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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8074609 No.8074609 [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ think about the first Animal Crossing? Do you think that Nintendo would have localized the N64 original, had it not been ported to the Game Cube by the end of 2001?


>> No.8074635

Still my favorite Animal Crossing. The last two AC have felt very grindy especially with how inflated the prices are on every building project.

>> No.8074636

the gamecube is basically the n64 version, so what are you even on about
check out the file size of the iso

>> No.8074662 [DELETED] 

>another fucking Cuntendo thread

aaand hidden.

>> No.8074668 [DELETED] 

The Gamecube was made because there wasn't much of a market for N64 games anymore, and there'd have been even less of one when an eventual English version would've come out. So probably not.

>> No.8074674

The Gamecube version was made because there wasn't much of a market for N64 games anymore, and there'd have been even less of one when an eventual English version would've come out. So probably not. Too much text to translate for too niche a release.

>> No.8074770 [DELETED] 


>> No.8074773 [DELETED] 

It's a game fro trannies and fake Nintendo fans. Much like Smash Bros.

>> No.8074775


>> No.8074776 [DELETED] 

That's strictly New Horizons due to the pro-tranny localization.

>> No.8074782 [DELETED] 

You're only count as "true" Nintendo fan if you've bought all SMB1 re-releases on every system.

>> No.8074813 [DELETED] 

you have a mental illness

>> No.8074821 [DELETED] 

>you have a mental illness
Who are people that still play Nintendo games over the age of 10, Alex?

>> No.8074824 [DELETED] 

Maybe, but before Smash Bros Ultimate I had always considered Melee to be a "tumblr furry faggot" game. Tranny didn't take up until last year.

>> No.8074828
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Loved the original. The ui of the n64 version gives me a feeling I can't really describe but I really like it

>> No.8074829 [DELETED] 

Speaking of which, what is the pro-tranny localization?

Cutting off your dick is a worse mental illness than autism.

>> No.8074835 [DELETED] 

They ommited the use of the terms male and female completely during character creation, which is present in the original version.

>> No.8074839 [DELETED] 

In the Japanese version too or PAL/American?

>> No.8074840 [DELETED] 

You enjoy playing with Fisher Price baby toys

>> No.8074875
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>Do you think that Nintendo would have localized the N64 original, had it not been ported to the Game Cube by the end of 2001?
No. There were only a handful of N64 games released in 2001, and the Gamecube had already been announced back in 2000. If the Gamecube version was being developed for Japanese markets already I think it made lots of sense to hold off.
On top of that, the higher-than-average amount of text in the game means it would take longer or be more costly to localize then a lot of other games they might have chosen instead.

>> No.8074885 [DELETED] 

lmao you know /pol/ has rotted your brain to the core when you're whining about trivial localization choices in a game for nine year olds

>> No.8074892 [DELETED] 

Yes, how dare anyone question *why* those choices were made.

>> No.8074914 [DELETED] 

"Transexuality" is a perverted fetish that is being forced on children. It is a terrible thing in our society. You will never be a woman.

>> No.8075297

>tfw the E+ localization project turned out to be a fucking patreon scam
>head project person was just google translating and guessing what the translations might be
>one or two legit translators appeared and seemed to be doing good work (and many, many more trannyslators of questionable repute) but they all bounced after it became clear that they were being milked so the one dude could fuck off with free cash
literally worse than the Amagami taking 10 years to translate bullshit solely because there was money on the table. the romhack translating scene is such a blight.

>> No.8075319
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>> No.8075437
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>> No.8075617 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8075852
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>> No.8075903
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>> No.8075926

>The last two AC have felt very grindy especially with how inflated the prices are on every building project.
It's amazing how much of the grind goes away when you just go online for turnip trades and whatnot. NH and NL were clearly designed with this in mind, so trying to play the game in a single player environment makes it feel really sluggish.

>> No.8076120

i really havent enjoyed an AC since the first one to be honest. im not quite sure why
first one really feels the best to me even now

>> No.8076180

island/city/etc. aren't as good of settings as forest for a game about relaxing and hiding away from freaks

>> No.8076253
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>> No.8076332

I've actually been replaying this for the past couple of weeks due to getting bored of New Horizons. While I love the dialog and the feel of the game, I do sorely miss the little quality of life features, certain villagers not being there, and less stuff to collect for the museum. There's other minor nitpicks, like the e-reader stuff not being accessible at all, and the island having no real purpose, but it's been fun. Makes me wish that the newest Animal crossing had the dialog, music and such of the original, but with most of the new mechanics intact.

