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File: 278 KB, 1066x465, FinalFantasy8_Hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
809392 No.809392 [Reply] [Original]

This game divided the fanbase back in 1999.

Did you like it? What do you think that went wrong?

>> No.809396

Where it went wrong:
Rinoa != Ultimecia

>> No.809402

Squall suddenly realising he loves that dumb bitch out of nowhere

>> No.809404

I thought it was boring. I just didn't felt like playing it, only got the CD3.

>> No.809405

loved the broken mechanics and the pseudo military vibe, hated the actually story,

Though naming the pendent "My Ass" got me through most of the dialogue smiling.

>> No.809529

The junction system was fun as hell, and I think it's one of the better systems Square ever tried. I wish they would have given it another shot.

Very few of the characters were likable (imho: Laguna and Selphie), and the story became an incomprehensible mess shortly after beginning the second disc.

The visuals are fantastic, the music ranges from awesome to forgettable.

I would have liked the direction the story would have to take if Rinoa died in space I felt that the scene would have been so much more memorable and important to the story rather than having the power of Squall's (unexplained) love reaching out to her in time to save her

A flawed, but enjoyable game.

>> No.809562
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i love it

it's amazing how shit FF9 was compared to 7/8

people just circlejerk about 9

>> No.809772

>What do you think that went wrong?

Quantifying magic.
Junctioning would be great with Materia, that gained exp, but having to draw, or convert items and cards to build a magic stock, was tedious and unpractical.

I love the rest of the game though. Almost everywhere is chill as fuck. The gardens, Timber, Fisherman's Horizon, Winhill, etc, were all so relaxing, the return of the Esper learning system from VI was welcome, and the card game was a nice distraction.

>> No.809832

it was a letdown compared to FF7, it had less content it was a much shorter game

the draw and GF system was pretty fucking annoying (to be fair FF6 esper system was almost as fucking annoying)

the main problem was it drew the wrong crowd to Final Fantasy (yaoi fangirls and their ultra beta friends) and so the descent into faggotry began

>> No.809845
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>that shitty story

genuinely one of the worst ever

>> No.809847

I kind of skipped over it when it first came out, but I've played it since. I like and hate the junction system at the same time, hate drawing and refining and shit, but I love how much you can break it. Also, the setting is pretty cool, and the music is damn good.

What really kills it for me is the characters, I cannot stand anyone in this game outside of Squall, who I really only like because he seems to be the only one who realizes how fucking retarded everyone else is. I think I might be taking the game more seriously than it takes itself, but the whole thing felt like a big fucking joke, characters acting like total idiots at incredibly inappropriate times, it's like a goddamn cartoon.

I definitely feel more conflicted about this game than any other in the series.

>> No.809868
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loved it when I was 15.

Pretty sure if a similar game was released now, with practically the same story, I'd hate the fuck out of it because of the storyline and characters.


>implying I wouldn't want to live in that world
>implying I wouldn't want to live in Winhill

>> No.809872

>What do you think that went wrong?
Everything except for the backgrounds and the music really.

>> No.809915

>implying I wouldn't want to live in that world

I find that there are few vidya worlds that I wouldn't want to live in. Hell even some of the post apocalyptic worlds seem fun.

>> No.809920

The gameplay was broken and the story had holes, but I like the setting and the music and contrary to everyone who can't tolerate a lead character that isn't equal parts Indiana Jones/Rambo/James Bond, I thought having an anti-hero who hated his partners and didn't care about the plot developments was pretty funny.

>> No.809934

>and the story had holes

what holes?

>> No.809935

I remember not liking it at first, I stopped playing for a while at the first visit to Galbadian Garden, because it was boring. Because I didn't have a massive backlog then unlike these days, I picked it up again after a while and fell in love with it.

Those FMVs, the music, Triple Triad, the final battle, Omega Weapon battle, etc. So good.
FF8 is the FF I want to replay the most currently, it's been over 10 years since I last played it.

>> No.809937

I enjoyed it, but it had problems and I can see how others would hate it.

>> No.809960

Well, not holes but bad writing. The orphanage, and that part during NORG's uprising where Rinoa hangs off the edge of a cliff of the airborne Garden by her fingers while Squall runs off and circles the entire building for a half hour before coming back to save her.

>> No.809961

I loved it. It was probably my third JRPG so It gets a pass.

