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8092124 No.8092124 [Reply] [Original]

Easiest way to mod an original Xbox so I can play installed games? I have a USB reader that fits in the controller port, is there an easy softmod?

I want to play a few of the Japanese games mostly.

>> No.8092129

softmod it through one of the few savegames exploit, you need a legit version of one of the games and of course the corrosponding hacked save

>> No.8092139

is there an easy tutorial for this? I keep looking online and I dont' see anything that really easily explains it or explains how to load games onto it after it's softmodded

>> No.8092154

Yes, it's reddit I don't want to hear it. This wiki is the best we have. Actually it's pretty good.

>> No.8092160


>> No.8092162

That's fine, I guess I'll try this with mechassault at some point today

>> No.8092179
File: 2.43 MB, 2592x1944, N69heCT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's quite easy to mod the OG, you just need to harvest the wires from an old round IDE cable for that small connection.

>> No.8092321

While we're here, do you HAVE to hardmod the Xbox in order to use the HDMI mod?

>> No.8092335

I just buy these already done from eBay. My time is worth more than the cost.

>> No.8092367


>> No.8092410

You buy multiple modded xboxes?

>> No.8092463

What's the hardmod interest these days? I might buy some units, mod them and do the clock cap replacement. I sold my modded Xbox in 2009 or thereabouts and lost track in the scene.

>> No.8092465

Tony Hawk 4 works with all versions of the game, so it’s typically the easiest for the soft mod.

Back up your nand and transfer it to your computer.

>> No.8092467

Every few years I upgrade. There are usually dashboard developments, patches, new hardware improvements etc.

>> No.8092473

Rocky5 softmod.
THPS4 save exploit didn't work for me, had to use Splinter Cell.
Then null your hdd key and backup the EEPROM
Once all that's done buy a 100-200GB IDE drive and swap it in using Chimp.
Plenty of tutorials online for each step.

>> No.8092502

I used Agent Under Fire to do my Xbox and a friend's.

>> No.8093046

This was already too much for me. Lost me. I'm a brainlet with modding anything

>> No.8093110

Literally just watch a youtube tutorial and do the exact same shit. Thats what i did, its impossible to fuck it up

>> No.8093157

oh ok, interesting. I'm unfamiliar with the subject so I was wondering.

>> No.8093201

Nulling your HDD key will make things easier, but I think that will prevent you from using that Xbox Live private server that’s supposed to be open to the public some time soon.

>> No.8093220

>hey guys how do I mod my Xbox
>no not like that!
I don't know why people think its so hard to mod consoles when there are videos and guides all over the net.

>> No.8093240

You buy a new xbox to update your dashboard? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.8093257

>null HDD key
This is an over-recommended precaution. People that know how to replace a dead HDD will know how to do so with the key nulled or not.


>> No.8093284

Plus once the Insignia network goes online you can't use nulled HDD keys on the network.

>> No.8093315

Every four years I pay $150-300 for a new console
Every one I buy is an upgrade in some way. New HDD, dash upgrades, patched games, updated emulators and game compatibility
I never have to torrent iso sets or watch shitty YouTube guides on how to mod a console
The question is not what is wrong with me but what is wrong with you

>> No.8093325

Holy fucking waste of money. That's all shit you can do very easily for free.

>> No.8093326

Why are you so scared to do it yourself?

>> No.8093329

I told you though. My time is worth more than the money. I don’t want to spend any spare time thinking about or actually modding an Xbox. Downloading tens of thousands of Roms and isos. Sourcing the parts, Implementing the mod, troubleshooting. What a tedious waste of time. Plug and play my friend. Plug and play

>> No.8093334

Do you ever pay someone to prepare and/or deliver food to you. Are you scared to cook? I have nothing to be scared about since I have spent 0 seconds of my life trying to do it myself

>> No.8093335

>my time is worth more than money
>posts on 4channel

>> No.8093345

Okay you win

>> No.8093351

More money than sense or balls but you do you, man.

>> No.8093362

lol BTFO

>> No.8093397

Sourcing the ISOS would be the hardest part, not many online compared to GC, Wii, PS2, PS1 and other systems.

