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File: 90 KB, 350x256, DonkeyKong64CoverArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8081726 No.8081726 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck were they thinking?
this game is so bloated it's insane

>> No.8081738

NOOOO. Its the best Donkey Kong game ever made. Granted its the only one I ever played.

>> No.8081743

>what the fuck were they thinking?
i was going to type a long response but i remembered the perfect response to this question was written over 10 years ago: http://www.gamespite.net/toastywiki/index.php/Games/TragedyOfTheCollectathons
tl;dr non-linear gameplay with tons of variety is good on paper, not so much in practice

>> No.8081765

The collectathon to end all collectathons. The game so big.... they probably should have stopped making it halfway through.

I enjoyed the game as a kid, really. Ironically, it seemed like a quaint and low-key affair, kind of like how an modern sandbox does. No pressure to go anywhere in particular because there's everywhere to go. But man was this game collapsing under its own weight and boy does it age poorly because of that.

>> No.8081771

Rare never had a clue when it came to 3d. Either that or 3d being a mistake when it came to platformers.

>> No.8081779

I still love it. I have the game memorized and can blaze through the levels. The fun of it for me is seeing which path each time is the most efficient for picking everything up, and I try and do a different route each time. That moment in the level where all the collectables line up, you grab your fifth golden banana in the same room with the hidden banana fairy just seconds after grabbing the 100th mini banana and the little drum beat plays, it's so satisfying the way everything all comes together at once like that.

>> No.8081787

A bit of both, I think. 3D platformers work, but they need to be approached differently. You need to find ways to restrict the axes into more narrowly confined parameters. I think the Mario long jump is the perfect example of this as it's so clearly and intuitively a mechanism of two parallel and intuitive mechanisms of the kind of slider-based forward vs backwards movement and the nudging-based left/right (combined with the implicit mechanism of gravity). Rare's approach to platformer physics has always been based on flow and freedom, refining the timing of when you're going fast and when you're building up to speed. While DK64 has a great sense of timing to, say, Donkey Kong's roll and kick, it doesn't stop the fact that you never feel particularly well in control of the precise direction you're going in.

Also (and probably more importantly), they weren't aware of how much control in a 3D game is about control of the camera, not just the player. But to be fair, no one was at the time. Even Mario 64 wasn't great at this, despite clearly putting focus on this aspect.

>> No.8081842

I know how controls feel in the hand is pretty subjective, but all the kongs have a wide move pool and I believe control very precisely (especially things like the grenades, where you can control their exact angle of projection). There are movements they can pull off that combine well with other mechanics, like combining air kicks with jumps to get a triple jump, and Tiny especially has an enormous range of jumps. I've never understood people that say the game feels very slow to play, because I'm never standing still when I play, I'm not usually walking or running, I'm jumping through the level and the gameplay can feel very fast when doing this, and I've never found the jumps to be imprecise, you can control the characters in mid air easily.

>> No.8081896

So I don't want to get TOO into this, I really feel like it's the least of what's wrong with Rare's N64 games, but just to give a concrete example of what really stood out when I replayed both games and that was trying to navigate a straight plank of wood bridge.

Now both games have the ability to snap the camera to behind the character and gently tilt the controller to slow walk. To me the Mario implementation of this felt really solid where the DK64 one was hyper-sensitive, but like you said that's subjective. But with Mario 64 you have a lot of options to really precisely tune your jumps to navigate yourself onto the bridge. The aforementioned long jump's left-right nudging is really precise on this. And even the side tall jump (whatever that's called) restricts your horizontal movement such that you can really fine tune it. Navigating the bridge in Tiny-Huge Island has a lot of options. But when I was Diddy in DK64 trying to traverse the same style of plank bridge that had a kink in it, I really felt like an idiot. There were no jump options that really controlled it, and the snap-backed camera and tip-toe approach kept second-gearing my speed and running me off it. Generally "moving around" in DK64 feels fine, but precision always got me.

I'm sure it's possible to get good at it. I'm sure speed runners know how to. For me, I could feel the tools SM64 was giving me the ways to fine-tune my navigation of this kind of thing. For DK64, it felt more like the game was saying "we gave you the tools to move anywhere in 3D space, so choose to go there."

>> No.8081976

Funny thing is that DK64 is still one of the best games of its era. But that does NOT mean that I think it's an ideal 3D DK game.

