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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 21 KB, 500x250, spyro-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8091680 No.8091680 [Reply] [Original]

Although I love the Reignited trilogy, the original just seemed better. In a few ways I can list, they just seem to have gotten rid of the "attitude" Spyro used to have and made him more like a child. Back then, all the console platformer mascots has attitude, and it was hip to be radical. Nowadays, everyone wants cuteness mainstreamed to deal with the awful crap people face IRL. So in Reignited he's more like a child instead of a teenager. I also think the Reignited style looks more like a Pixar or Dreamworks film than the style of the original, which resembled Looney Tunes in style.

>> No.8091760

why do you even love the remakes?

>> No.8091778
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>> No.8091802

Which one is supposed to be soulless?

>> No.8091815
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>> No.8091842

I gotta say, I miss the original skyboxes. They were like beautiful paintings which mixed well with the simplistic landscapes, making a Looney Tunes like environment.

>> No.8091860

I'll never forgive them for the flossing skeleton with airhorns

>> No.8091905

I enjoyed the remake of the first game. The worlds look pretty good on their own and I found myself looking forward to seeing all the unique designs they gave the dragons each time I found one, it made it feel pretty rewarding to watch their cutscenes.

Just like the Crash remakes they definitely put the A-team on 1, the B-team on 3 and then just got some pajeets to do 2 on their spare time or something. All of the shit in the remake is contained pretty perfectly in 2 and 3 and only 2 and 3. I'm pretty happy to play the remake version of 1 but 2 and 3 do just feel worse than the originals for so many little nitpick (or legitimate reasons) that it just gets tiring to list them.

Also as a whole the voice acting in these games is a lot worse than the originals, at least in 2 and 3. Tom Kenny phoned in his lines and nearly every world-unique NPC feels like there was just no voice direction any time they open their mouths. Hunter's voice is the worst. There are still a few characters that actually sound like the actor's gave a damn (Moneybags, Ripto) but overall the redone voices are a steep downgrade.

Same can't be said for the music though, overall I think the new music is pretty good and sounds just about as nice as the originals. I don't know if I would say the new music is outright better than the originals but I played through the trilogy and at no point did I find it necessary to switch to the original music. I would have much rathered an option for the original voice acting than an option for the original music. God damn is the voice acting just bad.

>> No.8091917

D-Did they really...?

>> No.8091919

I'm not fucking around

>> No.8091923

I grew up with the originals and didn't like them all that much, but I enjoyed the remake enough to beat all games as far as possible. There were quite a few times I'd sit and look at the environment and think my kid self would have been incredibly impressed. It's a beautiful game and a lot of care was taken to give it some personality, even though 4chan generally loves to shit on it with buzzwords.

>> No.8091924

The remake of the first game was pretty great. You can tell a majority of the dev time went into it.
Remake of the second game was also pretty good. When it comes to the third game though you could tell that it was given to a cheaper outside dev house to finish it.

>> No.8091971

the one that looks like a generic animation movie

>> No.8092003

The remake looks like shit. Okay so the fidelity is better, but there's far less color, the skyboxes are boring, some of the character designs are atrocious, and it has the cheap plastic look of many low budget Unreal Engine games.

>> No.8092012

The original soundtracks were perfect. The remastered tracks lack the same punch, and a few are just insulting.

>> No.8092029

Jesus what a massive downgrade

>> No.8092084

They did include the option of the original soundtrack if you wanted it in the remakes though. They must've known it was impossible to top Copeland's work.

>> No.8092089

>I have no taste
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8092245

That one's not so great yeah. I still didn't bother changing the soundtracks though.

To me the point of a remake is to see what's different and see whether or not I like what' different. If I just want to listen to the original soundtrack I'd just play the original games.

>> No.8092252
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>> No.8092257


>> No.8092267

>open thread
>post disingenuous countersentiment accompanied by stock wojak reaction image
>close thread

>> No.8092289

They're both just so flawed and awkward. I thoroughly fell out of love with the Spyro series long ago. It's just fifth gen ugly in several ways.

>> No.8092306


>> No.8092734

Good to see that you agree with us

>> No.8092941

I usually hate remasters but the right is pretty cool. Some people will just automatically hate on new stuff by default whether or not it's warranted.

>> No.8093009

Played through them earlier in the year. The soundtracks were butchered, but thankfully there's a menu toggle to seamlessly swap to the originals. Everything else is fine.

>> No.8093161
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only thing i dislike is how the checkpoint fairies shoot a ball at you instead of some neat bolt of electricity with that neat "pew" sound

>> No.8093484
File: 2.93 MB, 942x1080, spyro_leveltransition.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8093509
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Is this a sovl vs soul-less thread that's supposed to be on /v/?

>> No.8093704

So, left?

>> No.8093769

I grew up with the games, and 100%'d them as a kid. And I thought the remakes were perfectly serviceable, just superficial (i.e.: most of the changes are cosmetic).

The animation is hit-or-miss for me. Hit, because this level of detail wasn't possible for animation systems back then, so it's impressive to see them in real-time. Miss, mainly because I don't like this style of animation, since they've grown generic to me in recent years, and you basically see them everywhere. But, like Crash Bandicoot, the originals were trying to mimic Looney Tunes and other popular animations at the time (I at least remember Looney Tunes and Tom & Jerry being popular back then). So it kind of makes sense for the remakes to adopt the more modern styles. It's just, again, a style I'm getting tired of.

>> No.8094642

I definitely think they should aim for a more Looney Tunes type vibe in the future, if the series gets continued. The current shitshow at Activision-Blizzard is not hopeful for fans of Spyro and Crash.

>> No.8094709
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There are really only one or two per game that really miss the mark imo, Twilight Harbor being a standout in shittiness. Honestly I've really enjoyed listening to these combined mixes.


>> No.8096882


>> No.8096945


pants-on-head retarded takes.

>> No.8096982

Zoomers see nothing wrong with over the top special effects. I blame it on Marvel movies.

>> No.8097687
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The original devs were really careful about readability and getting wild with the colors. The remaster devs less so.

>> No.8100397
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>> No.8100405
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>reveal trailer

>> No.8100410
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>> No.8100423
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>> No.8100428
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>pitch from lead concept artist

>> No.8100434
File: 407 KB, 1772x737, Nicola-saviori-biggnorcs_icegnorcs_gnorcsentries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pitch that won

>> No.8100435

I think they did a good job, better than many remasters, with was likely fairly shit resources. I don't know though. I didn't have issues with the originals, and still love them, but I think Toys For Bob obviously tried and it's at least not as shameless as some remasters.

>> No.8100438
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>> No.8100447

hit em high hit em high hit em high hit em high
hit em low hit em low hit em low hit em low

>> No.8100509 [DELETED] 

They tried, but it would have been better if they didn't.

>> No.8100517

They tried, but it would have been better if they didn't. Just port the original to PC.