>> No.8093407

Archive org has almost every ntsc release already set up for hdd

>> No.8093471

you can buy the pack online already done and they send the game for it to.

>> No.8093503

Are more involved hardware mods worth it? Like ram and cpu?
Is there a good psu replacement for it? I want something more efficient because my xbox makes my powerbill so high

>> No.8093508

Will a softmodded xbox let me stick an original game disc in and let me copy it right to the hard drive without needing to go use a pc to copy the files? Ive got a big game collection and will be a cooomlector for life for it, but i really like the convenience on ps2 with the freemcboot stuff and letting me stick a disc in my system and it just copying to the hd and i want any system with softmods like that.

>> No.8093516


>> No.8093634

So I'm supposed to recap the entire original xbox and remove the clock battery if I get one? What a pain in the fucking ass. I'll stick to my super nintendo

>> No.8093670

i remember a friend of mine had a modded xbox when xboxs were still retail consoles. this dude had enough space for like 50 or 60 games ? entire xbox games on top of the emulated stuff.

he seriously just would go to block buster rent like 5 games and just copy em all to his xbox then return em a day or two later.

>> No.8093764

Recapping can be really hard if you don't do it right from the get go, you need the right tools and know how to use them, practicing on dead motherboards is mandatory, it's not as easy as you see on youtube.
SNES caps go bad too.

>> No.8093767

but why is the recap so mandatory? This is really awful

>> No.8093780

>Like ram and cpu?
Not really unless you're using it as an emulation and/or media machine. The RAM upgrade would let you use it as a bootleg devkit, though.
Also, CPU mods are effectively impossible for normal people to do.

It's not mandatory (yet). Almost every console or electronic device will need the capacitors replaced eventually. My Laseractive PACs badly needed it.

>> No.8093786

Through-hole soldering isn't that hard dude.

>> No.8093813

I was only able to do it right when I got ASM 559, no damage to anything, ultra clean even the caps didn't heat up and came out in a second or two.
Now I have to look to solder braid by chemtronics so I can clear the through holes. It pays off if you start from the best tools from the get go, less messing around and wondering if it's you or the tools that aren't working.

>> No.8093826

People say the first thing you should do with an xbox is replace the caps.
They say it's a ticking time bomb. It's gonna burst and battery acid will fry my entire thing.

>> No.8093829

I kind of want to upgrade the RAM for chihiro shit. Is that impossible to do? I have no idea where to even get the ram

>> No.8093838

just pick up a 1.6 board. no recapping, no clock capacitor removal. just softmod and go

>> No.8093842

People even replaced the CPU along with the RAM.

>> No.8093845

That is for the clock capacitor specifically. It notorious for leaking and corroding traces so that the power button doesn't work anymore. The system is usually not salvageable after that. Just take it out, you don't even have to replace it unlike with the other caps.

>> No.8093846

This is disinformation. It only applies to one singular capacitor, and only to models lower than 1.6.

>> No.8093861

the hard drive hotswap was the easiest method for me, might be hard now though since the equipment needed is dated

>> No.8093864

nulling my hdd key made converting the ninja gaiden hurricane pak saves not possible
i have another modded xbox just for that game

>> No.8093889

Wait so I just have to desolder the clock cap and I'll be fine?
I have an old xbox. It was hard modded some time in 2006 or something
Everything else is original and untouched.
I'm not sure how long the drive has in it. Or the psu. Or the disc drive.

>> No.8093918

I could pay someone to wipe my ass, but its pretty fucking simple that you'd be retarded to do it.

>> No.8093921

See here:

>> No.8093930

You don't even have to desolder the damned thing. Just wiggle it carefully until it breaks off. Done. If it already started leaking, clean the are throroughly with isopropyl.

>> No.8093935

Should I do this before even powering in the console ? Am I gonna die?

>> No.8093941

I will NEVER mod a console
I will NEVER torrent an iso
I will continue overpaying someone on eBay to do it for me
I will buy new machines constantly just for minor upgrades
I will NEVER spend time practicing replacing clock capacitors on dead motherboards
I will continue buying xboxes to plug and play with no thought or effort and I WILL get high scores on snoopy for game and watch while you are troubleshooting your mod

>> No.8093946

I don't quite understand the question but please don't do it while the console is plugged in or running. Also avoid touching the contacts of any capacitors which shouldn't be hard to do. Use some insulated pliers if you're scared. Also don't touch the PSU, thank you.

