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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8076438 No.8076438 [Reply] [Original]

with a zillion of updates and new games


Download: https://www.mamedev.org/release.html

>> No.8076513

Thank god we now have a working emulator for Texas Instruments TI-5100. What the fuck is wrong with MAME developers?

>> No.8076524

They want to emulate without hardware acceleration, which practically limits the scope to hardware from the 80s and 90s. If you're expecting anything beyond Model 2 and early Voodoo shit to be emulated well, just walk away. The emulator isn't for you. Expect refinements to slowly come out for what's already supported, and nothing more ambitious than the mid 90s 3D shit already supported. I think it's awesome whenever they fix something like a bug in Contra or Q*Bert's sound, or Apple 2 emulation in something that isn't weird early 2000s-ware.

>> No.8076545

Cry more. MAME is for much more than whatever game you're whining about not having. If there's sonething you want done, may e you should sit down and contribute to the project.

>> No.8076554

i'm probably the only one who cares, but why hasn't the mame team invested into emulating all those weird pokemon handhelds dedicated games, like the pokedexes and the tamagotchis etc etc? what about the digivices? and the cheap chink brick games? there's an entire subgenre of devices which is woefully underrepresented

>> No.8076560

You make this hard but I will abstain from personal insults. The primary goal of the MAME project is preservation.

>> No.8076885

>New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
>Apple Computer LaserWriter [Jeff Muizelaar]
>Apple Computer LaserWriter Plus [Jeff Muizelaar]
LMAO, printer emulation.
Cool that someone wants to do crazy stuff like that though.

>> No.8077082

Man I have good memories of playing all those puzzle games and clones on my TI graphic calculator back in high school calc (Note for zoomers: this was back before smartphones)

>> No.8077094

Based zoomers living rent free in this fag's head. Not even in his nostalgic reminiscing he's safe from the 4channel brain rot.

>> No.8077175

It's all a part of their accuracy push. That's why you can actually hook MAME up to a network and have it act like these old systems to interface with other old systems or programs. Being able to interface with all the old hardware is part of the goal, printers included.

They've already done Tiger Electronics and the Nintendo Game and Watch games, and an absolute fuck-ton of the old LED and LCD games that do simple games like baseball, poker, simon says, etc. Odds are, it's on the list of future projects somwhere.

>> No.8077184

> zillion of updates
so many machines still fucked and all they fix is trash and add more trash. merging mess with mame was a mistake.
>What the fuck is wrong with MAME developers?
not sure. stopped giving a fuck when they merged mess and destroyed mame.
>If you're expecting anything beyond Model 2 and early Voodoo shit to be emulated well, just walk away.
imagine being this mentally disabled? they have machines already capable of such levels of hardware working just fine. there's no need to make excuses for a project that just can't find anyone with any expertise to finish anything.
>i'm probably the only one who cares, but why hasn't the mame team invested into emulating all those weird pokemon handhelds dedicated games, like the pokedexes and the tamagotchis etc etc?
they have. there's a lot of handhelds emulated, with roms, going all the way back to the start of the 1980s. that stuff is hell interesting to me as i've always been interested in looking at the code that drives them.

>> No.8077203

>It's all a part of their accuracy push. That's why you can actually hook MAME up to a network and have it act like these old systems to interface with other old systems or programs. Being able to interface with all the old hardware is part of the goal, printers included.
like most things that involve mame and this level of faggotry, mame have not made this an easy task to accomplish. just developing software for any given arcade board that it supports is a literal fucking nightmare. the debugger still crashes and does the most bizarre shit imaginable STILL after 20 something years. mame's level of support works like this:
> vomit up an idea
> merge a semi-working version of idea into build
> works on my machine (c)(tm)(r)
job done. also:
> leave it there for 10+ years and hope someone comes along to fix it

>> No.8077414

Well time to delete my outdated garbage rom folder and torrent the new one

>> No.8077484

>merging mess with mame was a mistake.
Prior to the merge they were mostly adding in slot machines and getting the slots working. The last major thing they did before the merge was finally get Raiden 2 and Raiden DX working, The other major stuff in the 5 years prior to the merge was merging in PinMAME(and all the mechanical games that came with it), Dirt Dash got promoted to working(though still being fucked up), Ridge Racer 2(I think this is finally fully working), GTI Club and Thrill Drive got added(though fucked up and eventually demoted back to non-working), and Armadillo Racing(which is still barely functional), and IGS/PGM1 games started to become playable.

Meanwhile, since the merge they've got NBA Jam Extreme, San Francisco Rush The Rock, San Francisco Rush 2049, Tank Wars, Time Crisis, Operation Wolf, and a bunch of other games working properly, fixed sound on some Toaplan games, fixed long-standing bugs on Rampart, Gauntlet, Final Lap, Sunset Riders, a ton of Gaelco games, RC De Go, Seibu protection got cracked, PGM2 games got promoted to working, Incredible Technology games got promoted to working, a number of 90's Midway games got promoted to working, improvements to Cave games, improvements to Tatio games, etc.