>> No.8082029

Lol who the fuck calls DKC3 a collectathon? It's just DKC2 + the bird caves. Yoshi's Island is a *far* more glaring (and older) example of being obnoxious with collecting.

>> No.8082064

>People thought Turok? was fun until GoldenEye 007? showed people how to do a console shooter with focus and polish. People thought Tomb Raider? was the bee's knees until Super Mario 64 showed people that you could give gamers a 3D world without forcing them to move clumsily around a grid
Fuck that fag, Turok and Tomb Raider are excellent games.

>> No.8082076
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I'm not trying to meme you guys, but I genuinely think that some people's brains aren't fit to play 3D games. I have observed a reoccurring phenomenon where some types of people cannot propery map out 3D digital (abstract) spaces in their mind as a cognitive function, and therefore respond to 3D games with "I'm confused" and "I don't know where to go" and other such things, because it's a mentally exhausting challenge for them. Not being able to percieve 3D spaces doesn't necesssrily mean you're stupid, but it's an indicator on how the brain responds to visual-spacial awareness. Obviously, my claims can't be proven, but this is because this an untested field in science an anthropology. Consider it a hypothesis. Do you know anyone who is like this? Try and have a conversation with them and find out what difficulties they have with 3D.

>> No.8082086

Not quite. Donkey Kong Country had ecret rooms that served no actual purpose, but it would keep track of which you'd found, tell you if you found them all on a stage, and give you a thumbs up if you found them all, but otherwise treat them as optional.
DKC2 replaces them with two kinds of bonus coins, one of which is again completely optional and one which unlocks secret stages once you've found a certain amount, with a secret final boss once you find them all and beat all the secret stages.
DKC3 however drops every optional aspect. Every "secret" in the game is there to be found and will ultimately unlock secret stages, a secret boss and a secret true ending upon collection of every little thing. No longer is that percentage mark a separate symbol of "true mastery" or whatever, it just shows how much there's left to find to beat the game. There are no longer secrets in the game, only tuff to find in order to complete it.

>> No.8082095

I enjoyed it until I didn't have enough bananas I gave up.

>> No.8082135

I'm 100% not trying to be an edgy "I hate women" memer, but I'm in med school and an interesting phenomenon I was taught about was that due to small variations in brain structure women are generally worse at cognitive tasks involving 3D geometry (mentally rotating a 3d object was the go-to example). I think the trade-off was that they're better at math or something. I wonder if the nucleus responsible for that plays a role here.

>> No.8082139

No. You're wrong. The secrets are optional in -every- DKC game. But in DKC2 -and- 3 they also have the additional perk of unlocking bonus levels and the secret final boss. Not sure why you think the secrets aren't optional in DKC3, for some reason. You've clearly never played the games or are too fucking retarded to remember. Fuck you, moron. The way you're describing the exact same thing twice here, but using a different tone is honestly the most mind-blowingly faggoty and stupid thing I've seen here in a while. Get help.

>> No.8082164

There's a difference between "there's secret shit in this game you can find, find it if you feel like it" and "there's some levels in the game you can't play unless you find all the secret shit, so get looking" you faggot.

"Having the additional perk of unlocking something" is just a slimy way of saying "forced to find if you want to play those last few levels".

>> No.8082172

Why should there not be a reward for finding everything?

>> No.8082175

Yes, I too hate being rewarded for being diligent. All content should be spat out at the player with no optional endings or levels because I don't want to work, that would be hard.

>> No.8082176

The reward should be finding the things in itself, anything else is superfluous.

>> No.8082181

That's cool for finding one or a few of them. Why should I not expect something cool for finding all of them? How would I even know I found all of them without the game acknowledging it in some way?

>> No.8082186

Ignore that retard. He's perfectly content with a black screen with CONGLATURATION written on it. Probably hates fighting games for having unlockable fighters.

>> No.8082195

I loved DK64 as a kid, but mostly hate DK64 now because I get fucking migraines from every single area and boss fight (which is a fuck ton of them) where they set it in near total darkness with random lightning flashes illuminating it. I get that Rare were just jerking off with their command of N64 graphics and lightning by this point but boy did they love their dark lightning storms.

