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8084885 No.8084885 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8084891

Ys 1&2 Complete for Steam/PS2

>> No.8084917

Whichever one looks the most fun. Other than 1->2 the story connections are minimal.
Ys 1 is great but bump combat isn't for everyone.
Any of the games on the Ys 6 engine are fun, with Oath in Felghana being my favorite and Ys Origins being the first chronologically

>> No.8084918

Tyvm friendo.

>> No.8085493

I started with 1&2 on Turbografx CD. It convinced me.

>> No.8085881

playing through them for the first time now
PC engine versions are great, just started 3

>> No.8085890

I got I&II on android cause I thought it would be a good lunch game. Like the game but god I didn't think touch controls would be such a hindrance, literally cannot beat dark fact

>> No.8085895

I played Origins earlier this year.
It was fun, but kinda fucked in ways.

>> No.8085902

btw, say what you will about 3, you can't deny how good the music is, god damn

>> No.8085927

Origins is fucking shit, Jesus Christ. I barely could stand being in this shitty dungeon the entire game and most of the bosses are just "hey remember this guy from I and II? he's back in pog form!".

>> No.8085936

I had the same issue with dark fact on psp, treid each and every lunch break multiple times until i just had to put it down. Then my psp save got corrupted and now i can start all over again.

>> No.8085937

Ys VIII isn't classic Ys or retro, but really really good. Feels like an action RPG metroidvania.

>> No.8085938

That's Falcom kusoge in general. If you aren't interested in bad game design and half-assed references to previous games then Falcom isn't the company for you.

>> No.8085974

Play either Oath in Felghana or VIII, then move onto the other entries (play in release order) if you liked them.

>> No.8085976

1&2 on PCE CD

>> No.8086025

1&2 on TG-16
Just look at one of the best intro of all times, all that needs to convince you
The gameplay seems "dated" in a bad way at first, but I ended up loving it

>> No.8086027

It's the only one I've played.
It was very ok, but also baffling. When you beat the gane on normal with all 3 characters, you unlock easy mode.
I also hated how lazy the campaigns were, I wish it had some more variation between characters.

>> No.8088084

Idk if it's considered retro yet but VII for psp is the best one to start imo

>> No.8088089

i for one consider wanderers da best ys

>> No.8088094

i hate seven lol why would you rec that one
it doesn't play like any of the previous and it's probably the most generic game in the series

>> No.8088107

make sure it's 1&2

VIII is a great game overall, when compared to all games ever. However it's a post 7 game, there's a stark difference between I-VI and 7-X

>> No.8088230

If that's the best the series has to offer, then that's pretty damn sad.
>only 5 levels of equipment you can get, 2-3 of them are sold in the only town in the game
>only 5 levels to explore, if you count the short island segment as another level, and the levels are pretty small, just long hallways with enemies to make them seem longer
>spend more time grinding in the opening room to an area than actually exploring it
>platforming with these goddamn controls
>backtracking in the same 2-3 areas over and over
>plot is thinner than NES RPGs
>but good music and pretty graphics

>> No.8088276
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i'll grant you annoying platforming in the clock tower

>> No.8088292

I have no idea why these fucking idiots rather Wanderers than OiF. The gameplay makes up for the lack of the original soundtrack, it's actually a good game aside from maybe the last level looking like Grandia II Vanos dungeon.

They're pure idiots imo, OiF is so goddamn good. It's like saying play V over O

>> No.8089006
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Just beat III, on to IV

>> No.8091035

I Adol would just SAY SOMETHING, he could tell that he has a GIRLFRIEND back in Esteria. If you don't know who I'm talking about I can point her out to you desuwa.

>> No.8092945


But Dogi isnt a girl, and they left Esteria together!

>> No.8093553

Faalcom has said the games aren't necessarily connected by plot, but are different legends of Adol from different regions that may or may not be entirely truthful. The various plot differences in the remakes are explained away by this being a version of the story someone else told.

