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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 19 KB, 500x500, Expansion_pak2__83025.1626209545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8082215 No.8082215 [Reply] [Original]

this thing is a scam

>> No.8082218

Well it was made by Nintendo, What did you expect?

>> No.8082241

I'm so pissed about this fucking thing. Mine just up and fucking died a few months ago. And in the meantime, ravenous bandwagoning zoomers appear to have driven the price up to $50+. What the FUCK?

>> No.8082263

It has good games like Majora's Mask, Perfect Dark and Donkey Kong 64 at least. Most expansions ever made were more expensive and had no games. Even on the N64 this is true. Look at the disk drive that never released out of Japan.

>> No.8082267

It came for free with my favorite game I got for Christmas, was no scam to me. Never even knew Majoras Mask was expansion pak exclusive because the thing was just always in the 64.

>> No.8082313

you can replace the N64's ram with the same type of ram but larger capacity to get to the same amount of ram that the expansion pack provides, insert a jumper back, and it'll work.

>> No.8082319

The original jumper is just a terminator. The rest of the shit you said was retarded.

>> No.8082320

Was it a scam? Yes. Anywhere close to Sega 32x? No.

>> No.8082324

Order from Japan

>> No.8082335

It literally does work though. That's why you need the jumper, to terminate the circuit.

>> No.8082347

>Expansion Pak's only purpose in Donkey Kong 64 is to give the N64 additional memory for it to leak out to so that it doesn't crash quickly enough for most people to notice
>graphics are not better for it
>game is not improved for it
>performance is not increased for it
>can still have it memory leak crash just by leaving it on for long enough
Rare really fucking lost their touch around DK64 and it fucking shows.

>> No.8082351

Other than a few racing games, 007, quake, and thps, I'm not sure what's good to play for this system. It's hard to get past the bad graphics for this generation

>> No.8082352

>still believes this myth
You're retarded. The lighting is all handled by the expansion pak and the rom has thousands of pointers to the expansion pak's exclusive memory addresses, almost at full capacity, meaning if it was just there to provide a ton of blank memory on top of an already complete game they did a shit job of it. This myth has been debunked by a DK64 employee that actually worked on the game, while the rumor was spread by somebody who didn't. Nintendo wanted them to include the expansion pak halfway through development, wasn't a last minute thing at all to fix a bug. The fact that the bug still happens with the pak should tell you that's an unrelated problem, but people just repeat this shit mindlessly.

>> No.8082353

How does that end up working with games that are either glitched or objectively worse with an expansion pack? Are you just fucked?

>> No.8082360

You’re not fucked. You’re free to enjoy better games on other consoles.

>> No.8082361

dont know too much about that aspect or what games getfucked with an expansion pack. when i was younger my n64 just always had an expansion pack in it and i never noticed anything wrong with any other games.

its not a super well documented process i just know that it is possible to expand your n64's ram yourself and get stuff like DK64 working. I imagine if there are downsides to the expansion packs then you're just fucked unless you downgrade your system

>> No.8082364

Man it really is just impossible to talk about the N64 on /vr/ for some reason
The shitflinging seems entirely in one direction too. It's not like it's a console war.
In my opinion the N64 is host to some of the best games of all time on it. I don't need the extensive library on the other consoles because the one game I really love, I love so much I'll take it over entire libraries.

>> No.8082365

Two games that come to mind are Space Station Silicon Valley which freezes on boot with an expansion pack and Resident Evil 2 which activates a a really bad dynamic framebuffer implementation that not all displays like if an exp pack is inserted

>> No.8082389

>plug in expansion pak
>some games suddenly run slower

>> No.8082407

As much as any Sega expansion.

>> No.8082414

that's unfair man and i say that as someone who likes the n64. The Sega CD was a way better expansion.

>> No.8082424

Proof or source to back this up? I'll genuinely stop perpetuating this myth if you can show me where some authority said any of this.

>> No.8082432


>"That story has become more-or-less accepted fact, although Stevenson believes the truth is more complicated. "This one’s a myth. The decision to use the Expansion Pak happened a long time before the game shipped, in fact we were called in by management and told that we were going to use the Expansion Pak and that we needed to do find ways to do stuff in the game that justified its use and made it a selling point. I think the bug story somehow got amalgamated into the Expansion Pak use and became urban myth."