Literally more improvements to arcade games and games getting promoted to working has happened in the last 6 years than the 6 before. How has it been a mistake?

>> No.8077576

>not sure. stopped giving a fuck when they merged mess and destroyed mame.
my experience of using MAME was completely unchanged before and after the MESS merge. what problems did you run into? (quick, pull something plausible out of your ass)

>> No.8077724
File: 204 KB, 882x435, 1607261232753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need to redownload the full romset or can I stick with the ones from 0.233?

>> No.8077728

Beggars can't be choosers. Stop whining like a little bitch and contribute instead if you want to see specific stuff fixed.

>> No.8077768

Traditional hardware accelerated video is right out because they want pixel-perfect results, but the MAME team is interested in using compute shaders to push shit onto the GPU.
Also, a few systems can be vastly improved by using a dynarec core for the CPU instead of a straight interpreter, NAOMI has some really obvious areas for improvement, etc.

honestly, some MAME team members are fucking stupid and are active enemies of progress
nothing like dealing with
>this shit's broken, I'm gonna improve it
>"yeah, but it isn't the right way"
>this is an objective improvement to what we currently do and we can easily do it the right way, here's something that cleans up decades old code rot
>"fuck no, let's leave it obviously broken until we can do it perfectly" or "what a useless change, rejected"

and so some shit stays broken for literally 20 years because fuck incremental progress apparently

>> No.8077778

All the good stuff already works fine so who cares? Sorry I’m not autistic enough to care that some obscure garbage is still broken.

>> No.8077781

Because releasing a butchered, half-assed update is going to poison the well you fucking idiot. The moment a semi-working rom is released hosting sites will mirror it. And then when the rom is fully working it's going to be impossible to distinguish which sites have which version.

>> No.8077782

You can download the torrent with just the necessary updates (i.e. changed roms and new roms) from Pleasuredome after every new release.

>> No.8077792

Just create an account on PleasureDome (full torrents) or retroroms.info (individual ROM downloads). They always have the most recent ROMs.

You can use this database to see game screenshots and find something you actually want to try, then click on "show mame required files" to see what you have to download from the above sites: http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?search=mame&clone=0&driver_status=workingimperfect

>> No.8077808

The primary goal of those emulation projects is to preserve. Being able to play the games is a nice side effect.

>> No.8077813

>All the good stuff already works fine so who cares?
I'm pretty sure Daytona USA and Virtua Fighter 2 aren't obscure garbage.

>The moment a semi-working rom is released hosting sites will mirror it. And then when the rom is fully working it's going to be impossible to distinguish which sites have which version.
this has already been the case for over 20 years you absolute retard
it's why MAME keeps fucking with romset updates, many of which are unrelated to having new data and are merely reshuffling bytes around or file renaming
also, not all MAME driver changes involve romset changes anyway

>Because releasing a butchered, half-assed update is going to poison the well you fucking idiot
except it isn't butchered or half-assed, it's a straight up improvement with a clear path towards success
think (if you can): is a developer passing along going to work on something that's completely broken, or are they going to go and improve something that's almost working?

>> No.8077879

>whaaaa why won't they introduce hacks?
FBA/FBN decided to go that route. Now they find themselves trying to convert their code over to something closer to MAME in accuracy since trying to fix errors and bugs when the codebase is full of hacks is a fucking nightmare. That's why you don't see FBN adding new games all that often. Hell, it's had one major update since they split, adding in drivers for stuff MAME has already done for years.

And you act like they only accept updates that are 100% accurate when that isn't true at all. For them to reject something, means it was either outright incorrect and worthless, broken, or completely failed at following the coding standard. Otherwise they would just edit it and add it in. Come on lameass, let's see the "straight up improvement" in emulation that was rejected. I've seen you bring this up before, but you never post the proof.

>> No.8077881

Still waiting on an answer from the guy calling the merge a mistake. Come on you whiny faggot. Let's hear a real reason and not just "IT'S BAD BECAUSE I SAID SO!".

>> No.8079398

>25 years later
>there are still people being filtered by MAME's MO

>> No.8080428

>That's why you don't see FBN adding new games all that often.

They're actually adding new console ROMs nonstop: https://neo-source.com/index.php?topic=3656

>> No.8080461

Yeah, because that's all new code for console platforms, not trying to build off of already existing hacks on the arcade platforms.

>> No.8081515

Is it still unintuitive and ugly?
inb4 zoomer

>> No.8081539

Use a merged set.
Use a front-end.

>> No.8081859

Lot of angry mame devs itt

>> No.8082030

>have to download all the games again
god dammit

>> No.8082121

>anyone who isn't retarded must be a mame dev!
Trotting out the old arguments when you've been called out on every one so far? You are too predictable. Now start ranting about how console ported game anthologies are so much better.