>> No.8093952

Why can't I touch the psu?
I'm picking up this console and it hasn't been powered on in over a decade. Should I just immediately rip out the clock cap without testing the console
Is there a lithium battery to take out too?
Is there a replacement psu? Or hard drive or disc drive?

>> No.8093964

you sound like the kind of retard that'd stick a fork into the electrical socket because someone on reddit dared you to
gain some common sense before you even THINK of opening a single electronic device

>> No.8093969 [DELETED] 

>Why can't I touch the psu?
Because I said so.

>I'm picking up this console and it hasn't been powered on in over a decade.
Then it's okay to pee on and lick the PSU. In that order.

>Should I just immediately rip out the clock cap without testing the console

Is there a lithium battery to take out too?
>Not if you didn't put it in there

Is there a replacement psu? Or hard drive or disc drive?
>Dude, I'm on the phone with the IRS okay? And there's jam on my shirt. This is serious.

>> No.8093976

Why won't you help a brother out

>> No.8093980

>People that know how to replace a dead HDD will know how to do so with the key nulled or not.

Yes and no. Rebuilding a HDD from scratch is much more time consuming and potentially much more difficult that just copying a Nulled drive and slapping it in there.

You can also build a key reader quite cheaply which can null the key for you but that's only really necessary if your drive dies before you can copy it.

>> No.8093984

How do I null my key?

>> No.8093995

Why would anyone null their key and how do I avoid nulling my key

>> No.8094009 [DELETED] 


>8. After you have softmodded the Xbox, you must now null the HDD key (DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP). This will change the Xbox's unique thirty-two digit HDD key to 11111111111111111111111111111111 (thirty-two ones). This way you will always know what your HDD key is and it will make it much easier to rescue the Xbox from HDD failure in the future, as all you would need to do so is another Xbox that has also had its HDD key nulled. To null your Xbox's HDD key, launch NKPatcher Settings from the Applications menu and then go to EEPROM > Advanced Features > Hard Drive > Null Key.

>If you softmodded with an installer other than Rocky5's Xbox Softmodding Tool, make sure you upgrade to the Xbox Softmodding Tool before you null your HDD key, otherwise you may end up getting error code 06, due to older softmods using a virtual EEPROM.

>If, for some reason, you don't null your HDD key, then at the very least copy your EEPROM backup (located in the E:\Backups folder) to your PC and preferably to some form of cloud storage as well, as it can also be used to rescue your Xbox.

If, for some reason, you don't null your HDD key, then at the very least copy your EEPROM backup (located in the E:\Backups folder) to your PC and preferably to some form of cloud storage as well, as it can also be used to rescue your Xbox.

>> No.8094012

I'm still not clear. So you need to null your key to replace the drive?
Why can't I just find the key of my actual xbox

>> No.8094017 [DELETED] 


>8. After you have softmodded the Xbox, you must now null the HDD key (DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP). This will change the Xbox's unique thirty-two digit HDD key to 11111111111111111111111111111111 (thirty-two ones). This way you will always know what your HDD key is and it will make it much easier to rescue the Xbox from HDD failure in the future, as all you would need to do so is another Xbox that has also had its HDD key nulled. To null your Xbox's HDD key, launch NKPatcher Settings from the Applications menu and then go to EEPROM > Advanced Features > Hard Drive > Null Key.

>If you softmodded with an installer other than Rocky5's Xbox Softmodding Tool, make sure you upgrade to the Xbox Softmodding Tool before you null your HDD key, otherwise you may end up getting error code 06, due to older softmods using a virtual EEPROM.

>If, for some reason, you don't null your HDD key, then at the very least copy your EEPROM backup (located in the E:\Backups folder) to your PC and preferably to some form of cloud storage as well, as it can also be used to rescue your Xbox.


>> No.8094023 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, you replied barely 30 seconds after I posted. Use your head and think about what you read.