>> No.8082197

That's one of those moments where the R button and the front view are necessary. It's also one of those moments where game designers trick you into thinking extreme precision is needed and that you have to go slow, when really it's easier to go fast. It's like those one tile pits in SMB where your first thought as a kid is you have to manually jump over each one, but if you just keep running you run over all the pits without any effort. Same here, if you keep the camera centered behind you, you can just cartwheel across the bridge pretty easily.

>> No.8082223
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The difference for you is: "Me think X-thing good and optional, but me think Y-thing bad and forced". Even though it's literally the same thing.

>> No.8082273

And the visual style is flat and sterile compared to DKC. I have no idea why they scrapped Dixie and Kiddy for the new Kongs either. It felt like there was no continuity in any sense between DKC and this game.

>> No.8082279

Kiddy was scrapped because everyone complained about him, Dixie was redundant with Tiny, who presented a new gameplay idea. They could have just made Dixie shrink but it would've been a kind of random appended element to her character. Lanky and Chunky are designed around their gameplay purposes too. Diddy was not only too iconic to ditch but also had open gameplay potential which they used.

>> No.8082427

>designed around their gameplay purposes
let me go dab on you while I use chunky to defeat Mad Jack real quick

>> No.8082428

Kino chore simulator

>> No.8082431

should have just made DKC4 to be honest
Ironically the n64 would have been far better off if it had more lower budget 2D titles rather then every developer trying to go for the most bombastic 3D they possibly could
Rare already had the banjo series and were working on conker, did they really need to go for it again? seems like a hubris thing like >>8082195 says.
although after DKC3 I doubt Rare would be able to show the restraint necessary to trim the fat

>> No.8082442

>he doesn't think that JankEye000 and bingbang wahoo are the best games evurrr XD :D
feels good to have a healthy brain, doesn't it?

>> No.8082445
File: 30 KB, 150x210, 1630219006384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extremely comfy laid back n64 ape n frens game BTFO's local op (who is a fag and who's mom I've slept with btw)

>> No.8082757

>play a collect-a-thon game
>cry that it's a collect-a-thon
Play another fucking game then. It's like you playing Mortal Kombat and being like "ugh this game would be better if it weren't a fighting game, I hate fighting games and having to fight people in games."

>> No.8082776

"Collectathon" isn't a genre.

>> No.8082784

Its pretty crazy finding out that there are people that have no inner visualizing in their mind. Like if you say "picture a rotating red apple in your head" there are people that can't do that.

>> No.8082804

The best games which have levels filled with collectibles have something else going for them as well.
It's not a "collectathon where you also do X in an Y world with Z" instead it's "An X game where you're in Y world with Z and there's a bunch of collectible stuff along the way"
The crap littering the levels should never be the focus, it should be a distraction

>> No.8082815

Nah. Making 2D for n64 is a really shit idea. Developers and audiences of this era wanted to see stuff with new technology, even if it wasn't perfect. There had to be pioneers and experiments of the new medium in this era. Even if DK64 isn't perfect it's still more exciting and optimistic for the future than something like Yoshi's Story. That being said, neither DKC3 or DK64 were made by the same people as 1 or 2. Rare made all the right moves during this era, it's just that DK64 could've had a better execution.

>> No.8083046

yes, dkc3 is a linear platformer, not a collectathon. i think the guy uses it here to show how rare started thinking that their games were improved by having shitloads of optional items that people with OCD could systematically gather up. they gradually increased the number of banana themed bullshit to collect until it collapsed on its own weight
it's the concept of trying to get 100% just because 99% isn't good enough

>> No.8083062

They talked about this to me in elementary school. Isn't it related to the amoun of gray matter vs white matter in the brain, or something like that?
Like, women have less spatial awareness, but can multitask better or something along those lines.