>> No.8093570

Oh I wasn't aware, he does have a GF though.
No that's not her, I'll give you a hint, due to Adol's help she was cured of a sickness.

>> No.8094050

I just beat 1 the other day and I started 2. I just made it to the lava area but it feels like so much more of a slog than 1 did. Is that just how 2 is or am I doing something wrong?

>> No.8094071

lava area is mega slog, it's that way in 4 also. . .

>> No.8094075

you have to grind more in 2 and onwards

>> No.8094078

also there's a lot more puzzles and backtracking

>> No.8094087

Alright good to know. I'll just push through it then.

>> No.8096426

The Oath in Felgana could be good, I think.

>> No.8096457

gotta start at the start
this should be played on original hardware for the best feels

>> No.8096459
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sorry forgot pic of what i was saying im retarded.....

>> No.8096523

If you want to see the first Ys game you could play in America, sure. But between this port, the PC-88 true originals with janky choppy scrolling, and the PCE Ys I&II collection, just play the PCE version.

>> No.8096896
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No not ever not at all. Devs get more money and staff down the line and re=create what they want in their true vision. Ys1&2 complete is just that. It's how they originally wished to make the game and it hasn't been touched since because there simply isn't anything more to add, it's literally complete.

>> No.8096943 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 1995x989, Temple-of-Solomon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ys II has the best dungeons in the series personally, with the Temple of Solomon being the peak. A proper dungeon you are supposed to get lost in and is filled with puzzles and secrets. Japanese games can't usually into dungeons, but Ys II is an exception.

>> No.8096952 [DELETED] 

Ys II has the best dungeons in the series personally, with the Temple of Solomon being the peak.
A proper dungeon you are meant to get lost in and is filled with puzzles and secrets. Japanese games can't usually into dungeons, but Ys II is an exception.

>> No.8096959

they're interesting mazes but the lava one is particular is a difficulty spike. you also don't get the roo spell until halfway through so it's obnoxious when you have to backtrack
honestly i'd guess that spell's raison d'etre is to help you run through these huge maps faster
shrine of solomon is pretty great though.

>> No.8096960
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Ys II has the best dungeons in the series personally, with the Temple of Solomon being the peak.
A proper dungeon you are meant to get lost in and is filled with puzzles and secrets. Japanese games can't usually into dungeons, but Ys II is an exception.

>> No.8096968

Sorry >>8096960

>> No.8097336

finally got my Turbografx CD fixed, thinking about trying Ys 1&2 this weekend. Any tips?

>> No.8097340

there's something fucky about the damage formula, so if you're barely hurting the monsters, go gain one level. it's not uncommon to go from no damage to taking massive chunks off their hp

>> No.8097372

Yeah there arent many gear upgrades, the rings make a big difference but you should be a lawn mower by the time you get to dark fact, but it wont matter on dark fact. I hate dark fact.

>> No.8097602

The only ones I've played is Oath in Felghana and Ys Origins.

Oath in Felghana is fantastic and Origins is pretty good.

They aren't really retro in my eyes though, so I don't know what retro enthusiasts think of them.

>> No.8097612

>They aren't really retro in my eyes though
their japanese releases were '05 and '06. the official translation took forever but there was a fan patch before

>> No.8097613

Origins is the best one IMO. Very concise with little flaws. It's just a perfect little neat and tidy package. All the others have maybe a flaw here or there, Origins? nope. It's like some jap thing liek the grand seiko or how the honda integra was in 2000, you just look it over and go "wow, it's just so amazing and so percetly proportioned"

They're only retro if we consider PS2 retro.

>> No.8097626

copy that, thanks for the leveling advice anon. Hmm dark fact sounds like it's gonna suck.

>> No.8097654

>dark fact sounds like it's gonna suck.
He's not so bad in the PCE version. On any Windows version of the game, oh boy... prepare for some hardcore bullshit.