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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8064340 No.8064340 [Reply] [Original]

What are some TV or cable shows about retro games?
Besides Game Center CX

>> No.8064348

Nivel X

>> No.8064362

You could watch old TV shows about games.

>> No.8064370

angry video game nerd

>> No.8064504

>TV or cable show

>> No.8064561

such as?

>> No.8064636

There was a Japanese show where they talked and payed old games with famous people, that's where that pic from a jap chick saying that she didn't have any friends so she had to buy both Pokemon green and red to complete the whole dex by herself.

>> No.8064639

In case this turns into a Game Center CX thread, here's the pastebin.


>> No.8064653

TV Tokyo had a how called Oha Oha Aniki thaat was about late 90s/early 00s pop culture nostalgia in general. It wasn't heavily about video games, but they did get some coverage.

>> No.8064663

Video & Arcade Top 10

>> No.8064684

you can watch it on your tv

>> No.8064730
File: 15 KB, 178x275, Bad_Influence_Television_Show_Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Computer Programme - serious BBC show aimed at explaining what computers were and could do at the time (early 80s). Features the BBC Micro computer a lot, an often overlooked computer now.

Bad Influence! - now we're onto the 90s. So everything 16 bit in consoles and home computers, Amiga, etc and after the Amiga's demise.

Bits 1999 to early 2000s - (if you like to ogle women while you think about video games and listen to vintage edgy humor). Covers PC gaming as well as console. They mention interesting stuff like betas and in-developing games, some of which never came out or changed from how the described them before release.

Thumb Bandits - a brief follow up to Bits with one of the presenters filmled in a spooky abandoned Glasgow hospital...

What's fun about these is not only do you get info on these vintage things, you get to see it through the eyes of the peroid, advertising blurb of the day, the context and hear some stuff that was promised and might not have even appeared, etc.

>> No.8064887

great stuff
also worth mentioning the Computer Chronicles episodes about game consoles and PC games
and also Time Commanders and Decisive Battles are both TV shows centered about the game Rome Total War, the former being a gameshow and the latter being a documentary series

>> No.8064943
File: 365 KB, 1280x720, Tokyo Encounter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokyo Encounter.
It's mostly Sugita and Nakamura messing about with old retro stuff and occasionally inviting some other minor celebs to play multiplayer nu-shit like Left 4 Dead or GTA.

>> No.8065097

>1990 - The Computer Chronicles - Video Game Consoles
>The Computer Chronicles - PC Gaming Episodes

>> No.8065110

>Tokyo Encounter.
sounds cool but who are those guys? im watching the pilot episode, heres a link if anyone's interested too

>> No.8065130

They're fairly big name seiyuus famous for their voice work in tons of anime and games.

>> No.8065161


>> No.8065175

>GamesMaster is a British television programme, screened on Channel 4 from 1992 to 1998. The format of the show was a combination of game reviews and gameplay challenges.

>Electric Playground. A show specializing in video game news and reviews.

>> No.8065193

dead link

>> No.8065301

Tokyo Encounter plays a lot of retro games.

They are 2 voice actors in Japan who happen to have been friends since I think early college.

>> No.8065316

>and occasionally inviting some other minor celebs
I think with a few exceptions they're all other seiyuu who happen to like videogames. My favorite is in an early episode when Takahiro Sakurai was there and the 3 of theme were all doing Norio Wakamoto impressions while playing an SNES YYH game. That clip is gone from youtube but someone on twitter saved it

>> No.8065603

It works fine. They always keep the news and list up to date. Is pastebin blocked in your country or something?

>> No.8065635

Never forget that ultra salty moment with the N64 competition when someone rigged things against the "expert gamer" presenter he didn't like to make him lose on camera to millions of viewers and get really mad about it for years to come.

>> No.8066023


>> No.8066035
File: 45 KB, 411x640, ep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

electric playground featuring tommy "amico isnt a scam, it's real!" tallarico

>> No.8066103

It's amazing this show has been going since 2003. That's like before youtube even existed.

>> No.8066117
File: 31 KB, 638x427, videopowerlogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super dated view into the world of early 90s video game culture.

It is crazy to think I am now older than Arino was when he started that show. I stopped watching in 2011 but lately I have been wanting to watch through again and catch up.

>> No.8066316

Eat shit

>> No.8066352


>> No.8066376
File: 151 KB, 742x960, C7t_ubAW0AELFDH[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're funny at times, but a lot of it is so rooted in Japanese pop- and Seiyuu culture that it honestly goes over my head. However, watching the show made me go out and buy a Dancing Eyes PCB.

>> No.8066606

why dont you just say "voice actors" instead of using the japanese word lol

>> No.8066624

If you're French, Nolife was godly desu

>> No.8066628

I got sick of them after a while, some of the people there seemed far up their asses

>> No.8066634

I wouldn't want to associate the dogshit american people dub "voice acting" with the work these people do.

>> No.8066792

Translator note: Seiyuu means voice actor in Japanese

>> No.8066845

Using the foreign language word for a thing, to denote only those things that come from that country, is common practise.
Führer just means leader in German, but in English it means a *German* leader. Same with anime; means all cartoons in Japanese, but it means *Japanese* cartoons in English.
Thus seiyuu is a valid word fir Japanese voice actors.

>> No.8066867

It's rather amuing how 100% of the people that complain about the usage of "seiyuu" in English have absolutely no issue with the word "anime".