>> No.8077114

Even when I was playing the stalk market online it wasn't as much fun. IDK there isn't enough to do to warrant playing online with people

>> No.8077118

As shit posty as it sounds; Animal Crossing really did lose SOUL as the games progressed

>> No.8077226

I wonder why there is no Rom of this still. I mean patch is out, but no rom with the patch applied.

>> No.8077238

I think it's due to Nintendo Treehouse doing an excellent job on translating Animal Forest. In the Japanese version there is not much text to it, and is normal. Nintendo of Japan liked the Treehouse dialogue so much that they did add their stuff in with Doubutsu No Mori E+ as an update. If anything you perhaps could do that in the future when New Horizon becomes moddable one day. Much like others have been to have these things in the game.

>> No.8077246

The problem with future releases is they became static up until New Leaf and Horizons. Wild World kind of had a neat concept for the DS version and had some new events and random things happening especially shooting down a balloon etc. City Folk for Wii was basically Wild World and Animal Crossing on Gamecube combined, but kind of had less to do with the characters and interactions. New Leaf had much more to do with the towns, Horizons gave you so much to do with towns, characters etc and feels a lot better overall rather than just small things added. A lot is customizable in that game. The only thing i think they are missing is some of the neat hidden events like in the Gamecube version with the lighthouse, characters having better dialogue when writing you back, and also Gyroid's have been diminishing where there is only one much like it was in New Leaf and even sadly 3 in the Wild World version. Gamecube ended up having more varied Gyroids.

>> No.8077254

I blame people who are desperate for translations than those who make the Patreons. Customers need to demand updates every week and progress notes. They also need to make sure they give money to those who know how to do it and have a track record than those who say they know Japanese and it's obvious MTL work. There have been many such cases of this sadly. I would rather pay someone who lived in Southeast Asia to translate for me than any of the Narcissist Sociopaths we have here in the West. Because although it has sentence structure issues at times at least they are not going to milk you for money for years. They just get up and get it done. Your money goes further there than here.

>> No.8077648

very good game, with lots of shortcomings

blathers literally serves no purpose

>> No.8077659

horizons feels too much like a job for me to have fun with in my opinion
a lot of modern games that get praise nowadays just feel like a job rather than an outlet for fun and relaxation
especially open world stuff
and as a side note i really hate having to deal with home menus in modern consoles and achievements are annoying. wish consoles would just launch a game if there was a game inside

>> No.8077749

i recently imported どうぶつの森 on the n64 and have been really enjoying it. only things that are sorely missed are the museum and able sisters, but everything else is still pretty solid. if i can ever find a jp gamecube i'll probably import どうぶつの森+ because I never knew it had additional content compared to Animal Crossing.
Also, I'm not normally a fan of using the shitwords like "soul" but the n64 game and by extension gamecube game have so much style pressed into them, it creates such a great game atmosphere. its lovely

>> No.8077754

also the soundtrack is phenomenal

>> No.8077757

Someone was charging money to make a translation patch? Someone should have reported this to Nintendo.

>> No.8077762

>passionate director makes good game
>good game does very well
>Director gets promoted into positions where has less hands on contribution
>series suffers

Why the fuck does this always happen in video games

>> No.8077783
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People are literally STILL paying for vaporware which the "creator" doesn't even show up or make commentary on at all.

>> No.8078058

I've recently been playing it again. The atmosphere is unmatched, and the graphics are mostly timeless aside from some face textures. It's been super cozy the past few days with the in-game thunderstorms.
I'd say the original is the easiest to come back to since it feels like a lived-in place. New Horizons is too much of a decorating sim and the crafting shit and breakable tools just ruins the relaxed vibe of the game

>> No.8078119

How the actual literal fuck is this legal?

>> No.8078286

It definitely shows its age now but at the time it was MINDBLOWINGLY COMFY and i still love it to this day. Also the music is still the best in the series. Also peak nostalgia:
>be a small lad, various violent games and other normal games but sometimes wanna just chill
>plays animal crossing on gamecube and harvest moon FoMT on gba
>comfy life is comfy

>> No.8078324

Why go through the trouble to translate another Game Cube game that already was translated, for the sake of the extra content? If someone translated the N64 game, at least it would serve a historical purpose. Easy to patch and load the rom to a N64 game, than burn a Game Cube disc image, apply the patch, and to deal with Game Cube emulation. Is doing N64 easier or harder than doing Game Cube emulation?

>> No.8078348

Anyone tried this? Is it the old ass patch that only does the first hour of the game?

