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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8077119 No.8077119 [Reply] [Original]

Can we admit Sonic the Hedgehog is the thinking man's platformer?

>> No.8077128 [DELETED] 

*ploop, splurt*

that's me taking a shit in your thread, faggot. sage.

>> No.8077138

Hold right and sometime press the button. Which button? Doesn't matter, they all do the same thing.

Real thinking man.

>> No.8077147

>Hold right
Only applies to Green Hill Zone

>> No.8077253

What's thoughtful about it? It's a pretty straightforward game

>> No.8077371

>any platformer
>thinking man
Holy cope, it's ok to enjoy children's games anon but stop acting like you're doing anything meaningful

>> No.8077379

>just run right as fast as you can

>> No.8077383

all platformers are so fucking boring i dont see the appeal at all
i never liked mario as a kid and didnt find sonic interesting either. i still dont like mario games even the new one

>> No.8077396

> just run right as fast as you can

lose your rings from falling into a spike pit and die.

Classic Sonic games aren't all about speed. There's not much thinking in them as well, though.

>> No.8077404

as long as you dont lose all rings you cannot die, just press right to win

>> No.8077405

Have you ever been able to leap over fences or jump around outside or are you a fat lazy fuck who never ran in PE?

>> No.8077428

>thinking man’s platformer
>OP didn’t say Silhouette Mirage

>> No.8078527

gimmick is the thinking mans platformer, there's a reason so many people are filtered by it

>> No.8078530

>Silhouette Mirage
more of an action game than a platformer

>> No.8078548

I downloaded sonic mania and while the levels are cool looking they don't feel fun or satisfying toat traverse, half the content gets skipped or passes by too fast while I just hold right and jump and win, I don't know Wtf I'm doing but I beat a bunch of levels like this...It's like the casual version of casual baby platformers?

>> No.8078558

You're just playing the game casually, it's obvious that you don't think too much of it. Now try to beat a couple levels by staying exclusively on the upper path (aka the non-shitter route) and get back to me.

>> No.8078578

So the games are just this casual and easy unless you force some contrived limit on how you beat them?

>> No.8078590

If casual and easy means you being a casual who's too stupid to improve and master a game, yes. But don't worry anon, there are plenty of games where you can just play on easy or use God mode cheats or something.

>> No.8078591 [DELETED] 

Not liking genesis sonic is sign of pleb taste.

>> No.8078604

save that shit for your baskin-robbins discord group

>> No.8078613

>play this easy game with one hand to make it interesting!
A game has to hook me with its substance, inherent challenge and mechanics before I consider mastering it lol

>> No.8078619

The games beat themselves just hold right and spam jump to win, you get so many coins you're almost immortal

>> No.8078620 [DELETED] 

Auster got filtered by Sonic lmao

>> No.8079039


>> No.8079050


Ask me how do I know this thread is full of zoomers who never ever played a 16-bit Sonic game.

>> No.8079051
File: 194 KB, 800x1133, 122092-sonic-the-hedgehog-sega-master-system-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 8-bit Sonic which doesn't let you pick up rings after taking damage. The 16-bit Sonic games are for casual shitplayers.

>> No.8079057
File: 1.77 MB, 1278x720, 1628901294324.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8079073

Honestly think I like this one more (because of the way you find emeralds), but the original 16-bit one still blows me away in a lot of ways like the 3D graphics and special stages, and I started with 16 bit Sonic 2 and 3(&K).

>> No.8079079
File: 57 KB, 640x480, LostViking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought of the Lost Vikings when I read thinking man's platformer.

>> No.8079086

Rayman 1 desu because fuck playtesting

>> No.8079094

"It's cool, we tried the jump once and we made it, so it should be easy, right."

>> No.8079104

Sonic is indeed the thinking man's platformer. Out running the screen is something Nintendo fans will never experience or understand.
Its been awhile but doesn't 8bit Sonic allow you to pick up at least one ring?

>> No.8079113

back in the 1890s when Sonic came out you were probably 9 years old and hypnotized by the graphics, music and colors, not realizing how mechanically bad the platforming actually was.

>> No.8079115

Based ultra boomer sonic chads

>> No.8079124

kek whats this from

>> No.8079134


>> No.8079135

>Its been awhile but doesn't 8bit Sonic allow you to pick up at least one ring?
Nah, in Sonic 1 on the MS the ring you're probably thinking of just falls offcreen, you can't pick it up. In Sonic 2 rings drop as with most games.

>> No.8079143

Only the first game, CD and 8-bit games.

>> No.8079149

Ah, Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sega Mega Tabulator. Now that was a game.

>> No.8079178

god I wanna leap over fences again so badly

>> No.8079192

The game is structurally designed around the idea of organizing difficulty by level height. If you're good enough, you can keep going through the higher, harder, faster paths, and avoid falling down to the longer/slower paths. if you're not that good yet, you take it easy and practice through the lower paths. It's not forcing a contrived limit: the game is evaluating player skill by means of the level design.

>> No.8079198

is it painful to be this retarded?

>> No.8079203
File: 70 KB, 640x637, 1622721904923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's a good point

>> No.8079779

sega consoles were for retarded, low iq kids back in the day. sonic's retarded level design appealed strongly to them!

>> No.8079826