>> No.8066885

Only the most isolated of weebs can't tell the cultural difference between those two words.

>> No.8066896

>anime = Japanese cartoon
>seiyuu = Japanese voice actor
What are you on about?

>> No.8067542

>doesn't even acknowledge the Earthworm Jim episode's existence
It's bad enough these fags don't wanna do it (for TOTALLY APOLITICAL reasons, they just "don't like the game") but they have to try to revise and gaslight too.

>> No.8067559

They don't try to revise anything, it's just a shitty, hugely outdated list.

>> No.8067618

>lists beyond that episode's release.

>> No.8067648

I don't think that site is even updated anymore. They don't have the last couple Zelda subs linked on it.

Just use the updated paste episode list in >>8064639

>> No.8067673

Do you also believe that the 22nd season consists of a single episode? SAGCCX stopped giving a shit about the show a long time ago, dunno why they still pretend otherwise.

>> No.8067686

I know. I'm just still mad.

>> No.8067695

It is also missing:
Season 21:
237 - Marchen Maze (Part 2),
238 - Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun,
241 - Splatterhouse 2 (Part 1),
242 - Splatterhouse 2 (Part 2),
243 - Ninja Gaiden 3,
244 - Mad City,
245 - Nishimura Kyoutarou Mystery,
246 - Super R-Type
*247 - Earthworm Jim*
248 - PC Genjin 2

>> No.8067735

Too bad it isn't translated anymore, the person doing this here
doesn't seem to give any sign of life since the past few years.

>> No.8067774

It's missing more than that. A lot more.

>> No.8067795

I just looked at seasons up to 21st. The 20th is also weird, with duplicates and mislabels, but no missing episodes.

>> No.8067832

Even if you just check up to the 21st season, there are a ton of specials and online and DVD episodes missing from the SA list. Lots of things are out of order too.

>> No.8068091

honestly its dumb too but its far too extended to fight it now
like imagine if each region had its regional name for cartoons, wouldnt that be dumb?

>> No.8068151

yall complaining about weeb shit on a fucking anime porn website bruh

>> No.8068195

Anime is literally just an abbreviation of animation, used as a loanword in Japan.

>> No.8068202

I came here because people were dressing up as black guys on habbo hotel, not to watch anime

>> No.8068249


>> No.8068251

tommy dindu nuffin
no bully

>> No.8068265

>I stopped watching in 2011 but lately I have been wanting to watch through again and catch up.
you should
its still good imo

>> No.8069584

He hates Katamari Damacy. There must be something wrong with his soul.

>> No.8069624
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Based Ass George Wood Makes FF Fanboys Seethe

>> No.8069851

If any of those regions had art worth obsessing over, maybe it wouldn't be so dumb.

>> No.8069862

This obscure dude is only relevant because two other obscure dudes MST3K'd his videos a million years ago.

>> No.8069869

sure thing weaboo boy

>> No.8069874

And they MST3K'd his videos when they themselves were a million years old and even more obscure

>> No.8071823
File: 17 KB, 480x360, gus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendomania, RIP Gus.

>> No.8071875

People DO use the word "bande dessinée" to refer to French comics.

>> No.8071936

what people? who the fuck says that? i've read asterix and TinTin for years as a child and never in my life have i heard that

>> No.8071943

I've seen it a couple times. My English Lucky Luke hardcover collections use it as if it's a common term on par with "manga", and the English wikipedia article is under that word.

>> No.8071949

so the people who actually read french comics the least use a separate word for them, interesting
meanwhile spaniards and italians who grew up with them just call them comics

>> No.8071962

Yeah, I'm from Norway and it was always "French-Belgian comics" here if you wanted to refer to them more specifically than just "comics". It's probably because murricans aociate the word "comics" with superheroes too much.

>> No.8072342 [DELETED] 
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>Marchen Maze

>> No.8072354
File: 2.29 MB, 1280x720, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzhsgm2.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marchen Maze

>> No.8072378

I watched a Japanese retro gaming show in the 2000s, don't remember the name, just remember a fat guy was the host

>> No.8073204

Your examples only work because those are specific thing. Anime is its own style of animation, and nobody outside of Germany uses Fuhrer to talk about "German leaders", they use it for a specific thing: Hitler.

There is nothing specific or different about Japanese voice actors. They're the same kind of VA all the other countries have, so there is no reason to differentiate them. Therefore you come out as a tryhard.

>> No.8073232

> Anime is its own style of animation

A good example being that French anime is a thing, the word anime doesn't just refer to the country of origin, but to a specific style, hence why the use of the word is warranted. Again nothing like that applies to voice actor, and while you're trying to bullshit your way out of it, you know very well that nobody uses the word except people like you who try hard to look like they're "in the know".

>> No.8073482

>There is nothing specific or different about Japanese voice actors.
The youthful voices female seiyuus are able to produce, in contrast to western ones, is something that separates them. Someone more knowledgeable then me can probably find more differences.

>A good example being that French anime is a thing

It is French anime-influenced cartoons, or French anime-style cartoons, not "French anime"; the same way if one makes sparkling wine in Japan it is Champagne-like bubbly, as Champagne is only in France.

>you know very well that nobody uses the word except people like you who try hard to look like they're "in the know".

It is a useful word when there is ambiguity if one is talking about western dubbers, or original seiyuus.