>> No.8094024

So this only matters for soft mods? I don't understand
If I don't null my key then I can't recover data?
But I thought nulling your key was bad

>> No.8094031

You're not being clear. Is this for replacing drives? Is it only for soft mods? Is it only for data recovery?
What is stopping me from using an ssd in my xbox

That other guy said you shouldn't null your key. So what's the alternative? I don't have a PC

>> No.8094032 [DELETED] 

What part of "DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP" went over your head exactly?

>> No.8094039

The part where I'm not softmodding my xbox and it's not explained WHY I want to do any of this

>> No.8094046

Does an original xbox need a hard drive or can you modify it to work without

>> No.8094048

just get tony hawk 4

>> No.8094081

The original Xbox comes with a hard drive built-in, but it's relatively small (about 10GB). One of the main advantages of modding is to be able to upgrade the hard drive.

>> No.8094094

Yeah but can I just go without and only use dvds? Or burned dvds even

>> No.8094101

The hard drive is required. Also, why wouldn't you want one?

>> No.8094102

Stop replying to this troll, idiot. Don't you know nothing?

>> No.8094110

Because all this hard drive stuff seems like a massive pain in the ass. That's the impression I get. So in the event that mine fails I'll just go without
I'm not trolling. I'm being genuine here.

>> No.8094187

It's specifically to make an xbox easier to fix when its HDD fails. An Xbox needs a working HDD to work at all. This is only a helpful step for softmodded systems, as hardmodded systems can work with any (unlocked) HDD.

>with a nulled key
You know your HDD key is all 1's, so you can take a HDD locked with the same key and use it to fix your xbox.

>without a nulled key
If you have your EEPROM backed up, you can extract the key from that and build a new HDD with it. If you don't, you could use an EEPROM reader to fix it.
My preferred method to fix a stock/softmodded Xbox with a bad HDD is to just install a cheap mod chip (Aladdin) and put in a fresh new hard drive and use a boot disc to set up the partitions and dashboard.

>> No.8094191 [DELETED] 

Oh so if I'm hard modded then I can just drop in new drives no problem ? Alright thank you.

>> No.8094195

Even a hard modded xbox needs a working hdd? That seems like such a limitation compared to DC and ps2

>> No.8094203

It's able to do a lot more because of its utilization of the HDD, so it's nothing to complain about.

>> No.8094208

It might sound like a weakness of the console but honestly the Xbox's HDD is probably the single most reliable component inside any 6th gen console. You're more likely to find a PS2 or DC with a bad laser than you are to find an Xbox with a fried HDD.

>> No.8094246

I've personally upgraded the ram in my og xbox and used chips pulled off a dead board. It's not an easy mod and for someone with no prior soldering experience I don't recommend doing it yourself.
You will need a lot of flux, a rework station, a magnifying glass and a steady hand.
Another point that i don't think has been mentioned is that when upgrading the HDD to a sata drive you will need to switch out the stock 40 wire Ide cable with a 80 wire otherwise you will encounter problems. That's of course if you decide to use a sata drive.

>> No.8094252

I've soldered but never anything that major on a board
Is having someone else do it an option
I don't have a rework station

>> No.8094347

I know that in the past modshops offered the service of upgrading the ram when doing softmod/hardmods for customers, but these days i think you might have trouble sourcing the chips themselves rather than someone willing to do the mod. Probably depends on where you live too. I live in Aus and have never seen such service advertised, at least not for a very long time.
I think most people who have the skills to do the mod just sell upgraded xbox units on eBay these days because it's easier and they probably make more money in doing so.
You might need to ask around on dedicated forums for the xbox if you want your specific console upgraded.

>> No.8094494

So I gotta do it myself? Alright if I fry it it's on you. What's your number so I can hold you accountable

>> No.8094947

Can you make CFW menus look just like the original menus the same way FMCB is basically identical to the PS2's menu?

I've been thinking about hacking my Xbox but I aint doing it if it gets rid of the green matrix UI.

>> No.8095154

The HDD is great tho, even the stock HDD lets you save all of your game data without the need of a Memory Card, rip music CD's so you can use custom soundtracks, install emulators, and maybe one or two small Xbox games on it, the games will run with zero problems and even much better than when you play them from a disc.

>> No.8095160

Original xbox has no jrpgs.. this sucks!