>> No.8078703

Considering that e+ has a lot of dialogues unique to it since brand new features were added in, there is some virtue to this.
Although, many of the villagers talking to each other dialogues are shared with Wild World, so that could possibly eliminate the need to translate some of those outright too if a correct comparison/copypaste could be done.

>> No.8079065
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>394$ a month
>Add to credits and getting a patch, going to a Discord where nothing happens
>No updates
>No proof that there is any translations going on
Too many dumb people in this world. All i can do is laugh.

>> No.8079080

I think it's a grey area. Only because it's not like this person can keep their patch behind a paywall and is only being paid for a service to translate something, not to sell it off and keep it exclusive. Then again i could be missing out on the fact Nintendo has clamped down on certain mod's before even if they were free.

>> No.8079337
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>> No.8079495

lmao can't even get the english correct in a non translated section

>> No.8079845

The first game is the only one I played.
I played it nearly non-stop for a month while I was laid up after ankle surgery.
I HATE that if you spend too much time without playing your whole village gets shitted up with weeds and villagers get pissed at you.
I don't have enough free time to play Animal Crossing more than once a week.
Is the one for Wii like that? I've thought about getting it but not if you MUST PLAY EVERY DAY like the original.

>> No.8079852

He said the *last two,* referring to New Leaf and New Horizons. I think you read this as "the first two."

>> No.8079876

It's the best in the series. Wild World is okay, but the others are shit. The newer games don't even have mean villagers. I used to think it was so funny when one of them would call you fat or they'd paint your roof behind your back or some shit. Now they're placid and boring, and the games are full of crafting and farming mechanics. I said this in a thread a while ago: the last couple of animal crossing games have bored me because every time I'd boot it up I'd be knocking off a checklist of all the shit I felt like I had to do that day. The first game is simple, you can just chill and fish, catch bugs or fossil hunt at your leisure. You could have up to 15 villagers at a time, which still hasn't been matched by any of the later entries, and the music was the best. Animal Crossing GCN is the only game in the series which I bother to get a perfect town and revisit from time to time, all the others bore me in a few days.

>> No.8080118

I don't think you understood the anon you replied to.

>> No.8080152

When I first got the game, I had this jackass villager named Billy who always seemed to insult me whenever I talked to him. I hated that asshole. Then on my Birthday he showed up to give me an NES game. That's the kind of randomized narrative structure you can't get in modern Animal Crossing games.

>> No.8081145
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>> No.8081179

She looks like she fucks human boys

>> No.8081706
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>> No.8081748

New leaf is my favorite but the GC one is my second.

>> No.8081773

Agreeing with this post. However I still prefer the original's soundtrack. I swear it was on here somewhere that I saw this post but some anon once said "Animal Crossing GCN really does capture the rural town feeling". It's accurate as hell. I loved Wild World and LGTTC/CF but nothing tops GCN (other than NL). NH is just trash, though. I still play it but it doesn't have the same charm.

>> No.8082832

There is only one in the whole village.

>> No.8083476
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>> No.8083482
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>> No.8083513
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>> No.8083847
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>> No.8083962

Best Animal Crossing. Shame the later games got rid of all the little collectable and fully playable NES games. Spent many hours re-arranging furniture in my house and then playing a shitload of Punch-Out.

>> No.8084738
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>> No.8085191

why do they put so much busy work in AC nowadays
why do the villagers feel so much more lifeless than in the original
why dont they have a ton of nes and snes and even gamecube games for the newest AC?

>> No.8085195

Kids probably cried because a villager called them ugly or lazy so hey can't say shit now. The new games have loads of content bloat because people will whine that there isn't enough to do if you trust them to make their own fun with the content in the game, which is the point of AC. They don't have NES and SNES games so they can resell them to you or make you subscribe to an online service to get them.

>> No.8085219

Can you do something with the villagers that isn't jobs or asking for game tips?

>> No.8085227

In Wild World you could harass them with pitfalls and digging holes.

>> No.8085230

>Kids probably cried because a villager called them ugly or lazy so hey can't say shit now.

Only snooty villagers do that? I had Yuka in my town when I played CF on Wii, i just hated her arrogance. Not a single snooty fuck on my island in New Horizons.

The only one who can act like a jerk with the full right to do so is Resetti, but he actually frightened kids so Nook fired him.

>> No.8085241

No, in GCN all villagers do that to some degree, snooty and grumpy villagers moreso.

>> No.8085246

Hit them with nets, do jobs, talk to them. After you've spoken to them and played for a couple of days, they'll stop giving you game tips and start gossiping, giving you pop quizzes, reminding you of events, giving you gifts and saying fun shit.