>> No.809971
File: 22 KB, 500x364, WTF!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 1999
>still playing a clocked out final fantasy 7
> pick this game up
> .... omg these graphics are amazing
> I'm a student? I hate school thats kinda lame
> is that a gun or a blade?
>OMFG it's a gunblade !!!!!
> I really hate this draw system
>I really love these new "summons"
> but wtf is that ? pic related
>beats parasite eve
>they better not kill off rinoa
>squall is more of a pussy then cloud
> OoOoO cards
>plays final fantasy 9

am I right fellas?

>> No.809980

It was my first FF so I'm under some kind of weird nostalgic obligation to give it a pass, but even at the time I was kind of sour on it compared to Chrono Trigger and Earthbound, which I was playing concurrently on an SNES emulator (Back when ZSNES was considered a valid option, so, uh, the stone ages, I suppose). Felt a bit soulless.

>> No.810032

It was my first FF, used to love it because of the nostalgia.

I also like it now. The story is a bit far fetched, ok but the gameplay and how the story itself evolves is cool as fuck.

I love the junction system and it's my favourite system in FF so far. Collecting magic is tedious but there's a certain feel to it, like completing a collection or something like that.

The limit breaks and bosses are cool and the graphics and visual effects are neat to the eye.

I don't understand all the raging hate around FF8 . I enjoy it more than FF7.

>> No.810043

I was somewhere between 12-14 at the time and it was the first jrpg I ever played, I loved it. Playing FFVII afterwards I enjoyed that game's mechanics a lot more, but based almost purely on nostalgia I'll always remember FFVIII with more fondness than any other jrpg.

>> No.810050

I think I watched the opening cinematics from FF7 demo disc multiple times a day for like couple weeks at one point. My hype was maximum.

That opening though, it's still one of the best openings to any game in my opinion.

>> No.810086

The gameplay sucked and the story sucked.

>> No.810135
File: 475 KB, 976x1112, Ff8-rinoa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my most favorite game evar.

Rinoa is my waifu

>> No.810145

this is the only final fantasy ive ever played. i stopped playing the story to get a strong gf that was goddamn impossible to do. never beat it because i lost the fourth disc somehow. i love the soundtrack. its the most i remember from this game

>> No.810150

I enjoyed it alot, but was boring at times. I lovedtetra master.

>> No.810153

did anyone else do the clap at the start of tetra masters music?

>> No.810178

I never got around to play VIII. My first FF was VII, then XII, X, VI, and finally V. Is FF8 worth getting on PSN? Or should I give it a pass?

>> No.810192


The gameplay was actually the main saving grace of the game. Building up your character could get tedious, but it was rewarding, as long as you don't just spam GFs. The main problem was its exploitability, how you could break the game. But every FF game has been like that since VI, to an extent.


Tetra Master was the card game in FF IX. Inferior in everything to Triple Triad, even though IX is among my favourite games in the franchise.

>> No.810198

urggh i always mix the 2 up! Triple Triad is the superior card game, no doubt about it, might play it today actually and clap along with the start of de moosic

>> No.810203

just to add, i never di the whole "level up to fuck at the start of the game n break it crap"

the way i played was i'd train until i was strong enough thast the current area wasnt a challenge anymore and move on, thus preventing it gettting tedious. Also stop with the story once Ragnaroks been acquired and do all the extra stuff and grind then progress with the last part of the game

just my 2 cents worth, i think that way of playing makes sense, well at least for me lol

>> No.810208

>This game divided the fanbase back in 1999.

No it didn't. It didn't divide anything until Spoony told the lowest common denominator that it sucked and they ran with it.

>> No.810232

>nobody hated FFVIII until Spoony told them to

Do you realize how stupid you sound?

>> No.810239


I actually find Spoony's review funny. Lots of people realized many of the flaws he pointed out even before him, and people still appreciate the things the game did right.

>> No.810271

The Draw System is the most retarded system I ever play. I remember playing this game 7 time (all whom end up quitting in Ifirt Cave) and I couldn't take the draw system so serious.

>> No.810273

My only real problem with this game was the story. Every character was a whiny cunt.

>ugh, I'm a whiny cunt with a face scar
>ugh, I'm a whiny cunt in love with a student
>ugh, I'm a whiny cunt who can't snipe

I spent about 85% of the game waiting for it to get good but it was one area after another of being followed by characters with the worst dialogue and most boring plots ever.