>> No.8095165

>no autistic time sink friendship simulators
oh the agony

>> No.8095168

I have no friends and an abundance of time. I just want jrpg...

>> No.8095251

Got a modded Xbox. If I try to play a lightgun game through an emulator and use either the MadCatz or Silent Scope gun will it work

>> No.8095259
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>> No.8095393
File: 12 KB, 310x163, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Original xbox has no jrpgs.
Correct meanwhist has amazing racers, sports, rail shooters and everything else... its a chad console.

>> No.8095412

yeah but none of those things will eat up the months of my life i want to be gone

>> No.8095506

it isnt, most babies here keep falling for the meme, only replace caps when something is wrong with your system and the caps ARE at fault

>> No.8096008


>> No.8096296

why do you hate your life

>> No.8096327

I have two Xbox's with Executor 2 chips in them.

>> No.8096345

Anybody here remember D0?

>> No.8096421

Wrong, if the caps go bad it can ruin other caps that are in the same circuit or worse if they leak and you don't notice because the system is still working it can ruin the PCB for good.

>> No.8096443

Cap leakage is nothing compared to battery leakage. Stop being a baby. Take a q-tip with vinegar. Wipe the spot. Take another q-tip wipe that same spot with alcohol. Done. Change your diaper.

>> No.8096450

Guarantee people like you would take one look at something with battery leakage and just throw what ever it is right into the trash.

>> No.8096456

No, smartass, Jap imports don't count.

>> No.8096471

Yes. I remember. I modded 3 xboxes back in the day and it was painful to find that first time.

>> No.8096846
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This is in English. It had a full localization, but got shelved before an official release. The English version leaked a long-ass time ago.

>> No.8097151

>american logic

>> No.8097164

Are there replacement lasers readily available for the Xbox?

>> No.8097169

No but there are replacement hard drives readily available.

>> No.8097234
File: 959 KB, 3024x3024, xbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me, they should've produced more units looking like this!

>> No.8097243

What is that?

>> No.8097261
File: 143 KB, 1555x811, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Limited launch edition exclusive to Japan called "Smoke Skeleton". So they're probably all v1.0. I want that shell.

>> No.8097506

>300 on ebay


>> No.8098132

Unironicaly, if you want to learn how to solder/desolder shit without harming your original tech, go out and fine some CRTs being thrown out and give em a fix up/RGB modification. You get practice without the fear of fucking up something of personal value and you get an RGB set out of it you could use or sell.

>> No.8098521

>newbies modding CRTs
do you want to kill people?
that's how you kill people.

>> No.8098604

Is that an ac unit in your window? Studio apartment?

>> No.8098623

Why would you got after CRTs? There's tons of trashed motherboards with bad chips that are unfixable (within reason and effort) to practice and you get a ton of components to desolder and solder.

>> No.8098642

How the fuck would I know? Not my picture. What's going on here? Are you being a jealous little bitch over an Xbox?

>> No.8098646

leave him the fuck alone you cunt let him have nice things

>> No.8098648

or just go on ebay and buy some soldering kits like a calculator or clock and then built and take it apart for practice.

>> No.8098657

Cause you find tvs being thrown out all the time and are just going to go into a dump anyway. I rarely ever see computer parts being thrown out, unless you are talking just random stereo equipment or some shit. Im just thinking in terms of a project you could actually benefit from in the end besides learning from and are readily available.
Ok, obviously discharge them first, but that requires no soldering skill and even a brainlet should be able to figure that out with a quick guide.

>> No.8098663

>you find tvs being thrown out all the time
maybe in 2010

>> No.8098665

He probably saw that I took the picture from Reddit and thought to himself: "A redditor posting on my 4chan?! Can't have that." I knew this would happen. You guys are so predictable. It's hilarious... and also a little sad.

Anyway, disclaimer for all: Not my Xbox, I was just googling the thing and the best pic happened to be from a Reddit post, you mom has a 10" dong and is actually your dad and no, we don't have window AC units here in German, we have oil-fired heating systems for the winter and shit, suck by balls.

>> No.8098672

I live in a 4300 ft2 house with 2 cars and a fucking walnut tree in the backyard, bitch.