>> No.8085269

Funny enough, all villager types do and say mean shit to you in the original game. Snooty and Cranky insult you, Peppy villagers can choose to steal shit from you (Including all your bells if you're really unlucky). Lazy villagers tend to forget your name, or occasionally say your name is odd. Normal villagers can act passive aggressive, and Jock villagers get upset with you if you you say your don't like exercise.

One that caught me off guard recent was a snooty getting upset and saying something like "Who cares what you do, all you do is pop warts off your ugly face." because I didn't want to do a job for her. As silly as it sounds, I can imagine a modern audience getting up in arms about such a silly sentence rather than laughing at it.

>> No.8085556
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you never have to play every single day, youre intended to drop in every once in a while. But every game has weeds grow, City folk has them get worried about you. PG is the only game in the series with truly angry/mean neighbors

>> No.8085558

wish i could get a translated n64 cartridge because i dont wanna own a gamecube for this but still want a physical playable game

>> No.8085559
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>cant handle a little banter

>> No.8085567

Even Wild World was a distinct step down in terms of villager interaction.
It also lost a lot of the little things that made them feel more alive.

>> No.8085617

See it was the opposite problem for me
>pull unique insults from games like Animal Crossing and Atomic Bomberman
>call retards at school the shit I learned from those vidya
>get called to the office and have to explain myself to principal and parents
>"well I saw it in a game"
kind of amazing I never got my ass kicked looking back on it, but detention was still a bitch.

>> No.8086035

I want the N64 version translated because it is far easier for me to download and patch a N64 rom, than it is to burn or run GC disc image. N64 emulation can be shitty, no doubt, but roms are easier to play with than GC ISO's.

>> No.8087324
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>> No.8087334

sometimes i like to leave the n64 version running on my television while i work on other things, just to have the ambience

>> No.8087370

Don't know if it's just me but ever since wild world I couldn't get into an AC game mega deep.

>> No.8088460
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>> No.8088485

It's likely not, but niche enough that it hasn't been caught by Nintendo.

>> No.8088589

the fucking soul is off the charts. If E+ had online multiplayer, it would undoubtedly be one of my favorite games of all time. As it is, it feels too isolated because you can't trade memory cards with anyone.

Unless /vr/ were to alternate between memory card uploads online with four people

>> No.8088591

fuck off to redd*t

>> No.8088721

Really don’t like grid system, is very jarring. Also don’t like how the museum works.

I wish I could play animal crossing like when I was a kid again but goddamn an hour everyday is a lot to me these days.

>> No.8088780

how come you don't like acres?

>> No.8089210
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>> No.8089772

Moving from one screen to the next is clunky

>> No.8090937
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>> No.8091653
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>> No.8092227
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>> No.8093589
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>> No.8093601


>> No.8093610

the second I finish my thesis I'll pursue my real dream and start creating mods for this game

>> No.8093637

Kinda makes me wish AC could get the Mario 64 PC treatment.

>> No.8093646

translate the 64 game then. Do it.

>> No.8093652

Not in my skill area. I WOULD like to learn it, but I would assume those behind the SM64 decompilation had a little more skill in ASM and reverse-engineering.

>> No.8093678

Why didn't you do japanese!?!?! Now you've doomed us

>> No.8095317
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>> No.8096276
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>> No.8096324

Why are new villager designs so fucking bad? For every brilliant design like Ankha there's 10 nu-villagers which are just a mishmash of random colors splattered over a preset model

>> No.8096364
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You need the ugly ones to really drive the girls who only want pretty/cute villagers up the wall when they show up.

>> No.8097296

What the fuck is this real guys

>> No.8097318

>10 nu-villagers

ANCH doesn't even have 10 nu-villagers lmao

>> No.8097608

>splattered over a preset model
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's how 99+% of villagers work. I think even with Ankha, she is the Cat template with a few doodads and her custom texture.

>> No.8098036

yes, unironically.

>> No.8099250
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>> No.8099761

Would you an Animal Crossing human villager?

>> No.8101378
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>> No.8102215
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You will (not) let this thread die

>> No.8103352
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Guys please

>> No.8103961

Chris also won a Sega thing when was really young. He's been on TV and in magazines multiple times before people dug him up. He even released a DVD called "Yep I'm on TV"

>> No.8104121
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>> No.8105582

Echoing other sentiments, I genuinely think the original is better than New Horizons. But that's mainly because the games have different aims, and are for seemingly different audiences

>> No.8105680
