairly straightforward if you're more into real time action JRPGs. Just make sure you find a manual and learn as you go. Good fucking luck finding a complete copy for anything less than a ridiculous price though. I recently got a copy for $90, pretty much like new apart from minor manual wear. Seller even gave me $20 off for being the only person to ever express interest in it.

>> No.810189

There's a difference between difficulty and GRIND FOR THREE FUCKING HOURS SO YOU CAN GET TO THE FIRST DUNGEON

>> No.810191

>Why do people want to attribute it to a single game?
Obviously to set up a stupid "recommend the most difficult RPG of all time to a beginner" joke.

>> No.810194

The Game Boy Color version almost completely eliminates grinding. All that frustration you had with the NES version is gone.

>> No.810196

I know, but the guy I was responding to said to play the NES version of Dragon Warrior because the remakes were "babby mode"

>> No.810202

Sorry, my fault. Still, I occasionally have fun playing the NES version for nostalgia's sake.


>> No.810841

Golden Sun. Almost retro.

>> No.810854

Chrono Trigger master race reporting

>> No.811770

Only having to worry about one character is much simpler than worrying about 3 or 4, plus there's only one monster in-battle at a time. DQ1 is perhaps the simplest JRPG ever, which makes it a good choice for a beginner.

Also, the full effect of playing Dragon Quest 3 can only be felt if you've played Dragon Quest 1 and 2 beforehand.

>> No.811813

>DQ1 is perhaps the simplest JRPG ever, which makes it a good choice for a beginner.
Yes, if you're assuming the beginner is a brainless dummy that can't possibly get bored by repetitive, unrewarding, unchallenging tasks.

>> No.811878

And now I notice he said "jrpg" and not just "rpg". Pretend I said SMT.

>> No.811871

To be honest, you should be okay as long as you dont start with Wizardy 4 or something.

>> No.811921

Does it even matter. The line is already hazy as it is.

>> No.811952

>Hazy line
>Japanese/Eastern/Console RPG's and Western/Computer RPG's
No, there is a definite difference between the two of them. It's just the names for them are becoming archaic now.

>> No.811963

There isn't a definite difference, because they aren't accurately defined and there is a million possible shades of grey between them. For example, the only way an RPG like Unlimited Saga is a JRPG by any sense of the word is that it's made in Japan. And categorizing them into two different things just because of country of origin is pretty retarded in itself, because why does this RPG that you want to be recommended have to specifically come from Japan in the first place?

>> No.811970

Ok, I've narrowed it down to four choices, Mystic Quest, DQ1 (snes), SMRPG, or Pokemon R/B

>> No.812023

It has nothing to do with where the game was made. It has to do with what country the genre originated in or what system it was prevalent on at the time. Console/Japanese RPG's are a genre that flourished in Japan on console systems in the 80's and 90's, which is why they're called Console or Japanese RPG's. Computer/Western RPG's are called that because they were prevalent on computers in Western countries at the same time. Again, both terms are archaic, not incorrect.

>> No.812034


this x1000

>> No.812036

Good morning, Vegeta.

>> No.812542
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Paper Mario - Fun active battle system, colourful characters, great writing.
Dragon Quest IV - The broken up chapter system means you get little quests with characters exploring the world and they all come together at the end.
Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow or Gold/Silver

>> No.812569

That's not Vegeta, that's Genku.

>> No.812589

>get bored by repetitive, unrewarding, unchallenging tasks.

Then why are you playing a JRPG in the first place?

>> No.812643
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Final Fantasy IV. it's the perfect introduction into JRPG's and the Final Fantasy series. after that play Final Fantasy VI, you'll appreciate it even more if you play IV first. also reccomend playing them on the SNES, the games were tailor made for the SNES controller.

>> No.812663

FF VII and dont let anyone tell you otherwise, it is moderately easy and explains how to use the game and all of its features which will have you set to play most of the FF titles, if you dont like FF I recomend Chrono Trigger that is easy to start and takes strategy to master and has an interesting story and multiple endings which was rare in jrpgs at the time

>> No.813570

Final Fantasy; specifically VII, VIII and/or IX. They're easy to get into, aren't tied to a plot from another game and are excellent games overall, VII was in fact the first RPG I played.

There's also Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger + Cross, Shin Megami Tensei and Golden Sun.

>> No.813576

I did fine at the tender age of 12 on the GBC with 1 and 2, having only played Pokemon games for other RPGs before that.

>> No.813579

Final Fantasy IV
Live A Live
Mother 3