Shame too, I was hyped after that trailer of them fighting through Dollet, the spider tank, the summons, actual gameplay clips etc.

>> No.810283


It would have been much better if you could get up to 100 units of every spell, only link 50 units tops and double the effect of every spell linked. That way, you'd get the full advantage of linking a certain kind of spells, could max out every stat in half the time, and still have a sizeable pool of spells to use during combat.

>> No.810286


You are the Call of Duty audience, your opinion does not count

>> No.810291
File: 479 KB, 945x856, 1371272187295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That only works on /v/.

>> No.810294

But they didn't and I hated every second of those random battles. I mean, draw, draw, draw and attack? What kind of fucking battle system is that? I am aware there might be an easier way for these kind of shit but the damage been done after I play a few battles. I hated FF8 for this.

>> No.810314
File: 33 KB, 267x200, 564165612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sigh and look on her face...I was in love. Then first battle comes along and she's whipping the shit out of everything...I fapped like I'd never fapped

>> No.810341
File: 69 KB, 500x461, 1342031511973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.810350


My memory of the game is a bit foggy after all the time since I played, but I think you could speed up the process and make it more entertaining by getting the Card ability from Quetzacoatl.

>> No.810361

The Junction system had potential, but they screwed it up.

The stat bonus should've been based on purely on the strength of the spell you junction, rather than the quantity and strength of said spell. This basically meant that, whenever you actually needed to cast a good spell, you had to risk decreasing one of your stats in the process.

So... you kept your stats topped off, healed with items when required, and never used any of your good spells.

>> No.810392

The best FF girl.

>> No.810402

You could turn cards into huge numbers of spells, but you'd have to know where to get all the most powerful cards first. I wouldn't call the Card ability particularly entertaining, having to reduce an enemy to near-death without accidentally killing them is especially annoying when you need a lot of cards.

Not that you really need to do anything with cards to beat the game, as I recall I just farmed the fish monsters near Balamb and turned their fins into Water spells, junctioned them to strength and spammed Attack against everything.

>> No.810403

>it's amazing how shit FF9 was compared to 7/8


FF9 has shit slow battles with awful loading battles.

>> No.810410

I bought it release day, being a huge fan of FF1, 2, and 3 (Stateside). I had beaten 7, and super enjoyed that game.

I played 7-8 hours the first day, put it down... and didn't play it again for almost a decade.

The draw/junction system didn't jive with me. I detested almost all the characters. The story was, well in FF terms, not enthralling. I didn't like the card game. Thus, I had no desire to continue playing it.

I almost got derailed from playing FFX later for simlilar reasons (i.e. blitzball and some weak/annoying protags and story), but kept playing because it had, by far, the best combat system any FF has ever had.

>> No.810414


Methinks they should have made your magic replenish after battle.

>> No.810421


The demo's music orchestration was better than the same scene in the actual game. Why they changed the music I will never know.

>> No.810439

Well, there were ways to recover magic without spending time in battle Drawing spells -- though it meant refining Cards & Items between fights.

I will say this, though. I enjoyed the ability to complete most of the game at a fairly low level and grind out with a ton of extra stats by using late-game GF +Stat abilities.

>> No.810473

Easiest way to complete the game was to not level at all

>> No.810481


But it had better ambience, better characters and arguably even better story and soundtrack that VII, let alone VIII, which is inferior to most games of the franchise.

And saying IX is too slow is really irnic when it come from people who beat most encounters in VII and VIII by spamming summons, especially the likes of KotR

>> No.811186
File: 840 KB, 1026x1153, Time_Compression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The visuals were great for the hardware it ran on. The problem is that like VII it's all it focused on at times. The visuals are nice, but they make gameplay cumbersome (unskippable one-minute animations) and it's obvious there are other aspects of the game that suffered because of them.

As a whole the sountrack was good. It can get great and it can algo get average, but never bad. I personally love the FITHOS LUSEC WECOS VINOSEC leitmotif, and I feel that right after (or maybe alongside) Dancing Mad this has the best final boss theme of the series.

The gameplay was fun and the junction system allowed for a lot of customization. Big props for allowing you to skip random battles through junctions. The levels make combat more strategic than any other FF (having to sit through 1 minute animations whenever you summon actually contributes to that). Drawing was never a big bother, unless you were some OCD autistic player you didn't have to overstock.

