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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 122 KB, 1600x1200, King's Quest V (1990) 4x3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8092148 No.8092148 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think Sierra are most responsible for the adventure game crash of the late 90s?
I ask this after playing King's Quest V - Sierra's first foray into point 'n' click games with a whopping 22 Dead Ends possible.
Also, why do most people blame moon logic for the crash rather than dead ends (a.k.a. unwinnable states)? Sure, throwing a custard pie at a yeti is retarded, but not even having a pie to throw because you fed it to a starving bird is far worse.
Last, how can you tell if an adventure game is worth checking out? Most of them barely innovate, Do you base it on setting, graphics, company reputation, writer/director reputation?
What's your favourite and why?

>> No.8092159

>Last, how can you tell if an adventure game is worth checking out? Most of them barely innovate, Do you base it on setting, graphics, company reputation, writer/director reputation?

Contemporary reviews played an important role here. Sierra games sold the most, but Lucasarts games fared better in reviews because they had no dead-ends and could be completed without guides/hotlines.

Sometimes, however, British magazines were too generous to adventure games with pretty graphics and turds like Full Throttle would get glowing reviews.

>> No.8092181

modern fps/wrpg effectively started doing the same job

>> No.8092361

>turds like Full Throttle
Get tae fuck

>> No.8092362

>adventure game crash of the late 90s
Adventure games were PC coping until they finally got something worthwhile like Doom and Voodoo2. They died because there were better things to play.

>> No.8092435

It was a fizzle more than a crash, and reaponsibility was the genre's as a whole, but also external: its strenghts (cinematic elements, sophisticated storyteling and interaction) were becoming more common in other less niche genres, and its weaknesses (obtuse and inflexible design) were preventing audience growth.

>> No.8092497
File: 32 KB, 640x400, mi1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lucasarts adventure games are all great.

>> No.8092523
File: 178 KB, 881x1080, inb4-pleb-filter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*are they* though

>> No.8094149

Full throttle was based.

>> No.8094181
File: 158 KB, 775x1235, colonels bequest fingerprints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i loved sierra games so much. havent researched enough to get them to work on win 10

>> No.8094185

No there was just a shift towards puzzle that made sense and latter a shift to no puzzles once multiplayer became the focus on PC.
Scummvm runs most of them now, it's easy as pie.

>> No.8094198

Anyone reccomend any talkies to watch on youtube? Watched Beneath a steel sky, star trek next gen one, harvester, Indiana jones fate of atlantis but want to watch more.

>> No.8094249


>> No.8094270

Both of the original Star Trek games, they're voiced by the cast of the show.

>> No.8096473

Hell yeah they are. Zak's tabloid quips are dangerously based.

>> No.8096484

Hooo! Is that a new thread, Graham? The hiddenaloo!

>> No.8098540

ScummVM is not hard to set up, you need a basic knowledge of DOS commands. It's all in the documentation.
Unless there's a GOG release, in which case you just click the shortcut.

>> No.8098549

The concept is pretty great. Problem is mostly the inconsistent detail of the locations and the lack of dialogue, not to mention the ridiculously obtuse nature of the puzzles.

>> No.8098552

You might be be confusing ScummVM with DOSBox

>> No.8098561
File: 7 KB, 225x225, george.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck you on about man, you don't need to know dos commands for ScummVM at all.

>> No.8098582
File: 129 KB, 800x877, 105265-the-legend-of-kyrandia-book-3-malcolm-s-revenge-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has moon logic AND unwinnable states
not to mention the bizarro-magical setting it has which aggravates the former.

>> No.8098584

Do zoomers really do this?

>> No.8098594


>> No.8098598
File: 30 KB, 320x200, hand-of-fate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea always intrigued me, but the horrible prerendered backgrounds totally put me off. It's a shame given how awesome the previous two games look

>> No.8098675

Even up to KQ7 shit was hype. The race into 3d killed adventure games

>> No.8098701
File: 58 KB, 1280x880, kq6_lordofdead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up Roberta. You know the only KQ entry worth shit was all thanks to Jane Jensen's direction

>> No.8099170

My adventure game would be humorous and light to medium on the puzzles. Nothing killing you instantly or whatever, maybe once as a jab at serria bullshit

>> No.8099715

soundtrack tho

>> No.8099753

Sierra power rankings

1. The Coles
2. Christy Marx
3. Jane Jensen
4. Al Lowe
5. Josh Mandel
6. Roberta Williams
7. Two Guys From Andromeda

>> No.8099767

>Christy Marx
Sounds like a pornstar.

>> No.8099932

Christy Marx has had an impressive career. She is better known for comic books and television than videogames.