>> No.8098674


yeah this guys afucking loser>>8098604

>> No.8098709
File: 197 KB, 1600x1066, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a complete-in-box listing on eBay. Comes with this dog tag. Apparently 50000 were made. There are actually quite of few listed but shipping one from Japan is like 100 bucks. It looks so good though.

>> No.8098715

did the japanese like the xbox at all?
are there any old pictures of japaneses playing xbox? did the xbox inspire anyone?
dont see why they would get it over the ps2 there

>> No.8098730

The listing states that included in the box comes "1 x Hi definition AV adapter & cable" and now I'm wondering if it's actually the "Xbox High Definition AV Pack" with component and optical out. Never heard of those things being a pack-in with the console. That's a killer launch edition right there if oyu ask me.

I think it's fair to assume that if you buy an Xbox from Japan it has seen fairly little use over the years. Sure there are a few fans and you find COD players from Japan in Xbox Live and stuff but they're not many. Usually the release of a big JRPG would boos sales for a month or two then it would die down significantly again. Back of the line.

>> No.8098731

why didnt you make jrpgs for the xbox? i really want jrpg. i wish they had gotten square. i wish they had dreamcast backwards compatibility

>> No.8098737

i live in a fairly small city and ive found 3 this week alone and have a garage and basement filled with em. I guess if ur out in the sticks it could be an issue.

>> No.8098743

There are a couple quirky games we never got, an exclusive action game, not even really many JRPGs, I think single digits at most globaly for them and I seen people back in the day call it a shmup machine over there, but really I think the PS2 has more. Theres a couple visual novels but even those are not many. I think it was just fucked to begin with over there.

>> No.8098750

I have been playing a Japan exclusive flight sim on my modded Xbox. Can’t work out how to take off though

>> No.8098752

I am in the city asshole

>> No.8098758

Whats the best Xbox 360 model to get? Im not really looking into playing OG Xbox games just stuff that's exclusive to the 360 like DOA4, Blue Dragon and other random shit.

>> No.8098803


>> No.8098807

Not retro. But everything after and including the Jasper revision motherboard should be safe from RROD. Though the original console designs are louder, imo annoyingly so. So I would say get a slim model. They look nice too. The Slim E or whatever it's called that they released after the Xbox One was out and that looks kind of like it's successor a little bit, is a cheapened version that cuts down on rear IO connectivity. I would avoid it for that reason alone. Historically that should be the most power efficient revision however.

>> No.8098808

If you know your way around a motherboard then console PCBs are going to be very easy, lead free solder is a bitch.

>> No.8098810

Lead fumes are no joke:

>> No.8099489

Wasn't painful for me to find, but since I didn't understand the importance of flux yet it was painful for to get the wire to stick to it. I did two in highschool.
Thus it made me appreciate good quality solder.

>> No.8099494

Remember that the 360 emulates OG Xbox games.
Anyway, the S is best. It has the most features and is reliable.

>> No.8099519
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>all this talk of softmodding
Learn 2 solder and flash the bios

>> No.8099553
File: 907 KB, 3024x4032, 1620314666736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've saved a lot of clock capacitor gore to remind people that they need to be removed

>> No.8099564

Damn, worst I've seen.

>> No.8099576

Sad :(

>> No.8099581

the patch server for original xbox on 360 has been down for about a year now, no signs microsoft plans to restore it. So if you want to play original xbox games you should only use an original xbox.

>> No.8099657

>neither the model nor the photographer nor any people standing by were noticing the obvious mistake

>> No.8099702

Kronos > Jasper > Trinity
Late Slims and Es are dying like crazy since 2019, turned out they have serious XCGPU and southbridge issues

>> No.8100246

Can I please have my fucking Leaded Solder back. Change your panties.

>> No.8100250

Wow, Xbox 360's are fucking cursed.

>> No.8100460

You're kidding, right? Jesus. *laughs in Japser*

>> No.8102849


>> No.8102898
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corona and Winchester 360s are cheaply made piece of shits, most of the time you can't even fix them. Of course its nowhere near as bad as the RROD epidemic, but I wish ecelebs would stop lying to people about how it was the Slim that fixed the RROD