>> No.8082452

Wellp. There we go, I guess.

>> No.8082490
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Many ps1 games look amazing with emulation, because even a shitty phone can play ps1 with anti aliasing and upscaling that makes many games look amazing.

Then the 2D games like breath of Fire 3 and 4, or symphony of the night, just looked great, period.

So don't claim the whole gen was ugly just because the 64 is fucking ugly.

>> No.8082501
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Oh God so blurry what am I even looking at

>> No.8082547

Cus they run at a higher resolution

>> No.8082570

which ones have performance issues

>> No.8082593

>Japs called it the Terminator Pack
Kekked a little :)

>> No.8082617

But then one of the game's programmers says the opposite. Who to believe?

>> No.8082649

Thats from almost 10 years ago (this is the source of the rumor to begin with) and the programmer quoted here did not work on DK64, he worked on Conker. Rare had a very competitive spirit in the offices, and the guy spreading this rumor did it in the context of ribbing on a rival department.

>> No.8082682

Hey if all a normal jumper pack does is complete the circuit, then can you find a way to complete the circuit yourself without a jumper pack at all through modification of the n64?

>> No.8082694

You can try the "jumper pak" is just a ridiculous nintendo term for a common terminator something anyone that ever used scsi is familiar with(or the very rambus ram the system uses but that's far less common)

>> No.8082701

Also by try I meant fry your system lol

>> No.8082707

thats rude

>> No.8082708

At least it's not made of cardboard.

>> No.8082712

Not really
I do wish they used it to improve frame rates though
Kinda wish modders could figure it out

>> No.8082724

>I have no technical knowledge and I must shitpost

>> No.8082891

>Kinda wish modders could figure it out

>> No.8082948


>ISS 2000
>Hybrid Heaven
>Castlevania: LoD

Not that big a deal it seems.

>> No.8083529

but why?

>> No.8083565
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>this kills the expansion cuck

>> No.8083586

>a memory expansion that only a few games needed
>most people got them bundled with those games that need them
>a scam
Why the fuck is this board filled to the brim with brainless attempts to one-up each other? You're not clever for calling an seldom-utilized physical add-on to a console a scam. You're not winning any points for pointing out that Donkey Kong 64 is a catastrophe under the hood; anyone who's ever seen a speed run of it already knows that.

>> No.8083591

"Expansion Pack". It's just the Jumper Pack without the Jumper. It's the Pack.

>> No.8083627

it's kind of brilliant and i wish consoles still had RAM add-ons
i guess in practice the expansion pak isn't great. games like DK64 and banjo-tooie would probably be better if they didn't have fuck huge levels and post-processing that tanked the frame rate
majora's mask at least justifies its existence

>> No.8083636

Europoors and ausfailians shit up at place they go.

>> No.8083674

Majora didn't and that's the game most people used it for.

>> No.8083732

Ya 64 can look ok with upscaling too. But I think ps1 beats it just a bit

>> No.8083757

But it's a necessary scam.

>> No.8083778

Imagine spreading a myth that you don't even know for yourself if its true or not. You're truly an idiot.

>> No.8083805


>> No.8083813


>> No.8083942
File: 24 KB, 499x417, nyko_boosterpak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thing is a RAM

>> No.8083993

Not really, there’s a fix for it now

>> No.8084052

>Confidently gives this version of an explanation for the expansion pack
>Instantly admits he was perpetuating a myth

>> No.8084162

Never needing to play this piece of shit again is the best thing about having an expansion pack installed.

>> No.8084175

>N64 best games of all time
Are you the same anon who claimed N64 could have done perfect arcade quality capcom and snk ports if they wanted to?

>> No.8084216

Save money

>> No.8084253

I want you to read that anons post again, this time without taking shit out of context

>> No.8084681

lmao mine still works from over 20 years ago.
Was only good for a few games later in its lifespan like Rogue squadron and turok 2.

Stop cooming on your n64 and maybe it would last longer zoomer

>> No.8085513

but every n64 comes with a jumper pak.