The drawback of all of this costumization is that it all gets very complex and frankly annoying to manage at the random points when the game forces you to switch characters. But I guess that's the "price we pay for GF", alongside selective memory loss.

And speaking of that... the story is a mess. The orphanage thing was core to the plot, and also idiotic because of Irvine's "I thought y'all knew". I mean, come on. At least make him forget too. More time should have been spent on Ultimecia because she IS a big force through the whole game, yet all we get is a "lol it doesn't matter why she's here, go stop her". The love story sucked ass. And thanks game for never even bothering to explain why Ellone has the power to do whatever the plot wants her to. And was adding an Ellone MACHINE really needed?

Still, the premise of the lone wolf who discoveres love, a time paradox, and a persecuted witch becoming a dictator is great. It's just the execution that sucked.

All in all I liked it, but it was full of wasted potential.

>> No.811212

What a piece of shit. Nothing but faggot le quirky teenie characters, a "love" story written for 12 year old Bieber fans, utterly broken battle system, summons so long they added a button mashing minigame to pass the time during summoning

>> No.811265
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 3-PSOGL003[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the game...

Hate hours of THIS!

>> No.811274

>Still, the premise of the lone wolf who discoveres love, a time paradox, and a persecuted witch becoming a dictator is great. It's just the execution that sucked.

Sweet jesus, that one sentence alone was leagues above FFVIII in terms of plot. I had never actually considered that it could be anything but a boring mess.

>> No.811325

>loved the broken mechanics and the pseudo military vibe
what do you even mean? stop using that word. anyways great game and one of the better end stages ive played

>> No.811362

What part of that was unclear? The main characters are all students in a military academy, and the game mechanics are broken in how easily they can be abused.

>> No.811369


The only thing right about it is that it tried to faithfully translate Yoshitaka Amano's character designs. But the technology wasn't there.

Other than that, it's a horrendous piece of trash.

>> No.811376


>great game
>citation needed

>> No.811379


>> No.811386


The battle system, junction system, and ridiculously long summon animations, all terrible ideas implemented terribly, didn't bother you?

>> No.811390

Loved it despite the obvious flaws. These have already been discussed enough. However the atmosphere was top tier, I loved how huge and eerie overworld was, the junction system was very interesting in terms of customisation (despite it being obviously broken) and the card game was ace.

FFIX was a letdown for some reason, and I hated X with a passion. Never picked up a FF after that.

>> No.811395

Retards not getting it was where the game went wrong.

>> No.811403


>not going for ready and dripping Quistis instead

He could probably have gotten Selphie in there too. I will say that one thing for the game, the girls are fucking delicious.

>> No.811404

>using Draw for anything other than GFs and Apocalypse

It's like you actively chose to fuck yourself.

>> No.811420


If you actually did abuse the junctioning system, like everyone seems to imply in these threads, then you had very little incentive to summon

Not that the summon animations being long enough to go for a smoke was excusable tho

>> No.811427

That was to facilitate the Boost mechanic

>> No.811429


When I played the game I was too young to work out how to take advantage of broken mechanics.

And now, I just don't give a fuck.

>> No.811434


Which was also terrible.

Because aren't button-mashing exercises everyone's favorite thing?

>> No.811435

FF alienated me with FF7. 8 just validated my opinion that the series had gone to shit.

>> No.811442
File: 63 KB, 594x412, Time To Oil Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you had a turbo controller
>just hold down square and watch the number race up

>> No.811445

Sounds like you'd actually like 9 a whole lot tbh.

>> No.811447


I like 7 though.

But you're right, 8 and 10-present are god-awful.

>> No.811450


Button mashing as a means to keep players "entertained" during tedious, long as fuck animations is hardly an improvement, it's lazy as fuck from a design perspective.

>> No.811451

9 was okay, still didn't really change my opinion of the direction of the series though.

>> No.811454


It's extremely circular reasoning as well, like the way a machine might think. Facilitating relief from the tedium of a long, pointless exercise through the tedium of another long, pointless exercise.


>> No.812181

Depends on how you played the game.

The military+academy combo gave a pretty strong. The Gardens war especially was epic.

Magic just became fucking useless, players would just spam attacks and summons.