>> No.8083320

Imagine getting this shit instead of Sonic Adventure lmao

>> No.8083726
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DK64 is such a filter for people, i love taking my time with it and returning to it many times, but for some reason the criticism i hear the most of is 'muh padding muh too much content' so fucking whack

>> No.8083737

tbf it is bullshit to say a game has too much content
dk64 is padded to shit though. lots of empty space and you constantly have to backtrack to pick up XYZ before making progress. there's fun sections in there but it gets tedious.
i think what really makes the game fall apart is the character swap mechanic. you can walk right up to an item and not be able to get it because you're the wrong character. it leads to so much pointless repetition going back to the barrel over and over

>> No.8083767
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i get everyone wishes they could swap on a dime or that they could pick everything up as one character, but i feel it lacks the wonderment the game instilled in me, no one appretiates the 3D environments anymore now that we have premier examples from ubisoft

i think of the game as 5 banjo-kazooie games integrated into one another and you switch between them through character selection, it makes the game preserve the wow factor without nitpicking about 'walking to and fro the tag barrel'

>> No.8084061

i find it funny how the Crash Bandicoot games are closer to DKC than DK64. Im sure 64 is an alright game but I cant be fucked to play it

>> No.8084113

If the game actually gave you worlds you could explore in 5 different ways, each with different stuff accessible to you, it could be work pretty well. But the way you need to switch back and forth to unlock things for one kong as another kong makes for a unfocused game where it's hard to keep track of what you've done and where you've been as each kong.

The first few, rather small, worlds actually work pretty well, it's when they grow in size and complexity things get overwhelming.

>> No.8084119

>worlds you explore in 5 different ways with different stuff accessible to you
that's DK64 in a nutshell, go in with opened eyes friendo64

>> No.8084123

It's how it should have been, but the characters are too interconnected for it to actually be that way.

>> No.8084131
File: 780 KB, 2880x1965, C6VY3RhU4AAFANr.jpg orig.jpg-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.8084234

I am convinced the only people who hate dk64 for that reason are people who just soullessly chug through roms and they get frustrated a simple 3d platformer is taking so long
For people who value individual games and let them breathe dk64 is amazing.
The only reason journos hated it is because of their strict deadlines

>> No.8084242

>Too dumb to be a book
Why can't we have shit like that anymore? I watched an old DKC REVIEW from when it launched and the guy literally said 'if you don't buy this game, you're an idiot.'
What happened to that kind of gaming culture?

>> No.8084247

Everyone's too afraid to be themselves.

>> No.8084256
File: 52 KB, 626x486, bowing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah DK64 is a hub game, we all have those comfort games we go back to and orbit around from time to time dont we? i have a severe lack of respect that dogs DK64 because they're always the people who dont go back and replay it and want there to be more of it

>> No.8084262

I agree with this, DK64 is fucking filled to the brim. Not ALL of its content is good and there's some padding in there, unnecessarily considering how much there already is to it, but god damn that game felt like it took a lifetime as a kid, in a good way, and I loved every second of it.

>> No.8084292

It's a great kids game because it would easily last you from Christmas to your birthday because it's so god damn motherfucking long.

>> No.8084337
File: 88 KB, 380x400, b5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the 3DS remakes of the mario luigi games better or do I just emulate the DS versions?

>> No.8084342

what the fuck
the originals are better

>> No.8084350

Nigga DK64 got a lot of shit for its absurd amount of collectables at the time too. It's why Conker's Bad Fur Day is as linear as it is.

>> No.8084360
File: 162 KB, 800x397, pastarfox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Star Fox Adventures. People were starting to get really tired of the "you need to get a gorillion items" gameplay.

>> No.8084368

What? They were working on Conker at the same time they were working on the first Banjo game, the fuck are are you talking about?
Star Fox Adventures is a great game and Star Fox should have explored more in that direction rather than basically giving up entirely and giving us shit like Assault and Zero

>> No.8084372

The Sonic Adventure games took longer to 100% than DK64, but in their case it was because they gave you so many different challenges to do, not because so absurdly overwhelmingly huge and filled with crap you needed to collect.
More individual challenges is superior to more pointless busiwork.

>> No.8084382

The original Twelve Tales iteration of Conker was going to be a collectathon, the choice to make it a more linear deal came with the change to Bad Fur Day, and was partially based on the "this game has too much bullshit to collect" reception to DK64.

>> No.8084385

Nice post anon, but unrelated, do you 100% hate women?

>> No.8084389

>The Sonic Adventure games took longer
I wouldn't know. I didn't have autism as a child so I've never played a Sonic game after Knuckles other other than Sonic Mania.

>> No.8084396

Assault is quite good, Adventures was just some Zelda

>> No.8084401

What does this means

>> No.8084403

So you're gonna fight me? You're gonna fucking rape me over my opinions on Star Fox Adventures and DK64?