>> No.8085520

yeah when youbought them new not when you dive into a junk pile for piss stench cracked n64

>> No.8086307

>Rare really fucking lost their touch around DK64 and it fucking shows.
donkey kong 64 was a massive rush job with little testing done on original hardware. I think the time pressures and sheer arrogance of the company led them to produce some utter trash, which people still excuse them for.
>This myth has been debunked by a DK64 employee
imagine believing the tales of known liars when anyone can disassemble the rom and see for themselves? there's even action replay codes to disable the expansion checks so you can see what happens to the game without the expansion pack (guess what happens? everything still works but it will crash randomly). how is it that things that supposed to rely on the expansion just magically work without it? it would appear this 'debunking' was nothing but damage control to protect the reputation of complete fucking hacks.
>Nintendo wanted them to include the expansion pak halfway through development
not what happened, nor what is publicly documented.

>> No.8087104

It upgrades it from this-looks-so-bad-I-don't-want-to-play-it, to I-guess-it's-sort-of-playable-now?-blurry-ass console

>> No.8087161

>when anyone can disassemble the rom and see for themselves?
The disassembling would prove that there are far more used expansion pak memory addresses than unused. If the claim is that the expansion pak doesn't actually do anything and is simply there to provide extra memory to prevent memory leaking, then the fact that there are pointers to in game resources at all would prove this wrong.
>(guess what happens? everything still works but it will crash randomly)
No shit it crashes randomly, it can't access material resources used in the expansion pak and has only half of the memory allocated to run.
>how is it that things that supposed to rely on the expansion just magically work without it?
They don't, that hack can't actually run consistently. You know this, you admitted it yourself. The game crashes chaotically after just entering certain hallways or leaving on for an hour, when the actual bug in the real game doesn't happen until after being left on for over 10 hours.
>imagine believing the tales of known liars
So why should I believe the tale of an employee in the same company (of known liars) that didn't even work on the game, barely elaborated on his statement, and said it in a passing comment ribbing on a rival team, in a company where teams kept everything secret from each other? Nobody knew of this claim before he said it. But apparently he's infallible while the people who made the game aren't. Most likely, he was aware of a bug in the game, and after 15 years conflated the bug as being the reason for the expansion pak, when really the bug was a separate problem that still existed after they had switched to the expansion pak.
>not what happened, nor what is publicly documented.
It is what rare has documented, and the likelihood of your scenario of Rare phoning up Nintendo and begging them for free expansion paks at Nintendo's own expense so they can fix a bug at the very last second is highly unlikely.

>> No.8087178

It's kind of neat that they thought ahead and included a very visible expansion port on the console for extra ram, I'm sure it would have been better utilized if the system wasn't cartridge-based.

>> No.8089146

>No shit it crashes randomly, it can't access material resources used in the expansion pak and has only half of the memory allocated to run.
it never used the memory expansion at all. it merely checked if it existed, which is why if you enter action replay codes to bypass the check, the game still runs fine until it randomly crashes.
>It is what rare has documented
and everyone knows that they've tried to rewrite their own history for years and nothing they say is based on much truth at all.
> when really the bug was a separate problem that still existed after they had switched to the expansion pak
the bug came into existence because Rare did NO TESTING on unexpanded machines. the bugs are apparent without it. how does a company worth millions let a title this broken slip by all of their testers until the last moment, costing nintendo and rare a fortune? it's one of the most embarrassing software development blunders in the history of consoles - with rare and nintendo doing their very best to rewrite history to make themselves look less incompetent.

>> No.8089152

they added it because nintendo believed the machine would have a longer life than anticipated, but they knew early on they fucked up the engineering of it and the ram expansion (and type of ram) was far too slow for developers to make good use out of. not many games did take full advantage of the expansion.

>> No.8089160

>increase render res
>framrate drops

>> No.8089167

>which is why if you enter action replay codes to bypass the check, the game still runs fine until it randomly crashes.
I can't find any information supporting what you're saying. Don't talk about "embarrassing blunders" and "very best to rewrite history", that's just ad hominem nonsense. Grow up.

