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8074583 No.8074583 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, I have a question. Are MegaMan and Roll siblings or a couple? I am not sure if it has been confirmed by the actual creators of the series, I do know that they are siblings in the cartoon and Archie comic, but in marvel vs capcom, roll seems to have an innocent little jealous crush on him but since those are spin offs I don't know if they count. Any one have solid concrete evidence of anything regarding rock and rolls relationship?

>> No.8074589

It’s a Japanese game.


>> No.8074597

It's not like that really matters, they can't procreate and have deformed children.

>> No.8074601

In a manner of speaking yes. I can't recall if the terms are ever fully used, but Proto Man is generally considered Mega Man's brother, but...
>a couple
It varies. I do know one piece of the artwork has Roll looking huffy- and "coincidentally" glancing at Kalinka kissing Rock. Also, Powered Up has Copy Roll imply "something" about Rock/Mega that Roll denies.
Outside of those, though, I don't think it comes up much in the games.

>> No.8074605

robots can't have sexual partners
they are siblings to all those built in their line

>muh volnutt
didn't the guy in 2 who regeneticed all the humans make rockman a real boy? Maybe then he could have fee fees in his pee pee for girlees

>> No.8074612
File: 174 KB, 768x768, 59116709_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure they've always been meant to be brother and sister as they were created one after the other. Roll was never meant to be shown as having a love interest and is the cute helper robot . She cares about her brother because he's the only real family she has, unless you count the dog and the bird.

>> No.8074620

Siblings, but Roll has a crush on Rock IIRC.

>> No.8074625

They're robots created by the same man. If that makes them "siblings" they're siblings.

>> No.8074627

Name one time in any piece of japanese media where a brother and/or sister were not shown, even once, to have romantic feelings towards the other

>> No.8074629

Powered Up Roll wants the Mega Rock Cock so much she's willing to murder her own clone in order for him to not find out

>> No.8074646
File: 405 KB, 1024x1024, 66454121_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't enough good Roll art on the internet.

>> No.8074685

Classic: siblings, but they’re asexual robots so whatever.

Legends: it’s complicated. Barret is the biological father of Roll. He “adopts” Rock, but not formally (has a different last name). When Roll parents disappear, they start being raised together by Barret. And as they reach their teens, they’re teased as having feeling for each other (ex.: Roll’s Diary, jealousy vs. Tron, etc.), but nothing else. But they might as well be a couple.

>> No.8074694

Rock Voulnutt is always human, you just see him with his digger armor all the time. It’s revealed he is from Elysium, but it’s never implied he isn’t human. He’s the same kind of artificially made humans all the other human characters are. At least his current reincarnated version is. Barrey finds him as a baby/toddler.

>> No.8074696

>Barret is the biological father of Roll
Meant to say grandfather

>> No.8074705
File: 154 KB, 800x600, Roll.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8075304
File: 9 KB, 180x225, ValentineRoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic Roll is his sibling. Depending on the game and translation, they jump around from being siblings or just feeling like each others sibling. But siblings either way.
All other versions of Roll are typically his childhood friend and have a blatant crush on him.
However, text in other games (Usually non-mainline games) imply that classic Roll may have a crush on her brother.
>"Happy Valentine's Day! I wonder if my secret crush is obvious? Tee hee hee..."
In the Mega Man 1 remake Powered Up, in the Roll story, Roll's copy will tease her about Mega Man. Causing Roll to blush and become flustered, her copy teases her even more that she will confess her feelings to Mega.
I think in one of the comics licensed by capcom, Roll goes shopping for valentines day chocolate for Mega.
In some official Capcom artwork, you can see Roll looking jealous or angered whenever a girl is too close to Mega.
And if you want to go for a stretch, it could look like her theme that plays in Marvel vs. Capcom and Battle & Chase could be about her wanting to confess her love to her brother.
Maybe she was programmed to be overly affectionate. I remember seeing a piece of art that describes her normal day like cooking for Dr. Light, and she throws around the word love a lot.

>> No.8075329

Truly the best vidya imoutodaughterwife.