Take your elitist opinion back to /v/.

>the only one who realizes how fucking retarded everyone else is
This too. Everyone is stuck on his "whatever" stance when he's just a kid who's being shoved in too many things he doesn't want.

>implying we didn't want Rinoa as a girlfriend back then

The junction system is just another strategy: "who's gonna get what summons and what magic to raise up what stats?"

I too enjoyed it more than FFVII. It seems like FFVII is still "slow" and spends too much time staring the grace of its own shit. No offense, it was my first JRPG, but it just feels like it WANTS to go for the feeling and does everything in its power to enforce it.

>> No.815150

>Still, the premise of the lone wolf who discoveres love, a time paradox, and a persecuted witch becoming a dictator is great. It's just the execution that sucked.

I felt this was the greatest problem with it. The concept and ideas are there, but the execution is flawed due to the writing of the development team.

The love story itself is not that bad when you pick apart the character's personalities. Squall is a lone wolf who shells himself from human contact due to his abandonment issues. Rinoa is an extravagant girl that compensates her insecurities by trying to connect with people. They are perfect for each other; her persistence is allows Squall to regain faith and trust on others after he shares with her what holds him back, and she finds the strength to grow and mature into a better person by trying to learn from Squall's determination and confidence.

Ultimecia is another issue I had with in the game. I think she is my favourite villain and antagonist in the franchise, mostly because her motivations make a lot of sense given the information we have access to. Unfortunately, none of this is laid out to the player in a proper manner, leaving a lot of people confused. I also like a lot how much of her tragic past (and future) ties so thematically with destiny and fate, the main driving force of game. The way the pieces fit is magical.

There are a lot of other ideas, such as the consequences of war in the next generation of children, the transformation of society into gradual militaristic states and more issues which definitely give Final Fantasy VIII a good degree of discussion.

Final Fantasy VIII is a great game. But not everyone can appreciate it due to its bad presentation. The complains are legit, and I think that's why the fanbase has come to accept the polarizing opinions regarding it.

>> No.815158
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I like it for the nostalgia and music mostly, the story and characters are not that bad either. The gameplay and battles were tiresome and I tried avoiding them as much as possible, most of the battling consisted of draw anyways.

>> No.815192

Draw system and junction weren't so bad but it had one flaw - NO ONE HAS EVER USED ATTACKING MAGIC IN BATTLES

1. It was kinda weak(I only used buffs like aura, curaga etc.)
2. You had to draw the magic which You used once more.

It would be better if they made something like "You collected 100 Firagas, now you have infinite firagas".


>> No.815208

I liked it back in the day. FFVIII did some things really well and some things terribly.
The worldbuilding/atmosphere, soundtrack, and graphics were great, and the story had some memorable parts (the dollet mission was fucking awesome, the garden fight was great, etc). The card game was addicting but nowadays I actually prefer Tetra Master.

The junction system is much too easily broken, and the way it discourages magic is a bad idea. The FITHOS LUSwhatever is cool and all, but the fake-latin stuff is unnecessary and dumb. Drawing is tedious and card mod is overpowered. The level-up system was terrible, since the game is obscenely easy and you can't even restrict you level to make it harder. The 'salary' thing interesting but not well implemented, since money isn't important. The love story is absolutely terrible. The orphanage thing, time kompression, etc. are idiotic.

>What really kills it for me is the characters, I cannot stand anyone in this game outside of Squall, who I really only like because he seems to be the only one who realizes how fucking retarded everyone else is. I think I might be taking the game more seriously than it takes itself, but the whole thing felt like a big fucking joke, characters acting like total idiots at incredibly inappropriate times, it's like a goddamn cartoon.
This. Those retards pissed me off, and it was nice that someone else shared my sentiment. Although I still liked Laguna, moron or not.

>> No.815281
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OK, so what I noticed from reading this thread is that most people that love FFVIII hate FFIX.

Why could that be?

>> No.815321

The draw system was annoying as hell and the big twist where it turns out the all grew up together is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. However the world pretty cool and there where some interesting, if poorly executed, game mechanics

>> No.815348


Straight up? Disregarding everything else about both games, FFVIII load times are leagues faster than FFIX's. FFIX's load times and battle system crawls at a snail's pace. It's so damn slow I fell asleep playing the game over a dozen times. Summon animations are obviously longer in FFVIII, but that's what boost is for.