If you have actual evidence show a credible source showing you can play DK64 without an expansion pak in multiple areas for a reasonable period of time. Until then noone is going to believe you. I would be hugely surprised if that was the case since the expansion pak RAM has been proven to be full of game data including character attributes and more which would not be the case if it wasn't used (and it's not the case).

>> No.8089169

on a real N64 not an emulator* lol.

>> No.8089743

>it never used the memory expansion at all. it merely checked if it existed, which is why if you enter action replay codes to bypass the check, the game still runs fine until it randomly crashes.
Can you show this happening?

>> No.8089781 [DELETED] 

you know you're a retarded pedophile, right?
> "When Donkey Kong 64 released all the way back in 1999, it was the first Nintendo 64 game to require the system’s 8MB Expansion Pak add-on in order to work. Advertising at the time suggested that the game was just so big that it couldn't possibly work without it. However, Chris Marlow, one of the game’s programmers, has confirmed in a recent director’s commentary video (which should only be viewed by mature audiences) for
Conker's Bad Fur Day that the Expansion Pak was needed in order to prevent a game-breaking glitch from occurring.
>Marlow explains that a glitch would cause the game to randomly crash, but only when configured to work using the N64’s standard 4MB memory setup. As Rare was unable to identify the cause of the crash, it was eventually forced to release the game with the Expansion Pak bundled-in for free."
took 5 seconds to find, completely debunking your compulsive lying fantasy. oh no no nononoooo.

imagine being this brain damaged and illiterate where you can even search google? embarrassing. stick to what you know best: child molestation and compulsive lying.

>> No.8089784

you know you're a retarded pedophile, right?
> "When Donkey Kong 64 released all the way back in 1999, it was the first Nintendo 64 game to require the system’s 8MB Expansion Pak add-on in order to work. Advertising at the time suggested that the game was just so big that it couldn't possibly work without it. However, Chris Marlow, one of the game’s programmers, has confirmed in a recent director’s commentary video (which should only be viewed by mature audiences) for Conker's Bad Fur Day that the Expansion Pak was needed in order to prevent a game-breaking glitch from occurring.
>Marlow explains that a glitch would cause the game to randomly crash, but only when configured to work using the N64’s standard 4MB memory setup. As Rare was unable to identify the cause of the crash, it was eventually forced to release the game with the Expansion Pak bundled-in for free."
took 5 seconds to find, completely debunking your compulsive lying fantasy. oh no no nononoooo.

imagine being this brain damaged and illiterate where you can't even search google? embarrassing. stick to what you know best: child molestation and compulsive lying.

>> No.8089787

I expect to see a livestream link to your suicide, thanks.

>> No.8089793

That's not what he asked, though.

>> No.8089797

>That's not what he asked, though.
now that's coping. it's great to see this board is still full of compulsive lying and delusional failures. i thought you losers here would get used to be wrong all the time about everything? i guess not. the only solution for you is to kill yourselves. that way this board will no longer be an insufferable shithole full of delusional child molesters THAT CAN'T GOOGLE.

>> No.8089812

Why are you sexually attracted to children?

>> No.8089819

>it never used the memory expansion at all.
33,000 pointers to the memory pak prove you wrong.
>the game still runs fine until it randomly crashes.
Because the expansion pak isn't in you retard
>the bug came into existence because Rare did NO TESTING on unexpanded machines.
There were 3 different builds that all had the bug. It wasn't some last minute thing they saw at that last second and shrugged and begged Nintendo for help. They thought that by getting it so that it only happens after 10 hours it would be a reasonable compromise because nobody would realistically leave the console on that long.
>how does a company worth millions let a title this broken slip by all of their testers until the last moment, costing nintendo and rare a fortune?
Do you really genuinely believe Nintendo, a company with strict bug testing and constant approval and oversight of all their games, is going to ship at least a million free expansion paks because Rare couldn't fix a bug? Its a retarded concept on paper alone.
If you took 5 minutes to read the thread you'd see that that article has already been posted and shut down, it's 8 years old and has since been addressed by the actual team, and Marlow didn't work on DK64.

You obviously just hate rare, why should anybody actually expect you to take this on good faith? You just want to shit talk a company you hate, while blindly believing the same company only when it's convenient to shit talk them apparently.