>> No.8084415

What the fuck? Are you really saying replaying the same levels over and over with minuscule changes is superior to having tons of exploration and more real content?

Also, you really don't have to go for full collection completion in DK64. In fact it's quite forgiving -- the game intentionally has way more than you ever need to collect to beat it so you can do it your own way. And even going for 101% does not require collecting everything in the game, there's a fair margin of leniency they give you because again, there's way more included in it than you were ever supposed to truly be collecting. But why would you be intentionally trying to 101% DK64 if you hate playing the game so much anyways? Beating it normally requires SOME silly shit, but that has more to do with the fact that you're required to play retro games than the collecting aspect.

>> No.8084416

>I didn't have autism as a child
but you 100% cleared DK64?

>> No.8084417

>you have to collect too much in adventures
lol what the fuck. thats like saying zelda sucks because you have to get EVERY rupee every time AND the pendants AND the sages AND the items

>> No.8084423

Not really. You can play the game with very minimal switching, and it's more fun that way. I personally never switch kongs in level except for the 2 levels where you need to activate switches at the beginning, but that takes like 10 seconds. Play it this way and you'll have a lot more fun and you'll realize that the game is nowhere near as interconnected as people say it is: that's Banjo Tooie, not DK64. DK64 is basically 5 miniature banjo kazooie stages in one level.

>> No.8084451

Also, no the game doesn't have too many collectibles, you're all retarded, when you divide the collectibles between the five kongs and if you're playing individually then each kong is only getting 4 bananas, 1 blueprint, and 75 mini bananas as required for completion sake, they technically don't even need that many. 200 bananas sounds like a lot on paper, but it's genuinely quicker to get the 200 bananas on DK64 than the 100 jiggies in Banjo Tooie. Playing the kongs individually means each kong's stage is even shorter than in Banjo Kazooie. But people play the game just wandering around directionless and jumping in the tag barrel whenever they see another kong's collectible even though they don't actually have to pick it up right there at that moment and it'd be quicker if they didn't.

>> No.8084690

a lot of words to make a shitty "people who disagree with my opinions are retarded" post

>> No.8084694

There is nothing wrong with complaining that an installment in a series completely changes the gameplay style

>> No.8084702

it's a battle of ADHD vs OCD

>> No.8084707
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>when you divide the collectibles between the five kongs
That is precisely the problem. Other collectatons don't make you backtrack five times with different characters.

>> No.8084732

You really aren't backtracking all that much though. Kongs tend to have their own dedicated sections of levels. You only wind up backtracking a lot if you, as the very post you replied to says, you swap every time you see a collectible when you aren't at all meant to be doing that.

>> No.8084789

do what you can with one (1) kong, and move onto another level, only go back down through the levels when you hit the limit

>> No.8084837

Sonic Adventure is a very, very short game. It takes 20 MINUTES to 100% each character.

>> No.8084847

>It takes 20 MINUTES to 100% each character.
that's maybe true of big the cat, no one else.
but he's talking about the 130 emblems which is an absurd time sink and requires you to do shit like breed ubermensch chao

>> No.8084853

Big takes quite some time to 100%. Those gigantic fish you need for the final emblems are dicks.

>> No.8085125

But that's the central mechanic that sets this apart from other rare platformers, switching kongs. If you don't like the concept that's one thing but the concept itself is not inherently flawed.

The problem is people present the kong switching as if its a tedious chore to always run to a barrel to pick something up you can't get with your current kong just to go back to what you were doing afterwards, but you don't actually have to play like that. Since you'll be back as that kong later, just pick those collectibles up then, it's way faster and more focused to play like that.

I don't consider it "backtracking", it's more like there's one level and there's five different sub-stages within that level, which is a pretty cool concept and adds a lot of content for the time. To me, it's backtracking when you have to leave the level and go back to an earlier level, it's not backtracking to do different stages in the same level.

>> No.8085136

DK64 is Rares worst N64 3D platformer. I don't think its bad, but it feels like they tried to throw in too much into one game.
Tooie had its own problems, like excessive backtracking, and various unlockable moves were far too situational, but I genuinely found that game to be more tightly focused in comparison.

>> No.8085307

>I don't think its bad
I do. All of rares platformers are a little bit jank but either their level design or gimmicks were so fun they made up for it. None of their 3d games do this though.