>> No.8075386

This may sound a bit stretchy, but I think that the robot masters from the classic series have sentience and that dr right had nothing to do with it, I believe that roll and rock do think of themselves at brother and sister, but roll just really appreciates her brother and looks up to him and has a child crush on him. Nothing sexual or lewd, as innocent as it can get considering they are 9 or 10 mentally.

>> No.8075416

So are you saying Rock/X's mind was uploaded to the bio-Rock?

>> No.8075625

Not the same character, but he might have been. He’s straight up called an Irregular Hunter of Elysium in the japanese version (Purifier Unit in the american dub). This came pretty close to X5’s ending with X mentioning dreaming up a new world called Elysium. Though both came out way before X’s continued story in the Zero series was a thing, much less whatever the fuck is supposed to be happening in ZX.

The backstory of Legends is pretty long and it’s explained very abruptly between both game’s endings. If you’re interested in all the details, check a wiki.
(History > As MegaMan Trigger)

>> No.8075640

Rock, X and Volnutt are all different characters.
Rock is nowhere to be found in the X series, but it's implied that he's fine as of Megaman X3.
X retired to Cyberspace at the end of MMZ1 and his body was later destroyed by some faggot villain I forgot the name of. His powers were copied over to a Biometal in Megaman ZX.
I think Legends happens decades after ZX? Could be wrong.

>> No.8075645

>but it's implied that he's fine as of Megaman X3.
Wait, do explain.

>> No.8075656

>He’s straight up called an Irregular Hunter of Elysium in the japanese version (Purifier Unit in the american dub). This came pretty close to X5’s ending with X mentioning dreaming up a new world called Elysium.

Whatever was planned or being hinted at here, it's been retconned to death by now.

>> No.8075657

You could say it's not canon, but Volt Catfish's animated intro from the PS1 version of MMX3 shows Auto chilling out in his house for a brief moment. You could infer that both he and his friends (including Rock) are still alive and relatively well, living in Doppler City (where X3 takes place).
If not, you can probably write off Rockman & friends as having been brutally killed by Zero when he first woke up, since Zero was created by Wily to kill Rock after all, but that doesn't make much sense because X4 tells a different story.

>> No.8075664

Holy shit, this is such a crazy important detail.

>> No.8075675


>It's a kids franchise.

>As hard as it might be to believe, the classic series has always been aimed at a young audience, made up of elementary school children from ages six to twelve. It's out of the series' nature to depict such events, let alone imply it.

>Many will argue that the Original Series does have it's “dark” moments, such as Rock's declaration of wanting to kill Wily at the final moments of MM7, but what many don't know is that that scene's dialog was altered for the sake of localization. In the Japanese version, Rockman is silent as he watches Wily beg for help.

>To further prove the true nature of the Original Series, I direct you to Inafune's true vision of what the franchise was suppose to look like:

>" Contrary to popular belief, Inafune had always envisioned Rock's world to be cute and chibi, but due to the Famicom's (NES) graphical limitations, he could not express this visual style until the PSP game, “Rockman Rockman” "

>So, if Zero never did kill the Original Series' cast off, then what happened to them?

>Simple: Nothing!

>The episodic nature of the Original series leaves the story open ended. Like various episodic television shows and comics, a “true” ending is never planned; rather, the story is played out until they have used up all of the creative resources.

>Also, if a massacre did happen to take place, then why hasn't Capcom said anything? Constantly, we are fed source book after source book, and yet we have never seen any official evidence to suggest that such an event took place.

>It's not because Capcom is hiding some horrible truth from us, but because there is simply nothing to share.

>> No.8075687

I know Rock doesn't actually say anything in MM7. Megaman Classic's plot is childish and all, though by MM7 and MM8 do bring some dark shit to the table. In fact MM8 marks the beginning of the X series in a way.
Fuck Inafune though, he tried too hard to push Zero as the protag for MMX.

>> No.8077416

> Holy shit, this is such a crazy important detail.
It’s literally just an easter egg on an outsourced lower budget sequel, probably unconsulted

>> No.8077420

It's still an official sequel though.