>> No.8089929

I was actually one of the few people who bothered to check that article when it came out first and actually watched the video and had a theory for a really long time that the programmer in fact said something very different to what was reported, due to the ambiguity of the way he said it. I might have actually played a part in why they ended up clarifying it.

Thanks but if you give brain damaged people like that attention they will just come back. Look at this guy talking about pedophile and livestream suicide, he should go back to the incel boards for teenagers rejected from every group they ever tried to be a part of.

>> No.8089936

(continued) and that's what did happen btw, what he said was that it was a version of the game that had to be removed as there was a glitch in it, ie. he meant an option of how to play the game (with or without the expansion pak).

>> No.8090436

> actually happened like that
livestream your suicide, thanks. you failed.

>> No.8090447

must be embarrassing to get your ass handed to you by a random anon that knows how to google, and apparently knows more about the gaming industry that all of you pedophiles combined? weeeew. what a sad and embarrassing day for the permanent failures and compulsive liars of /vr/. this will be a memorable day for years to come.

>> No.8090458
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>> No.8090475
File: 37 KB, 350x360, stoleour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit your bitching, we haze the Shiturnfags & sonyggers just as hard. All 5th gen fanboys deserve their hazing.

>> No.8090490

It didn't though. Kill yourself retard.

>> No.8090496

Honestly worth it. 480 looks infinitely better

>> No.8090526

take your fucking (You)

>> No.8090530
File: 48 KB, 651x768, 1599035316040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> makes up fantasy stories
> gets btfo
extreme cope from a delusional fool, and no links to suicide livestreams. disappointing. i can wait. post a link to the livestream of your suicide, thanks. this is the most embarrassing thread i've seen here in ages. walls of text, supposed debunking, was nothing more than fucking bullshit and lies from a fucking idiot that got caught out in one giant fantastic lie.

I can see why people that post here and on other boards refer to this board as the home of the compulsive liars. you have the internet at your fingertips and you still failed. embarrassing.
don't forget to link us up with your livestream.

>> No.8090536

based DSP poster

>> No.8090579

I'd tell you to keep coping you niggertroll, but no, you're getting annoying now, you have nothing more to say and you've been proven wrong over and over so now all you can do is spam memes.

>> No.8090612

>hurr, my thing no worky, buy new one.
You sound like a faggot. Fix it or have it fixed fuckface.

>> No.8090694

> the compulsive lying fool is in extreme damage control
this is the most embarrassing thread i've seen in ages. you should do the right thing and just kill yourself.

>> No.8090706
File: 522 KB, 359x478, 1615046423340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ", Chris Marlow, one of the game’s programmers, has confirmed in a recent director’s commentary video (which should only be viewed by mature audiences) for Conker's Bad Fur Day that the Expansion Pak was needed in order to prevent a game-breaking glitch from occurring."

>> No.8090729

Okay retard. If these "pointers" point to the memory pak, the game would crash everytime it got to that point in the code, not randomly.

Hell, even the Virtual console version of the game crashes after being left running for an extended period of time.

>> No.8090747


>> No.8090863

If you aren't trolling I hope you realize how retarded you are. This entire thread has been disputing the original claim by Marlow, and you're rebuttal is the original claim itself (which was also posted earlier) You are so god damn stupid.

That article also claims Marlow is a DK64 programmer, he is not. It claims it is an official statement in a "directors commentary". It is a lets play.

https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2019/11/feature_donkey_kong_64_devs_on_bugs_boxing_and_20_years_of_the_dk_rap (actual commentary from a programmer of the game)

https://nintendo.fandom.com/wiki/Chris_Marlow (Marlows games)

>> No.8090884

I have yet to see any recording of such a mod getting past the first gate of the game.

>> No.8091836

>in a recent director’s commentary video (which should only be viewed by mature audiences) for Conker's Bad Fur Day

>which should only be viewed by mature audiences
every day we stray further from god's light

>> No.8091968

Ps1 beats n64 for that 3rd (4th?) Generation consoles. Didn't realize this until I saw all the games ps1 had. They must have been bad at marketing where I lived growing up. Didn't see any of the ones I see now

>> No.8093992

5th gen

>> No.8095063

Why did they never think to release an updated version of the console that had the expansion pack's hardware built in, for late adopters? Or did they and I never heard of it?