>> No.8085328

The thing is, you're all approaching this game from the wrong angle. It's not a completionist's game. You're not supposed to play it just to clear it and cross it off your backlog. It's a world designed for a child to get lost in, for maybe months at a time. You also aren't necessarily supposed to get every collectable. I don't believe these games were ever designed with that in mind for the average player.

>> No.8085810

Good thing I'm not you.

>> No.8085837

I think more than anything, my problem is that too many things are character-coded. It doesn't feel natural when the only reason you can't physically pick up certain bananas is because you're not the kong they're color coded for.
One one hand, you could argue that it helps the player know which kong is need for an area's more major collectables. On the other hand, the game wasn't always consistent about that, and sometimes would have specific kong bananas in areas that otherwise don't need that kong.

>> No.8085851

Based and excellent taste
>Tomb Raider
You're a fucking retard

>> No.8085852

>healthy brain
I think all of that pig semen has damaged yours.

>> No.8085891

>what the fuck were they thinking?
It's as if they weren't thinking anything at all.

>> No.8085892

Backtracking perceived is backtracking achieved, anon.

>> No.8086262

Thanks for explaining the concept of speed running, sperg.

>> No.8086265

Here we- here we- here we go.

>> No.8086301
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>> No.8086349

Not a speed runner nigger, I just like to go fast

>> No.8086360

Post "5 gallons of ape semen (make that 8)" edit

>> No.8086560

>K. Rool's tail clips through his throne
I can't believe they made it low to the ground to account for his stubby legs, but couldn't be bothered to design it in a way that would accommodate his tail.

>> No.8086737

you will never get a 3D game without backtracking because it goes against the reason for having it so, go play your 2D sidescrollers>>8082076is right.

>> No.8086759

The problems were the regular bananas that could only be collected by the appropriate Kong, the terrible minigames being rehashed over and over again, Diddy's jetpack controlling like ass despite demanding precision that wasn't there, the glut of timers, and needing to beat arcade DK to access the final boss. Everything else was fine.

>> No.8086770
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>Diddy's jetpack controlling like ass despite demanding precision
funny way to admit you got filtered

>> No.8086780
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lmao gottem

>> No.8086793

Have sex

>> No.8086801

I told someone that they'd unlock a secret world if they achieved 101% on all four save files. I didn't know they actually believed me or cared until they confronted me about it after having done so.

>> No.8086836

The is a patch out there that let's you swap kongs on the fly. Just so you guys know.

>> No.8088974

tomb raider is excellent and has aged immaculately

>> No.8088978

Jesus dude thats like the hardest game to go back to

>> No.8089005

the controls are perfectly designed, they are very tight, the only rough thing is the graphics but if you emulate it with pgxp it looks clean

>> No.8089013

the controls are the worst part about it man. Its totally unplayable to me

>> No.8089019

mm idk i played it as a kid so it is just perfect to me. very deliberate movements with a lot of depth allowing cool tricks.

>> No.8089021

Why? Is that something that you find funny?

>> No.8089025

U r a nigger

>> No.8089831

get off the board
>i was being facetious/sarcastic. it was satire idiot
still get off the board

>> No.8089861

which sucks all of the soul out of the game.

the people who complain about switching don't deserve the kino that is donkey kong 64

>> No.8090030

In my case, I'm better navigating 3D stages. It's more of a problem with 2D level design. Some designers are cheap and use most limited and basic tileset ad nauseam. Feels like I'm stuck in a limbo. Of course, this doesn't happen with better (artistically) designed 2D games.

>> No.8090160

i think the controls are interesting, the same kinda way resident evil is for that, the worst part is gonna have to be graphics

>> No.8090389

>which sucks all of the soul out of the game.
it sucks most of the pointless repetition out of the game. is that the soul?

>> No.8090395

It was a natural evolution of Tooie's design philosophy including, sadly, the issues said designs they had. If they had included more unique areas that only certain guys could access instead of making you do the same guys in the same areas it would have worked better.