>> No.815380


Because they're almost polar opposites

>Gameplay was very flexible, being able to teach GF lots of stuff and equip them to any character
>This makes characters copycats of each other outside of Limit Breaks and weapons (all of which might as well be the same other than the Gunblade)
>It reversed the classic elements of the franchise, including very few medieval fantasy-like locations and focusing on modern/futuristic locations
>Character look realistic but act like caricatures with improper development
>Great card minigame, shit chocobo minigame

>Rigid, less varied gameplay with an inferior Limit Break mechanic, focusing in many common passive abilities and a limited set of commands, but still varied enough to provide different forms of gameplay other than RENZOKUKEN RENZOKUKEN RENZOKUKEN
>This makes every character unique, giving more importance and impact to your personal choices
>Homage to classic FF games, lots of medieval/pseudo-medieval locations with only a few futuristic ones, each one with its unique atmosphere
>Characters look cartoony, but in return we get a more solid, fleshed out story (with its ups and downs) and (while a bit limited) brilliant character development overall
>Inferior card minigame, best chocobo minigame

>> No.817871

if i wasnt absolutely determined to never have children, id abort every try until i got a girl... id name her quistis.

>> No.817886

the only problem with the game for me was the twist where all the characters were from the orphanage
everything else in the story was cool
i loved the junction system

>> No.817904

To this day I can't get how what a shitty a character designer Tetsuya Nomura is.

>> No.817932

I don't enjoy the gameplay of most Final Fantasy games. The battles are nice when they involve a little bit of strategy, but it's boring to wander around the world map, fighting easy enemies where pushing 'X' the whole time is enough to defeat them.

Seriously, random battles could have been made more fun. Just make them appear less and let them involve more strategy, and in return more EXP.

>> No.817936


Dont they all just "forget" ?

Story to 8 was full of retarded shit

>> No.817942

>the only problem with the game for me was the twist where all the characters were from the orphanage

Except it wasn't a twist. It's told and hinted at throughout the game multiples that GF make you lose memory because that's where they're stored in the brain. It's even said on Squall's classroom computer which is literaly the first thing you can and have to use in the game.

The only twist is that Irvine remembered.

>> No.817965

IX went out of it's way to be trite in order to snare people who were disillusioned with the changes of the last two games by over-correcting the direction of the series, and it succeeded fantastically in being more nondescript and lacking of creativity than anything since the NES games. Everything in the plot, setting and gameplay was stale by design.

Also, concerning the plot, the "imperialistic kingdom manipulated into spearheading a War of the Worlds scheme" and "omnipotent super-soldier gone astray and plots the end of mankind" plot-arcs were pretty much recycled from IV and VII. Apart from the boring Disney(ish) high-fantasy schlock and art-design, it didn't do much for my enjoyment of the game when basically nothing in the story surprised me.

>> No.817981

"You're-going-to-like-me. You're-going-to-like-me."
If that was what they intended from the beginning that's fucking genius

>> No.817985

If they're going to abuse something as tired as amnesia they could have at least spent it toward a revelation that wasn't both a) retarded b) largely inconsequential to the rest of the plot. And all it hinted at was the narrative device itself. There's a large leap in deductive logic from "GFs cause memory loss" to "all these people we joined up with in the course of the game were really our childhood friends and we all forgot".

>> No.817997

>to be fair FF6 esper system was almost as fucking annoying

>> No.817998

I just imagine Louis CK saying that stuff to mock FFVIII in his typical mock-whine.

>UUUUUUUUUUHhhhhhhhhhh. I'm a whiny cunt with a face scar.

Imagine Louis CK doing that. If you don't at least smirk to yourself, I'll eat my hat. I don't have a hat, so I won't be eating anything, but you get the idea.

>> No.818023

Pretty much this. My problem with IX steams from the fact that the game reeks unoriginality from every ooze. If I wanted to play the same thing again, I'd pick up the SNES games.

Also the character development is pretty awful. Forced and predictable. It's literally shoved down our throats abruptly with little to no build up. The only character that I felt that was interesting (and one of my personal favourites) was Vivi with his existential issues.

Final Fantasy VIII might be an experimental title with a lot of design flaws, but it offers far more than IX. Everything in IX is recycled from every other game.

>> No.818028


And that Squall also remembered.