>> No.8095073

Because the n64 sold like shit and they're lucky they had the gameboy and super nintendo

>> No.8095461

>over 32 million
because Nintendo like to do the bare minimum

>> No.8095469

cartridge slot broke in my n64
so i tore that sumbitch off and directly soldered mario 64 in
it worked!
mario 64s the only game i need anyway

>> No.8096000

One reason is because so few games required it or benefited greatly from it. It was also near the end of the N64's lifespan when the few games needing it were released and N64s were going for cheap while the expansion pak cost around $30, so the expansion pak would have added maybe 20%-40% to the cost. Nintendo also weren't in the habit of releasing updated versions of their consoles at that point, that really only started started with GBA. Could definitely have been done, especially if they did a pack-in with a game that needed it.

>> No.8096006

Play it loud gameboy
Gameboy pocket
Gameboy light
Nes toploader
Snes jr.
Different releases of same game & watch game

>> No.8096012

>hmm today I will pick up nintendo 64
>Check offerings
Playstation one. Playstation too

>> No.8096832

Not a single one of those are an upgrade to the system hardware of the console/handheld

>> No.8096864

is there a hacked ROM of dk64 that removes the expansion pack check so that it can be played without it?

>> No.8097213

No - despite what he says, which is a myth, the game uses the expansion pak heavily, it improves the graphics and framerate a lot and the game won't work without it.

>> No.8097492

>you know you're a retarded pedophile, right?

>> No.8097524

>the lighting is handled by the expansion pack
Impressive, RAM doing calculations

>> No.8097557

What fucking points, at all do you think you gain by bringing this shit up to people way older than you who don't give a shit? Fucking go to bed, we didn't care 20 years ago fuck. I have to admit, zoomers are among the dumbest people to want validation for no reason, ever. Go to bed.

>> No.8098027

You can't seriously believe this

>> No.8098519

it's Ultra RAM

>> No.8098530

I think people here legitimately don't know what RAM is for nor what it means

>> No.8098546

I just couldn't really remember what it was specifically that the expansion pak was found to use, sorry for the bad example.

>> No.8098553

RAM is generally just storage for assets to be loaded in

>> No.8098558

I do wish more games utilised it for framerate increase though

>> No.8098602

The bottleneck on the N64 wasn't the RAM amount though, the CPU doesn’t have direct access to memory and can’t do DMA. It effectively as a result didn’t have any sort of memory pre-fetching so this was the biggest performance bottleneck of the N64. The system memory bus subsystem sucked as a result and limited all the other good parts about the system in addition to other flaws like small texture cache and cartridges.

>> No.8098698

>the biggest problem wasn’t the RAM, it was the RAM

>> No.8098705

Also if that were true, then what you are stating is that no game benefits from the RAM expansion pak

>> No.8098824

He said it wasn't the amount but the way the system accessed it, dummy. N64 could have had a gajillion GBs of ram or whatever but if the system for accessing it sucked it was still going be way shittier than it should have been.

>> No.8098826

As I already stated, that would mean the extra ram did nothing

>> No.8099335

That was not what he was claiming. Do you know what a bottleneck is? There is a reason why games tended to only try to increase their resolution (and actually hurt performance as a result), the expansion pack was especially slow memory too. You weren't going to exactly be getting framerate boosts out of it easily.

>> No.8099529

There's nothing wrong with a unified memory architecture, but if you want to do it, it'd be a good idea to have low latency memory and lots of cache.
Sadly the N64 had neither.

>> No.8099537

Is there any technical reason for the lack of DMA?

>> No.8099939
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I have no idea but if I were to guess I'd say that guy is larping and doesn't actually know shit. Could be wrong but something sounds off. The N64 can certainly do DMA.

>> No.8099943

I think he meant that the CPU can't do DMA (but the GPU could).
But the N64 does use unified memory and the GPU has the memory controller, so...

>> No.8100079

I'm more of a Deterministic Access Memory fan myself.

>> No.8101052

probably just someone parroting what he heard on emugen or something