>> No.8090398

it doesn't matter one way or the other, i'm comfortable "getting" DK64, if someone is willing to play it with instant character swapping then have at it, doesn't really impact me

>> No.8090403

Tooie comes out after DK64, nice try

>> No.8090404

Tooie is after DK64 and it has smaller areas, likely because they realized DK64 was grossly excessive

>> No.8090406

Well damn, my timeline is messed up. I guess then that Tooie was a scale back from DK64 after they learned their lesson

>> No.8090432

I love that this game causes so much seething. I hope it continues to live rent-free in anons’ heads for years to come.

>> No.8090510

There is no pointless repetition, you're just bad at the game, don't know how to plan routes, and you just wander around aimlessly switching kongs picking up collectibles you don't need. If you play it the based one-kong way, there is literally never one scenario where you actually have to switch out. Playing it with a mod totally takes any of the planning away and makes the game as shallow as all the criticism here makes it out to be, since you're no longer playing the intended 5 mini platformers in 1 level and are instead just switching mindlessly picking up any colored collectible you see.

>> No.8090532

>There is no pointless repetition,
doing an easy area 5 times is pointless repetition, and you have to do that for every level in the game
>you're just bad at the game, don't know how to plan routes,
how is one supposed to plan routes without going down them and finding a dead end
i will give the game credit and say that they often signpost areas with the colored bananas, but even if you keep that in mind, you're still regularly repeating content
>If you play it the based one-kong way,
why have the tag barrel at all if you're not supposed to switch during a level? this is like saying sonic has perfect difficulty balance if you don't grab any rings. even if that's true, there's no indication that you're expected to play that way
>Playing it with a mod totally takes any of the planning away and makes the game as shallow as all the criticism here makes it out to be,
i wanted an action platformer, not a chore assignment game
if you enjoy the game better without that freedom, fine, but most people don't enjoy playing the same easy sections 5 times just to get to new content

>> No.8090564

>doing an easy area
what does this mean, that because you walk over to an area with one character 'youve done it' ?

>> No.8090614

>how is one supposed to plan routes without going down them and finding a dead end
You go through the level as one kong initially, usually Donkey or Diddy. After you complete one kong's collectibles, you will have seen every other kong's collectibles since they're all in the same areas. You will no doubt notice that almost every level can be divided into 3 or 4 sections, and you will have seen which kongs go to which sections.
>why have the tag barrel at all if you're not supposed to switch during a level?
It's there for very basic convenience. Even though I've promoted the one-kong way, I'm not entirely above switching if the collectible is so far out of the way that I know I'll probably forget to check there and it's just like a 5 banana pack. But it shouldn't be a crutch, you shouldn't be switching every 2 minutes, and you shouldn't be going out of your way to look for a tag barrel to switch when you don't have to.
>but most people don't enjoy playing the same easy sections 5 times just to get to new content
You act like people are really sitting there playing all five kongs back to back. No. Realistically your session is going to be 30 minutes to an hour. You start a level, you beat it with one kong, then you go outside and smoke a joint and laugh at stupid videos online, come back and do another kong, then visit the game another day. It doesn't feel like backtracking at all it you do this and of course when you played this game as a kid you certainly weren't a 100% completionist speed runner that needed to get all 5 collectibles in one session. So, no, if you're playing at a realistic pace, it doesn't feel repetitive at all.

>> No.8090791

>don't know how to plan routes
How is someone supposed to plan a route their first time playing?

>> No.8090830

Read the post above you. You only play one kong blind. After you complete that kong's part, you will have seen every other kong's collectibles or special areas. It's just a matter after that of visualizing which path the new character gets to take.

>> No.8091184

>everyone plays the same autistic way I do
That basically sums up your entire argument and it's a pretty shitty one

>> No.8091194

>I don't pay attention to shit when I'm going through levels

Oh, sorry I didn't realize you were retarded. I'm afraid you can't be helped.

>> No.8091204

to be fair >>8082076 has a really interesting post i figure covers the guy you're replying to

>> No.8091310

Yes. Same reason Conker was so linear. DK64 did gt good reviews, but it absolutely got criticized hard for all the excessive bullshit and Rare did take that to heart and toned it down.

>> No.8091584

They were inventing the modern "open-world" game.

>> No.8091591

yeah well they should. my way is objectively superior. If I played the game the way you naysayers describe it I would kill myself.

>> No.8091617

From what I can tell, GBA M&L SSS is just faster combat overall while the 3DS version's just somewhat slower, but prettier.

>> No.8093648


I got it for christmas 99 and it was such a let down compared to the SNES donkey kong games.

It's not good.

It suffers from the same problems as Banjo-Tooie

>> No.8093650

You're a boomer.

>> No.8093713

Those are both good games, by the way. DK64 arguably better than Tooie though. The levels aren't as pointlessly empty, and the framerate doesn't tank as bad.

>> No.8093847

They were inventing the modern "contrarian-core" game.

>> No.8093894

Honestly, the reason that people hate DK64 now is that the entire mentality of gaming has changed. Back when you were a kid, you would just explore the world at your own pace, and that in itself was enjoyable. Once you ended up finding enough, you get access to another level, it feels great and then you go explore that for a bit.

Now, people are basically trying to bumrush each stage so they can get everything and go to the next stage etc. etc. until they beat the game. They treat it like a job and that is why they don't like it.

>> No.8093912

Fuck you zoomer. Go play pay to play games with mommys credit card. Nigger.

>> No.8094020
File: 125 KB, 1920x1080, 1628455908442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needing to play this shit game like 6 times is the definition of filler

>> No.8094047
File: 57 KB, 541x421, power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its pretty crazy finding out that there are people that have no inner visualizing in their mind. Like if you say "picture a rotating red apple in your head" there are people that can't do that.
I was like that until I did ketamine.
I have an armchair neurology theory that when you're younger if you get the wrong kind of virus and your body overreacts to it your brain ends up closing off activity in certain areas which incidentally include spatial visualization. There's an antagonistic relationship between visualizing vs. verbalizing too, so this has a relationship with the development of OCD and neurotic behavior where you constantly try to verbally direct thoughts in a way that becomes deeply ingrained habit that's nearly impossible to change without drugs.
Ketamine, PCP, and even common over the counter cough medicine (provided the active ingredient is Dextromethorphan Hbr) all work as NMDA antagonists which block the verbal kind of thinking and allow the visual kind of cognition to emerge again. It's like an eclipse of the mind and a really intense ego death but worth it if you're similarly lacking in visual thinking and spend all your time with neverending internal monologues running.

>> No.8094053

So what does ketamine do for people who don't need that treatment

>> No.8094054


>> No.8094063

nice leftist meme, do you have more?

>> No.8094083

Not sure. I've never tried Ketamine while being someone else without brain problems.

>> No.8094112

I don't think I like this new definition from "shit that stopped you from beating the game" to "shit that annoyed you during the game"

>> No.8094114

Can you try and then come back?

>> No.8094154

try shit nigga, you got stopped from universally acclaimed gaming experience

>> No.8094160

Are you retarded? He's clearly not saying he didn't beat the game

>> No.8094265

Yeah, I love DK64 but I hate the mini games. The unforgivable thing is not the collectibles but that towards the end it seems there's more mini game bananas than there are exploration bananas. Two or three of the mini games are definitely bugged, that beaver one most notably.

>> No.8094281

Tooie has problems, but I think the level design in Tooie is better than 64. 64 only has one level that feels "good", and it's the fungi forest. Tooie has a few really good levels, like the carnival level and the fire and ice swapped world.

Though both games suffer from glaring problems, like the ridiculous amount of minigames in 64, and the first person shooter sections in Tooie.

>> No.8094289

This is subjective but fungi forest, crystal Caves, and that castle level are all banger levels

>> No.8094305

I may be remembering wrong, because it's been at least 15 years since I really gave DK64 a thorough playthrough; but I wasn't a big fan of the verticality of crystal caves. The castle level was interesting, but I do remember it being a lot of back and forth walking on paths. To me it just felt like an inferior spin on the halloween style level from Banjo Kazooie.

Granted, Fungi Forest is also a spin on Click Clock Wood from Banjo Kazooie as well.

>> No.8094309

Too boring can't play it 5/10

>> No.8094316

When I was a kid the only thing in the entire game that gave me any problems was the hard required coin from beating the original Donkey Kong on the arcade machine in the factory level.

I don't know what it was, but I was just so bad about it.

>> No.8094375

Try the first snes one at least it's ok to play. The Wii ones are good too

>> No.8094693

>the ridiculous amount of minigames in 64, and the first person shooter sections in Tooie.
That's part of what I like about those games. You get a variety of gameplay.